epic: still alive or death [Closed]


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Pyrex said:
I've also seen DM's rule that the acquisition expense be ignored (i.e., you generally don't bill PC's for every scroll they've ever used, so that extends to scrolls that were scribed instead of cast); but you still need to pay the 100gp/page for spellbooks, which also seems perfectly reasonable to me and results in less bookkeeping.

go ahead with this option

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Rino said:
@vertex: I wont allow celestial and CN and loth as deity

Ok I changed it. How does it look now?
My rationalle worked like this:
His mother was CN (1 step off of Lolth's alignment) so the astral deva could have fallen in love with her. Half celestial states always any G, and drider states always CE. The G & E cancel eachother out leaving CN, which is still only 1 step from Lolth's alignment :cool:
But I understand you not wanting something with G-N-E all rolled into one :confused:

Can the magic armor enhancements be placed on robes? ie: +3, Glamered, fire resistance etc.

Reposts: Would having an animated Shield count as carrying a shield since it carries and wields itself?
Could you post the amount of money that ECL 27 provides for everyone? Just the number in parethesis added to post #25 would be great :D
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yes, you are counted as wielding the shield (emphasis mine)

SRD said:
Upon command, an animated shield floats within 2 feet of the wielder, protecting her as if she were using it herself but freeing up both her hands. Only one shield can protect a character at a time. A character with an animated shield still takes any penalties associated with shield use, such as armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, and nonproficiency.

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects; Price +2 bonus.


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Exerpt from the (partially destroyed) Chronicles of the Foranmar Empire.

Written by Gan Manzeb in the Third Century of the Fifth Age.

And then the beast entered the city, cloaking his Satanic nature behind the face of God. Woe, oh woe, for love came to the hearts of mortals and the words of warning fell unheeded. The Angels wept, unable to save their chosen people. Woe, for that day the Empire died and was reborn in Darkness. And its death throes would devastate a world.

He came into the city. And his seed would spawn legions. He came into the city and his smile broke the Heart of the World.
Zarangabay met the challenge weeping yoyously
Bitter was that day.
Who can blame the Empress for her weakness? Is not Beauty truth? How can it hide such deception? For know that the Stranger did submit to her power and offered his gifts freely in humility. Magnanimity and clemency are the marks of a great ruler and the world applauded her mercy. Before long the world would love her for her betrayal of God. Oh, cursed is the folly of man! Twice cursed the folly of womankind! Oh woe, oh soon the world would cry.
And he built his temple upon the Mountain upon the second day.

(ooc: I'm going with the Incubus (same stats as the Succu but male), easier to avoid the sex-kitten trap that way. Stats and more backstory coming up.)

edit: Question about items: Do you use the (silly and cumbersome) rule about item affinities (that specific types of encantment are attuned to different parts of the body) or may I change my cloak of charisma into an amulet of a ring (with the same stats and cost)? There are situations in which clothing is an obstacle where a character might need his charisma. ;)

On the same topic: Do you allow custom-made items (made in accordance with the rules about item-creation)?
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Rino, I'm looking at trying to keep Dispel Magic (and its variants) somewhat useful at Epic levels (which is partially aided by the Master Specialist levels), but I'm having trouble finding a combination that keeps it competitive.

Would you be open to either/both of the following? I'd like to avoid Epic Spellcasting if possible as you've disallowed custom spells.
1) A feat which extends the caster-level cap of the Dispel series.
2) An epic extension of the Master Specialist PrC.


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@pyrex: I dont have the time realy to look into those things, but if you have the time then I would even encourage you to do it. I would suggest a epic progressen on PrC more then the feat.

@nephtys: I allow relocating of those items, but they have to make sense, charisma is all about looks IMO so anything like Amulet and headband I allow but no ring. If you follow the creation rules it's fine by me. but when you do post the calculation steps so you can check yourself and I can check them.

BTW, official threads are starting tomorrow, well more like in abou 12 hours. damn I stay up much to late these days. game play wil start somewhere near the end of the month. final recruitment time will end in 2 weeks. but all info will be posted in that thread


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Hope I haven't lost my place. Finally got my concept!

I'll write something up and post it tonight! Just trying to keep my foot in the door. :)


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Rather than worshipping a concept would it be possible to design my own god for the campaign? Essentially, she would be the somewhat Darwinian goddess of fate and evolution. Her domains would be Destiny, Animal, Celerity, Strength, and Plant, with a portfolio along similar lines.


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Is the Minature's Handbook and acceptable source? More specifically the War Hulk PrC and the Belt of Magnificence (+6 to all stats belt 200K)

EDIT: Also what is your ruling on 'Enbedded vs Attached Components' for the Warforged?
Attached Components is another phrase when using regular magical items to enhance your character. And Enbedded Components is paying double the price of a magical item so that it does not take up its normal slot. (i.e. paying double for Vest of Resistance and it does not take up the chest slot)

EDIT2: Also what is ruling on artificats? Minor? Major? or non at all?

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