Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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A link for the adventure: The Mark of Trogdor has been created here

1. Skalisss: Lvl 7 Dragonborn Paladin (Jryoung) Defender
2. Raijin: Lvl 6 Genasi Dragon Magic Sorcerer (Johnmeier1) Striker
3. Quan: Lvl 6 Human Hunter (FourMonos) Controller
4. Rocco Shadowlost: Lvl 6-7 Dwarf Fighter (Neurotic) Defender
5. Nementah: Lvl 6 Wilden Protector Shaman (MetaVoid) Leader

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Skalisss nods to Lady Chelsea. "I will follow and talk to your husssband, M'Lady. The will of the Sssea King Netari be done".

Skalisss gathers his gear and follows when she leaves the taven.


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Quan quietly moves to follow the lady and bodyguard.

After eyeing the strange allotment of people moving to join Lady Chelsea, he mutters under his breath, "...and the pay for this better pretty damn good."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Yeah, yeah, hold your horses, lass. They won't try to kill you immediately." grumbles the warrior as he drains his wine.

He then follows the rest of the group out.

OOC: Rocco has exited the house


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OOC: I'm looking to recruit 1-2 people 1st or 2nd level for my adventure Desolation Island.

Looking specifically for Defender and/or Controller. Not much pickings in the tavern for low level characters. Anyone want to create a 1-2 level PC?

Anyone interested?


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OOC: [MENTION=6672544]jsb420[/MENTION] - I've got a level 2 defender: Fierro "El Matascarabajos!" just submitted for approval, but not yet in the tavern. He's my second character, but I'd definitely be interested in joining if no one else has a 1st character currently kicking around.


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OOC: Sweet! You're in. Don't bother entering the tavern. I'll place on the island (I'll say you were on the last wrecked ship and somehow managed to avoid capture. I'll message you with additional info.

You can enter after their current encounter. In the mean time go ahead and read the adventure (at least the first and last couple of pages.


First Post
A link for the adventure: The Mark of Trogdor has been created here

1. Skalisss: Lvl 7 Dragonborn Paladin (Jryoung) Defender
2. Raijin: Lvl 6 Genasi Dragon Magic Sorcerer (Johnmeier1) Striker
3. Quan: Lvl 6 Human Hunter (FourMonos) Controller
4. Rocco Shadowlost: Lvl 6-7 Dwarf Fighter (Neurotic) Defender
5. Nementah: Lvl 6 Wilden Protector Shaman (MetaVoid) Leader

OOC: Did I already miss this one? Boo...

Halleck walks back into the Tavern, full of bravado. "Once again, I return, in victory. Barkeep, a round for the house! For Allaira!"

OOC: Halleck is a Level 7 Half-Elf Bard/Warlord


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Brenwar walks into the tavern, "Well, it seems I've survived another outing with the blessing of Palladys." He takes a seat at the bar and orders a drink.
OOC: Brenwar- Human Paladin Level 7

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