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[Epic D&D] Forgiveness is Divine (Prologue)


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Arknath said:
The three dwarves lay there motionless for a while longer. Soon, five minutes have passed and they still have not returned. Maddirn looks to you with a grim face, "I' doe'nt seem th're comin back any time soon. We'r goin to see the Khagam and tell 'im at once." He starts towards the door, looking very determined.

"Aye, something is definately wrong here. No Summoning would've kept them this long. Something is preventing them from coming back."

Then, telepathically communicating with the acolyte he spoke with earlier,
"Maddirn 'n I are comin to see the Khagam. The tapestry has gone dark and three of the Silver Warriors are trapped on the prime. Let 'im know we're comin."

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Your men are successful, thanks to your tremendous leadership abilities, in corraling the lost souls. The inhabitants of The Morgue tend to your wounded in return for your aid.

It isn't long before the aasimar guard you spoke to returns from the large keep near the middle of the floating piece of rock you are currently standing on. A grim look is upon his face and his weapon is put away.

"I have some dire news indeed," he said slowly, watching the souls still pouring in from the Prime. "It seems that there has been some sort of event that caused a massive loss of mortal life," he looks back to you. "While this may seem obvious to you, it is startling to us here...our Lord knows all deaths and chooses when the mortal are called home. He did not cause this."


Once everyone is prepared (the only creatures in the room that are coming are Khaldru and Gala) you open a gate connecting your plane with the plane of Arcadia and the three of you step through. You immediately know the direction in which the abode of the god of knowledge as there is a light in the east of your position that rivals that of the sun. This light, however, is caused by no mere heavenly object.


When you arrive, you are surrounded by scholars from all parts of the library. Petitioners, aasimars, archons and angels are crowded into a room with a circular ceiling and pillars placed around the outside for support.

In the middle of the room, upon the floor, is a rune that glows with an inner light. The rune is an archaic rune that reads "Destination". Levitating above the center of the circle is an astral deva who is reading from a scroll.

"Children of The All-Knowing, you have been selected to depart on an important quest to seek the answers to that which plagues the universe. Our Lord has placed the fate of us all in your capable hands. Do not fear failure, for in failure there shall be nothing left, save cosmic dust."

One by one he reads the names of those present and as he does, that individual walks out onto the middle of the symbol and shouts the phrase, "I am a Seeker of Secrets". Then a rune appears above the head of each speaker, followed by a bright flash of light and the creature is gone. In the split second that the rune appeared above each head, you could quickly discern that they were being sent to various planes of existence.

"Blaine Farseeker, come accept your destiny," the deva commands.

Your message is met with a flurry of splutters and objections, but you carry on nonetheless.

Upon reaching the door, three armed dwarves square off against you drawing long hafted axes and crossing them before the doors.

"Ye were told ye can' enter the Khagam's chambers," says the dwarf on the left. You know him as Megadas. "The Khagam's t' busy t' be bothered now."

Maddirn walks up to Megadas, "Get outta me way, boy," your sparring partner roars, "th' whole world's comin' down and ye don' even care!"


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Well, I am glad there is no pressure then. Blaine thinks as he hears the celestial pronounce the fate of everything rests on their shoulders.

When he hears his name he will swallow once and step forward to the middle of the symbol. He pauses for dramatic effect (everything is better with a pause for dramatic effect.), "I am a Seeker of Secret." He says in a clear and powerful voice.


Anaet stares at the light. "In other circumstances it would be a pleasure to walk or fly over this place" says the sorcerer. "But not today. Prepare yourself."

He casts Greater Teleport to arrive near the palace.


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Cho ponders this news for a moment. "This event, was it sudden, or is it still ongoing? If it is still happening, or if it might happen again, it indeed bodes ill for all of us, and I would do my best to see it stopped. What else can we learn of this?"


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Arknath said:
"Ye were told ye can' enter the Khagam's chambers," says the dwarf on the left. You know him as Megadas. "The Khagam's t' busy t' be bothered now."

"Now look here, I know ye're just doin your job, but ye also know that I wouldn't be barging in here unless'n it were bloody well important, and it is. I telled ye once that not only has the tapestry crafted by the Khagam himself over a millenia ago gone dark but three of yer kin are trapped on the prime. Now stand aside."


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You shout the phrase that will take you to your destination. Your vision is filled with white light and you casually glance up at the rune that shines over your head. You get a quick glimpse of its fiery red hue but you do know the word in an ancient language: Acheron.

Once on the plane, you glimpse the grey fields from a rather safe distance away. You see armies fighting an endless war that is being fought all over this land. As you come fully onto the plane, you hear a voice whisper in your head.

"You must find Ikatsu, The First Primortal...he can help our cause."

Looking around you realize you are in a part of the plane owned by some sort of creature. It is highly organized with several buildings and a large black fence surrounding the premises. Up on a hill, there is a large gathering of people, surrounded by what looks like a regiment of the local law enforcement. However, you have no idea where to begin looking for this Ikatsu...in fact, in all your studies, you've never even heard of the thing.


Raising your head you are horrified by what you see. There are several angels lying on the ground with swords jutting from their backs and the floor near them is caked in red blood. It is hard to tell who is friend or foe in this chaotic room, angels fighting angels and archons fighting devas. You have strangely been unattacked as of yet, but you fear that it will not stay that way for long.


You teleport in front of the great palace to a location approximately 100 yards from the entrance. It seems that the place has been put on high alert and many armed and vigilent celestials are outside the palace proper. You feel the air hum with the energy that only a nearby deity can cause. As you continue to get your barings, a particularly well-armed deva approaches you and your men.

His eyes glaze and then light a brilliant white as he stares at the three of you. Satisfied, he speaks, "What is your business? You come at a very unfortunate time for the palace. We are not entertaining visitors this day."


The aasimar looks very distraught when he answers this question. He peers over to the gate and says, "It would seem that it is still ongoing, but the frequency has certainly seemed to halt." He gives a thoughtful pause and rubs the back of his hair with his gauntleted hand. "Only Naristan knows, I would imagine."

Your remarkable vision catches movement on the open field to your right on the edge of your peripheral vision. A young man stands in the middle of the open grounds and seems to be gaining his composure. After a bit, he looks your direction, though you doubt he could pick you out of the crowd of spirits and your men.

The aasimar seems oblivious to this and switches his attention from the gate to the Hall of Judgment in an effort to keep things orderly.


Under your assault (and as much out of shock) the three dwarves stand dumbfounded at your statements. The ornate doors with the symbol of Dhagadahst carved into them stands before the both of you. Maddirn doesn't even bother to knock and gives a great heave (with an equally impressive grunt) to the doors and they swing wide.

The Khagam sits in a stone throne and is in some sort of trance. The six dwarves that are a part of his personal guard draw jewel encrusted battle axes from their fine (and most probably magical) belts and glare at you. The light from the torches in the room make their golden full plate shine, which gives them a very impressive aura by which to be viewed by.

They begin advancing on you without speaking, a look of mad rage in their eyes.


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"Equitas, guide me -- I entreat you. Should I stand and fight, or retreat to learn the reason for this ghastly slaughter? If I should stay, provide me a sign -- give me battle with one of the treacherous. If I should go, open a path for me to the doors of the hall," Iuris mutters in prayer, and reaches over his shoulder to grip the pommel of his sword.
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His eyes glaze and then light a brilliant white as he stares at the three of you. Satisfied, he speaks, "What is your business? You come at a very unfortunate time for the palace. We are not entertaining visitors this day."

"I´m Anaet the Neverborn, and those are my companions, Khaldru and Gala. We serve Ianua, and She´s very aware and concerned of today´s events." says Anaet. "We are commanded by the goddess to investigate and solve those events, and by Her divine assistance we learner that here we could find others whose capabilities are legendary. We come here to offer the magic withing us and strenght of our arm to this cause"

Voidrunner's Codex

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