Eberron: Stone of Sorrows


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The several hour trip to the shadowed vale seems supernaturaly long, seeming like many weeks have gone by. Up till now, the sounds of the jungle's animals have kept you company----but now silence has fallen upon the path to the vale....It does not take long before you recognize the spoor of thouls....their tracks lead down into the vale, toward the dead druid's hut...

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Prof Yeti

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Darr-Ghen Cyn'myl Ranger/ Wizard

Readying his bow Darr-Ghen quickly scans ahead before starting out the final leg of their journey. "Cousins, while it is no surprise I have the definite feeling we are walking into a trap."

Mista Collins

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"I am prepared for anything" Xu'dra says from the back of Dao'lin while removing the scorpian chain from its loop on her left side. The moment the chain leaves the loop, Dao'lin perks up and starts scanning the area as if she can sense what Xu'dra is thinking. "Dao'lin senses the same thing."


Khek-Tahaal Zin'll Rogue/Cleric

Khek darts into the heavy canopy overhead and pulls his crossbow from his back. Quickly loading a bolt he scans the area, sighting down the length of the bolt and ready to provide cover fire for his comrades "If it is a trap whoever set it will live to regret it. Let them feel the sting of the Scorpion" he says with a feral grin and a wink at Korsianna.


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Darkness has fallen----eerie sounds of animals haunt the night that is illuminated by filtered moonlight from above & light from luminescent fungus.

after some two miles of travel, you hear the harsh shouts of thouls obviously struggling with something.....

(OOC: the limbs of trees do provide an alternate path---map & thoul sketch up tomorrow)


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the thouls have slain two large scorpions (thoul #1 (TH1) & thoul #4 (TH4))

streaks of arcane energy exit out of one of the windows of the druid's hut & sears one of the crags (CR2) (Note: crags are insectoid ogres)

So far, all the thoul's attention is on the hut.....

(yall are coming down into the shadowed vale via the path in the lower left hand side)


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Mista Collins

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Talking more to herself and Dao'lin than the group, "I say we take these beasts while they are spread out." Xu'dra says as she kicks her heels into the side of Dao'lin and charges forward toward the nearest creature, with the scorpion chain swinging in the air gaining momentum.

OCC: Guide mount with knees [free action Ride check DC5(+8 Ride Skill) and charge from mount towards thoul #1(up to double move is 120ft). Attack with Scorpion Chain (10' reach) Power Attacking for 2. [Att is +8 (7, +2 for charging, -2P.A., +1 being on my mount) Damage is 1d8+11 (1d8+7+4Two Handed Power Attack)]


Khek darts through the foliage, skirting the clearing and making his way towards the druid's hut.

OOC: Full move action (sprint - 80') through the tree canopy on the TH3 side.

Prof Yeti

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Darr-Ghen of the Cyn'myl [Ranger 1/ Wizard 1]

Skirting the foliage along the path on his way to the opening to the valley Darr-Ghen will keep an eye on Thoul #1. When clear at the mouth of the valley he lets fly with an arrow toward Thoul #1 well ahead of Xu'dra and Dao'lin hitting their target.

OOC - Move Action to move to the valley edge. Then Attack Action to fire at TH 1 with his Composite Longbow (Rng Inc - 110') so well within range. Attack is +5 To-Hit To Hit Thoul #1 (1d20+5=18). Damage is 1d8 Damage Thoul #1 (1d8=4)

I used Invisible Castle but if you prefer just ignore and reroll. (Just wasn't sure)
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