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Erekose's Savage Tide - Act 1: There is No Honour

Rystil Arden

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"I like to keep my sources confidential, particularly when they include someone who said one thing but was lying," (OOC: i.e. Successful Sense Motive against their Bluff) "But I will at least tell you that I have written evidence that Vanthus has been trying to get into that vault and rob it blind. As to the money, there is that too. As I said before, I don't know to take any of the lovely Ms. Vanderboren's money if she is in dire financial straits, so my services here are gratis. In any case, yes, let's go. We have much to do yet."

(OOC: I forgot, Erekose, but Alix has requisitioned a female Meravanchi servant's outfit and cloak before coming here. It will be used in Step 1 of the Catch Vanthus Plan, assuming the very high probability that Lavinia wants us to keep working for her)

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(ooc: okay you've got the outfit, no worries. Though the gossip around the Meravanchi household will carry this news amongst the other servants.)

Being morning the bustle of the city has already begun. Whalers heading out on their heavy boats have already set out before dawn. Colourful birds sweep past the Blue Nixie as you prepare to head in to see Lavinia. As your ferry docks with, you see a rather annoyed looking fat gentleman staring at you.

"That your ship?" he says with a sharp nasaly voice as he points at the Nixie. "You can't just haul anchor in the port you know. If you want to leave it here, it'll cost you. Course you could haul her round to the bay where merchant ships are supposed to dock."


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"This is Lavinia's boat, and she is in financial trouble." says Julian softly to the others. "We shouldn't get the boat seized. At this point, some of the sailors who jumped overboard might have made it back to dock. And soon enough, word of this will be all over town. I suggest we go ahead & move it back as he suggests."

Rystil Arden

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"I agree. Fortunately, the word of those who jumped overboard will not contradict ours when we say that Vark admitted to piracy and was engaged in illegal smuggling of exotic creatures until his own crimes came back to bite him as one of the creatures broke free and wreaked havoc. This led to Vark's own death and that of several others, including the man we tried our best to save."


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"Sorry sir, but the boat had some problem, damaged by some fire and we need to quickly repair it. We will move it now that the main damaged have been repair." explain Jerrell. After the man leave, Jerrell starts to move the boat, givinga few order to his teammate to help him.

"Fine, let's move it. After that, I suggest we bring the ring back, as she asked. I don't see why we would do more. I don't think it is healthy to mess more then needed into the noble's intrigues." tells Jerrell, thinking of the advice his captain have told him.

Rystil Arden

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"Bring the ring back? That is just what we'll do, my friend. But we must wait and see what more Lavinia would like us to do. I have a suspicion that she will have a follow-up assignment for us, and if so, I have a plan to ensure its success."


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Jerrell looks a moment at Alix in silence. He didn't liked much that answer. After the fight he just done, he feel better hunting whale than figthing creatures or bandits that want him dead. Being the prey and not the hunter change his perspective and his chance of survival too. But he felt like he was missing information, and that was annoying him more, but without these information, he had to trust his companion. "Fine, let's finish to move that boat first."


It takes time, but with the sun and the breeze it is easier than it was at night. Alix' and Julian's help is instrumental in avoiding the small boat traffic of the busy bay as they come into the harbor. They have to pay a small fee to lay anchor, but much less than what the lackey at the whaler's dock wanted. With the boat locked down, the crew head to the Vanderboren manor.

The morning sun shines brightly over the courtyard, the smell of freshly baked bread mingles with exotic spices as merchants ready for the day ahead. Early shoppers are out to gather their daily ingredients for the day's meals.

Inside the manor the old gnomish woman shows you to the centre courtyard where the early morning sun has yet to descend all the way to the grass. It is nice, cool, and bright in the big chairs as you wait.

Rystil Arden

First Post
'Even though she desperately needs this, she still makes us wait. Yes, it's an attempted display of power to show that she can make us wait, but it's annoying.'

*Alix waits idly for Lavinia to arrive.*


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Julian is happy to be alive and in no particular hurry. He muses what he might do with his 200 gold pieces, and hopes Lavinia will offer them breakfast.

Voidrunner's Codex

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