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Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


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Raner thinks that the reputation and evilness of the Temple of Elemental Evil is such that few masons would be willing to quarry the stone and few buyers would be interested in it. And that masons and buyers who were willing to work with or buy it would be subject to harrassment from those who fear its evil reputation.

The greatest treasure of the Temple, the stonework itself, is something only an unscrupulous merchant who lied about its origin could hope to sell for full value.

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Paxus Asclepius

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Belaver will inform the party of the nature of the "ogre", noting that it is unlikely to return with its keeper slain and that he should be able to peacefully dissuade it should it do so. From the treasure pile, he will claim only the wand of healing.


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After searching around the Temple for a day, the party can find nothing else to do.

All of the goblins and hobgoblins have been captured or slain. Belaver has four new dogs to take care of (two other dogs were slain in the fireball). The Dire Ape has not come back. No other monsters are evident, other than some opportunistic rats that raided the hobgoblin’s pantry.

To Craven, the whole place seems very evil.

The adventurers occasionally see strange lights or hear noises after objects inexplicably fall over. But they can’t find anything in the temple.

Kerwyn has the feeling that there is a ghost following him around, making the objects fall over while trying to restrain itself from laughing out loud uncontrollably. Several of the goblin prisoners have admitted to the party that their Shaman warned them to beware of the terrible ghost of the Temple and to follow any orders the ghost gave them.

Lenya thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, but when she looked directly, nothing was there. She saw several objects fall over and knows for a fact that they were not pushed over by invisible creatures.

The adventurers travel back to Verbobonc to sell their new acquisitions and turn the hobgoblin prisoners over to the proper authorities.

Nobody bothers them on the road, but they do meet several travelers who inquire as to why they have thirty goblinoid prisoners.

On the way to Verbobonc, Toriah practices with the disguise kit. This time he will be in disguise and hopefully the guild won’t notice him.

After six days travel on the roads, the party arrives in Verbobonc. The local watch takes the goblins from the party, paying the party a reward of 30 silver pieces (1 sp for each goblin or hobgoblin prisoner).

The local smiths pay the party 1500 gp for the miscellaneous hobgoblin weapons and equipment.

Lenya and Lylamwyn go to negotiate with the local magic shops to buy and sell more items.

Craven goes to visit the Church of St. Cuthbert. The patriarch invites Craven to his office.

“Craven, Canoness Y’Dey asked me to tell you a story.
“Ten years ago, during the Greyhawk wars, Canon Hazen of Veluna, the head of the Church of Rao, conducted a ceremony using the Crook of Rao and several other relics to drive the fiends from the Oerth and back to the Abyss. The bards call that great event the Flight of the Fiends.
“That ritual ended the Greyhawk Wars, for without abyssal leadership the armies of the Old One would not march on the offensive. Indeed, of all the old one’s fiendish generals, only the Old One himself was able to resist the Flight of the Fiends.
“After the ritual was finished, the Crook of Rao vanished as artifacts often do. We can not rely upon ever performing that ritual again. Now and in the future, fiends must be banished one at a time.
“A new order of knights was formed to finish the work that the Flight of the Fiends started. A knight is inducted into this knightly order by drinking from a sacred chalice, a chalice that was sanctified by the blood of a fallen martyr, a hero that attempted to banish the Old One himself.
“Otto, Elmo’s deceased older brother, was that fallen martyr. The Knights of the Chalice is the knightly order that was sponsored by Verbobonc, Veluna, and Furyondy in the memory of Otto. Canoness Y’Dey has sponsored you for membership in the Order of the Chalice.
“If you accept this honor, a brother in the Order will escort you to the secret hiding place of the chalice, where you will be inducted into the Order of the Chalice.”

Raner spends some time talking to masons and other members of the stoneworkers guilds to see if it would be possible to make a fortune by quarrying the stone from the Temple of Elemental Evil. While the merchants are interested in the high quality stone, they despair of ever finding anyone willing to buy it. Their also concerned that it might be difficult to find any workers willing to quarry stone in such a cursed place.

Kerwyn, Raner, and Xaod go to a bar, this time without Toriah. Again a bar room brawl erupts. Kerwyn doesn’t receive any injuries (by avoiding the brawl). Raner and Xaod hold their own in the brawl.


After Toriah goes to sleep in the inn, he is removed from his bed by several stealthy intruders. He wakes up to find himself upside down, tied up, and helpless in front of several rogues.


“We are going to ask some questions. And you are going to answer the questions.
“Did you take anything from the Temple of Elemental Evil?
“Did you take anything from an old Moathouse east of Hommlet that was a hidden shrine for an evil god?
“Have you taken anything from any other cultist or priest of a god? Or stolen from any other temple or church or shrine?”
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Whenever something knocks over of its own accord next to him, Kerwyn quickly mutters "sorry", just in case the Temple's actual Ghost is angry at him for inpersonating it.

Once, when they're being questioned about the goblinoid prisoners, Kerwyn answers "spare food, just in case" jokingly.


First Post
Leaving the temple, Raner shrugs, "It's a shame so much beautiful stone has to go to waste but I suppose there's nothing to be done about it."

OOC: When does Toriah go missing? Do any of us notice before morning? (I wouldn't expect so, his captors being sneaky and all, but I thought I'd check)


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Raner meets a gnomish merchant named Funk Flashman who seems intrigued by Raner's thoughts about the stone in the temple.

Funk says,
"I know how to quarry the stone. Lets get the authorties to give us convicted criminals and the captured goblins to quarry the stone. Hire some mercenaries to guard the goblins and criminals. Nobody will notice if a few goblins or criminals come down with a curse.

"Then, after all the stone is quarried, we hire a priest to say a blessing over the stone. Then the stone will be as good as new. The curses will be gone and we can sell the stone without mentioning where it came from."
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Funk Flashman ('My friends call me Funky') continues to talk to Raner in a bar.

"I talked to a priest. He is willing to cast Remove Curse spells on the stone we quarry for 1000 gold pieces. Hiring and equipping the mercenaries would cost about 5000 gold pieces. The convicts and goblins are free and don't have to be paid. So the total expedition would cost about 6000 gold pieces.
"The profit could be immense.
"Now, I know you are a busy dwarf and don't have the time to oversee this expedition. It will take weeks of hard work: interviewing mercenaries, convincing government officials to turn the goblins and convicts over to us, and then the actual quarrying of the stone.
"So, I'm willing to supervise the expedition while you continue on your quest. I'll send you monthly status reports. You and I will be partners, 50-50. You put in three thousand gold, I put in three thousand gold, and we make millions.
"Let's shake on it, partner?"
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Raners eyebrows furrow a bit as "Funky" makes his pitch. Not only is he not convinced that trying to sell the stone from the temple is a good idea, but something about Mr Flashman just rubs him the wrong way. "Interesting idea, excepting that I don't have 3000gp to invest in such a business endeavor. What I do have, however, is deatiled directions on how to get to the temple and a reasonable inventory quantities and types of stone available there. Seeing as, as you so accurately pointed out, that I don't really have time to oversee such an expedition. So, my question for you, Mr. Flashman, is how much would this information be worth to an entrepreneur such as yourself?"

OOC: Legally speaking, should someone quarry it, who theoretically "owns" the temple and it's contents?


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Pyrex said:
OOC: Legally speaking, should someone quarry it, who theoretically "owns" the temple and it's contents?

You don't know who owns the temple and its contents. Is Raner going to consult an attorney?


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On second thought, Raner realizes that Funky doesn't rub him the wrong way. In fact, Raner wishes he had more good friends like Funky (charm person, Raner's will save 5+1+2 spells=8).

That still doesn't mean that Raner has 3k he wants to invest, but he'll give Funky the benefit of every doubt.

Also, Raner encounters a distant relative in Verbobonc, who tells him that his Uncle Rerrid Hammersong went off to reclaim the family diamond mine about a year ago. Raner is probably rich now and didn't even know it.
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