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Eberron Game (Calling Kerrz, Bront, Someone, GoddesFallenAngel, Primus)

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First Post
To save you some unnecessary sorting Mista, I've made up a list. You've currently got the following to choose from:

Kerrz - Female Halfling Paladin LG
Bront - Female Elf Cleric LG
Primus - Male Human Sorcerer CG
Pebele - Character By Monday
Goddess FallenAngel - Female Elf Rogue NG
Someone - Warforged Fighter TN
LiquidAtom - Male Human Fighter NG
Krug - Male Gnome Artificer (see below)
Ferrix - Male Dwarf Rogue TN
Tyrlaan - Character TBA

That's ten folks to choose from right now, and you only wanted four or five. That's alot of cuts folks. Some of us are gonna go home unhappy.

Krug... I hate to break it to you but your character has a few problems.[sblock]
There's no alignment listed anywhere.
He takes Warforged as a language? WF have no language, they only speak Common unless they use skill points. They don't even get bonus languages for intelligence.
He's RAISED by warforged? The Warforged have only been in existence for about 30 years, and for almost all of those years they were ALL busy fighting a war. There was no time to raise a Gnome (who takes 40 years to come to adulthood.) Maybe you could say that he spent half his life in a warforged encampment, but I think that an orphaned child in a war camp would be tended to by the non-combatants (cooks, cleaners, and whatnot) or sent to an orphan's camp in safe territory, not raised by the Warforged who were sent out to the front lines because they were expendable.[/sblock]


Okay, here's the first idea I mentioned I had in an earlier post. Second one to come...
[B]Name:[/B] Keryp Tinayree
[B]Class/Level:[/B] Artificer 1
[B]Race:[/B] Kenku
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Region:[/B] Breland
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] The Keeper

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 ( 4p.)   [B]Level:[/B] 1         [B]XP:[/B] 0/1,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3 ( 6p.)   [B]BAB:[/B] +0          [B]HP:[/B] 6 (1d6)
[B]Con:[/B] 10 +0 ( 2p.)   [B]Grapple:[/B] +0      [B]Dmg Red:[/B] n/a
[B]Int:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)   [B]Speed:[/B] 20'       [B]Spell Res:[/B] n/a
[B]Wis:[/B]  8 -1 ( 0p.)   [B]Init:[/B] +3         [B]Spell Save:[/B] n/a
[B]Cha:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)   [B]ACP:[/B] -4          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] n/a

[b]Action Points:[/b] 5/1d6

      [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 10    +4    +2    +3    +0    +0    +0    19
[B]Touch:[/B] 13              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 16

                      [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                 0     +0    +0      +0
[B]Ref:[/B]                  0     +3    +0      +3
[B]Will:[/B]                 2     -1    +0      +1

[B]Weapon                Attack           Damage           Critical      Range[/B]
Rapier                +0               1d6              18-20/x2    
Sling                 +3               1d4              x2            50 ft.

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven, Kenku, Goblin, Halfling

-Great Ally - grant or receive +3 bonus from aid another, +4 when flanking
-Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d3)
-Low-light vision
-Artificer knowledge +4
-Artisan bonus
-Disable trap

Level 1:     Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)
Artificer 1: Scribe Scroll

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 28      [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                      Ranks  Mod  Misc    Total[/B]
Appriase                      4    +3    +0      +7
Craft (leatherworking)        1    +3    +0      +4
Craft (metalworking)          2    +3    +0      +5
Craft (trapmaking)            2    +3    +0      +5
Disable Device                4    +3    +0      +7
Knowledge (arcana)            2    +3    +0      +5
Open Lock                     4    +3    +0      +7
Search                        4    +3    +0      +7
Spellcraft                    1    +3    +0      +4
Use Magic Device              4    +3    +3      +10

Balance                       0    +3    +0      +3
Bluff                         0    +3    +0      +3
Concentration                 0    +0    +0      +0
Diplomacy                     0    +3    +0      +3
Disguise                      0    +3    +0      +3
Escape Artist                 0    +3    +0      +3
Forgery                       0    +3    +0      +3
Gather Information            0    +3    +0      +3
Heal                          0    -1    +0      -1
Hide                          0    +3    +2      +5 (+2 racial)
Intimidate                    0    +3    +0      +3
Jump                          0    +0    +0      +0
Listen                        0    -1    +0      -1
Move Silently                 0    +3    +2      +5 (+2 racial)
Perform                       0    +3    +0      +3
Ride                          0    +3    +0      +3
Sense Motive                  0    -1    +0      -1
Spot                          0    -1    +0      -1
Survival                      0    -1    +0      -1
Use Rope                      0    +3    +0      +3

1st Level: 3/day

[B]Equipment:                           Cost   Weight[/B]
Scale mail                           50gp     30lb
Heavy wooden shield                   7gp     10lb
Rapier                               20gp      2lb
Sling                                  -        -
Sling bullets (10)                    1sp      5lb
Thieves' tools                       30gp      1lb
Backpack                              2gp      2lb
Pouch, belt (2)                       2gp      1lb
Waterskin                             1gp      4lb
Artisan's outfit                      1gp      4lb
Vial of ink                           8gp       -
Paper (5)                             2gp       -
Inkpen                                1sp       -
Scroll case (2)                       2gp      1lb
Sunrod (2)                            4gp      2lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]62lb      [B]Money:[/B] 20gp 8sp

                           [B]Lgt   Med    Hvy    Lift   Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               33lb  66lb  100lb  200lb  500lb

[B]Age:[/B] 19
[B]Height:[/B] 4'11"
[B]Weight:[/B] 72lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Black
[B]Hair:[/B] Dark-brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Dark-brown

Appearance: Keryp looks like the average kenku. Beady black eyes peer out from a head covered in dark, russet-brown feathers. Unlike the typical kenku, Keryp wears much brighter clothes - a pale blue shirt with buttons, drawstring brown pants, and a simple gray cap that's somewhat foppish. Keryp also wears a suit of scale mail kept in acceptable condition over the shirt.

Keryp's head constantly darts from one place to the next, just like a bird's. In general his movement is jumpy and jerky.

Personality: Keryp is highly intelligent, but seems to lack a great deal of common sense. Against the grain of the stereotype, Keryp seems to find subtlety difficult. As a result he is a very up-front or "in your face" kind of person, a trait that catches many off guard. Keryp takes exceptional pride in everything he makes or repairs. Taking the saying "credit where credit is due" to a whole new level, Keryp will constantly add his 2 copper to a comment when it will remind or alert all those in a conversation as to just who it was who did that incredible patch job on Fautin's armor. Keryp's pride in his creations makes it sometimes exceptionally difficult to convince him to sell an item his crafts. The concept of sharing such things is nearly alien to him, and gifts are a double-edged sword. Receiving a gift that Keryp crafted carries with it the incessant comments and attention of Keryp since he will constantly advertise his craftsmanship and always watch to ensure his "child" is treated with the greatest of care.

Background: Keryp was raised by his parents into the Shadoweye's Flock, a thieves and assassin guild in Starilaskur. As a child, he never truly learned the art of stealth or subtlety, but had a knack for dealing with mechanisms, such as locks and traps. Keryp found great interest in such things and eventually started making his own devices, pieces of armor, and tools. Losing himself in the art of craft, Keryp discovered a rush unknown to him. He became obsessed with making things and relished in the opportunity to take other devices apart to learn how to make them on his own. The Flock realized his potential and began to exploit his abilities. The guild started to rely on the finely crafted tools Keryp made. This would have been fine, except Keryp's need for his work to be validated over and over again was not met. Keryp felt his work was underappreciated and became resentful of the guild. Eventually, Keryp got so frustrated with the lack of appreciation that he up and left. Keryp deserted the guild and left Breland. (Someone with more common sense might have been concerned that the guild would come after him.)

Ever since, Keryp has been spending his time in Sharn, making small objects here and there to earn a living. His prices are considerably higher than others, but he seems to do a god job convincing people that his goods are worth the extra cost. Often his eyes and head dart off after he sees someone carrying something he suspects they bought from him, trying to examine from a distance if his "baby" is being treated well. One time, Keryp saw a former customer wearing a leather armband he had crafted that was clearly torn on the edge. At the time, Keryp was working on a fancy set of eating utensils. He literally dropped what he was doing and lept at the leather-wearing customer in a fit of rage, screaming things like "ungrateful" and "abuser." The guards broke it up and Keryp somehow managed to avoid any punishment.


First Post
[left][b]Name:[/b] Isa Makota[/left]
[b]Class:[/b] Artificer
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Size:[/b] Medium
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Alignment:[/b] CG
[b]Str:[/b] 10 (+0)	 [b]Level:[/b] 1		 [b]XP:[/b] 0/1000
[b]Dex:[/b] 10 (+0)	 [b]BAB:[/b] +0		 [b]HP:[/b] 8 (1d6 + 2)
[b]Con:[/b] 14 (+2)	 [b]Grapple:[/b] +0	 [b]Dmg Red:[/b] XX/XXXX
[b]Int:[/b] 16 (+3)	 [b]Speed:[/b] 20 	 [b]Spell Res:[/b] XX
[b]Wis:[/b] 10 (+0)	 [b]Init:[/b] +0 		 [b]Spell Save:[/b] +X
[b]Cha:[/b] 16 (+3)	 [b]ACP:[/b] 8		 [b]Spell Fail:[/b] XX%
				 [b]Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total[/b]
[b]Armor:[/b]			 10	+3	+2	+0	+0	+0	+0	15
[b]Touch:[/b] 10			 [b]Flatfooted:[/b] 15
						 [b]Base Mod Misc Total[/b]
[b]Fort:[/b]					 0	+2		 +2
[b]Ref:[/b]					 0	+0		 +0
[b]Will:[/b]					 2	+0		 +2
[b]Weapon				 Attack Damage	 Critical[/b]
Morningstar			+0		 1D8			x2
[b]Languages:[/b] Common, Elven, Draconic, Gnome
Human Racial Abilities
-Bonus feat at 1st level
-4 extra skills points at 1st, 1 extra skill point per level thereafter
Artificer Class Abilities
-Artificer Knowledge (Level + Int vs DC 15 to detect magic on items)
-Artisan Bonus (+2 bonus to Use Magic Device if you have corresponding item creation feat)
-Disable Trap (Search vs DC 20 to find traps; Disable Device vs DC 25+ to disarm magic traps)
-Item Creation (Special, see Artificer class)
-Craft Reserve (12)
Human: Heroic Spirit
Artificer 1: Scribe Scroll
Character level 1: Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)
1st Level: 3
[i]armor enhancement, lesser; energy alteration; enhancement alteration; identify; inflict light damage; light; magic stone; magic vestment; magic weapon; repair light damage; resistance item; shield of faith; skill enhancement; spell storing item; weapon augmentation, personal.[/i]
[b]Skill Points:[/b] 32	 [b]Max Ranks:[/b] 4/2
[b]Skills						 Ranks Mod Misc Total[/b]
Appraise				 4		 +3	+0	 +7
Concentration		 2		 +2	+0	 +6
Craft(alchemy)		2		 +3 +0	 +5
Craft(clockworks)	 2		 +3	+0	 +5
Craft(constructs)	 2		 +3	+0	+5
Disable Device		 2		 +3	 +0	+5
Knowledge(arcana) 4		 +3	+0	+7
Open Lock			 2		 +0	 +0	 +2
Search				 2		 +3	 +0	+5
Spellcraft				4		 +3	 +0	+7
Use Magic Device	 4		+3	 +3	+10 (+12 with scrolls)
[b]Mundane Equipment:		 Cost	Weight[/b]
Morningstar						8gp	 6lb
Hide armor						 15gp	 25lb
Heavy wooden shield			7gp	 10lb
Identification Papers			 2gp	--
Backpack							 2gp	2lb
Bedroll							 1sp	5lb
Waterskin						 1gp	4lb
Sack (2)							 2sp	 1lb
Chalk (10)						 1sp	 --
[b]Magical Equipment:[/b]
-[i]lesser vigor[/i] (4)				 50gp	 --
[i]-repair light damage [/i](2)		25gp	--
[i]-silent image					 [/i]12.5gp --
[i]-obscuring mist				 [/i]12.5gp --
-[i]read magic					  [/i]6.3gp
[b]Total Weight: 53[/b]lb	 [b]Money:[/b] 4gp, 7sp
							 [b]Lgt Med Hvy		Lift	Push[/b]
[b]Max Weight: [/b]100		33 34-66 67-100 200 500
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Height:[/b] 5'7"
[b]Weight:[/b] 117lb
[b]Eyes:[/b] Black
[b]Hair:[/b] Black
[b]Skin:[/b] Bronzed

Well aware of her exotic appeal to many, Isa deliberately plays up her looks, generally keeping her long black hair pinned up in a bun supported by two long sticks. Her slightly canted, large black eyes dart around inquisitively, as if hungering for more to see. She tends to prefer clothes with a slightly foreign cut--high collars, buttons in odd places--and of a generally mild palate; her bronze skin and dark coloring meld well with the muted browns and greens she prefers. Her one concession to practicality seem to be the various belts and straps liberally strewn about her person, from which depend the myriad tools of her trade.

Born and raised among the towering spires of Sharn, Isa has a fierce pride in her city, often barely restraining herself from "educating" the provincials that flood the lower markets and block up causeways, gawping at the sites. The only people allowed to be critical of Sharn, in her mind, are those born to it. And really, the myriad visitors only serve to reinforce the city's position at the forefront of culture, art, magic, and a host of other disciplines. If only they wouldn't get in Gods-damned way all the time!

Isa's love of all things magical was almost soured at an early age, when it became apparent, despite repeated testing, that she had not a whit of arcane ability. She would pester every itinerant arcanist that she came across to train her--an often futile exercise--but those that did always told her the same thing, some gently, some not. "Not for you, the subtlety of magic." Dejected, Isa turned her quick mind to the crafting of more prosaic things; lacking the strength for true smithing, she was oft delegated more intricate work--clockwork toys for House children, and small copper and bronze works. In these endeavors, Isa came to behold a magic all it's own, a magic separate and distinct from the weavings and mutterings of mages, or the pious yammerings of the priests. She found that, simply by working with common materials, she could impart a peice of herself, imbueing them with, as she called it, essences.

A whole new world opened itself up to the young lass as she became more and more adept at channeling her talent. She grew weary of her apprenticeship in the maker's shops, and decided, for the sake of her new ability, to strike out on her own and develop her skill. She knew now that one didn't need to have magic to create it, and she was determined to prove all those that had denied her wrong.

[Edited to add: Yikes, the coding is horrid. Anyone have a better way of doing the character sheet? This is my first one on these boards, so I just copy-pasted and filled in with my info, but that doesn't seem to have done the trick.]
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First Post
Hello all. Mista, I reverted Kamvul back to 1st level, I don't have my books here so it may not be 100% accurate. Let me know what I need to change if you select Kamvul for play.

****also raised his ability scores to 32 point buy****
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Mista Collins

First Post
The decision will be made shortly. Also, I think I will start out with the adventure in the back of the Eberron Campaign Setting book (as this is my PbP DMing).

But before a decision for character is made, a few characters need to be fixed. I just skimmed through them quickly as I wait for Pebele to post his character. I am sure I didn't catch everything, but here are some things I did notice.

Kerrz - Runila speed should be 20'
Bront - Valahandra needs to lose some equipment (48gp worth)
Primus - besides the fact that the character name on the sheet doesn't match with what you have in the background, you get 1 more language
Goddess FallenAngel - Disable Device, Open Lock, and Spot don't add up right. Need to get rid of some equipment (47gp worth)
Someone - A quick glance over Mark 24 and it looks good
Liquid Atom - Kamvul has a few things I noticed. For action points you have 1d8's. Melee Attack should be +4 (you have +3), Composite Longbow attack should be +3 (not +5), you spent 25 skill points (when you only have 16), you have Chain Shirt listed as your armor and then have leather on your equipment list, you spent too much on equipment(MW Longsword itself is 135gp over your total allowed), regular Longsowrd attack should be +5 (not +4) and TWF you would be +1/+1 with two longsowrds (-4 because you have TWF feat and Off-hand is not a light weapon). And damage would be 1d8+3/1d+1.
Krug - Leia damage would be +7 with the two handed weapons (not +5), and shouldn't the attack on the greataxe be +6 (not +7). Your grapple should be +6 (not +5), and the javelin attack should be +3 since it is ranged (not +6).
Ferrix - Spent too much with Ovror (4gp too much :))
Tyrlaan -Keryp looks good
Groggy - Isa has 4 more skill points to spend, 10gp to spend and has 1 language too many (unless 2 of those skill points is used for it).

Everyone, just make sure you spent all your skill points and that your starting gold isn't too much (or too little).

....once Pebele gets his character put up here, I will make my decision.

Voidrunner's Codex

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