• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

E6 Red Hand of Doom (OOC)


Do we know what region of SL this campaign will take place in?

SW of the Plains of Lede, a bit NW of the Blood Basin (IIRC, don't have my map with me) and a ways SE of the Bridged City, just on the north end of the Kedler Mts.

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First Post
Name: Zook Bartleby Traz Ignatioues Daergal( simply called Zook)
Race: Whisper Gnome
Class: Rogue 3/Swashbuckler 1
Str 12-2=10 +0
Dex 18+2=20 +5
Con 15+2=17 +3
Int 9+1 = 10 +0
Wis 10 =10 +0
Cha 9 -2= 7 -2

Appearance: Dressed in Black dyed studded leather and a black set of leather trouser. Zook looks incredibly tough, despite being short. He wield a rapier in one hand and kukri in the other. At his side he has a sap and three light hammers. He has a dark shade of reddish hair and very swarthy skin. upon his head he wears simply a small crumpled hat.
Weapon Finesse(B)
Telling Blow
Two-Weapon fighting
Tactile Trapsmith
Two Weapon Defense
Iron Will

Initiative +5

Fort 3+3= +6
Reflex 3+ 5= +8
Will 1+2= +3

Skills: (8+0) x6 = 48 +4 52
Balance: 5+7= 11
Disable Device: 5+6= 11
Hide : 5+6+4(size)+4 (racial)=19
Move Silently: 5+7+4(racial)+1 armor= 16
Escape artist 5+7= 12
Open Lock: 5+6= 11
Search : 5+6= 11
Tumble: 5+7=12

SLA:(1/day) Silence,

Armor class 10 + 3( armor)+ 5 dex+ 1 size+1(TWD) = 20
Masterwork Studded Leather(150 dp) +3
Rapier (TWF)- +8 1d4 17-20x2(+2 to confirm criticals)
kukri(TWF)- +8 1d3 17-20 x2
light hammer (TWF) + 7 1d3 x3
Sap +9 1d4 x2
caltrops, 3 vials of alchemists fire, 3 oils of magic weapon, 4 potions of cure light wounds, elixir of hiding, elixir of sneaking, Exceptional Rapier (Accurate, Deadly, Lethal), Excellent Kukri (Accurate, Deadly), Sap, 3 Light Hammers, Excellent Studded Leather Armor (Mastercraft, Well-Crafted (move silently +1)), Hand of the Mage, Backpack, Waterskin, Silk Rope (100’), MW thieves tools, crowbar, rations, flint and steel, torch, 182 gp, letters of credit (800gp)
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I'll have to do your items after I get off work, but (if my math is correct) you don't have the +1 size bonus added to your attacks.


Zook's gear:
caltrops, 3 vials of alchemists fire, 3 oils of magic weapon, 4 potions of cure light wounds, elixir of hiding, elixir of sneaking, Exceptional Rapier (Accurate, Deadly, Lethal), Excellent Kukri (Accurate, Deadly), Sap, 3 Light Hammers, Excellent Studded Leather Armor (Mastercraft, Well-Crafted (move silently +1)), Hand of the Mage, Backpack, Waterskin, Silk Rope (100’), MW thieves tools, crowbar, rations, flint and steel, torch, 182 gp, letters of credit (800gp)

Deadly = +1 threat range.
Lethal = +2 to confim a critical hit.
Well-Crafted = +1 to one specific skill


First Post
Sorry to take so long to get this up but the week from you know where is finally over and my time is my own again. So here is Elgar, I hope much adventure awaits him ...

[sblock=Elgar Grizzlygrappler (stats)]
Elgar Grizzlygrappler
Male Goliath, Warblade 4
Allegiances: His tribe

Ability Scores/Modifiers
STR: 18/+4
DEX: 14/+2
CON: 18/+4
INT: 10/+0
WIS: 10/+0
CHA: 8/-1

VP/WP: 52/18

Armor Class: 17 (flat-footed 17, touch 15)

Initiative: +2 (DEX)

Speed: 20 ft

Attacks: BAB +4; Grapple +16
+8 melee MW Greatsword (2d6+6)
+6 ranged Javelin (1d6+4)

Fort: +8
Ref: +3
Will: +1

Languages: Common, Gol-Kaa

Balance +3
Climb +4
Concentration +7
Jump +7
Martial Lore +4
Swim +4
Tumble +5

Improved Unarmed Strike
Improved Grapple
Power Attack
Superior Unarmed Strike
Stone Power
Mighty Build

Gear: (86 lbs carried, 99 gp and 4 sp remaining)

Worn Items:
MW Breastplate with Armour Spikes [250gp, 40lb)
MW Greatsword [50gp, 8lb]
3x Javelin [3gp, 6lb]
Explorer's Outfit [10gp, 0lb]
Backpack [2gp, 2lb]

Items in Backpack:
2 Waterskins [4gp, 4lb]
Flint and Steel [2gp, 0lb]
Spellcomponent Pouch [5gp, 2lb]
Everburning Torch [110gp, 2lb]
Bedroll [1sp, 5lb]
7 days Trail Rations [35sp, 4 lb]
50 feet Silk Rope [10gp, 5lb]
Grappling Hook [1gp, 4 lb]

Racial Traits:
Monstrous Humanoid
Powerful Build
Mountain Movement
+2 Sense Motive

Class Traits:
Battle Clarity
Weapon Aptitude
Uncanny Dodge
Battle Ardor

Action Before Thought (readied)
Moment of Perfect Mind (readied)
Steel Wind (readied)
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer (readied)

Punishing Stance
Stonefooted Stance (default)

[sblock=Elgar (description)]Elgar stand over 7-1/2 feet tall and weighs more th 300 pounds. Combine his immense shape with his fierce and intense blue eyes and you would think Elgar was an imposing and frightening figure. But those who know Elgar know he is a gentle giants with a warm harm and a slow touch. He has an easy smile and a friendly manner. His simple and open ways make him more than a little naive and gullible. He is brave and fiercely loyal. In battle he is a daunting foe.

Like all goliaths Elgar is very competitive and takes great pride in his skill and strength. Amongst his tribe he was renowned for his skill at the wrestling contests. He once even wrestled a grizzly bear and lived to tell the tale. He loved his tribe and his life there and grieves for having had to leave that life behind him. It was not his idea to leave.

It was his tribes Dawncaller who counseled Elgar to leave his people. He was told he had a great destiny and that he would only find it by leaving his tribe and walking out into the wider world of the other races. One day when he had finished his wanderings and become a great hero Elgar was told he will return to his people and become not only the leader of his tribe but of all his people. Often his shoulders sag under the thought of such responsibility and even more often he feels unworthy and wonders how he, a simple man among a simple race, is supposed to become such a man as to lead his people. But Elgar will not shy away from what he has been called on to do and despite his doubts he is determined to see his destiny through.
[sblock=Note]I will leave it up to you Eidalac if Elgar's "destiny" is real or some trick or deception. What the purpose of that deception is I will also leave up to you. :) [/sblock]
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First Post
Eidalac said:
Character Sheet Thread

Go ahead and post up your stats there so I can double check the finished ones.

I'll probably start up the IC thread once I get one of the remaining 2 players finished up , since I'm all ancy to get started.

Oops didn't see this before I posted. Heading over to the other thread now ...


Elgar's items:
5 potions of cure light wounds, 2 potions of endure elements, 2 potions of jump, 2 potions of magic fang, 2 potions of magic weapon, Excellent Spiked Breastplate [Sharp; Mastercraft, Fortified], Exceptional Greatsword [2x Sharp, Balanced], 3x Javelins, Circlet of Discerment, Belt of Resistance +1, Explorers Outfit, Backpack [2 Waterskins, Flint & Steel, Component Pouch, Everburning Torch, Chalk, Bedroll, 7x Rations, 50’ Silk Rope, Grappling Hook], 467gp, Letters of Credit (800gp)

Balanced: +1 to initiative
Fortified - 10% chance to negate a critical or sneak attack

Circlet of Discerment - +4 to survival checks, +2 to will saves vs illisions or otherwise invovlving disbelief

One thing on his sheet though - you have 3 level 2 maneuvers, and there isn't' a way to have more than 2 at this level (the one you learn at 3rd and the trade at 4th can be 2nd, but the other 3 have to be 1st.

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