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Epic D&D campaign (still recruiting)


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I'm done with most of the technical bits on the character, enough that she's ready for combat. I'm still working on the background and the knowlege checks.

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I don't see how this situation can end well with the current party dynamic.

The guards appear to be the rightful law, there is no indication that they aren't, and any attempts to discern anything about them have failed. Therfore I am bound by paladins code to abide by their laws.
Albedo's exalted character has similar restrictions, and neither of our characters will allow the guards to be slaughtered because of the pride of a seemingly evil demon.
I have, in fact, gone out of my way metagaming to try and prevent a fight with the marilith allready, but there is no indication that she could be good. Shahaza claims not to be evil, but her actions are just as bloodthirsty as Dizzy's (Who also seems fairly intent on violence), and so far there's nothing in either of their actions that indicates they're good.

The guards, also, are not helping, as they have shrugged off every offer of compromise and are insistant that the PC's be shackled and arrested. As I stated before, If there were some way of telling that they're Evil, Kayla would resist them, but she has no reason to believe that.

The ironic part is that if not for the fact that people spent so much time becoming immune to non-lethal forms of combat such as Holds/charms/Grapples/etc, I might have been able to stop it.

Well, I guess it's up to Neph/Albedo and the DM.

*EDIT: Actually, I do have ONE idea I'm going to try, it's a bit out of character but its' all I can think of.


First Post
Oh, Shahaza is not actually going to fight Dizzy. At least not long enough to kill her. I'll do the metagamey thing and teleport away. Pride be damned.
But you have to admit there is something very wrong about these guards. They do not respond to diplomacy checks of 50 to 70, they act like they are mind controlled and the officer seems quite insane, evil, or both. It is very unlikely he's working for anything but an evil state. Whatever law they represent is probably not "rightful". Your characters should realise this.
Anyway, Dharuhk has stated he had no problem if we split the group and continued separately. We can still meet up later and compare notes and exchange threats and insults. Could be fun. :) But I can't see Shahaza and Dizzy in the same party, that will get old fast.
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First Post
Its not like Dizzy is uncompromising on the working with the demon thing, though I did press the issue right off the start in order to get it out of the way so we can start building up party trust. What she was implying to Shahazza was that she didn't care if she FOUGHT with the guards, but wasn't going to let her KILL the guards.

If Shahazza decided to fight the guards and knock them out or scare them away, it would improve relations with Dizzy. If killing was the only option for Shahazza, then there would be obvious evil tendencies in the future that would prevent them from working together anyways.

As for the issues with the guards/guard leader... it is obvious something is wrong, but to punish and kill the guards who may not be involved would be an evil way to go about it. All they are doing is listening to orders or being controlled.

Dharuhk Svahre

First Post
Wow, things have gotten tense really fast. Most unfortunate.

Jemal: We now have come to something that I really hate about PbP gaming, vaguely worded readied actions. In the future I would prefer a more action specific description of a readied action, because now I have to stop and wait after anybody does ANYTHING and see if you feel like it triggers your readied action. I don't wan't to rag on you or anything, and having readied actions for scenarios like this is reasonable, but I don't want to have an argument with you about what you consider violent everyone time somebody takes an action.

Let me say this now for everyones benefit, when you describe readied actions, please do it off of in game actions so that they have obvious triggers.

So Jemal, does Albedo's actions trigger your readied action?


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I haven't deliberately been avoiding reading the IC thread, so I am not aware what's actually going on. But was just wondering if this is a good point to introduce rangerjohn's and my characters. As its looks like we are not going to get enough players for a second party.
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Dharuhk Svahre

First Post
I wouldn't be against it. Worst comes to worst, if some of the party members can't coexist then we can still split into two more stable groups.

Get your characters into the rogues gallery and I'll work you in after the current situation is dealt with.
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Allright, first off, i think it'd be a good idea to throw all the PC's in right now and see how things sort themselves out.

Secondly, Apologies if my actions seem angry, I just tend to get twitchy when inter-party tension rises, and sometimes go a bit overboard trying to head it off.

Thirdly, to your comment about the readied actions, no that won't, it doesn't seem violent to me (Though aggressive, so I can see where it would be a wording problem).
In the future if my readied actions are too vague for you, I'd suggest just making the call yourself and If I don't like it, it's my own fault for not being specific enough. (That's usually the way I deal with it when I'm DMing).


First Post
Its not like Dizzy is uncompromising on the working with the demon thing, though I did press the issue right off the start in order to get it out of the way so we can start building up party trust. What she was implying to Shahazza was that she didn't care if she FOUGHT with the guards, but wasn't going to let her KILL the guards.

If Shahazza decided to fight the guards and knock them out or scare them away, it would improve relations with Dizzy. If killing was the only option for Shahazza, then there would be obvious evil tendencies in the future that would prevent them from working together anyways.

As for the issues with the guards/guard leader... it is obvious something is wrong, but to punish and kill the guards who may not be involved would be an evil way to go about it. All they are doing is listening to orders or being controlled.

Point taken, but even if Shahaza did knock them out (at this point I don't think it's possible to scare them off) it would get in the way of your plan to get arrested and interrogated so you could ask for directions. But, reading the game thread, I guess you changed your plans. So, I'll just go with the flow and do what comes naturally.

Oh, and btw, I enjoy the conflict we got going. I have no problem letting the tensions continue for a while as long as they don't take over too much of the story.

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