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[Eberron] Queen with Burning Eyes


Anvuss, Warforged Fighter 2

Anvuss blinks, wondering what he did wrong this time.

"Thank you sirs. Shall we go, then?"

He joins Hobbes at the platform.

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Saric Acoma

Saric joins his companions at the lift with a grin. He gives Anvuss a friendly clap on the back. "You're doing fine, Anvuss."


First Post
"See Anvuss, I told you the color of our money would make them our friends. Enjoy yer game."

Tok walks over to the rest of the group, and gestures over to the platform. "Let's get going, we got what we need. And Anvuss, peopel like that, they don't like too much talk. You did fine though...I wouldn't have brought you over there if I didn't think you would."

Tok walks over to the platform, and once everyone gets on, tells the operator to take us down.


First Post
Your party makes its way over to the wrought-iron cage, as a slightly portly man makes his way out of the kitchen, and to a small iron box set into the wall next to it. He is carrying an iron control rod, which he places into the control box. He then turns to you and collects the 2 silver fee from everyone.

After collecting the toll, he closes the bars of the cage and walks over to the control box, "Hold on, the warm air currents from below can make this girl shake at times," he says in Common. He then pushes the rod down and the cage begins its slow descent into the depths beow.


Anvuss holds his halberd in his right hand, and the side of the lift with his left. He looks around while the party decends.

ooc: reduced total cash by 2 sp on my character sheet


Lurker (sort of)
Hobbes Shifter Barbarian

Withdrawing the 2 sp and handing it over to the man I ready myself for the descent. Just in case I keep one hand on the rope/chain supporting the bottom of this makeshift lift.

(ooc: subtracted money)


First Post
Magnus pays the man and waits for the cage to go down.

OOC: not that 2 sp is a lot of money but wasn't the price 5 cp (so 2 sp for all of us)?


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You are surprised at how quickly the levitation platform descends into the dark, sulfer-tinged darkness below. The glow of the magical columns casts you and the tunnel walls which rush by you in an eerie, orange glow. As your ears begin to pop, you suddenly emerge from the vertical shaft and enter an enormous underground cavern, lit with the glow of dozens of massive forges in addition to a few everburning torches. Hundreds of small figures scurry around these forges, carrying metalworks in carts, hauling iron ore to the forges, or buckets of water to cool the metal from a large, central well. Others work the metal with large hammers on their anvils, or operate enormous mechanized tools. As you get closer to the floor you can see that most of the workers are human, dwarven, goblinoid and warforged, all seeming to work next to each other with little difficultly. Many are gathered around the central fountain, taking a break and talking with each other, segregated into their various racial groups.

The descent of the cage begins to slow as you reach the bottom, and the operator opens the door, "Well, take care of yourselves. It can get rough down here, especially away from the central caverns and their connecting tunnels."

Dozens of passages break off from this cavern, and the larger ones have rail beds set in them. The rail lines converge on the far side from where you are now standing. Everburning torches are set at steady intervals on the walls of the larger tunnels, and you can see individuals and groups of humanoids pushing rail carts, or riding hand trucks down them.

Remembering the directions in the journal, the dig is located a walk down one of the smaller tunnels, marked with the goblin sigil for water.


Blue_Genie said:
"Well, take care of yourselves. It can get rough down here, especially away from the central caverns and their connecting tunnels."

"One must hope for the best I suppose." Anvuss muses, ambiguously. "Peace to you."
Heading away from the lift, Anvuss asks Tok if it is likely they are being watched, and suggests Tok lead on with whatever precaution he deems apropriate.


First Post

"Do you think we need to stop at that Warforged tavern, Tok? I would head strait toward the excavation site but maybe you need more directions."

While talking, Magnus looks around and remains ready to draw is sword at a moment notice. The Cogs can be dangerous, or so they say.

Voidrunner's Codex

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