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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


The door opens, and a trio of unkempt men wander in, one of them holding a makeshift stringed instrument of some sort, the kind that street minstrels who perform for pennies near the docks are fond of. They pause inside the door, looking at each other haplessly for a moment. A whispered hiss of instruction follows them through the doorway. They look at each other again, roll their eyes, and the one holding the instrument strums what are presumably supposed to be a few chords. They sing, with neither enthusiasm nor an overabundance of talent:

"Here she comes. Isn't she daring?
Here she comes. Evil beware!
Here she comes, it's the Silver Starling,
And you know she's gonna save the daaaaaaay!"

The door bangs open, and an attractive human woman struts in and strikes a dramatic pose, arms akimbo. She wears silver-chased leather armor cut in such a way as to reveal a generous expanse of cleavage and long, pale thighs above silvered boots. A domino mask of white and silver and a billowing plume of ostrich feathers covers the upper half of her face. Somehow, despite the situation and the costume, she manages to seem a bit romantic and adventurous rather than completely silly, even drawing a half smile from one of her disgruntled chorus when she beams at them. They shuffle out without making eye contact, muttering to each other while sharing out a small handful of coins.

The Starling looks around the bar, and on spying Halleck and Brenwar, skips gaily over to them. "Oh, hi, guys. I'm glad you weren't too far ahead of me. I, uh, had to stop and run some errands. Also," and her voice drops to a stage whisper, "It's not safe for me to be seen too much in certain places...".

OOC: Porphyria Donnervale, currently incognito, is a human Sorcerer 6.

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As the chorus ends, Brenwar gives the showboating sorceress a smile and small clap. "Well, if you are trying to keep a low profile you are doing a wonderful job." He comments with a smile showing no offense is meant.


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OOC: I was excited to see Porphyria out and about, even though Lord Donnervale would be upset, very upset. Wonder what Kamotz would think of the grown up version of that scared young lady?


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"I'm afraid you came in after a hard act to follow, friend," Halleck said, "but pull up a stool. I'll buy an ale for a dragonslayer. Though the drink's not completely free: I expect the tale which accompanies that name, good sir. Perhaps, if it's good enough, I'll write a song of it."


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OOC: Part of the story line for Addy: The Mark of Trogdor.

A human dressed in seasoned leather and a weatherworn cloak enters tavern. As he steps inside he takes off his cloak, revealing a muscular frame with his upper body filled with tattoos using multi-colored ink. He also has a scar running from just below his right eye down to his jaw line. He surveys the crowd, then stops, locking his gaze on Halleck and Vimak, who are sitting at a table. He walks over to them and pulls up a chair. You two look like seasoned adventurers. The name's Thorkelson, but people call me baldy for short (pointing to his bald head). He grabs a waitress and orders orders drinks for the two adventurers and himself. After receiving the drinks he slides them to each of them. He then scans the room again, this time with a concerned look on his face. Leaning foward he speaks in almost a wishper. Hey...uh...I have to go to the docks. I ... have some enemies ... I've heard from the streets that they have a bounty on me. Can you tag along with me until I get to there. I'll pay you (pulling out a pouch containing coins)...say...30 gold a piece now and 20 more when I get there. I'd like to get there in one piece if ya no what I mean. Will ya help me? Com'n, let's go.

Thorkleson gets and motions them to follow.
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Walking Dad

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Vimak, Goliath Runepriest 6

"Well, that isn't my ususal line of work, but sounds like easy money and I can be quickly back here. I'm fine with your offer."


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[sblock= A Flashback in the Hanged Man: Months ago] The door to the tavern opens, the wind that gusts in carries a slight whiff of sea salt. A tall man, wirey thin steps in, his dark olive leathery skin split wide with a toothy grin. His long black hair is tied back hastily with a turquoise leather braid that matches his bright turqouise knee high leather boots. A hoop earing dangles from one ear, and a fairly old and battered longsword hangs from his belt, where he rests both hands comfortably. Said hands are covered with blue tatoos of lotus leaves that cover both of his heavily scarred forearms. One eye sparkles green, full of mischief. The other is dead and pale, a scar running throught it from the bridge of his nose to his right ear. He wears a loose fitting black pants and a sleevless vest with no armour beneath.

He meets anyone's gaze with the same toothy grin and a friendly nod as he walks up towards the bar. When asked what he wants to drink he points, still smiling, at a barrel of ale, and then gives a thumbs up.

He lounges againt the bar soaking in the atmosphere, stroking his long black beard bound tightly with a series of meatl rings, and eavesdropping blatantly in on nearby conversations. He sips at his ale, tankard in one hand while flipping a coin in the other. Every now and then the coin disappears in mid air, only to reappear back in his hand a moment later to be flipped into the air once more.

Edit: If approached or asked he hesistates and eventually, a slight blush tinging his cheeks and looking down at his very turquoise boots, he speaks his name: " K-Kane ... K-Kane Ar-k-cane"

After 15 or 16 drinks and a round for those at the bar Kane almost begins speaking quite fluidly, his timid stutter becoming almost mild, the slurr however makes his words a little hard to follow.

"Nnnn I, I luffff fyu t-too, Barnney. Whennn I g-ge ba-frommmmy journney, I-Immma comminte sshe ye onnnda farmmm uvyoursshh"

Suddenly he sits bolt upright on his barstool, eyes as wide as plates.

"My journey ! ... ohwgawddaboot, Ivferrrgottaboutdaboot!"

He slaps down a pile of coins, which may or may not have been the right amount. He kisses the sleeping farmer next to him on his bald pate and stumbles out the door whistling an off key sea ditty.


OOC: Hey everyone, this is my first character, Kane Arcane, made last night, and so still waiting approval. He doesn't talk much as he has a stutter. I see in the other Tavern Patron thread that most patrons are nearly all around 6th lvl or inactive. What is the usual 'wait time' in the tavern to get into a game, especially an entry lvl 1 game? TwoHeadsBarking has taken a look at it all ready, and spotted a number of flaws I've adjusted. If anyone else wants to have a gander: PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki I wasn't really sure where the place was to introduce myself to the community. I think these Living World Pbp communities are a cool idea, and hope to be able to contribute as I find my feet. Anyway, hopefully some of us will be playing together some time soon or in the near futrue :)

Edit: Well it looks like Kane is off to be shipwrecked on a distant island. I made Kane's entry a flashback, a suggestion from mewness who has accepted me into his game. I was loathe to delete an introduction post that received such a warm welcome from the L4W community, so a flashback seems like a good compromise. If someone feels that it's not on let me know and we'll try and find an alternative.

Cheers again for the awesome welcome everyone, at which point, might I take this moment to kindly ask if someone would mind having a look at Kane's sheet and giving a second approval. That would be very much appreciated if someone could do that. Cheers! From what I gather the chances are low of Kane ever making it back to the bar ... hehehehe, sounds ominous! So I guess next time I'll be back in the Tavern will be with a second character if Kane reaches lvl 2. :)
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OOC: I couldn't tell you an average wait time on getting into an adventure. It seems to vary a bit. I was lucky and got in one early, but your experience may vary. I'm guessing it'll depend a lot on when some prospective DM looks at the tavern and sees it's full of level 1 characters, itching to go.

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