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Epic D&D 3.5: The Eye of Profane Truth [full]


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Okay...so close to done I can -taste- it...here's Shard v.2: Electric Boogaloo!

Notable factoids:
- AC hits 75 with Shield cast and weapon bonus turned to defense.
- Touch AC is 56 with the weapon bonus.
- SR 41, DR 10/cold iron.
- Modify all saves, to hit, and skills by +4 and add 30 HP for Greater Heroism.
- Can use "spin" to boost spell DC's.

Things that still need to be done:
- My brain locked up trying to pick a fourth metamagic feat. Suggestions?
- Skills all get +1 luck and +1 competence from various items. Not yet listed.
- Save DC's on spell like abilities haven't been adjusted from MM to reflect new Charisma.

Overall, the build is more powerful than my first, despite the ECL levels. However, I'm always open to suggestions and so on. :)

[sblock]Name: Shard
Race: Pixie
Class/Level: Monk 1, Sorceror 4, Fatespinner 5, Divine Oracle 16
Gender: Female

Desc: Pending

Strength (STR) 11 +0 (2)
Dexterity (DEX) 34 +12 (8)
Constitution (CON) 29 +9 (10)
Intelligence (INT) 21 +5 (2)
Wisdom (WIS) 19 +4 (2)
Charisma (CHA) 47 +18 (16)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
AC: 66 (10 +1 size +12 Dex +2 monk +18 Cha +7 deflect +9 armor +6 natural +1 insight)
Hit Points: 8+10+12+56+234 (320)
Movement: 20' ground, 60' fly (good)

Init: +12
Base Attack Bonus: +13
Melee Attack: +14
Ranged Attack: +26
Fort: +26 (+7 base +9 Con +3 Epic +5 resistance +1 luck +1 competence)
Reflex: +29 (+7 base +12 Dex +3 Epic +5 Resistance +1 luck +1 competence)
Will: +31 (+17 base +4 Wis +3 epic +5 resistance +1 luck +1 competence)

Race Abilities
-4 Strength, +8 Dexterity, +6 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +6 Charisma.
Small size
20' ground move. Fly speed of 60 feet (good).
Low-light vision.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
Dodge as a bonus feat.
+1 natural armor bonus.
1/day - lesser confusion (DC 14), dancing lights, detect chaos, detect good, detect evil, detect law, detect thoughts (DC 15), dispel magic, entangle (DC 14), permanent image (DC 19; visual and auditory elements only), polymorph (self only)
Damage reduction 10/cold iron, greater invisibility, spell resistance 41
Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Halfling.
Favored Class: Sorcerer.
Level adjustment +4

Class Abilities:
- Metamagic Specialist (PHB2 variant)

- Spin Fate (5 points can be added to DC 1/day)
- Fickle Finger of Fate (force other to reroll 1/day)
- Spin Destiny (add spin to skill, attack, or save)
- Deny Fate (auto-stabilize 1/day)
- Resist Fate (reroll 1/day)
- Seal Fate (add or subtract 10 from subject's next save; must have equal or more HD to affect)

Divine Oracle
- Oracle Domain (+2 CL on divinations, domain spells)
- Scry Bonus (+1 DC of scrying spells)
- Prescient Sense (Evasion)
- Trap Sense +5
- Divination Enhancement (roll twice on Augury or Divination, use best result)
- Improved Uncanny Dodge
- Immune to Surprise (Always gets to act during surprise rounds)

Appraise +15 (10 ranks + 5 Int)
Bluff +19 (1 rank + 18 Cha)
Concentration + 40 (31 ranks + 9 Con)
Intimidate +28 (10 ranks + 18 Cha)
Knowledge: Arcana +35 (30 ranks + 5 Int)
Knowledge: Religion +16 (4 ranks+4 ccranks+5 Int +3 feat)
Profession: Gambler +9 (5 ranks + 4 Wis)
Spellcraft +35 (28 rank + 5 Int +2 synergy)
Tumble +15 (3 ranks + 12 Dex)
Use Magic Device +19 (1 ccrank + 18 Cha)

Languages - Common, Sylvan, Draconic, Elven, Auran

1 Dodge (bonus)
1 Improved Grapple (bonus)
1 Skill Focus: Knowledge Religion
3 Ascetic Mage
6 Practiced Spellcaster
9 Heighten Spell
12 Maximize Spell
15 ?
18 Quicken Spell

21 Improved Spell Capacity
23 Improved Spell Capacity (Bonus)
24 Improved Metamagic
26 Multispell (Bonus)

Spells (Base DC 28+lvl, Caster level 30)
0 6/6 - Acid Splash, Mending, Message, Ghost Sound, Light, Disrupt Undead, Prestidigitation,
Arcane Mark, Detect Poison
1 11/11 - Shield, True Strike, Magic Missle, Lesser Orb of Acid, Disguise Self
2 11/11 - Dimension Hop, Black Karma Curse, Seeking Ray, See Invisible, Scorching Ray
3 10/10 - Protection from Energy, Arcane Sight, Fireball, Melf's Unicorn Arrow
4 10/10 - Dimensional Anchor, Assay Resistance, Ennervation, Orb of Cold
5 10/10 - Greater Blink, Telekinesis, Persistant Illusion, Teleport
6 10/10 - Disintegrate, Greater Heroism, Analyze Dweomer
7 9/9 - Limited Wish, Prismatic Spray, Spell Turning
8 9/9 - Horrid Wilting, Moment of Prescience, Mind Blank
9 9/9 - Meteor Swarm, Disjunction, Dominate Monster

10 4/4
11 3/3

Money - 15,232

Weapons -
+5 Defending dagger, 72,301

Armour -
Dyrr's Impervious Vestment, +9 armor, 123,000

Gear -
Handy Haversack, 2000
Efficient Quiver, 1800
Survival Pouch, 5000

Magic -
Goggles of Night, 12,000
Vest of Resistance +5, 25,000
Ring of Arcane Might, 20,000
Gloves of Dexterity +6, 36,000
Amulet of Natural Armor +5, 50,000
Helm of Telepathy, 27,000
Boots of Speed, 12,000
Monk's Belt, 13,000
Instant Fortress, 55,000

Clear Spindle Ioun Stone, 4,000
Red Ioun Stone, 5,000
Iridescent Spindle Ioun Stone, 18,000
Orange Ioun Stone, 30,000
Pale Green Ioun Stone 30,000
Luckstone, 20,000

Staff of Soul Warding, 82,417
Staff of Life, 155,750
Staff of Mighty Force, 265,000
Greater Metamagic Rod of Silence, 24,500
Rod of Cancellation, 11,000

Cloak of Charisma +12, 1,440,000
Ring of Protection +7, 980,000
Bracers of epic health +8, 640,000

Tomes 825000
Cha +5 137500
Int +5 137500
Con +5 137500
Dex +5 137500
Wis +5 137500
Str +5 137500[/sblock]

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Split Ray. With IM it's only +1 spell level. It's the poor man's Twin Spell.

Remember what I said about alignment switching. You can't be a CN monk.
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-you can't have a shield and the monk AC bonus at the same time.

Doh! Teach me to add things on a lark.

-your attack rating is pretty poor...

You will note the excessive number of quickened truestrikes he has memorized (not that there is much to do about a low BAB from a pure arcane spell caster anyway)

-just so we're clear, here's the ruling on multiple metamagic: it all follows the precedent of Empower + Maximize. Namely, multiple metamagics do not affect each other. A Twinned Maximized Fireball gets you a 10*6 fireball and a 10d6 fireball. Metamagics that alter duration (Extend, Persistent) or range/area (Enlarge, Widen) are exceptions.

This is both good and bad news to me. I was seriously considering changing characters because this one did too much damage (I am serious, 1860 hp a round on average was probably beyond the pale, even assuming they only took half of that from making all the DC 30 saves)
But that is a serious bite into the damage (from 465 on average to 182.5 on average for the Double Enhanced Maximize Empowered Twinned Fireball) My have to change strategies.

While we are on the subject, are you okay with Avasculate (from Libris Mortis)? Halving a monsters HP with no save seems kind of obnoxious. (Even though it is only living creatures and does require a ranged touch attack)

-Swap out Empower. Use a rod. This gets you an extra feat to play around with... if you use it to get, say, Arcane Disciple (War), you can have Persistent Divine Power. Or maybe Split Ray. Or, if you get Cleric too, Divine Metamagic (Quicken). Great synergy with Improved Metamagic, that.

All those are interesting suggestions, but...

Lorgrane uses empower too much to consider a rod
Lorgrane doesn't have a patron diety, if he did it would be the Perfect whom I am assuming is N, which is not the same alignment as Lorgrane so he does not qualify for Arcane Disciple
The use of rays requires an attack roll, and as you have already noted, to hit rolls and Lorgrane aren't exactly friends, so split ray is probably not an optimal feat. Talk about the cleric below

-Do you really need that second Multispell? I'd go for Permanent Emanation, Extra Magic Item Space (Amulet), or maybe Spell Stowaway (Time Stop).

Permanent Emanation can be duplicated (somewhat) by Persistant spell. I am happy with my magic item space and being trapped alone in a "time bubble" with something that just cast Time stop doesn't sound like all that much fun (Though obviously it doesn't necessarily work that way, if you have ever played Baldur's Gate II: The Throne of Baal all the way to the end, you know what I am talking about)
Reducing one of the spells Lorgrane can throw a round reduces his offense by a quarter and after the non-stacking metamagic ruling above, I am less inclined to do that, unless you are asking me to, in which case I can play around with something.

-You only need Wizard 5 to qualify for Loremaster. The other two levels are kind of a waste... I'm sure you could squeeze in a second base class or some low-req PrC.

Problem with Presitige Classes is that they usually require feats to get in and Lorgrane is pretty tight from the feat selection stand point now. I had considered taking levels of Mage of the Arcane Order, but frankly, it did not give me that much (cooperative spell, Spellpool I) plus, it probably didn't make sense from a roleplaying standpoint either. (Having just been "born" and having membership in the Arcane order)
If you are talking base class, well there isn't much out there that helps him too much, certainly in terms of losing 2 caster levels. Two levels is not enough, at this point, to add anything significant to his versatility. Taking levels of Cleric (to get the domain abilities and turn attempts) has some appeal, but to take advantage of turn attempts would require another feat and that would hurt. (Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Twin, any of the epic feats, Persistant (which gets 2 since I would lose Extend) are the ones I could lose, all of which are as useful as Divine Metamagic when coupled with improved metamagic)


First Post
Wrahn said:
While we are on the subject, are you okay with Avasculate (from Libris Mortis)? Halving a monsters HP with no save seems kind of obnoxious. (Even though it is only living creatures and does require a ranged touch attack)

Ah. Missed that one. Avasculate and Avascular Mass are now both 'Fortitude negates'.

Lorgrane doesn't have a patron diety, if he did it would be the Perfect whom I am assuming is N, which is not the same alignment as Lorgrane so he does not qualify for Arcane Disciple.

The Perfect doesn't have an alignment, not even N, and he accepts followers of all alignments. Alternatively, clerics (and, by extension, anyone taking Arcane Disciple) can worship an abstract ideal of their own. Essentially, no alignment restrictions on divine casters in this campaign.

On the subject of Clerics, don't forget that the Planning domain grants Extend Spell as a bonus feat. Fatespinner is a full-caster class that doesn't require you to give up much.


First Post

Lemme toss this out to everyone here.

Do y'all think it's a bad idea for me to try to make a full on caster? I percieve that I may be stepping on the wizard's toes...as there are only a few paths to True Epic Greatness for pure arcane casters of this level.

There are, however, other courses I could easily take, that might prove more beneficial to the group as a whole.

I'm open to suggestions. I tend to go Primary Caster: Sorceror at high levels just cuz I love the spells...but I can have fun with just about anything. With time running out, I'll eagerly scrabble for any hints/help that y'all can provide. :)


First Post
The planning domain and extend spell is a good point, I had managed to forget that.

I have a question. I had assumed that your maximum rank in a skill was bound by total HD +3, but when looking to support that with the rules I saw total character level +3 (total character level = LA + HD). I think the rules assume HD + 3 (as all monsters are bound that way) but what do I know.

In anycase Shayuri, two casters are fine by me, I think we will operate differently enough that it won't matter. Also you need rank 30 in spellcraft to qualify for Improved Metamagic.

If you are looking for a good metamagic feat, don't discount empower.


First Post
Ah, good catch, Wrahn. Thanks.

Okay, more questions!

Does anyone know of a PrC on the allowed list (or spell, or feat) that can reduce or eliminate the impact True Seeing has on illusions? I was thinking I'd love to try an epic illusionist...and it'd fit the concept to a T...but True Seeing spoils all my fun. :)

Additionally, this is for the GM, would the Ascetic Mage feat from Complete Adventurer work in conjunction with core classes other than monk that grant AC bonuses based on Wisdom?

Basically, I'm thinking of using Ninja instead of monk to qualify for that nice Cha-to-AC thing. Figured I'd save us both time by asking first. :)


First Post
Shayuri said:
Ah, good catch, Wrahn. Thanks.

Okay, more questions!

Does anyone know of a PrC on the allowed list (or spell, or feat) that can reduce or eliminate the impact True Seeing has on illusions? I was thinking I'd love to try an epic illusionist...and it'd fit the concept to a T...but True Seeing spoils all my fun. :)

Additionally, this is for the GM, would the Ascetic Mage feat from Complete Adventurer work in conjunction with core classes other than monk that grant AC bonuses based on Wisdom?

Basically, I'm thinking of using Ninja instead of monk to qualify for that nice Cha-to-AC thing. Figured I'd save us both time by asking first. :)

True Seeing is a bear, one of the absolutes in the game. Not even the 9th level invisibility will get you around that. So my answer is no, I don't know of anything short of an epic spell or a lenient GM and the spell immunity spell (which doesn't work according to the spell and why you need the lenient GM) that is going to get you around that.


First Post
Shayuri said:
Additionally, this is for the GM, would the Ascetic Mage feat from Complete Adventurer work in conjunction with core classes other than monk that grant AC bonuses based on Wisdom?

relevant feat text:

"If you would normally be allowed to add your Wisdom bonus to AC, (such as for an unarmored, unarmed monk), ..."

Note that monk is used as an example. Ninja would certainly qualify.

In fact, since magical items can aid in qualification for feats, even a monk's belt will qualify.

For the unnamed portion of the AC bonus, the feat specifically mentions sorceror and monk. So a sorc/ninja would not get it.
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