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Eberron/Horror Game - FULL - Got my three additional players, thanks!

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Alright, you three are welcome to join! Wow, that was really quick... I'll go shut off the tap now, change this thread title to show that I'm no longer recruiting, and we can get busy as soon as I have characters from you lot.

Just in case it's not obviously mentioned earlier, the story itself is right here and feel free to get caught up with where we are. We'll find a way to very quickly integrate your new characters while we're still in town and it will be easy.


First Post
Cool! Okay, fleshed out concept below, stats to follow later today:

Galec Setou, shifter (shiftwing) cleric of Dol Dorn

Galec was raised in relative seclusion, on a small farm off the main thoroughfares into and out of the city [Greenblade?]. But much as his mother feared for his safety, when the young shifter learned how to fly, there was little Momma could do.

Galec couldn't express his osprey aspect for long, but each day, for all the time he could manage, he flew, high above everything, revelling in the wind caressing his face, the warmth of the sun all that much closer. This was living.

Or, it was until someone decided to shoot him down. The arrow tore into Galec's shoulder, and he fell, hard. He heard and felt the bones crunching when he landed. His vision swam, his body burned with pain. The sound of the hunter, spitting out his hatred for "aberrations" like Galec, echoed oddly. He was going to die, the hunter promised.

But Galec fought. Through the pain, through the blinding fear, he fought, dodging blows and returning his own. He refused to give up, to believe his gifts were a curse to be cut out of Eberron like an infection. And when he could do no more, and the hunter once again raised his sword, another blade erupted from the man's chest.

The priest of Dol Dorn had seen Galec's strength and perseverance, and knew his god would never forgive him for letting such a fiery warrior fall at the hands of the kind of bitter coward who shot children. Galec and his gifts, both of body and spirit, were commendable, the priest assured him. He was clearly blessed by Dol Dorn.

Against his mother's pleas otherwise, Galec left to join the priest's order when he was well enough, and dedicated himself to Dol Dorn's teachings. Apparently Dol Dorn approved, as on top of his natural abilities, Galec gained the rare gift of divine magic, as well.

Now he's something of a crusader, out to prove that the weretouched are not born evil, and likewise determined to destroy genuinely evil creatures - aberrations, undead, and other beasts born for sinister purposes.



Krug said:
Cool. How is char generation done? Point buy?

Any chance of the Necromancer variant shown here?
I think it says somewhere in this thread how to do it, but ability scores are standard array, plus three ability increases right off the bat, and a simplified version of an earlier version of GrimNGritty hit points for figuring --you guess it-- your hit points. I know that's attached in this thread somewhere.

I'm not familiar with the Necromancer variant, and I'm running off for half a day of vacation to go camping with the family, but I'll have a look at it. I'm pretty flexible on alternate classes and whatnot--feel free to use anything from the Complete series for instance, or psionics, or whathaveyou.

If it's anything beyond those, though, let me know ahead of time; I want to have a look at it first.


Krug, here is what I have gathered from reading the OoC thread:
ken hood's hit points will be used (doc. linked on first page)
some form of fear and madness rules will be used
stats: 15,14,13,12,10,8 and then take three +1 ability increases
1st level, standard starting cash


First Post

Alright. Here's what I have. I fiddled with the last bit on his background, since he came out sounding more Lawful than Chaotic. Let me know if I messed something up.

[B]Name:[/B] Galec Setou
[B]Class:[/B] Cleric 1
[B]Race:[/B] Shifter
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Dol Dorn

[B]Str:[/B] 11 +0       [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1       [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 13
[B]Con:[/B] 13 +1       [B]Grapple:[/B] +0     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0       [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 15 +2       [B]Init:[/B] +3*       [B]Spell Save:[/B] -
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 +1       [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] -

* +2 init. from Shifter Instinct feat

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +2    +0    +1    +0    +0    +0    13
[B]Touch:[/B] 11              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      2    +1          +3
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +1          +1
[B]Will:[/B]                      2    +2          +4

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]

[B]Languages:[/B] Common



* Shapechanger subtype
* +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
* Shifting 1/day, 5 rounds
* Shifter trait (Shiftwing): +2 Dex, fly speed 20'
* Low-light vision
* +2 racial on Balance, Climb, and Jump


* Simple Weapon and all armor proficiencies, all non-tower shields
* Divine Spell per day: 
            orisons: 3 (DC 13)
            1st level: 2+1 (DC 14)
* Spontaneous Cure Spells
* Domains:
      ~Strength: Enhancement bonus to Str = cleric level. 1 round / day
      ~War: favored weapon (longsword) Martial Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus  
* Chaotic and Good auras
* Turn Undead 4x/day

Shifter Instincts (1st level)
Martial Weapon Proficiency-Longsword (War Domain)
Weapon Focus-Longsword (War Domain)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 8       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Know: religion.............2....+0..........+2
--Cross Class--
Sense Motive...............0....+2...+1**...+3

* racial bonus
** Shifter Instincts bonus

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]

Leather armor............10gp..15lb
Pouch, belt...............1gp...1/2lb
Flint and Steel...........1gp...--
Trail rations (x4)........2gp...4lb
Ink (1 oz.)...............8gp...--
Parchment (x5)............1gp...--
Holy symbol, wooden.......1gp...--
Holy water...............25gp...1lb
Traveler's Outfit.........--....--
spell comp pouch..........5gp...2lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]33.5lbs      [B]Money:[/B] 25gp 9sp 

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                38    76   115   230   575

[B]Age:[/B] 20
[B]Height:[/B] 5'10"
[B]Weight:[/B] 180lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Yellow
[B]Hair:[/B] Light Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Olive

Appearance: Galec is lean and well-kept. While he embraces his wild shifter heritage, he likewise understands the value of "appearing civilized." His face is angular, his nose pointed. Both features grow more prominent when he channels his osprey-self to shift.

Background[sblock]Galec was raised in relative seclusion, on a small farm off the main thoroughfares into and out of the city [Greenblade?]. But much as his mother feared for his safety, when the young shifter learned how to fly, there was little Momma could do.

Galec couldn't express his osprey aspect for long, but each day, for all the time he could manage, he flew, high above everything, revelling in the wind caressing his face, the warmth of the sun all that much closer. This was living.

Or, it was until someone decided to shoot him down. The arrow tore into Galec's shoulder, and he fell, hard. He heard and felt the bones crunching when he landed. His vision swam, his body burned with pain. The sound of the hunter, spitting out his hatred for "aberrations" like Galec, echoed oddly. He was going to die, the hunter promised.

But Galec fought. Through the pain, through the blinding fear, he fought, dodging blows and returning his own. He refused to give up, to believe his gifts were a curse to be cut out of Eberron like an infection. And when he could do no more, and the hunter once again raised his sword, another blade erupted from the man's chest.

The priest of Dol Dorn had seen Galec's strength and perseverance, and knew his god would never forgive him for letting such a fiery warrior fall at the hands of the kind of bitter coward who shot children. Galec and his gifts, both of body and spirit, were commendable, the priest assured him. He was clearly blessed by Dol Dorn.

Against his mother's pleas otherwise, Galec left to join the priest's order when he was well enough, and dedicated himself to Dol Dorn's teachings. Apparently Dol Dorn approved, as on top of his natural abilities, Galec gained the rare gift of divine magic, as well.

Emboldened by his double gifts, Galec is something of a rebel, ignoring orders when he feels he knows a better way to deal with evil. His hatred of true aberrations and undead often drives him to act counter to the will of the church, but his divine gifts have gone a long way to gaining him quick forgiveness in these situations.[/sblock]

Spells Prepared (morning):[sblock]Orisons (3): Guidance, Resistance, Detect Magic
1st Level (2+1): Bless, Detect Evil, Enlarge Person (D)[/sblock]
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Here is my first draft, I'll work more on it over the weekend/early next week. Note taht I will be going on vacation Sept 20-29. So hopefully I can either start after that. I dont want to hold everything up for you though so if this disqualifies me, I apologize.

[sblock]Rangrel Kommryn;
shifter barbarian 1;
medium humaniod (shapeshifter);
Init +3; Senses Listen +4, Spot +0; Low-light Vision
Languages: Common.
AC 19, flat-footed 16, touch 13;
HP 17 (HD 1);
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0;
Spd 40';
Melee: battleaxe +5 (1d8+4/x2);
Ranged: shortbow +4 (1d6/x3) Range 60';
Attack Options: Gorebrute charge +5 (2d6 dmg, opposed str check or knock prone); rage 1/day, shift x/day
Base Atk +1, Grapple +5;
Action Points: 4
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8.
XP: 0
Feats: Gorebrute Elite
Skills: Climb +10 (-2ACP), Jump +10 (-2ACP), Listen +4, Survival +4
Possessions: chainshirt, battleaxe, heavy wooden shield, shortbow, 20 arrows, traveling outfit, backpack, wineskin.
Money: 5sp, 13cp.

Class/Race Features:
Rage: [sblock]A barbarian can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies).
Shift: [sblock]A shifter can shift 1/day +1/2 shifter feats (1/day). It is a free action, lasting a number of rounds equal to 3 + Con modifier +1/shifter feat (5, 7 while raging). A Gorebrute shifter gains +2 Str while shifting and manifests powerful horns that can be used as a natural weapon during a charge attack. The horns deal 2d6+1/4 levels. With the Gorebrute Elite feat, anyone who takes damage from his horns must succeed on an opposed Strength check (Rangrel gains +2 for charging) or be knocked prone.[/sblock]

Description: Rangrel is a tall young shifter, barely 15. His frame and bearing certainly give him the appearance of someone older, but he is still quite immature. His antler like horns are still pretty vestigial, until he shifts at which time they sprout out to a full rack. His face is free of facial hair/fur, but from his head and neck down his back he has thick light brown fur. He wears a tattered, but still functional chain shirt and simple worn clothing. His axe and shield are dented and chipped but just as deadly as when they were first created. Little adorns his shield but a strong metal band around the edge holding the battered wood together. He has an ugly pink scar from his throat down across his chest from when he had been nearly killed as a young boy.

Personality: Rangrel is immature and quick to temper. He has been hunted across the Eldeen Reaches and does not trust anyone. He tries not to speak too much, but isn't very successful. He has an opinion on everything, however misinformed he might be. He hates the Church of the Silver Flame and will attack them on sight. He loves alcohol, drowning out the pain of the past whenever he can, that it helps him in social situations is a definite bonus.

History: During the Last War, his family lived the lives of nomads, moving from location to location chasing game throughout the northern realms of Aundair and the Eldeen Reaches. They bothered no one and took no sides in the war, leaving such nonsense to the 'civilized'. That was until a group of errant Silver Flame knights found them. Using the chaos of the last war the so called paladins choose to continue their righteous hunt for lycanthropes. Rangrel's grandfather had been one, and his father carried the 'taint' as well. The knights caught them unaware so far into the Reaches that his family were not expecting trouble. Heavily armed and experienced the knights slaughtered his family, leaving the young man for dead.

Left for dead a wandering Ashbound druid rescued the young boy and brought him back to health. Feeling anger and hatred, Rangrel set out as soon as he could to try and find those who had killed his family. So far he knows little beyond the silvery flame that they wore on their chests. He has come to Greenblade, broke and without hope of ever actually tracking them down. Turning to the plunder of graves and the robbing of drunks in the street he is very down on his luck.
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Do we just add ourselves into the adventure right now, stumbling as a group into the other two?

My draft as well.
[B]Name:[/B]  Darksheen
[B]Class:[/B] Necromancer 1
[B]Race:[/B]  Warforged
[B]Size:[/B]  Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral 

[i]Str: 10 Dex: 11+1=2 Con: 12+2R=14 Int: 15+1=16 Wis: 14-2R+1=13 Cha: 8-2R=6[/i]

[B]Str:[/B] 10 (+0)      [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 (+1)      [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 6
[B]Con:[/B] 14 (+2)      [B]Grapple:[/B] +1     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -/-
[B]Int:[/B] 16 (+3)      [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 13 (+1)      [B]Init:[/B] +1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] - 
[B]Cha:[/B] 6  (-2)      [B]ACP:[/B]   0        [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 5%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]            10  +0    +0    +2    0    +0    +2    +0    14
[B]Touch:[/B] 12               [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      0    +3          +3
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +1          +1
[B]Will:[/B]                      2     0          +2
Armor                    Bonus   Dex   ACP   ASF  Weight    Cost[/b]

Weapon                    Attack   Damage     Critical   Range   Weight  Cost[/B] 
Dagger                       +0      1d4      19-20/x2      20'   1lb     2gp
Slam                         +0      1d4          x2         -    -       -
Light X-bow                  +2      1d8      19-20/x2      80'   4lb    35gp
- bolts (10)                                                      1lb     1gp

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, 

[B]Abilities:[/B] Living Construct, Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, 
disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, sickened and energy drain; cannot heal damage 
naturally, Light Fortification, +2 armor bonus, Skeleton Servitor, disallowed schools 
(Illusion, Abjuration)

[B]Feats:[/B] Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Necromancy)

0 level (3/Dc: 12) - Acid Orb, Daze, Read Magic
1 level (2+1/DC: 13) - Magic Missile, Sleep, Cause Fear

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 20    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4
[B]Skills                      Abil Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Concentration               Con   4    +2           6
Decipher Script             Int   4    +3           7
Knowledge (Arcana)          Int   4    +3           7
Knowledge (Religion)        Int   4    +3           7
Spellcraft                  Int   4    +3           7

[B]Equipment:                Cost  Weight[/B]
Backpack                   2gp    2lb
Pouch                      5gp    2lb
Identification papers, std 2gp    -
Traveling Papers           2sp    -
Traveler's Outfit          1gp    5lb
Waterskin                  1gp    4lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 21 lb                [B]Money:[/B] 24gp 8sp

                     [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]         33lb   66lb   100lb  200lb   

[B]Age:[/B] 4 years
[B]Height:[/B] 6'3"
[B]Weight:[/B] 290 lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] Black
[B]Hair:[/B] None
[B]Skin:[/B] Black

[b]Description[/b]: Darksheen is made of black, charred metal, splintered, cracked and 
broken all over the place, and looks ready for the scrapheap. 

[b]Background[/b]: Darksheen was supposed to be a fighter, but perhaps there was a flaw in its 'programming'. Sent to battle in the war, the Darksheen saw many of its comrades and those of the enemy fall, and it never took up arms. It began to wonder about the nature of existence and death, and undeath, especially after it came across the papers of a necromancer called Nazmun.

Darksheen was badly damaged in combat, but managed to be repaired by a kindly 
artificer. He fled with the necromancy books, and continues his research down the road 
of the damned, some say. But Darksheen knows there is much more to learn and 
understand, and that the undead might just be like him, another sort of artificial 

His ambition is to become a true necromancer, as he studies the ways and reasons of 
undeath. Originally from the Mournland, he now wanders Eberron looking for adventure...

The Necromancer Variant is basically this, taken from Unearthed Arcana I believe, where one gets a Skeletal Minion rather than a familiar.
Skeletal Minion

A 1st-level necromancer using this variant can begin play with an undead minion (a human warrior skeleton). Obtaining this minion takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 100 gp.

This creature is a loyal servant that follows the necromancer's commands and accompanies her on adventures if desired. If the skeletal minion is destroyed, the necromancer suffers no ill effects and may replace it by performing a ceremony identical to the one that allowed her to obtain her first servant.

At 1st level, the skeleton is completely typical, but it gains power as the necromancer gains levels. The skeleton has a number of Hit Dice equal to the necromancer's class level. Add one-half the necromancer's class level to the skeleton's natural armor bonus. Add one-third of the necromancer's class level to the skeleton's Strength and Dexterity scores.

A necromancer using this variant permanently gives up the ability to obtain a familiar.
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Krug said:
Do we just add ourselves into the adventure right now, stumbling as a group into the other two?
That seems easiest. While everyone is still in town, I can have the rest of you wander by and get involved.

If you could please also send me a bit of backstory on your characters; who you are and what you're doing in town at least. A few sentences is enough to start on; we can flesh it out later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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