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Rystil Arden

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The Eldritch Infiltrator

"Grand Inquisitor, she's telling the truth. True Seeing detects that she is not magically disguised. In fact, she doesn't have any magic on her at all, just a strong aura of Good and Law. What's more, our Zone of Truth indicates that she is not lying. She is indeed the great Champion Kiresa Vian, whom we had thought lost in the last war against the Vildri Heretics."

"Milady," the kneeling girl said smiling up at the Grand Inquisitor, "I live to fight in Circe's service, forever." And she stepped up to him and gently kissed the inquisitor's hand.

"Very well then. Welcome back to civilisation, honoured Champion. You will be sent to exterminate a splinter group of Heretics hiding in the counterclockwise spherebound asteroid cluster."

"As you desire Grand Inquisitor, so shall I obey."

After she was alone, the Dolathi Eldritch Infiltrator grinned and fished the Grand Inquisitor's ring out of her pocket, twirling it in her hand to examine the exquisite craftmanship.


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Rystil Arden

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The Berserker

"Throw another volley of fireballs at him!"

"Aye aye sir. On my mark...fire!"

A veritable horde of fiery blasts shot forth and pocked the ground, leaving the Tralg burned and broken. But he just kept coming


Another volley of blasts struck the creature, but he wouldn't stop, having now reached the castle's inner walls. He glared up at the commander with a look of pure hatred and then pointed to a small skull he was wearing on a chain around its neck.

"Mean man kill Grunk's puppy!" the muscled giant bellowed, as he brought his axe down in a huge arc upon the castle's supports, cleaving through stone like butter and bringing the entire castle crumbling around him.


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Rystil Arden

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The Swashbuckler

"Why do these kinds of things always happen to me?" Araneau asked wryly, parrying a spear-thrust with his right rapier as he pivoted in place and struck aside a flying javelin with his right elbow, turning back to face his assailant.

"I don't know," Valjak replied, lamenting the fact that after the last combat, he could no longer call upon the power of his Serpent Totem Guardian today as he bashed aside the amazon's large axe with his maul, "Perhaps its your charming way with the ladies."

"Hey, you know, I resent that Val! I'm a perfect gentleman. How was I supposed to know tha these ladies didn't want me to come pet them and make them feel better?" Araneau ducked a twirling blade and came in low with the side of his own sword, knocking his opponent unconscious with a well-placed blow to the temple.

"Let me think...'Oh, I wouldn't go into the Conacian Jungle, travellers, the Amazons there are big meanies and they hate men.' 'That sounds like good advice to me, what do you think Araneau?' 'Amazons? Woaaaaah, sweet, do they fight topless?' 'Well, sometimes yes, but you still...' 'Say no more, fair nymph, I'm sure they only need to experience some patented Rowaini-brand loving before they decide to reevaluate their opinion. We must head to the Conacian Jungle.' Does that about cover it?"

"Hey, you forgot the best part! I didn't say 'We must head to the Conacian Jungle.' I said 'OK team, its the Conacian Jungle or bust!' remember?" Araneau replied, knocking out another Amazon and leaving only a single warrior standing, clearly the most beautiful of all the Amazons.

Unwilling to surrender, she charged at him with her spear, but he sidestepped and turned sideways, catching her by the arm and using his grip to twirl her into his arms while he knocked the spear from hers with his off-handed blade. "So, Antiope was it? You know I've always liked dangerous girls, and of all the Amazons here, you are certainly the br...uh...best!"

The Amazon laughed in his face as she shifted slightly in his embrace and made a quick motion, snapping the much larger man over her shoulder and onto the ground, his face splattering in the mud.

Araneau grinned as he shrugged and admitted, "I probably deserved that."


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I -really- like your world, friend!

Is there any chance we might see the races in expanded writeups? I find the notion of the races with 'alternate reproduction' particularly interesting. Its been done before, but you seem to have come up with really interesting new twists I'd love to know more about. I'm also interested in the other classes you listed. I look forward to learning more of your world and I salute its creator.

Thanks for sharing this with us!
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Rystil Arden

First Post
Frostmane said:
I -really- like your world, friend!

Is there any chance we might see the races in expanded writeups? I find the notion of the races with 'alternate reproduction' particularly interesting. Its been done before, but you seem to have come up with really interesting new twists I'd love to know more about. I'm also interested in the other classes you listed. I look forward to learning more of your world and I salute its creator.

Thanks for sharing this with us!
Thank you very much! I'm always appreciative of supportive messages, and so I'll tell you what's up here:

I'm running a Play by Post game set in this setting called Destiny's Tears on ENWorld(you can check out the OOC Thread http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=129524 and the Rogue's Gallery http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=2195143#post2195143).

I have this written on paper, but the papers aren't with me, so I was slowly writing things up in this thread (http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=128710&page=1&pp=40) based on the players' interests. Then one of them got the great idea to put this on the House Rules forum to share with everybody, and so here it is. :) I'll be updating this occasionally with new stuff I type in for the players, and if there's something here that any of my (1?) House Rules fans are dying to see, I will try to get to it when I have time.

Thanks, and happy adventuring!


First Post

I apologize if my eagerness to see the races was, well, overly-greedy. Its just ther all seem so interesting! I want to read them :) Please take that as the sincerest compliment I can offer. Hmm..starting with races of your existing players, since Melody's a Dolathi, what do you have written up on them? I look forward to your future posts :) And I sympathize, Lost or too-far-away gamenotes are the bane of any GM's existence.


Rystil Arden

First Post
Frostmane said:

I apologize if my eagerness to see the races was, well, overly-greedy. Its just ther all seem so interesting! I want to read them :) Please take that as the sincerest compliment I can offer. Hmm..starting with races of your existing players, since Melody's a Dolathi, what do you have written up on them? I look forward to your future posts :) And I sympathize, Lost or too-far-away gamenotes are the bane of any GM's existence.

Hmm...for now, there isn't a file on them, but you can check out:


And I'm not sure if I said it in any of those, but Dolathi always have names that are insubstantial nouns, like Foresight or Deception. You can also use Thanee's description of her abilities in the Rogue's Gallery for info ;)

Rystil Arden

First Post
The Avenger

Jiival Barryn felt oddly uneasy as he looked up at the menacing Mojiin that glared down at him in disdain.

"Hello, my name is Gaarlyth Valjin," the lavender-scaled dragon said calmly, "Your brother killed my sister. Prepare to die!"

Jiival retreated backwards 30 feet as he stole life energy from Arris to encase the offending Mojiin in a thick layer of ectoplasm, but it didn't slow, the hardened ectoplasm melting off her like so much butter.

In fact, it moved forward with impossible speed until it was standing right next to him. "Jiival Barryn, you have been judged by Nemesis and found guilty. You life is now forfeit. Resist and you shall only make your death more painful." And with that she raised her glowing blade and struck off Jiival's head from his shoulders, as its expression still writhed in horror for a few moments, despite its removal from his body. "Your debt has been paid," Gaarlyth said dispassionately.


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Rystil Arden

First Post
The Ecomancer

Vhalia advanced timidly towards the circle of Mojiin Preservers, glaring down at her from their great height with their sharp, reptilian eyes.

"We smell the scent of the accursed arcane magic of the Dragonlords upon you, girl." one of the Mojiin spoke, its scales blood-red and splendid in the dawn's light, "If we were like the Avengers and showed not mercy towards the evil ones, your tainted blood would we have long since spilled."

"Please," Vhalia entreated, "I'm not like the Dragonlords. Please don't hold my race in prejudice because of the actions of those monsters. I...I love Arris as much as you, honoured ones, and I have found a way for my people to live with her in harmony. I wish to show it to you and yours, so that we may journey to greater understanding of Arris together."

"Smoke and mirrors!" the crimson-scaled Preserver said, "What need have we of your arcane theories. Well we know that we can protect Arris by respecting her true children, the animals and plants, as well as the Mojiin. Nothing more is necessary."

"I beg of you...please...at least give me a chance. I invoke the Mother's Entreaty upon you!"

The Mojiin grumbled among themselves at that, then they turned to the red one who said, "Very well then. We cannot refuse the Mother's Entreaty."

Vhalia took a deep breath and closed her eyes, feeling the ley lines of power that ran beneath her throughout the world, connecting nature, magic, life, though, everything. Then she weaved the energy around her and filtered it through herself, giving back all that she was taking and more, a synergistic combination greater than the sum of its parts. As she did so, beautiful flowers began to blossom all around her, a gentle rainbow of life that invigorated her even as she brought it forth. Finally, she called out to the water hidden beneath the ground, ground that was now cracked and parched as quiet testimony of a long-ago Dragonlord's greed. As she did so, the water came forth, flowing out to the surface and creating a new natural stream, one that would feed the land and help it heal.

The Red-scaled Mojiin was at first watching disinterestiedly, disdainfully sure that this was simply a Valsian trick, but then its eyes widened, and it began to smile as a small tear came to its eye. Then it went forward on one knee and bowed towards Vhalia. "Child of Arris, I apologise for my earlier words towards you. I was wrong to judge you for the sins of your people. To all of us, you shall forever more be an honourary Mojiin of family Valjin. Now please, if you would honour our people by instructing us in this art, we would be forever in your debt."


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