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EN World City Project: NPC Submissions

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We have a ton of NPCs. Looks like we need to put a end to level 5 pretty much across the board.

Looks like something for Lalato to look into.


First Post
Yeah, maybe on May 1st, we could close the NPC thread? I know this sounds harsh, but we can continue getting low-level NPC's through the Craft and Trade thread - though I think we'll have to limit experts there. Just a suggestion.

At least, however, Mor's End makes sense as a place with quite a few very competent people around. The swamps are pretty dangerous, the warrens are just beneath the city, and the squats are pretty vicious. So if we have higher-level NPCs, it makes sense. I think there is even a reference table in the DMG that suggests this very system - adding to the CR of the inhabitants of the region based on the terrain (and the dangers associated with it).


GladiusNP said:
Yeah, maybe on May 1st, we could close the NPC thread? I know this sounds harsh, but we can continue getting low-level NPC's through the Craft and Trade thread - though I think we'll have to limit experts there. Just a suggestion.

At least, however, Mor's End makes sense as a place with quite a few very competent people around. The swamps are pretty dangerous, the warrens are just beneath the city, and the squats are pretty vicious. So if we have higher-level NPCs, it makes sense. I think there is even a reference table in the DMG that suggests this very system - adding to the CR of the inhabitants of the region based on the terrain (and the dangers associated with it).

That's fine with me. I've always assumed that Mor's End was not your typical city. Personally, I still think Mor's End should have a larger standing army... and way more Experts than the medieval demographics would suggest... but that's just me. My reasoning is that Mor's End is a city-state... not a city... but I lost that argument long ago... oh well.


First Post
I think we can take lots of NPCs (up to 10,000) but maybe this thread should be archived and a second NPC thread should be started, one with some limitations put in. We need lots of nobles, guildmasters and low level soldiers and clerics but we have all the generals and high level Warriors and such. I don't mind the mass of 5th level experts but we could use some higher level and lower level ones too, those come mostly from the craft thread. Things have been slowing down here and we are getting close to the first big archive on May 1st so maybe we don't need a new thread but just need to be more picky, and call for certain areas of NPCs.


One thing we'll being doing in the NPC Contest from here on out is adding an extra ingredient...


This ingredient will allow us to tie the NPCs from the contest to a person, place, group, or thing within Mor's End...

Possible Associations include:
Guilds, Clans, Other NPCs, Parts of town, Areas around Enheim, or some object... like "The Cypress Tree"...

This will help us create NPCs that are more closely tied to Mor's End. :)

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First Post
Eli Sorison, Apothecary
Eli eaks out living as an apothecary and herbalist. He is not considered a very good apothecary or herbalist so most of his customers are very poor. Eli lives alone in a very old shop in the oldest part of town. He is a very quiet man and prefers to spend his time alone. His customers regard him as very friendly and helpful but not terribly skilled.

Eli has a dark secret, when he first moved into his shop he found an old trunk left in the cellar. Eli had a little skill with magic (a secret he kept hidden all his life), it was enough for him to believe he could use the items he found. One of the items he found was a cursed crystal ball, which he immediately tried to use. When he woke up the next morning he found he was not alone in his home. The creature told him he was his new familiar and that he could show him true power. Eli tried to get rid of the creature but he lacked the strength so for several weeks he just went about his business and ignored the imp. When local gang members tried to get him to pay protection money things changed rapidly. Eli and the Imp spend most of the night getting rid of the bodies.

That was over five years ago, now Eli is completely taken with his “familiar” and they regularly go out late at night looking for people to kill. Eli is very careful to keep his activities hidden and the Imp keeps himself hidden whenever customers are in the shop. The two of them are busy trying to figure out how to summon a stronger devil to help them in their plans (whatever they might be)

Plot Hooks
What is the Imp’s plans and what will happen if the two of them actually manage to summon a stronger devil?

Several local people have come up missing from their homes late at night. The PCs are asked to investigate the situation.
Eli Sorison: Male Human Sor3; HD 3d4-3 (Sorcerer); hp 10; Init +4; Spd 30; AC 10; Atk +0 base melee, +1 base ranged; +0 (1d4-1, Dagger, silvered); AL LE; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3; STR 9, DEX 11, CON 9, INT 14, WIS 11, CHA 15.
Skills: Alchemy+6, Forgery+3, Heal+5, Knowledge (arcana)+4, Knowledge (Infernal)+5, Knowledge (The Planes)+3, Profession (Apothecary)+3, Profession (Herbalist)+1, Spellcraft+4.
Feats: Brew Potion, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus: Alchemy.
Weapons: Dagger, silvered.
Goods: Alchemist's lab, Masterwork; Scale, merchant's.
Magic: Wondrous: Crystal Hypnosis Ball; Wondrous: Necklace of fireballs (Type I); Scroll: Summon Monster IV (8).

Spells Known (Sor 6/6): 0 - Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Read Magic; 1st - Cause Fear, Protection from Good, Summon Monster I.

Devil, Imp: CR 2;Tiny Outsider (Evil, Lawful); HD 3d8 (Outsider); hp 5; Init +3; Spd 30, 20, Fly, Perfect 50; AC 20; Atk +3 base melee, +6 base ranged; +6(1d4, Sting); SA: Spell-like abilities, Poison (Ex); SQ: Polymorph (Su), Regeneration (Ex), Damage reduction (Su), Resistance: Spell (Ex), Immunity: Poison (Ex), Resistance: Fire (Ex), See in darkness (Su); AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4; STR 10, DEX 17, CON 10, INT 7, WIS 12, CHA 10.
Skills: Hide+15, Listen+5, Move Silently+5, Search+5, Spellcraft+5, Spot+5.
Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse.


First Post
Looks good, jdavis. Although his spell lists doesn't seem that great for his Brew Potion feat. Guess a Wizard would make better potion brewer...

A few questions to tie this guy into the rest of Mor's End:

- What sort of potions and herbs does he sell? What sort of mechanism do you suggest for the low quality of his work? (Limited availability, or perhaps some failure rate for his wares?)

- I assume your apothecar is a member of the Mages' Guild? If he sells any magical potions or provides magical services, he essentially would have to be.

- Where do you want to locate this NPC? (preferably with a grid number on the map)


First Post
Conaill said:
Looks good, jdavis. Although his spell lists doesn't seem that great for his Brew Potion feat. Guess a Wizard would make better potion brewer...

A few questions to tie this guy into the rest of Mor's End:

- What sort of potions and herbs does he sell? What sort of mechanism do you suggest for the low quality of his work? (Limited availability, or perhaps some failure rate for his wares?)

- I assume your apothecar is a member of the Mages' Guild? If he sells any magical potions or provides magical services, he essentially would have to be.

- Where do you want to locate this NPC? (preferably with a grid number on the map)

He doesn't use his magic in the apothecary work, he sells simple herbs and medicines and probably keeps a stock of river leaches. He is fearful of being found out by the mage guild. His reputation for being a poor to average apothecary probably stems from this fear of drawing attention to himself. Now that he has totally embraced evil and has been taken in by the Imp his heart just would not be in to helping to heal people. I probably should do a example of this character at more than one skill level so as to make him a good adversary for a party. (map grid F4 or F5 but most of his customers probably walk in from ths squats).

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