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Epic M&M: Issue 4 (IC)


First Post
October 9, 2120
Mega-city of New York

EPIC Institute
5AM... damn early

Three weeks.

After the grueling hell of training you have been going through, it’s hard to believe it has only been three weeks. The exams yesterday were brutal, even for the most intelligent of you, so when you were told you would have a day off finally, you nearly wept with joy. Still, habit has you up at 5AM, and despite your best efforts, sleep eludes you.

The past few weeks have been very hard for you. School, training and Dara constantly in your mind have worn you out. Worst yet, Empath hasn’t been able to remove the mental link, and you think, if anything, the link is stronger than ever. Dara has no more control than before, leaving you feel like you’ve lead two lives. The only time you get any peace is when Dara is with Monica. At least she isn't ticked at you anymore. But now it’s morning and even though you turned your alarm clock into a large plastic sphere last night, you are waking up.

Brain… hurt… must… have… more… sleep…

Hi Raisa!

You sit up, startled, one eye open, one eye shut and slowly focus on Dara who is sitting on your legs.

Are you packed? We gotta get up and go go go! Goin’ to Master Wen’s place today! Jet’s not gonna sit on the tarmack all morning waiting for us!

You see Dara’s bags in your living room, and your own suitcase half packed on the floor where you left it last night.

“I made you these too last night,” Dara says, and you distinctly remember dreaming about making clothes. Guess it wasn’t a dream. Pretty nice clothes though, practically half a wardrobe. And is that a new EPIC uniform just for you? Wow, pretty nice! Black with a red pattern on the right side. You wouldn’t be surprised if Dara made a matching one. Wait she did. She’s wearing it.

“I couldn’t sleep. You were having some pretty uhmmmm exciting dreams,” she says with a giggle.

Good morning, Amazon,” ARIS says, using your code name. “A reminder that your plane will leave at 7AM this morning. Also, I let Dara into your room.

While others may be looking forward to a day off, you are looking forward to finally completing your armor! The final fitting is today, and after putting so much effort into it in the last few weeks, you can’t wait to give it a few personal tests.

Good morning, Joh…” is all you hear out of ARIS before you are dressed and out the door.

Sanchez is already waiting for you when you arrive, and Anna and Rebound pretty much chase you across the yard as you run there. Your armor is on a stand, gleaming a silver grey. It looks supple yet strong and fills you with pride that you made it with your own two hands.

Today’s the day, you think to yourself in bed. You look over at your packed bags. At least you’re ready to go.

The last few weeks have been hellish. You consider yourself a smart person, but the training sessions and classload were nearly too much to bear. But the training definitely got you used to copying people’s powers from EPIC, though there are a few you really don’t want to do again. Mimicing Thunder and Titan gave you a headache for a week, and mimicing Nova reduced your clothes to ash, and destroyed ¾ of the soccer pitch in the process. But you’ve got a good handle on everyone elses powers.

Good morning, Kevin,” ARIS says. “A reminder that the plane will leave a 7AM for Master Wen’s Academy.

Your alarm goes off and you’re out of bed in an instant. Thank god for those chips Monica gave you or you’d never have gotten through the last three weeks. The one you have on is still working too, making you full of energy. Your mind reviews the tests yesterday and you’re confident you blazed through them with flying colors.

ARIS greets you.

Good morning, Loki,” the computer says, using your codename now regularly. “There is a video message awaiting you.

The message pops up and it is Monica (your Monica, not the other Monica).

“Hey Randall. When are you going to come see me again? E-mail just aint cutting it, buster,” she says with a grin. “Call me when you get a day off!”

A day off, and you don’t get it. How fair is that. You roll out of bed remembering that you have to attend the morning briefing with Thunder and Mendez. Why did you get nominated as leader anyway, you grumble to yourself.

Good morning, Michelle,” ARIS says, activating as you get up. “The morning briefing will be at 6:00 AM. There have been twelve criminal incidents with suspected mutant involvement in the Mega City of New York within the last 24 hours, and there is one news broadcast slated to be discussed this morning. Would you like to review the media broadcast before attending the morning briefing?

You hear a tapping at the window. You look over and it’s Tara. She looks exhausted like she hasn’t slept, but really excited at the same time.

Thanks to Sandstone and Empath, the blood ‘samples’ were delivered on time. You can’t help but grin again at how you’ve duped Affifi. Sandstone left for Africa to investigate the situation covertaly soon after your training began, and you haven’t heard from him since, save for weekly check ins with Thunder. Affifi sent you one final e-mail, confirming he received the package, and you haven’t heard from him since, which is just fine by you.

Rolling out of bed, you look at your new uniform just completed yesterday by Dara. The fitting was entertaining, at least for the Dara, Monica, Anna, Dara, Michelle, Raisa and about eight other girls who were there for some reason. Probably not your most shining moment… heck, you can chalk it up to supremely embarassing, but you got out of there with your skin intact and more than one message in your email when you got to your room last night from this or that girl.

Good morning, Neutron,” ARIS says. “You have no new messages this morning.

You start to get up but remember suddenly that Sandstone should have left a message with Thunder already this morning and he always keeps you informed.

X12 has long since moved back to his room, and thank goodness. The guy is good and all, but a space to your own is a must! But now, it’s morning. Morning?!

Woo hoo! Morning! No training! Wings feel fine! Finally, some free flight time!

You hop out of bed and stagger slightly, dropping to your knees as pain lances up your back. This is about twenty times worse than your daily back pain since Jackal’s attack. You reach over and put your hand on the small of your back and there is a huge lump. Your eyes open in shock as something in the lump moves!

Then, excrutiating agony! It’s so much that it takes your breath away, and you don’t even get a scream out. You pass out moments after you see a long, thin, triangular tipped tail sprout from your body, wave in the air briefly, then collapse to the floor.

Good morning, Vincent. Is there anything I can do for you this morning?” ARIS asks. Getting no response, she repeats the request twice more. “I am notifying the senior members of your non-responsiveness, Vincent, in case you are unable to respond due to a medical condition.

You wake up a few minutes later, Trailblazer hovering over you. “Vince, partner. You ok there, buckaroo?” He seems far more concerned with if you are hurt than your very apparent tail.

You wake up, refreshed from your sleep. Your dad is sitting in a recliner outside your room, reading your Investigative Techniques textbook.

“Damn, I could do this for a living,” he says when he notices you awake waving the book at you.

Good morning, Straightjacket,” ARIS says. “You have one hundred and twenty nine new messages in your e-mail fan folder. Thirty one contain marriage proposals. Twenty of those have been filtered due to adult rated pictures. There are also three interview requests. There have been nine hundred and eighty six hits on your unofficial fan website.

“Save one girl, and everyone wants a piece of you. ‘atta boy!” says your father with a laugh.

Out the window you must have forgotten to close, you see Tara perched on Michelle’s second floor window. Something about the size of a cocker spaniel is climbing up the wall right below her, advancing stealthily and she definitely hasn’t seen it.

You still feel itchy as you wake up. Last nights training session didn’t go quite as planned. As the two of you fought in the darkened gym, she shocked you and it triggered your first flashback in weeks. It was another ‘training’ excersise, one involving hand to hand combat. She was a bit more ‘aggressive’ than usual, stepping over the boundary of friendship again when it happened. When you snapped back to yourself, Monica was crumpled on the floor, badly hurt, and it took a good long time to heal the worst of her injuries. She had shocked you badly when she was able to, and left angry and not fully healed.

Laying in bed, you hear the door click open. “Hey, Sparky,” Monica calls in. “You awake yet?” She pokes her head in the door, then just comes into your room. She’s wearing jean cut-offs and a halter top that doesn’t hide the electrical energy coursing through her torso. Her shoulder sports an ugly bruise, as does the corner of her mouth, and her black eye doesn’t make you feel any better about what happened. She just looks at you, waiting for you to say something.

Good morn…” ARIS is cut off as Monica flips the switch off.
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First Post
"Look... I'm sorry about yesterday evening, Monica -- our session triggered a flashback... apparently a very brutal training flashback. I can heal the bruises, if you'll let me... but I'm really sorry.

"Do you remember anything I said last night when I attacked you? Did I use any names?"


First Post
Kevin turns around in his bed and see the hour. "Shut up ARIS... wake me up at 6 o'clock..." and on that, Kevin closes his eyes, and try to sleep one more hour.

After five minutes, Kevin opens his eyes... "I was forgetting that..." He jumps out of bed and go take a shower. While he's dressing, "ARIS, find Johan, tell me if he is awake and where he is."
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First Post
"Why are these meeting so early in the morning?" Michelle thinks to herself as she stretchs in her bed. "If I knew about these meetings, I would have unnominated myself."

As she gets out of bed and gets ready for the day she listens to ARIS' report. "Hmmm slow day it seems, hopefully we can get this meeting done with quickly."

"Yes, plea..." she starts to respond but pauses as she hears the tapping. "Hold that thought for a minute ARIS." She says as she spots Tara and goes over to open the window for her. "Hey Tara, what are you doing here and what's with the cat that ate the canary grin?"
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"It looks magnificent", Johan says as he walks slowly towards the armor. He runs his fingers along the surface, admiring it.
"Ready for some tests?" he asks those around.


First Post
"Oh cut it out Dad. " John responds "I get all these heroes get this kind of stuff. I'm nothing special, well for EPIC anyways."

As he sees Tara out the window, with the small shadow and points out the small animal "Yo! Tara, you get a new pet or something?"



First Post
Calinon said:
You wake up a few minutes later, Trailblazer hovering over you. “Vince, partner. You ok there, buckaroo?” He seems far more concerned with if you are hurt than your very apparent tail.
"Uhhhhh, my back is killing me. I must have rolled out of bed. I was having a vicious nightmare and....JEEZES THERE IT IS AGAIN!!!" Vince cries out as he sees the tail again.

"What the HELL is THAT!! And how did it get on ME??!!"
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Sanjay smiles looking at the uniform. "Awesome. Very nice, Dara knows her stuff. I'll have to thank her later," he thinks.

He gives a big stretch as he rises from sitting on the bed. A concerned look comes over him when he realizes he has no messages. "ARIS? Are you able to tell me if Thunder has received any messages from Sandstone recently?" he says, looking towards his screen. "I hope everything's alright..."


First Post
With an unhappy groan, Raisa flops back onto the bed and pulls her pillow over her head. Sleep, she thinks, knowing full well it would be heard by Dara. I don't care about Master Wen's, I care about sleep. I'll just stay here and sleep, tell them I died or something.


First Post
Mordane76 said:
"Look... I'm sorry about yesterday evening, Monica -- our session triggered a flashback... apparently a very brutal training flashback. I can heal the bruises, if you'll let me... but I'm really sorry.

"Do you remember anything I said last night when I attacked you? Did I use any names?"
"You really hurt me yesterday," she says in a quiet voice, coming over and sitting beside you on your bed. As you touch the bruise on her shoulder, you realize you must have dislocated it last night as the pain lances through your arm. She sighs in releif as her wounds slowly vanish. "One little kiss and you nearly tear my arm off," she says. "I just wanted a little goodbye before you go. Both you and Dara are leaving and I won't have anyone to hang out with now," she says, getting obviously agitated. "Why do you even have to go? You didn't do anything wrong!"

Velmont said:
After five minutes, Kevin opens his eyes... "I was forgetting that..." He jumps out of bed and go take a shower. While he's dressing, "ARIS, find Johan, tell me if he is awake and where he is."
"Of course, Kevin. Johan is currently in the workshop with Sanchez, Rebound and Anna. Shall I page him for you?"

Mimic said:
"Hey Tara, what are you doing here and what's with the cat that ate the canary grin?"
"Umm... shhh, be quiet John! I have something to show you," she grins. You hear a thump thump buzzzzz and something flies up over Tara's head then buzzes right into your room at you! It's an 80 pound grasshopper the size of a german shepard! It lands right on your bed and sits there, letting out a loud chirping as it rubs its legs together.

"Meet Hoppy! I grew him last night! Isn't he great?"

Dalamar said:
"Ready for some tests?" he asks those around.
"You know it!" exclaims Anna. As Sanchez and Rebound help you into the armor, they adjust it. It's remarkably light and doesn't impede your movement at all. To finish off the gear, Sanchez hands you an open faced helmet. "This is a prototype I'm working on. It should help protect you against any mental attacks. Ok Anna, fire it up!"

You hear the sound of a weapon charging and Rebound and Sanchez are suddenly not by you, and you feel very vulnerable. Turning to the sound, you see a cannon pointed at you. "Say Cheese!" Anna says.

Then you are flying through the air, landing with two bounces and tumbling to a stop outside the workshop.

"I said power setting three, Anna!" Sanchez says hurrying over to you.

Amazingly, while it certainly knocked you flying, you find yourself nearly unhurt by the episode.

buzzard said:
"Yo! Tara, you get a new pet or something?"
"Shhh be quiet John!" she scolds you. The critter turns out to be a huge german shepard sized grasshopper tha flies up and over her, and right into Michelle's window.

"Meet Hoppy! I grew him last night! Isn't he great?" she says to a startled Michelle.

Elementor said:
"What the HELL is THAT!! And how did it get on ME??!!"
"I think you grew a tail," Trailblazer says. He grabs a towel from the bathroom and tosses it at you. "Wipe that bad boy down and see if you can control it, or if I should go get my buck knife and cut 'er off," he says with a grin. "It'd make a purty belt," he quips, his jokes making the situation seem not quite so bad.

Agamon said:
"ARIS? Are you able to tell me if Thunder has received any messages from Sandstone recently?" he says, looking towards his screen.
"I'm sorry, Sanjay. According to my database, Sandstone is a few hours late checking in today. Thunder is currently in the war room, should you wish to talk to him about that."

Deva said:
Sleep, she thinks, knowing full well it would be heard by Dara. I don't care about Master Wen's, I care about sleep. I'll just stay here and sleep, tell them I died or something.
"Oh no you don't, grumpypuss," Dara says, pulling on the covers. "I have ways of making you comply," she says deviously. A knock at the door interrupts her, and she bounds over to answer it.

It's Carl! Hi Carl! Dara broadcasts.

"You get her up yet? Breakfast is gettin' put on early for us. Probably the last real food we are getting for a while. Hey, nice uniform." Carl pokes his head into your room and looks over at your bed. "Morning Raisa," he says. "Want I should disintegrate the covers, Dara?"

Dara gasps. "You can do that?" Her tone makes you think she's been planning this to get your butt out of bed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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