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EPIC M&M: Issue 6 (IC)


First Post
October 26, 2120
Dover, England
Dover Medical Facility

X12, Jay

"Sure thing, partner," Trailblazer says, and in mere moments he's back, gloves in hand. With the aid of the gloves, X12 pulls the knife free, but the poison permeates even them. He only vaguely feels the effects, and shakes them off easily enough. Turning the card over, it reads:

Mark Jasman
813 Rundledown Lane
Morgentaller District
MCNY, 875731D

The name is very familiar to you.

OOC: Issue 3, page 1

It's only a few moments later that Dara and Raisa return. Raisa has someone tucked under her arm.

"We only found him," Dara says as Raisa sets Michael down on his head, leaning him casually against the wall. Michael is in a casual walking stance and seems to be waving to someone, albeit now upsidedown.

"Ot huhee," Michael says through a mostly paralyzed mouth.

"I think he says your double got away," Raisa says.

"Ie he," Michael grumbles. A few seconds later, he collapses to the floor in a heap. "I am so getting you back for that," he growls.

"Enough fun and games, comrade. What is on the card, X12," Kodiak rumbles.

Brazilia Medical Facility
October 14, 2120


"I got X12 and Dara to ask him to let me on the team. And I told him if he didn't I'd tell everyone at the school he was my father. Besides, he wanted the best of the best of the students, and I'm one of the best, right?" she says, batting her eyes at you.

"That doesn't excuse you breaking our agreement," her mother growls.

"Oh puh-leez," Monica shoots back instantly. "It's not like you even wanted me around anyway. You couldn't wait to ship me off so you wouldn't be responsible for me, even if it meant shipping me off to him."

"This nonsense about being on this team and throwing yourself into harms way is going to come to an end," Tyra growls.

"My life, my choices. Not yours and not his," Monica growls back, hopping out of bed. Her see through, lightning filled midsection sparks angrily.

Tyra springs forward and clamps a clawed hand over Monica's wrist. "I'm your mother, and I say it's done now. You're coming home with me."

Your communicator comes alive briefly with Michelle's voice announcing Anithos is in the cafeteria. The lights flicker momentarily and you hear a crackle of electricity from outside, the the streaking form of Thunder bursting past the door back towards the cafeteria. You are probably the only one of the three of you who notices.

"No! I'm staying with Sanjay! I'm staying with my friends! I'm not going anywhere with you!" Monica says, her voice getting louder and louder until she practically screams the last word and something flashes so brightly that you lose your sight momentarily. You come to still on your feet, but leaning against the far wall, feeling somewhat ill. You don't remember getting thrown across the room. A wide scorch mark expands from where Monica is still standing, lightning coursing around her now nearly completely transparent form. Tyra lays in a heap against the wall by the door, and the smell of burnt fur and ozone fills the air.

"Oh..." Monica says as she faints, collapsing to the floor. The lightning winks out, but her form remains quite transparent, lightning flashing inside her body.

"On my way!" Thunder replies.

"Stop him, sweetie! I'll be there in a jiffy!" Sanchez says over the radio as well as your bolts streak out at Anithos.

Both bolts slam into him, catching him completely off guard. He staggers from the first one, then is slammed into and through a stone statue some thirty feet away by the second one.

Attack rolls (DC 14): 15 and a natural 20
Damage saves (DC 24 and 29): 4 (VP becomes 20 -- 1S) and 3 (even with a stun power that's um... yikes... ask Elementor)

Empath shakes her head briefly as if clearing the cobwebs of Anithos' influence, and you suddenly feel all unnatural attachment to Anithos fade (however much was 'natural' is up to you). Thunder blasts into the cafeteria from above and his look is of stunned disbelief and the unconscious people and shattered body of Anithos. The few people in the cafeteria still conscious from Empath's blast also look stunned by the turn of events. It becomes deathly quiet in the cafeteria, with the only sound coming from the energy field crackling around Thunder, punctuated by the sound of a piece of stone falling off of what is left of the statue and crumbling to the floor.

OOC: I was so totally unprepared for that, I am not sure what to say. So I leave that to you!

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First Post
Calinon said:
"Ie he," Michael grumbles. A few seconds later, he collapses to the floor in a heap. "I am so getting you back for that," he growls.

"Enough fun and games, comrade. What is on the card, X12," Kodiak rumbles.

"Don't blame me - you knew there's more than one of 'me' out there," X12 says to Michael with a weak grin.

Looking the card over, he frowns. "It's a business card for a psychic in MCNY - Thunder's brother gave me this address when I asked about deep-probe psychics for coma patients," X12 says. "It says 'Free' - Dr. Johnson said this psychic sometimes does pro-bono work; maybe this Directive went there..." X12 trails off, still looking over the card.


Sanjay gapes in shock at Monica, and glances fearfully at Tyra before activating his communicator. "Thunder...you need to return to Monica's room, ASAP. And...and doctors, we need doctors. Tyra is hurt and Monica is...she completely covered herself in electricty and fell unconscious..."

He looks at Tyra wondering what he can do to help her. "There are a lot of people here trained to help better than I can..." He turns and begins to approach Monica. "Mon...Monica..."

He looks at the leaping arcs of electricty and remembers his metal body. Concentrating on his uniform, he turns it completely to rubber, adding a crude facemask with holes to see and breathe. He walks up to her and leans over her slowly, his rubber suit not all that maneuverable. Even covered as he is, he's careful not to touch her."Monica...are you okay? What the hell...?"


First Post
"And why a directive would like to go see a psychic? Because I am a bit lost here. And why is he has written free? Any guess?"


Johan lets loose a blast at the female, her being the closest target as well as being unaware of him, hoping to knock out a threat ASAP. He then moves closer to the troll and Jennifer, keeping an eye out for the remaining guard(s).
"Hey! Big, dumb creature with the girl! I am willing to bet you would not hit me by throwing her even if I tried to catch her!"

OoC: Well, I gotta get the thing to unhand her somehow... :p Just hope Johan can indeed catch her if she comes aflying at his direction.
Last edited:


First Post
Velmont said:
"And why a directive would like to go see a psychic? Because I am a bit lost here. And why is he has written free? Any guess?"

"Because... if he's like me, he probably doesn't remember much of anything about his past from more than about 8 months ago," X12 says. "You're going to have a lot of questions, and we don't really have much time to answer them, Jay - if this Directive has already been to this psychic, we might have a victim on our hands; Directives are trained assassins and covert operatives, Jay, especially if he's under Prophet's influence."


First Post
"You're right... we will have plenty of time later. What our chance to find him now? Looks like slim. What he was doing when you found him? We could check there before heading to that address, if it what you have in head."


First Post
"We should head back to the ER, check to see if we can locate the patient he was working on - he might be able to provide some answers, but I doubt it," X12 says. "Then - well... I say we pay this psychic a visit - if this Directive has found something out from sessions with him and has some sinister plan, we need to know what he knows."


First Post
Calinon said:
OOC: I was so totally unprepared for that, I am not sure what to say. So I leave that to you!

ooc: So do I get points for confusing the GM?

For a moment it seems as if time stands still and she just stands there mouth agape, staring at the damage she did to Anithos. She wanted to stop him but she didn't want to do any real harm to him...

And then time catches up and she is running towards the fallen man as she activates her communicator "Mrs. Sanchez, get a doctor. I hurt Anithos pretty bad... I think he may be dying."

Once she reaches him she will kneel down and gently touch his arm. "I sorry Anithos, I had to stop you..." she will whisper to him, not knowing if he can hear her or not. Her head whips up and looks over to the direction where Empath is standing "Ms. Desrochers, is there anything you can do to help him?"


First Post
October 26, 2120
Dover, England
Dover Medical Facility

X12, Jay

"A good idea, comrade," Kodiak says. "And it..."

"And it gives us a chance to get on home before another crisis hits. That'll be pretty all-right if the feller does it for free," Trailblazer chimes in.

"Free is good. But if not, I'm sure Trailblazer will help you pay for it," Kodiak says with a frown. "But what I was going to say is that it..."

"It might just mean he's free, not that the service is free, and that's the guy that helped him. Not that we know what he's free from or how he got free?" Dara pipes in.

"There is that as well, comrade. But what I was going to say was that it would..."

"Be nice to know where the heck you were during all the excitement," Raisa interrupts, poking Michael with her boot.

"I was just outside having a smoke," Michael says. "Crap, did I say smoke? I meant uh... uh..."

"ENOUGH!" Kodiak roars, ending the conversation completely. "X12, go and find the man your duplicate was using powers on and see how he is. Take Jay, Michael and Dara with you. Raisa and Carl, go get me a report on Empath's condition from Mystic, wherever she may be."

"Can I get an apple?" Dara asks. Kodiak growls.

"What are you going to do?" Rasia asks.

"I am going to find out who sold tobacco products to a minor," Kodiak says as Trailblazer quietly steps towards the door. "And feed him his hat."

Moments later, Trailblazer runs out into the foyer chased by a large kodiak bear. It appears they are actually going out to the jet. Whether or not any hat eating will be involved you are not sure.

Brazilia Medical Facility
October 14, 2120

Michelle, Sanjay

"Sanchez," Thunder says into his radio after a moment. "Page my brother and get him to..." he pauses, looking at the situation. "Get him to Sanjay. Assess Monica's condition and then send him to the cafeteria. Page hospital staff on the PA to get to the cafeteria immediately. We've got a major situation here."

Sanchez's voice comes over the intercom system of the hospital, paging medical staff to the cafeteria and Dr. Johnson to Sanjay's location.

OOC: No, I was sad, not confused :(

As Thunder gives calm instructions over the radio, you rush over to Anithos. Titan still hasn't moved, nor have any of the people hit by the mental blast, though you see Tara stirring. As you try to talk to Anithos you immediately know that something is very much not right. Aside from the shard of stone sticking into his side and the unnatural position he is laying in, his eyes are frozen open, his face a mask of shock and he's not breathing.

Empath is still has not recovered her senses. Thunder appears across from you, no real emotion on his face. "Let's move him to the table there," Thunder says. "We can't do anything for him here." With a wave of his hand, the obstructing rubble around you suddenly sparks, something you've never seen stone do, and turns to powder without any obvious effort from Thunder.

Amazingly, after you've protected yourself from electrocution, you find that Monica is giving off no substantial electrical field. Her body has simply transformed into a form like her midsection always has been. If it is temporary or permanent, you don't know. She is breathing normally, and doesn't seem injured from the experience. It seems to you like she has simply fainted from exertion or the shock (pardon the pun) of what she did.

A growl from the hall draws your attention as Tyra pulls herself up from the ground. Her wounds already seem to be healing on their own. She almost immediately strides towards you, looking mad as an electrocuted cat. "Now that her little temper tantrum is done, I'll be taking my daughter with me," she growls as she comes back into the room.

OOC: And sometime, Elementor may post as his uniform communicator will also be broadcasting, and he'll hear the wonderful intercom broadcast.

Voidrunner's Codex

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