"Elements of Magic" and other systems


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Estimated release date

I am really looking forward to the revised version (especially for 3.5) Do you have a estimate release date fro the new version?

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I'm currently hoping to get it out in early September, but that might be a little optimistic considering the rest of my workload. I'll talk with CZ and see if we're up for showing off a one- or two-page sample.


RangerWickett said:
I'm currently hoping to get it out in early September, but that might be a little optimistic considering the rest of my workload. I'll talk with CZ and see if we're up for showing off a one- or two-page sample.

So how about and update? :D


I haven't heard from Cyberzombie for a while, but I suppose I can handle anything you'd want. As we wrap up the book and get ready to send it to layout, are there any questions you'd like me to answer? Want to see a sample NPC? Perhaps an example scene from a playtest I ran? Would perhaps some of the playtesters or those I gave preliminary copies to like to post comments?

I'll come up with an EOM sampler by this weekend.


RangerWickett said:
I haven't heard from Cyberzombie for a while, but I suppose I can handle anything you'd want. As we wrap up the book and get ready to send it to layout, are there any questions you'd like me to answer? Want to see a sample NPC? Perhaps an example scene from a playtest I ran? Would perhaps some of the playtesters or those I gave preliminary copies to like to post comments?

I'll come up with an EOM sampler by this weekend.

I want it all! What can I say? I'm a demanding customer. :D The best sample I can think of is a peek at an updated spell list and maybe an updated skill. How about a peek at one of the new specialist mages? Just something to give me an idea what was changed from the old version to the new one.



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I do have 1 request...

RangerWickett said:
I haven't heard from Cyberzombie for a while, but I suppose I can handle anything you'd want. As we wrap up the book and get ready to send it to layout, are there any questions you'd like me to answer? Want to see a sample NPC? Perhaps an example scene from a playtest I ran? Would perhaps some of the playtesters or those I gave preliminary copies to like to post comments?

I'll come up with an EOM sampler by this weekend.

Hey CZ, RW,

I'm posting here because I haven't heard back from you sending directly to your e-mail addresses... I'm assuming that's because the e-mail worm must have hit you hard, and my last e-mail had a rather large attachment :D

I know you are probably super-busy with EleMag, but I'd really like to move forward with EleMon, but in order to do that I need you to contact me ASAP.

Thanks a lot.


I've cooked up a small sampler-teaser for the revised version of The Elements of Magic. It's in .doc format because the boards wouldn't let me upload an rtf, but most people ought to be able to read it. Please forgive me if there are a few typos or parts that seem confusing; I tried to fix all problems I saw, but in essence I was just copy-pasting material from the book into a new file, so some bits might not fit together clearly. Feel free to ask questions, give comments, and tell us if we made any mistakes.

I'll also see if I can get Russ or Jason to upload this file and show it on the main page. But I would prefer something slightly prettier. My apologies, again.


  • TEoM_Sampler.doc
    128.5 KB · Views: 146


First Post
Wow! Such a great work! It's even better than I could have imagined. So far I read the sampler I didn't found anything, what I utterly despise ;) , but there are some bits which I don't understand or didn't find explained.

-Why were the intelligence bonus MPs discarded?
-Is the save DC still dependent from Charisma and not from Intelligence although there is no formula for the basic Save DC for magic items, even if one uses the minimum inteligence rule?
-There is no mentioning of 20 spell levels in the revised edition instead of 10.
-Can't Outsiders be charmed, compelled, created or transformed? Why don't Charm [Alignment] lists normally (as it stands in the Faithblade section)?
-Can't Elementals be charmed or compelled?
-In the section of Spell Enhancements it stands, that the spend MPs for "General enhancements and spell list enhancements cannot be greater than your caster level". For me it looks the text like that the caster level is the caster level of the character, not from the single spell lists as in the example.
-It is unclear, what belongs to the General list and what is an General enhancement. At least it looks to me, that there is a difference, because of "For example, if you cast Compel Humanoid 7/Evoke Fire 3/Gen 2, you can spend no more than 7 MP on Compel enhancements, no more 3 MP on Evoke enhancements, and no more than 2 MP on General enhancements.". Does it also mean that the maximum MPs spent on a spell is twice the (rounded down?) caster level?
-Why isn't there a Duration enhancement beyound Long and a Contingency beyound a Week? Has then the Permanent feat to be used? Why has the Range Long 800 ft. and not 750 ft. (30 * 5 * 5)? Do I have to use the Range Long, before I can buy a Range incremen of +500 ft.?
-Is there a description, for which standard classes the magical skills are class skills and which are cross-class ones? Or have we to assume that all unmentioned classes have them as cross-class skills?
-Does a class have Use Magic Device as class skill?
-Can spell lists and magical skills be combined?
-Which type of action are the uses of the magical skills? All standard actions?
-In the Dispel Magic section: "If you succeeded a Spellcraft check to identify the effect, and you know all of the spell lists your opponent is using, you get a +20 bonus to your Spellcraft check." Shouldn't be the +20 bonus received for the Dispel check?
-It isn't clearly mentioned that at an area dispel the subtraction of MPs does increase the DCs of later dispels because of the Low MP-rule.
-Are spell action types more explained in the full text?
-There seems to be an error in the dispel example one: Ursus tries to dispel an armor enchanted with Abjure Nature 10/Illusion Void 2, makes his Spellcraft check and knows the Abjure Spell. The DC is 10 + 9 (caster level) + 0 (he knows Abjure Nature) + 2 (he doesn't know Illusion Void) = 21 and not 28. The penalty of Low MP's is for Ursus roll, not for the DC, and all DC modifiers are already counted in. Worse, in the example Ursus has an effective penalty of -14 and not -7.
-In the dispel example two, Barbara has suddenly only a caster level of 6 and a half, not 9 and a half. Also isn't explained where the caster level of 16 for armor comes from.
-In the section "Dispel Magic and non-EOM magic" there is no MP value for 0-level spells. Also it isn't clear, if divination spells increase the MP value everytime or only, if one doesn't have (enough?) ranks in the Divination skill.
-Illusion spell list: What are the effects of blur on concealment and thus on attack rolls? There is only a skill check bonus. Hide Aura: What does mean "Each type of aura you change must be purchased separately." exactly mean? Have I to cast in the example the Illusion Death spell twice or can I pay only more MPs at once? Distorted Distances: "Also, most attacks through distorted areas should suffer a severe miss chance." needs more explanation. Resisting Illusions: Doesn't turn an invisible attacker automatically visible?
-Sample Illusion spells: All spell should have a total spell level value for convience. Mask of Nothingness: It should include that even Blindsense and Blindsight are useless (also with a successfully check?). Are all MP costs sums identical to the spell total? If not, there should be at the begin of the list the sum listed.
-Faithblade: The table headers aren't all in place.
-At several places are two or more spaces instead only one. Run a search and replace to find all of them.

Also I believe that EoM revised is the first magic system (at least in d20), which allows to use magic easily as sword and shield, so magical combats will be truly exciting!

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