Exalted Deeds Versus Vile Darkness, the Final Confrontation!


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Darren briefly closes his eye. Lliira be with me and bring us through safely. His hand drops to his belt, then lashes out, hurling the dagger towards the Slavemaster.

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At Jaik's movement, Lyssia sheds her guise and takes to wing, her hands flying to her bow and lashing out arrows at the slave master as she goes, her aura of protection rising as moves to cover the others.

OOC: This round, take wing, shoot at the slave master. (assuming her aura isn't a free action, she'll raise her aura next round, (don't have my book with me) if it is..she's raising it this round)

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Daren's dagger drops easily to his hand and flashes to the Slavemaster's throat, joined a second later by Lyssia's dagger. The Slavemaster slumps to the floor without a sound, and the guards run for the door, at least two getting clear of the room and running down the hall screaming.*


Sylinda, a Druid.

Sylinda works the halter and throws it and the chain to the ground with a silent grimace. With a gesture of the hands and a whispered incantation, she casts.

ooc: cast Deathward. (Thanks for the heads up.)

I've revamped Sylinda's spell to 3e Druid. For some reason my word processor wont open the spell description .rtf files, only the 3e spell list .rtf files. If anyone knows an online spell SRD, could you let me know. Otherwise, I'll just run off the 3.5e descriptions and you can correct as necessary.
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The Dawnkeeper

Norin stands up with a single movement, free of his chains, and the blessing he silenced before resonates in the hall, as a nimbus of light, the seal of his sainthood, begins to shine all around him.
"Our duty is upstairs." He says simply, as he turns to climb the stairs.

OOC: He casts Bless (10 minutes) on his companions and activates his Protective Aura (double strenght Magic Circle against Evil and Lesser Globe of Invulnerability). Doghead, this is a 3e game, not 3.5e.
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Darren draws his blade, comforted by the familiar weight, then crosses the room and retrieves his dagger from its grisly resting place. He nods at Saint Norrin's simple declaration and goes to lead the way upstairs, every sense alert.


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Hearing the screaming, Aekir immediately begins to count. A tight smile plays on his face. Somehow he derived a small sense of satisfaction that the heroes did not step into such a dangerous place.

“The situation is now fluid. The longer we can delay them the better.”

Paxus Asclepius

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"Yes, but we don't want to face them all in a pitched battle. Our talents are better suited, for the most part, to a running fight. Is there somewhere we can lead them, harass them, without risking being brought to bay?"

As her aura comes up, Lyssia's hand shoots down to the flask on her side, as she takes a deep slug of the contents of the flask she fades from sight (Potion of Invisibilty).

Isida Kep'Tukari

Everyone else in here is a mortal, barring the skeleton guards, though Aekir's aura is a bit fuzzy...

"Well then, you handle these heroes, I shall be raising the rest of my defenses in my sanctum," the Baroness says lightly, as if asking you to take care of disciplining a child. She turns and steps behind a tapestry, disappearing from view.


*In the corridor, the heroes pour out, finding a host of skeletons and zombies craming the corridor. With rightenous wrath, you can strike out with auras of goodness and light, weapons weilded by hands sealed by virtue. The undead abominations fall, though more rush to take their place. It takes you several minutes to cut through them all, but eventually you reach the stairs, finding the eight sleakly dressed guards holding arrows pointed at you.*

[OOC - You exalted guys can kill skeletons and zombies in your sleep, I assume you can scythe through them like wheat.

Vile crew,
you have a few rounds to prepare if you like.

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