E1: Tomb of Chaos [Judge: Patlin] [Concluded]


"I have no more than 250gp available on short notice, if you require all of that up front then I can advance that to you. The tomb is a few of days on foot as it lies on the border of Sairundan in the great desert. the old sage replies to Percy.

Tharivian starts rummaging through the papers on his desk, producting a dogeared piece of paper. "This should do as a contract, its pretty standard here in Orussus." he turns the contract around to Nars and the others. It looks like a pretty standard adventuring contract stipulating division of treasure, payments, etc. He fills in the sections for the employer and turns it over to you.

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Nars looks over the contract. "So, er, anything we, ah, find in the tomb you will, er, buy at market value?" He will sign the contract, offer it to his companions to sign, and then fold it to place in his backpack.


"Precisely, my good man." replies Tharivian. He smiles before standing to shake everyone's hands. He then summons his butler to arrange the extra cash provided it is acceptable to everyone.


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Percy will peruse and sign the document as well.

"OK. Ishmael, Rodimus and I have some gold left over from the last adventure. We can put it towards another curing wand, can't we Rodimus? Is there anything else we need as a group? Personally, I plan to buy some weapons and those firery bomb thingies. I have a horse, too, which can help carry some gear."


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nimisgod said:
He turns to the Grey Elf. "Ser Nezrak, have you any ability to use such a wand?"
"Well, I could try, but It would probably take me a few tries. Trying to use it in combat would be quite impossible for me.", Nezrak answers and shrugs.


LEW Judge
"I see. I only ask because I am the primary healer for this party. Thine ability and Nars' would be most useful if I should fall to the blades of the opposition"

Ishmael took the contract and looked it over carefully before signing it. He was not much of a barrister, but he had a code to uphold. He could not simply enter a contract that would violate it.

To Percy, he replies: "Very well. I shall attempt to procure a fully-charged wand ere our departure by adding my own funds into that pool. I think besides this font of healing, we shall need the typical supplies: food, water, feed and ammunition. There are those of us who may want to procure potions of beneficial transmutation magic or else scrolls that would aid us in this venture."

He looks to the party for suggestions or comments.
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Rodimus nods as Percy suggests spreading the cost of a curing wand.

As they leave the Sage's Guild, Rodimus graps the elf by the sholder.
"Sorcerer?" he asks gruffly, despite having already noticed the components the other has. "Can spell?" he continues, showing his fist.


The butler returns with a small pouch containing the agreed upon 250 gold coins. He hands it to Percy stiffly; you can smell the dust on his coat from this close. After having left the Sage's Guild (provided there was nothing more you wanted to ask), you are able to buy what ever provisions you require for your journey. It wont be too difficult to find another wand of healing or other such minor magics.

Please note the stuff you buy and how much everything you purchase costs both here and on your sheets.


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"Wizard. And I'm quite sure I can. I wouldn't mind more precise definitions though.", Nezrak replies to the Half-Orc.

"I must unfortunately announce that I'm currently quite broke.", Nezrak says to the party when people start to talk about buying supplies.
"I have quite a collection of healing potions though, should there be a need for them.

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