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Pathfinder 1E Evil humanoids and the seven deadly sins

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The 'good' races would appropriately need to be the paragons of the seven virtues (I am borrowing from wikipedia here).

Diligence (persistence, effort, ethics, rectitude): The dwarves are the hard-working folk. They love to defeat the impossible foe and their torch-lit cities in the mountainous dark are littered with architecture dizzingly spacious and monolithic for any human eyes able to see so far in the dark. These great halls and subterraneous palaces are not built by weary slaves despairing of freedom but by strong-willed individuals, each keen to do their part for the greater good, and to one day enjoy eternal bliss in the presence of the divine and benevolent law-giver.

Patience (peace, mercy, ahimsa, sufferance): Elves have centuries to learn how to live in harmony with those gruff dwarves, those whimsical halflings, those quirky gnomes, and especially those ambitious humans. Even the most trivial and drole subject to the human mind can be picked apart, turned inside-out, and every shade and nuance of the topic examined and debated by the great elven scholars for whom the word 'tedium' has little meaning.

Humility (bravery, modesty, reverence, altruism): What these gentle beings lack in height, the halflings make up for in spunk, but do not indulge in defiant or anarchic behavior. They show the tall ones that anyone is capable of righteous heroism and great deeds. When all others falter and fail, the last line of defense against the final evil will be held by the halflings.

Charity (will, benevolence, generosity, sacrifice): Gnomes and their love for the deep soil and its hidden wealth does not corrupt their hearts with greed, but teaches them that we are all creatures that are beloved of the earth-mother, for whom she provides the precious stone and metal that allows civilization to flourish and, through all of us working together to better our lives, lets us raise up the least blessed among us with alms and bread.

Kindness (satisfaction, loyalty, compassion, integrity): Half-Elves are the most cosmopolitan of the common races, and in their unique experience everyone they meet is a comrade, a little brother or sister, a surrogate mother or father. Some individuals only respect clan ties or the pride of their nation, but half-elves have no clan or nation to call their own, but reckon themselves as owing allegiance to all good-minded and upright people. They know they can never quite fit in with either human or elf community, and so they must walk the fine line between cultures, and learn early on the value of keeping every promise, no matter how difficult it becomes.

Temperance (self control, justice, honour, abstention): Few of the common races can truly appreciate the personal trials that every half-orc has gone through in their journey to stay true to the light rather than to flee into that outer darkness that so many of their kindred have embraced for generations. It should be no surprise, then, that so many great paladins, monks, and holy clerics can be found among the half-orc people. No one knows as well as they do what demons a person can carry around inside them.

Chastity (purity, knowledge, honesty, wisdom): I am reluctant to put Humans anywhere. They are the all-in-all, and should be able to be anything--good or evil, but putting them here would "complete the circle" without having to dig up any non-standard races. But any race other than the above that would fit the virtue of Chastity would do well.
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Chastity (purity, knowledge, honesty, wisdom): I am reluctant to put Humans anywhere. They are the all-in-all, and should be able to be anything--good or evil, but putting them here would "complete the circle" without having to dig up any non-standard races. But any race other than the above that would fit the virtue of Chastity would do well.

:hmm: Is there anything humanity hasn't bred with? Not sure chastity fits.


First Post
Well that isnt really humanities fault. Seeings as we are also prime rape and sexual experimentation targets for elves and almost any evil race out there :p.However I kind of wonder about the gnomes for charity. I meant they arent the most greedy race but I remember them being kind of insular and attached to the gems they dug up. Being hard to bargain with. But when I think of who I would go to in a time of need I would say gnomes are maybe 4th down on the list of people I would ask for help?

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