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The Vampire. I was pretty free and easy with DvR0 at this point - most powerful immortals posessed it, even if their immortality came from a different source. Sibud was a nightmare to figure out; I'm sure there are still errors in his stat block.

I was never sure about the remote annihilation spell - mechanically, it's based on soul dominion, but it might be too much. Oh well.


Male Ur-Human Vampire Cleric 4/Sorcerer 4/True Necromancer 14/Hierophant 5; CR 35; Medium undead (augmented, extraplanar, quasi-deity); HD 27d12; hp 324; Init +11; Spd 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect); AC 50 (+10 armor, +14 deflection, +7 Dex, +9 natural); touch 41, flat-footed 43; Base Atk +15; Grp +42; Atk +30 melee (1d6+15 plus energy drain, slam); Full Atk +30 melee (1d6+15 plus energy drain, slam); SA Blood drain touch, domain power (death touch), dominate, create spawn, spells, spell-like abilities, energy drain; SQ Archaic lineage, DR 10/epic and silver, fast healing 5, immortal, immunities (death effects, disease, polymorph, possession, energy drain, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue or exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, stunning); not subject to critical hits or nonlethal damage; major desecration, necromantic prowess, rebuke undead, resistance to fire 10 cold 10 and electricity 10; darkvision 60 ft., spells, spell-like abilities, spell power, SR 32, turn resistance +4, vampire weaknesses; AL CE; SV Fort +15 Ref +16 Will +31; Str 41, Dex 24, Con -, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 38.

Skills: Bluff +48, Concentration +26, Diplomacy +52, Hide +26, Knowledge (arcana) +36 (+66 necromancy), Knowledge (nobility) +36, Knowledge (the planes) +36, Knowledge (religion) +36, Move Silently +26, Search +44, Sense Motive +44, Spellcraft +44 (+74 necromancy), Spot +46.

Feats: Ability Focus (dominate), Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Divine Spell Power, Dodge, Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Extra Turning, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Lightning Reflexes, Practiced Spellcaster, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell Penetration.

Blast Infidel (Su): Any spell with a description that involves channeling or inflicting negative energy cast by Sibud on a creature of Lawful Good alignment works as if under the effect of the Maximize Spell feat (without using a higher level slot).

Blood Drain (Ex): Sibud can suck blood from a living victim with his fangs by making a successful grapple check. If he pins his foe, he drains blood, dealing 2d4 points of Constitution drain each round that the pin is maintained, On each successful attack, Sibud gains 5 temporary hit points.

Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by Sibud's energy drain returns as a vampire spawn 1d4 days after burial. If a victim is slain by his blood drain attack, it returns as a vampire spawn if it possesses less than 5HD; if it possesses 5HD or more, it returns as a full vampire.

Dominate (Su): As a standard action, Sibud can dominate an opponent by looking into his or her eyes as the dominate person spell (Will save DC 39 resists). Caster level 12th.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures struck by Sibud's slam attack gain two negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, Sibud gains 5 temporary hit points. Sibud can use his slam attack once per round.

Major Desecration (Su): Sibud radiates an aura equivalent to a desecrate spell in a 140–ft. radius.

Necromantic Prowess: Sibud gains a +4 modifier to his effective caster level when casting spells from the Necromancy school.

Archaic Lineage (Ex): Sibud issues from an ancient strain of highly aggressive predatory vampires. His abilities are modified from the standard vampire template:

• Sibud loses the following abilities: alternate form, children of the night, gaseous form and spider climb.

• Sibud's racial bonus to Strength increases from +6 to +16

• Sibud gains a Flight speed of 60 ft. (perfect). This is a supernatural ability.

• Sibud receives Improved Grapple and Ability Focus (dominate) as aditional bonus feats, and gains a +8 racial bonus to grapple checks.

• Spot is always considered a class skill for Sibud

• Sibud's blood drain attack deals 2d4 (instead of 1d4) points of Constitution drain.

• Sibud may use greater invisibility at will as a spell-like ability (Caster Level 10th)

• The CR adjustment of the template increases to +5

Rebuke/Command Undead (20/day): Sibud rebukes undead as an 22nd-level cleric.

Spell Power: Sibud gains a +3 modifier to his caster level for determining all level-dependent variables and for caster level checks.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will – greater invisibility; 2/day – create undead, create greater undead; 1/day – circle of death (DC 32), contagion (DC 30), creeping doom, energy drain (DC 35), horrid wilting (DC 34), wail of the banshee (DC 35). Caster level 27th (necromantic effects 33rd).

Cleric Spells Prepared: 5th – charnel fire (DC 29), plane shift (DC 25), revivify, spell resistance, true seeing, slay living (D) DC 29); 6th – banishment (DC 26), greater dispel magic, harm (DC 30), forbiddance (DC 26), mass make manifest, wind walk, create undead (D); 7th – blasphemy (DC 27), greater consumptive field (DC 31), greater scrying (DC 31), control weather, destruction (D) (DC 31); 8th – antimagic field, discern location, create greater undead (D); 9th – gate, empowered wretched blight (DC 31), energy drain (D); 10th – quickened antilife shell, quickened empowered enervation;11th – empowered energy drain, quickened blasphemy (DC 27). Caster level 29th (Necromantic effects 35th). Save DC 20+ spell level (Necromantic effects 24+ spell level).

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/7/5 per day): 5th – magic jar (DC 33), permanency, summon undead V; 6th – chain lightning (DC 30), greater dispel magic, revive undead; 7th – avasculate (DC 35), greater teleport, limited wish; 8th – blackfire (DC 36), polar ray; 9th – greater dragon ally. Caster Level 24th (Necromantic effects 30th). Save DC 24+ spell level (Necromantic effects 28+ spell level)

Epic Spells (3/day): Sibud has around thirty epic spells in his repertoire.

Equipment: +10 bracers of epic armor, talisman of necromantic power.

Talisman of Necromatic Power (Major Artifact): This age-worn, plain black disc grants a +6 enhancement bonus to the Wisdom and Charisma of any undead spellcaster. Furthermore, it grants a +2 profane bonus to all caster level checks and save DCs of spells and spell-like abilities from the necromancy school which the wearer uses. Finally, it grants a +30 competence bonus to all Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) checks involving the necromancy school.

Epic Spells:

Penetrating Death (Spellcraft DC 84): [Slay (+25), Ward (+14); 1 action (+20), nullify death ward (+6), +10 spell penetration (+20), +12 Save DC (+24). 10d6 backlash, 1500 XP.]
• Necromancy [Death]. Target creature of up to 80HD within 300 ft. must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 50) or die. Death ward is ineffective against penetrating death. If the target possesses SR, Sibud gains a +10 bonus on his caster level check to overcome it.

Inevitable Charisma Buff (Spellcraft DC 54): [Fortify (+17); increase bonus by +19 (+38), burn 100XP]
• Sibud's enhancement bonus to Charisma increases to +20, Add +7 to all Charisma-based skill checks and the DCs of all sorcerer spells, spell-like abilities, and Charisma-based supernatural abilities. 1 minute casting time, 20-hr. duration.

Disintegration Ward (Spellcraft DC 54): [Ward (+14); 1 action (+20), nullify disintegrate (+10), nullify implosion (+16), 600XP]
• The Fortitude-targeting effects of disintegrate and implosion are ineffective against Sibud. 24-hr. duration.

Storm of Blood (Spellcraft DC 84): [Contact (+ 23), Energy (weather) (+25), Reveal (+19), Slay (+25), Ward (DC+14), +900% radius (+36), nullify control weather (+12), change to Con damage (ad hoc +20); ritual (-90)]
• Necromancy effect. Sibud designates a 20-mile radius area which can be at any range, but must be on the same plane. The storm of blood begins as an eerie breeze, and takes 10 minutes to manifest. Thereafter, each round for 20 minutes, all living creatures within the area must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 38) or suffer 1 point of Constitution damage as their tissues burst and their blood is carried away by the wind. Control weather is ineffective against countering the effects of the storm. 1 minute casting time. Cabal (-90; 6 x 8th-level slots).

Messages of the Bhitis (Spellcraft DC 54): [Foresee (+23); quickened (+28), still (+2), silent (+2), questions posed as free actions with no Concentration check (ad hoc +10), guaranteed veracity (ad hoc +20); 6d6 backlash per round (-6), burn 2500 XP (-25)]
• Once per round for 10 rounds, as a free action on his turn, Sibud may pose a question as if using contact other plane. Doing so requires no concentration, and the chthonic deities whom Sibud contacts always respond with 100% veracity. Sibud can use this spell only once every five weeks.

Remote Annihilation (Spellcraft DC 84): [Contact (+23), Destroy (+25), Ward (+14), Reveal (+19), Slay (+25); nullify mind blank (+14), nullify nondetection (+6), nullify protection from evil (+2), nullify death ward (+6), interplanar (+8), +10 Save DC (+20), +10 spell penetration (+20); extended casting (-22), ritual (-40), burn 3600XP (-36)]
• Necromancy [Death]. In a ritual which runs from midnight to midnight, Sibud invokes a spell which obliterates an opponent (up to 80HD) at any distance, even across planar boundaries. The targeted creature must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 48) or die instantly at the conclusion of the spell, its remains destroyed as if disintegrated; if the save is successful, the target instead suffers 13d6+20 points of damage. Sibud makes his caster level check to overcome a target's SR with a +10 bonus.
Protection from Evil, nondetection and mind blank do not halt the successful targeting of the remote annihilation, nor does death ward prevent it; targets otherwise immune to death effects are unaffected by it. Epic spells developed with the conceal seed, or developed with the ward seed keyed to destroy or slay may be entitled to an opposed caster level. Cabal (-40; 1 x 8th-level, 5 x 3rd-level slots).

50-point build; +5 inherent to all stats. Modified vampire + 3x evolved undead + quasi-deity.
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First Post
i'm guessing it has the some connotation as ur-priest

IE an ur-human is an apostate human, now the antithesis of what a human is? of course, i remember reading that this nasty is from a previous reality, so it could be similar to a melnibonian, as far as its relation to humanity.


tleilaxu said:
IE an ur-human is an apostate human, now the antithesis of what a human is? of course, i remember reading that this nasty is from a previous reality, so it could be similar to a melnibonian, as far as its relation to humanity.

The ur- prefix, when used in English, generally denotes the original version. Its use for the PrC from the Book of Vile Darkness is an interesting touch in Monte's part.

Holy smokes at some of those critters, if Mostin has the ability to gate or summon some of those Pseudonaturals, even if it's the survitor types, armageddon loses all of its christianity attached prefix.


Great monsters and NPCs, Sep. Thanks for sharing.

Have we learned about Shomei being dragged into Hell already? I must have forgotten from one of the more-recent updates if so :(

Voidrunner's Codex

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