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EN World City Project: NPC Submissions


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Doodle, Goblin; city watch.

Doodle is an oddity among goblins, he has a strong sense of justice and doing the right thing, his friends say that he must have been dropped on his head when he was little. Doodle was an orphan raised by the church of (Pelor like god here) in their orphanage in Mor’s End. The orphanage was little more than a small building behind the church overcrowded with children but it allowed Doodle the opportunity to eat on a regular basis and sleep on a cot. Doodle was trained in calligraphy by the priest and showed some talent for painting and drawing.

When it came time for Doodle to leave the orphanage he had to make a choice between staying as a scribe for the church or finding his own way; Doodle knew that him being a goblin would never allow him to be fully accepted by the church so he attempted to do his civic duty and join the militia, unfortunately for Doodle the militia decided that he wasn’t really good guard material and gave him a special discharge from the list of the city muster. Doodle decided to fight for his right to do his civic duty; he joined the city guard, but was told that he was not the caliber of soldier they were looking for, he tried to join the Outland Rangers but was courteously shoved out the door, finally Doodle found a home in the city watch when Bolius Chier took pity on him and decided to give him a chance. After a couple of days of men trying to pronounce his name (Kit’mir’rut’til’uk) Bolius told him that his new name was Doodle and that he should get used to it.

Doodle is a horrible watchman, his chain shirt hangs down past his knees and is tightly belted with two belts to hold it on him, his oversized helmet is tied to his head with boot strings and almost obscures his vision and his heavy Crossbow is so large that he can barely reload it. What Doodle lacks in size and skill he makes up for in effort, no member of the watch has ever tried so hard to keep the peace as Doodle does. Doodle often works as Bolius’s secretary and is normally put to writing out watch schedules and supply orders. Where Doodle has really come in handy is in his ability to paint and draw, Doodle is one of the most viewed artists in town as his portraits are seen on wanted posters at every gatehouse in the city. He has a knack for drawing things from other people’s descriptions and can often draw a person after even the briefest of glances.

Doodle doesn’t spend much time with other goblins in the city as he really just doesn’t fit in, for that matter Doodle doesn’t fit in anywhere in the city, even his fellow watchmen view him as a sort of oddity. Many of the Watchmen have taken it on themselves to get Doodle in shape and he can regularly be seen working out with other soldiers during his free time. He is slowly building the trust of those around him as he tries to fit into a world that generally hates his kind, but nobody said the life of a Goblin was easy and as long as he stays well fed and gets to sleep in a real bed Doodle will continue to do his civic duty.

Plot Hooks
Bolius Chier has gotten accurate descriptions of several of the leaders of the local thieves guild and wants Doodle to draw them for wanted posters, unfortunately the thieves guild finds out about this and tries to get rid of Doodle, Bolius hires the PC’s to protect and hide Doodle while he completes his sketches.

Doodle has taken an interest in the common workers fighting for workers rights, but why do some of these activists get upset when Doodle draws sketches of the rallies?
Kit’mir’rut’til’uk (Doodle): Male Goblin War1/Exp1; Small Humanoid; HD 1d8+3 (Warrior), 1d6+3 (Expert); hp 16; Init +1; Spd 30; AC 16; Atk +2 base melee, +3 base ranged; +2 (1d6, Club); +4 (1d10, Crossbow, heavy, Masterwork); SQ: Darkvision (Ex); AL LN; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; STR 10, DEX 12, CON 16, INT 13, WIS 9, CHA 9.
Skills: Climb+1, Craft (Calligraphy)+6, Craft (Painting)+8, Hide+3, Intimidate+1, Jump+1, Move Silently+3, Spot+2, Swim-1.
Feats: Skill Focus: Craft (Painting).
Weapons: Club; Dagger; Crossbow, heavy, Masterwork.
Armor: Chain shirt.
Goods: Calligrapher's tools, Masterwork; Painter's tools, Masterwork; Portable writing desk, Masterwork.

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Re: stat points

David Argall said:
1st level has 63 total in the 6 stats. Every additional level has one additional stat point, reaching 82 if we decide to allow a 20th level.
I like the idea in principle. I just don't like the flat point distribution. Point buy would be better, but perhaps a little too heavy-handed.

How about using a default array? Perhaps 12,11,11,10,10,9, add one for every two levels?


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Jacob Gearson, Male Human Warrior 1.

The second son of Linda Carson’s eldest brother, Jacob is one of the favoured sons in the Gearson family. Born and raised in Mor’s End, Jacob has only recently joined the city guard, and his family is quite proud that he made it into such a prestigious organization. The son of a grocer, Charles Gearson, Jacob was always big for his age. When he completed his military training for the muster, he was asked to consider a career in the city guard by Saul Antilium, who had been assisting the muster-sergeant. He accepted, and Saul came to the Gearson house to ask them to let their son join the military, something his parents immediately agreed to.

Saul, due to this, feels a real sense of responsibility to Jacob. Though Gearson is unaware of this, Saul requested that Jacob be assigned to his squad, mainly so the young man wouldn’t go off and get killed. Saul often handles Jacob more carefully than the young man would like – keeping him back in the tower most of the time rather than out searching the wagons. Though Jacob greatly admires Saul, he’s become slightly impatient with the way he’s being sheltered.

Jacob mainly hangs out at the Downpour Alehouse (with his cousin, Andrew Gearson, whose a member of the city watch) when he’s off duty. He’s often seen with Tatiana, who he’s very attached to, and is good friends with Shelly. He’s somewhat shy, and still quiet around other members of the guard. He has developed a slightly over confidant approach in his swordplay – often closing with an enemy and trading blows, despite his relative lack of experience.

Jacob is a pleasant looking young man. He has short curly black hair, and brown eyes. He’s very tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and a barrel chest. He nearly always wears his uniform, though when in civilian clothes usually dresses in a brown homespun shirt and trousers. He carries a guardsman’s shield and sword, and wears standard issue studded leather, with the Mor’s End emblem on the right side of his chest.

Jacob Gearson: Male Human, War1; HD 1d8+2; hp 8; Init +0; Spd 30; AC 15; Atk +3 base melee, +1 base ranged; +4 (1d8+2, Guardsman’s longsword); AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; STR 14, DEX 10, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 12.
Skills: Swim +6 (not counting encumbrance), Ride +4, Spot +4, Listen +2
Feats: Weapon Focus (Longsword), Alertness.

Possessions: Guardsman's issue uniform, Studded Leather, Shield, and Longsword.

Tactics: Jacob is now a fair hand with a sword. Due mainly to Saul’s tutelage, he knows how to handle himself in a fight. He’s not such a good shot with a bow, however, and doesn’t really feel he needs to learn much more of it – he prefers to use his sword. He’ll usually attempt to close fairly quickly to hand-to-hand combat, though if Saul is present, Jacob will probably be kept back behind Tatiana and Saul.


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Please vote in the Lady Kelvin poll I posted. I'm having real trouble with hammering out who she is. Also, please check out the history thread if you haven't had a chance.


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Jago Braws; Thug

Jago beats people up for a living, and that’s about a deep a story as you will get about him. Born to a poor fisherman and his wife, Jago decided he wanted to be something more, unfortunately for Jago he is an idiot. He began running with street gangs and mugging people for drinking money. He then graduated to home invasion robberies and shaking down local merchants. From there he caught the eye of the thieves guild in town, big and stupid was very appealing to them so they gave him a choice, a slow death or go to work as a enforcer for them, it wasn’t a choice he had to think on long. Jago has no clue about the guild organization or even that one exists, somebody shows up and tells him where to go and what to do and he does it. He doesn’t know who he works for and normally doesn’t care, he gets to do what he does best, beat people up and take their stuff and for Jago that is the end all be all of his life, only now he is getting paid to do it. It has never occurred to Jago that he set out to become something better than an honest fisherman but ended up becoming something worse, to him he is really moving up in the world.

Jago runs his own gang of street toughs and may have 1D10 of 1st level commoners (or warriors) with him at any time. They are constantly running into trouble with the watch and have been banned from several of the better taverns in town. Jago came up with the name “The Busters” for his gang after several days of hard thinking about what would sound tough. They do what Jago says and he does what he is told.

Plot Hook
Owe some money? Ran afoul of the wrong person in town? Snooping in places you should keep your nose out of? Well if you are then eventually Jago and the Busters will pay you a little visit.

Jago Braws: Male Human Rog3; HD 3d6+9 (Rogue); hp 20; Init + 2; Spd 30; AC 15; Atk + 5 base melee, + 4 base ranged; +6 (1d8+3, Mace, heavy, Masterwork); +5 (1d6+3, Sap); Class Features: Rogue: Traps, Medium Rogue weapon proficiencies, Rogue weapon proficiencies, Light armor proficiency, Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC); AL CE; SV Fort + 4, Ref + 5, Will -1; STR 17, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 8, WIS 7, CHA 12.
Skills: Appraise + 4, Bluff + 4, Disable Device + 7, Gather Information + 6, Hide + 4, Innuendo -1, Intimidate + 7, Listen + 4, Move Silently + 4, Open Lock + 6, Pick Pocket + 5, Search + 2, Sense Motive –2, Spot + 1.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Sunder.
Weapons: Mace, heavy, Masterwork; Sap.
Armor: Studded leather, Masterwork.
Goods: Thieves' tools, Masterwork.


First Post
Housecleaning in the guard thread (archiving). Moving Dalvar Hammersmith; Captain of the Militia over to where the rest of the Captains are.

Knightfall1972 said:
Captain of the Militia
Dalvar Hammersmith, male dwarf War10: Medium-size Humanoid (dwarf); HD 10d8+30; 87 hp; Init +1; Spd 15ft. (20ft. base); AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 armor); Melee +1 dwarven battleaxe +11/+6 (1d10+4); SQ dwarf traits; AL LG; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Climb +3, Diplomacy +3, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Jump +1, Profession (soldier) +5, Ride +5; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven waraxe), Leadership, Power Attack, Skill Focus (profession: soldier).
Equipment: Belt pouch (20gp), breastplate, cold weather outfit, +1 dwarven battleaxe, traveler’s outfit, waterskin, war pony w/ bit & bridle, military saddle, saddlebags.

Dalvar Hammersmith was born to a prominent clan of warriors in Kul Moren. He was raised to fight from an early age and is an expert with his traditional clan weapon, a dwarven waraxe. Thus, he felt more than qualified to become a member of the Royal Guard in Mor’s End and left Kul Moren and his clan behind.

Once in the human-dominated city he joined the Guild of Guards and was soon on his way to becoming one of the most stout, reliable members of the guild. However Dalvar became bored with guard duty and soon was forgetting to show up for assignments, as he spent more and more time in the city’s many taverns pestering adventurers and travelers for news from beyond the walls of Mor’s End. The guildmaster at the time, Henry Wilhelm, told Dalvar to either give up his obsession or leave the guild. Dalvar left the guild and everyone is glad he did. Now a successful tavern owner Dalvar can spend time doing what he loves most – chatting with adventurers and travelers, when he has the time.

For Dalvar wasn’t content to let his fighting skills go to waste. He is a proud member of the militia and has recently been promoted to captain. The previous captain, Alex Backfield, retired from the militia last year to his stedding several miles northeast of Mor’s End. Backfield chose Dalvar for the position and both the Castellan and Lady Kelvin agreed. Dalvar often visits the retired old captain for advice, realizing the man’s experience is still valuable to the city.

The added responsibilities of being the Captain of the Militia tend to keep Dalvar away from The Downpour during the day, as he and his personal squad of men spend a lot of time on active duty and helping the local watch. This has allowed him to seek out interesting escapades, such as cleaning out monstrous vermin from the city’s sewers to riding with the Outlands Rangers on rare occasion. He’s eager for the chance to prove himself and to hopefully turn the standing militia into a more crack fighting force.

Most of the time he helps run drills throughout the city every six months or so. He believes in being prepared for anything and takes his new responsibilities very seriously. He has matured to the point where he understands what is needed from him as Captain of the Militia. Gone is the easily distracted young dwarf that once dallied from tavern to tavern, although he still enjoys a good night of revelry and story telling. As long as any active members of the militia show up on time the next day, they are welcome to sit and have a mug of Dwarven Strongheart with their captain in his tavern.

Plot hook: Rumors are floating around that a foreign force is marching towards Mor’s End to lay siege to the independent city-state. The commanders of the military aren’t sure what to make of the rumors. Dalvar and his men are put on constant alert but Dalvar would like to get Alex Backfield’s advice on the current situation, as well as some strategic information the retired old captain and he discussed the last time he visited him. However, his responsibilities as captain means that he has to stay in the city and he can’t spare any militiamen to go to the Backfield stedding.

He knows of the PCs, as they have visited his tavern on occasion. He asks them to go to the Backfield Stedding and take some important plans for the Alex to look over. They are to get a written response from Backfield, as well as anything else he’s been working on for Dalvar, and return with the documentation to the city. In reality, Dalvar considers Alex to be a mentor and would prefer it if the old man came back to the city, for a while, just in case the rumors turn out to be true. He asks the PCs to try and convince Alex to come back with them. However, Alex is a stubborn man and the PCs might very well get caught outside the city defending the old man’s stedding, from an invading army, if they can’t convince him to come back to Mor’s End. Regardless, Dalvar needs the information Alex is providing.


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Brego Ironbeard; Commander of the Dwarf-Guard

Brego Ironbeard is a cleric of (Insert Dwarven God here); he is also the Commander of the Dwarf-Guard from Kul-Moren. Brego is an easygoing fellow who strives to get along with others in the city. He has led the Dwarf-Guard for 3 tours of duty now and shows no sign of returning to Kul-Moren any time soon. Brego believes that he has a duty to the dwarves of Mor’s End and can often be found preaching to the inhabitants of the Dwarvish Quarter. He loves good drink and singing with his men but insist that they always try to keep their wits about them. Many have thought that because of his easygoing nature that Brego was soft but he is an able commander and an fearsome warrior. Brego’s men follow him because they know wherever he leads (Dwarven God) is with them.

Brego is often at odds with Ulfgar Gorkil the Captain of the Elite guard due to Ulfgar’s brash tongue and boisterous nature. The two of them are just too different to get along easily. He has sympathy for Sebastiano Palmora’s problems but refuses to involve himself in such political infighting. He views himself as Palmora’s equal in council but knows there can be only one leader on the battlefield and shows Palmora the proper respect in matters of war, even though he has some doubts about Palmora’s skill as a General. He has a good working relationship with Thomas Haljan, with whom he shares duty on the wall with but believes Haljan is a even worse tactician than Palmora, he used his pull in the council to insure that Haljan did not get the post as General. Neither Haljan nor Palmora have any knowledge of Brego’s political manipulation and both think him incapable of such political maneuverings. Brego believes that Kul-Moren and Mor’s End are linked in fate and without one the other will fall, he feels the best way to protect his beloved mines is to keep Mor’s End strong. This leads to a careful balancing act that Brego walks between loyalty to his homeland and loyalty to the city he has sworn to protect with his life.

In battle Brego fights with his Holy Warhammer “Orc Crusher”. He is a relentless and merciless warrior who fights as if he is a man possessed.

Quote: “The truly righteous have no need to shout to be heard.”

Plot Hooks:
Brego hires the PC’s to take a package to Kul-Moren for him. This should be easy money, what could possibly happen on the road to Kul-Moren? But if it were so easy why would Brego hire adventurers to do it?

Brego ask the PC’s to go into the warrens as he feels a great evil is stirring beneath the city. He wishes them to find out what is going on below the city and to put a stop to it.
Brego Ironbeard: Male Dwarf Clr7; HD 7d8+28 (Cleric); hp 64; Init + 1; Spd 15; AC 20; Atk + 8 base melee, + 6 base ranged; +10 (1d8+4, +1 Warhammer); SQ: Darkvision (Ex), Dwarven traits (Ex); Class Features: Cleric: Extra turning, Spontaneous casting, Spells, Shield proficiency, Heavy armor proficiency, Medium armor proficiency, Light armor proficiency, Simple weapon proficiency, Turn or rebuke undead; Racial Features: Stonecunning, +2 Fort save against poison, +2 Ref save against spells, +1 attack bonus against orcs & goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus against giants; AL LG; SV Fort + 9, Ref + 3, Will + 9; STR 17, DEX 12, CON 19, INT 16, WIS 18, CHA 13.

Skills: Appraise + 5, Concentration + 8, Craft (Metalworking) + 5, Craft (Stonecarving) + 3, Craft (Stonemasonry) + 3, Craft (Weaponsmithing) + 6, Diplomacy + 11, Heal + 8, Knowledge (arcana) + 5, Knowledge (religion) + 10, Knowledge (War) + 8, Knowledge (Weaponry) + 4, Listen + 4, Search + 3, Spot + 4, Scry + 6, Spellcraft + 5.
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Warhammer, Weapon Focus: Warhammer.

Weapons: +1 Warhammer: Holy.
Armor: Dwarven Plate.
Shields: Shield, small, steel, Masterwork.

Spells Prepared (Clr 6/5/4/3/)
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Gills “Axe” Stayton; Bodyguard for hire.

To say not much is known about Axe Stayton would be an understatement. To the best of anyone’s knowledge he just rode into town one day signed up at the Guild of Guards and went to work. It’s not known where he is originally from, whether he rode in from the north or the south, if he’s using his real name or even how old he is. Axe Stayton never talks about his past and he’s not the kind of guy you push for answers.

The one thing that people do know about him is that he is very good at his job; just one look at the oversized axe he carries is enough to cause most people to go the other way. If you’ve got the gold and you want protection then Axe is the man to hire, he doesn’t work cheap and he doesn’t promise anything, but nobody has ever gotten past Axe Stayton and lived to tell about it. Axe prefers to keep his options open so he never takes a long-term job, but once he starts a job he sees it through to the end. Axe’s services are in high demand and bidding wars over him are not uncommon.

Axe is a paid up member of the guild in good standing, he attends regular meetings and follows every guild rule to the letter. He never steps out of line or causes trouble. Axe frequents several of the local bars and can sometimes be found gambling or playing cards. He never to get drunk or rowdy and he never seems to be in a good mood or a bad mood. The fact that he is always so calm seems to unnerve people all the more.

Axe has killed a lot of people in his life and the emotion of it doesn’t touch him anymore, he is a cold emotionless person with no regard for human life. To him its just business, if you try to get to somebody he is guarding then he kills you.

Plot Hook:
Just who is this guy and where did he come from, a man like him has to of left a trail from somewhere? The PC’s are hired to answer these questions by a noble but this task might unearth things that are better left undisturbed. And just why would a noble care to know about this man’s past anyway?

Several men show up in town looking for Gills Stayton, and they look like they are spoiling for a fight. Can the PC’s keep innocent people from getting hurt without getting sucked into the middle of this?

One of the nobles has had a family heirloom stolen from their house and now it has shown up at one of his political enemies house. The Noble hires the PC’s to get the heirloom back by any means necessary. Unfortunately the political enemy has hired himself a new bodyguard…..
Gills "Axe" Stayton: Male Human Ftr5; HD 5d10+15 (Fighter); hp 52; Init + 7; Spd 20; AC 20; Atk + 9 base melee, + 8 base ranged; +11 (1d12+7, +1 Greataxe); +10 (1d8+4, Battleaxe, Masterwork); +10 (1d6+4, Axe, throwing, Masterwork); Class Features: Fighter: Shield proficiency, Martial weapon proficiency: all, Simple weapon proficiency, Heavy armor proficiency, Medium armor proficiency, Light armor proficiency, Bonus Feats (3), Weapon specialization; AL LN; SV Fort + 7, Ref + 4, Will + 1; STR 19, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 9, WIS 11, CHA 10.

Skills Balance + 1, Climb + 7, Handle Animal + 3, Hide + 1, Jump + 5, Listen + 1, Move Silently + 1, Ride + 8, Spot + 1, Use Rope + 5, Wilderness Lore + 2.
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Sunder, Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Weapon Specialization: Greataxe.

Weapons: +1 Greataxe; Battleaxe, Masterwork; Axe, throwing, Masterwork; Axe, throwing, Masterwork.
Armor: +2 Breastplate.
Magic: Potion: Heroism.


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2 of 700

Almsman is a beggar who lives down in the Squats. Like most of the riff-raff found in the city’s slums, he makes his living in a variety of ways, including scavenging, petty crime, begging (though he covers this with his performance to prevent the Watch moving him on), and selling rumours. He protects a small group of urchins, known by the underworld as the Almsmen. Almsman is somewhat affiliated to Whistling Tom – but the two are by no means friends.

Almsman is always looking for an angle. He’s constantly wheeling, dealing, cajoling, threatening, and cowering as appropriate. His small gang of urchins are brow beaten into giving him most of their take, and Almsman does do his best to keep them alive – not out of any particular sense of charity, but for the coin they bring him. He spends nearly all of his time working to survive – dodging the strongmen of the gangs, and picking up what food, coin and drink he can. Almsman’s sense of morality is long gone – he’s just hustling what he can from the street.

Almsman is an emaciated, tall figure. He wears wrappings of dirty brown cloth around his hands, a brown coat which hangs loosely from his gawky frame, torn grey pants, and a ragged red scarf. He has lank, greasy brown hair, which usually hangs down into his face. He has a scraggly beard, of the same dull brown, which he often tugs at when he’s talking to people. There is a large, angry red sore at the corner of his mouth, and he has a hoarse, hacking cough – he came down with the flu last winter, and has yet to recover. He usually carries a small set of panpipes, which he plays for coins with.

Almsman usually is found playing his pipes, or performing small magic tricks, in the poor-market. He usually keeps up a running banter with the crowd, telling stories that everyone has heard before and cracking feeble jokes. His young protégé, a boy named Arnon, pick pockets Jack’s customers – at least the ones with any coin. The other Almsmen usually keep an eye out for both the Watch and for the Busters – both have it in for Almsman. Jack has a semi-regular relationship (when he can afford it) with a prostitute – Ariana Osend, who lives down very close to the docks. While most would hesitate to call it love, the two of them are fond of each other in their own way.

Jack Almsman: Male Human, Brd1; HD 1d6-1; hp 3; Init +1; Spd 30; AC 11; Atk +0 base melee, +1 base ranged; +0 (1d6, Cudgel [club]); SQ: Inspire Courage, Fascinate, Countersong; AL N; SV Fort -1, Ref +3, Will +1; STR 10, DEX 13, CON 8, INT 11, WIS 9, CHA 12.
Skills: Perform +5, Pick Pocket +5, Bluff +5, Hide +5, Move Silently +5.
Feats: Run, Dodge.
Possessions: Pan pipes, cudgel hidden under cloak.
Spells known – Prestidigitation, Light, Ghost Sound, Daze.

Plothooks - 1. Almsman has learned of some nefarious plan from his urchins in the Almsmen. He must be persuaded by the PCs to reveal what he knows, and then guide them to the perpetrators. Is he leading them into a trap?!?
2. One of the Almsmen has stolen a powerful magical ring from someone's pocket. Unfortunately, Jack has no idea of its' power, and has unleashed mysterious forces beyond his power to reign in. What are they? Can the PC's stop them? What is to be done with Jack?
3. Jack also can serve as an information source to the PC's. Will they try and get him to mend his waus?

Arnon: Male Human (Boy), Rog1; HD 1d6; hp 4; Init +6; Spd 30; AC 12; Atk +0 base melee, +2 base ranged; +0 (1d4-2, Rusty dagger); SQ: Sneak attack +1d6; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0; STR 6, DEX 14, CON 10, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 10.
Skills: Pick Pocket +6, Hide +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +4, Listen +4, Escape Artist +6, Jump +2, Swim +2, Tumble +6, Gather Information +4.
Feats: Run, Improved initiative.
Possessions: Rusting dagger under coat.

Arnon is a very skinny youngster, probably about twelve, though he doesn’t know how old he is. He usually is found with Jack, pickpocketing the crowd who’ve gathered to watch Almsman. He has a long coat, which hangs loosely from his small frame. He has raggedly cut black hair, white skin, and brown eyes, which have a rather mercenary glint in them for someone so young. Jack provides Arnon with a place to sleep in the basement of an old warehouse – where all the Almsmen live. Robbie, Arnon’s little brother, serves as the lookout for Jack and Arnon's performance/pickpocketing. Robbie is ten.
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First Post
Conaill said:
Doing great work on those Captains, jdavis! Levels seem about right, perhaps a little on the low side.

Thomas Haljan: I see the Guard as being more prestigious than the Watch, so I would give him somewhat higher levels than Chier, especially if you're sticking to NPC class levels. Easily War8 or 9.

Changed Thomas Haljan to War 9

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