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Eberron: Stone of Sorrows


First Post
Whether by foot, mount, or airship you finally arrive at the sacred grove of Illnanaan. The usual quiet & reverence is not their as the sounds of hundreds of voices raised in anger compete with one another.
The once manicured path is now covered in the broken vines & flowers of many passing. The musical sounds of the resplendent local birds are quiet in difference to the tragedy & resulting cacophony of angry tribes---families & a culture that has lost much this day.

You stride into the basin of the grove where once the great shard Li'Brae stood. All the tribes are separated along bloodlines. You’re surprised to see either a friend or a family member that urgently motions to you to join them….

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First Post
Among the gathered

The great trees that encircle the grove are thick with the Zin'll---they shout out in grief at their kin that have been lost---they shake their fists at ground walkers believing them to be at fault for the tragedy that has occured....

only the Woad'ynl remain quite----resplendant in their battle scars, theor simmering eyes reveal a storm they are prepared to release, wether upon unknown enemies or an unfriendly tribe, it matters not---it only matters that blood should be shed upon this day to cleanse the grove...

The Cyn'myl, clad in shimmering multicolor armor, shout back at their lesser kin, knowing that had the great shard been ensconced in one of their cities, this tragedy would never of happened...

As the Qu'llann add their voices to growing verbal combat, they slide their right thumb along the edge of a blade, then place a bloody mark on the center of their forehead & beneath each eye...

The Ghorn'el hiss back at those around them, their sickle claws twitch as they so desparately want to bury them into those who would so descecrate the grove...

The Skorn, resplendant in their natural forms, rock back & forth, nearly in a trance as they seek their god---as their senses thrum as they obtain an aroused battle state...


First Post
The calling

the tension is thick in the air & it seems that blood will once again be shed in the sacred grove....


In the center of the grove where the great shard once stood a figure hovers---the hooded gown covers every inch of the figure---but the tone of the voice & the form & ancient markings on the gown indicate that one the NueAldi matriarchs have come to see the terror that has come to the grove...

"This is not the place for your differences!" A golden bowl covered in glowing arcane sigils appears before the NueAldi. She thrusts her hand into the bowl & red glowing dropplets spill out, hissing where they touch the ground, "The blood of the chograth will show who the great ones from beyond deem worthy to find the shard & those that where taken!"

She flings the hissing blood into the air where it coagulates & forms the letters of the ancient drow tounge---she speaks the name of each as it is formed,
Khek of the Zin'll attend me!
Eriaz of the Woad'ynl attend me!
Darr-Ghen of the Cyn'myl attend me!
Xu'dra of the Qu'llann attend me!
Korsianna of the Skorn attend me!

Amid shouts of "Children?" & other less pleasant words of surprise & outrage you join the matriarch in the center of the grove. The NueAldi turns around as she hovers, pointing at each group of kin, "As it was written so shall it be! Now return to your lands & prepare for the gather darkness for they who were once masters seek to rise again!"

After the last have left, the matriarch descends a bit to speak with you, "You have gained a heavy burden this day. You will journey to the Cyn'myl city Arael and speak with Hamzun'Ar at the Shrine of Phrell. He will provide you with information that will help you seek the shard.
Of those that commited this act we only have this."
(see attachment)

"Before you Journey to the city, I have an errand for you." She hands you a small silken bag, "The ashes of the priestess Jherra is within. Return them to her homestead in the Shadowed Valley; her companion awaits."

OOC: you can ask questions---though the matriarch may not answer all ;)


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Khek Zin'll Rogue/Cleric

The small Zin'll hangs ape-like from the limb of a Kiok tree, one arm and a leg draped over the long branch that thrusts finger-like into the clearing. His opposing limbs swing wildly, looking like thin tendrils blowing in a strong wind, his every movement appears anxious, almost frantic. The thick bulbous, purple fruits of the tree sway enticingly in the cool night breeze. A breeze redolent with the sickly sweet scent of the umm-pak'ta and the decaying cloy of the cherieb. Clear moonlight dances upon the wide waxy leaves of the Kioks that ring the sacred circle like some sort of ceremonial gaurd. The deep shadows of the leaves, and the tree's fruits, effectively hiding the drow, only his swinging limbs giving away his hiding spot.

If not for the dread chill of change creeping up his back Khek would have found the evening to be quite pleasant. But unfortunately he could feel that life changing events were a foot, and he didn't like the feeling it awoke in his small chest. He didn't like the speed with which his heart had beat when he was summoned, he didn't like the cold trickle of sweat that rolled down his spine as he moved silently forward through the trees, and he certainly didn't like the idea of working with these other drow.

"Hmmm", he thinks to himself "Maybe they will prove good eating", a feral grin spreads across his face and his eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint.

"If nothing else" he says aloud, his voice an almost sibilant hiss "this should prove interesting"

The diminuitive man darts along the branch moving lithely through the concealing foliage. In the blink of an eye he has crossed 20' of the tangled canopy of the clearing and dangles above Korsianna, somehow appearing less agitated, as though the scorpion-like mass of the Skorn provides some sort of comfort.

"By your leave Revered One?" waiting for the elders approval to continue he asks respectfully "Who is this companion of which you speak?"

Prof Yeti

First Post
Darr-Ghen Cyn'myl Ranger/ Wizard

The tall Cyn'myl stands towards the center of the clearing and surveys the blasphemy. Outwardly he is the quintessential Cyn'myl with his stoic mask firmly in place. But inwardly he is a raging torrent of emotions. The Ancient commands so shall the Cyn'myl do, but I do not understand the need for the other tribes?

The breeze has a calming effect with its combination of umm-pak'ta and cherieb scents mixed with the ancient magics of the grove. And after a moment he turns to the Ancient "Revered One, I am ready! Your wishes are my command." If nothing else they may distract the enemy when it is found. A quiet ruffle of the leaves above the Skorn shows that the Zin'myl is also ready to begin the hunt. Following the Zin'myl's question "Yes where may we find this companion?"
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First Post
Korsianna, Sorcerer

Korsianna simply smiles. SHe rests on her back legs and ponders. While she was perfectly capable of talking, she did not yet have anything to say. She simply nods her head, and waits for the rest of her party to continue.

Land Outcast

Eriaz, (Barbarian/Ranger)

For the time being, thinking in traitors could only make the punishment impossible. Blood upon blood. If the desacrators decided to hurt they should have killed inmediately, they should know the way of the Woad'nyl, An arm for a hand, A head for an eye.

*I hope the other know how to keep themselves alive*

Eriaz drifts out from the darkness, silent, and bows before the NueAldi before speaking.

"Heav burden it is, indeed, but in the name of my kin I shall bear it, alone if necessary. I swear, before the ancients, blood of the enemy shall be spilled upon the open cut they made"

"I shall carry the ring, it might prove useful, and I can defend myself in the case somebody tries to take it"

*Asking the obious again just proves fooloishness, but what about...*
"Great matriarch, which kind of information will Hamzun'Ar provide us with?"

=After the conversation is over, now that the great mass of people is gone, Eriaz will try to search for anything that might have escaped the careful eye of whoever examined the place first (with little hope of finding anything new), searching for anything, including foot/claw-prints not corresponding to any of the drow-kin.
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First Post
D20Dazza said:
"By your leave Revered One?" waiting for the elders approval to continue he asks respectfully "Who is this companion of which you speak?"

"Rea'tha is the name of her companion. She is one of the scorpion god's own, a fey."

Prof Yeti said:
"Yes where may we find this companion?"
"The Shadowed vale id a day's travel to the north west whether you take the gteen road or the dark road."

Land Outcast said:
"Great matriarch, which kind of information will Hamzun'Ar provide us with?" .
"A key to the past. I will not say more for the jungle has many ears."

Land Outcast said:
=After the conversation is over, now that the great mass of people is gone, Eriaz will try to search for anything that might have escaped the careful eye of whoever examined the place first (with little hope of finding anything new), searching for anything, including foot/claw-prints not corresponding to any of the drow-kin.

(OOC: Give me a spot check---roll that D20! :D )

Mista Collins

First Post
Xu'dra slowly rides forward on her Carver mount, looking to massive for the beautiful and graceful creature to carry. The beast looks almost anxious to eat the flesh of those from the other tribes, but Xu'dra places a soft hand on Dao'lin's head. Leaning forward she whispers something into the dinosaurs ear that is just audible to those near by, "Easy friend, though a great wrongdoing has been caused to our kind, these others will help us in our task of seeking vengeance and not hinder it."

Dismounting, Xu'dra steps forward and says "I am Xu'dra of the Qu'llann, by the might of my muscle and at the speed of the hunt, I swear vengeance will be brought to those deserving."

As the others ask the questions Xu'dra has on her mind, she stands measuring the might and worth of those who were called forward.
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Land Outcast

(OOC: Spot: Roll: 15 Bonus: +7 (I think it'd be a search, but I have the same modifiers) Total= 22)

Eiraz raises his sight from the terrain and directs it to this addition to the group.

*Late, but shows respect.*

Now he turns completly, facing her and her mount... He bows. And returns to the examination of the terrain
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