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EoM game discussion! (Was: EoM game recruitment!)


All this is tentative. Still in the process of building him. Guess he'll be the muscleman of the group. Trying to load him with buffing spells. Any suggestions?


Inkar the Banished, Half-Orc Barbarian 2/Grey Mage 3 (Earth); HD 2d12 + 3d6 + 10; HP: 41

Str: 18 Dex: 14 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 14 Cha: 8

BAB: +4 Spellcaster Level: +3

AC: 17 (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Bracers of Defense)

Fort Save: +3 (Barb) +2 (G Mage) +2 (Con) = +7
Ref: +2 (G Mage) +2 = +4 Will: +2 (G Mage) +2 (Wis) = +4

Skills: (Rank/bonus)
Climb (1/+4) = +5; Concentration (4/+2) = +6; Handle Animal (4/-1) = +3; Knowledge [Nature] (2/+1) = +3; Hide (4/+2/cc)=+4; Intuit Direction (1/+2) = +3; Move Silenty (4/+2/cc)=+4; Listen (2/+2) = +4; Ride (1/+2) =+3; Spellcraft (1/+1) = +2; Spot (2/+2/cc) = +3; Swim (1/+4) = +5; Wildernss Lore (5/+2) = +7

Feats: Power Attack, Cleave

Armor: Studded Leather+1 (Bonus: +3, ASF: 15%)

Masterwork GreatAxe (+9[+4 +6 (Str, Two Handed) +1(MW)]/1d12+4/x3), Masterwork Mighty Composite Longbow +4 (+7 [+4 +2 (Dex) +1 (Str)/1d8+4/x3), Dagger (+8 [+4 +4(Str)/1d4+4/19-20x2))

Equipment: Bracers of Defense +2, Rope,
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x3)

Max Spell Level: 2, 12 Spell Lists Known, MP: 5, Free Cantrips: 4

Spell Lists:
Bind [Earth], Evoke [Earth], Infuse Creature with [Earth, Metal, Lava], Infuse Object with [Earth, Metal], Invisibility, Summon [Earth, Metal], Sight, Wall [Earth]

Custom Spells:

Strength of the Earth: Inkar swallows a piece of rock and his Strength score increases by 4

Worms of Stone: When Inkar summons Elemental with the metal component, he summons forth long stone worms that attempt to trip foes. The statistics are otherwise as Elemental Spirit I.

Bind Booda: Inkar summons an elemental creature, Booda the Cowardly who never engages in combat. However, he can burrow through Earth and Stone to spy and relate what he sees to the half-orc.


Inkar was a Half-Orc warrior who could hear the Earth speak to him. His power and strength made him rise quickly in his tribe, much to the envy of the leader Urik. Urik sent Inkar on a false quest, and ambushed him, but Inkar managed to escape. He wanders the lands, banished from his tribe, and fulfilling his potential in magic.

The spirits of his tribe have spoken to him, and say only through his magic can his tribe survive. At present, he wanders the world eager to learn. Inkar knows his spells aren't very effective against foes, so tends to use them to buff himself up.

Inkar never wears shoes, as he always wants to be next to the ground. His feet are rock-hard, with the composition of stone up to his knees.
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First Post
Great characters so far, folks! I can't wait to see the EoM rules in action.

oh, and 32 point buy is fine.

As soon as we have the stats for the other 2 characters we can get started.


First Post
Sure, but make it a bard, since the other classes won't have access to much in the way of spellcasting available to them at 5th level and will be essentially melee types. We already know how to run fighter-type combat.


First Post
Kera Nightshade
Human female Mage 5

DEX 14
CON 14
INT 17 (19)
CHA 16

Spd: 30
Ini: +2
Att: +2 ( +1 melee, +4 ranged)
AC: 12 (+2 dex)
HP: 24 (4 +10 + 2.4*4)
F: +1 (+4)
R: +1 (+4)
W: +4 (+4)

Feats: Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Penetration, Bloodline of Fire

Skills: Concentration 8 +10
Dispel Magic 8 +12
Spellcraft 8 +12
Knowledge Arcana 4 +8
Scry 4 +8
Intimidate 4 +7
Bluff 4 +7
Alchemy 8 +12

Boons: 1: +1 Caster level with all Fire spells, Chosen Spell list: Evoke Area Fire. +5 bonus to Dispel Checks

Magical Stuff: +2 Headband of Intellect (4k), Amulet of the Evoker: +1 DC for Evocation spells* (2k), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1k), 2 potions of CLW (1) 100gp

Mundane stuff: adventuring gear, 5 flasks of Alchemist's Fire

PP: 45
GP 15
SP 8
CP 4

MP: 29
Cantrips: 6

Prestidigitation (free)

**Fire: Evoke Area, Evoke, Infuse Creature, Infuse Object, Abjure, Create object, Summon

Fast Healing
Abjure magic


Wall of Force, Lava
Abjure Force
*Evoke: Force, Lightning, Lava
*Evoke Area: force, Lava

Once upon a time, there was a powerful pyromancer. After retiring from active adventuring, he sought the perfect apprentice so he could pass his craft on. While another mage - one wiser and more versatile that his been companion in adventure - told him that his standards were impossible, he rejected student after student. His search became an obsession. In time, he became a lich, so that he could seek the perfect student beyond the limits of human lifespan. But he hadn't fallen to evil yet. Despite his intellect, he never imagined that, when he found his perfect student - he or she, or the parents since ideally the student should be taught from a young age - would refuse his offer. Perhaps he finally found a student with the talents he desired or his mind snapped, causing him to fixate on the first suitable canidate. Whatever the case, he decided that Kera Nightshade would become his student, regardless of her parents' wishes. Naturally, they didn't survive the process, as simple farmers, as a general rule, don't survive a spell whose blast was visible for miles.
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rangerjohn said:
Krug, studded leather and bracers of armor do not stack. They are both armor bonuses and the only ones that stack are armor and shield.

oops DUH. will spend that GP on something else then.
thanks. :)

Good idea. I haven't looked at the infusion stuff yet. But Grey/Red Mages don't get boons...
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First Post
Krug said:

oops DUH. will spend that GP on something else then.
thanks. :)

Good idea. I haven't looked at the infusion stuff yet. But Grey/Red Mages don't get boons...

I've been watching the Natural 20 forum lately, and it sounds like the colored mages will be errata'ed to get boons at some point - probably not as many as the plain mage though.

On the bracers of armor - get an amulet of natural armor instead. It gives you a 'natural armor' bonus which does stack with the 'armor' bonus and a 'shield' bonus if applicable.


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we have:

Krizzel playing Elwent Leondrahne,
Krug playing Inkar the Banished,
Victim playing Kera Nightshade,
Lichtenhart wanting to play a bard/ranger/paladin, and
Keia playing an unknown character.

I'll give Licht and Keia a couple more days to come up with a character and then we'll begin...

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