• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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He, he. You got it. Thgat is how you can supplement cooking knowledge. With your aspect speed reading grasping

ps: I am not sure that one can create knowlege out of thein air, or if a cookbook in Derr'Degg would contain only early greek to hellenistic recipes, but I figured what the heck,
it should be no problem to go to a prosaic world store to buy all the cookbooks you want. So I decided to shortcut the process and allow you to create them anyway. however, I hereby reserve me ability to restrict highly specialized or spritial knowlegde. Cooking recipes are neither.
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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
ooc: Does anybody have any more ideas for the party or should we move on to Castle Innocence?

OOC: Detail wise I only want the details that help set the mood. Pages of cooking trivia is not my thing :p

Once frowns and says, 'I do not think that telling Diadora would hurt, even if she does know what you do. Respect should be expressed, not assumed. And I have no issues with moving on to Innocences castle at this point.'


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Trying a basic RPG trope:

So, your characters are all standing in front of the temple, where it all started - in game only a day ago. What will your characters do now?


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You can always talk to the Elatic, what he knows, Diadora will also know. However, if it is really important Diadora might apear. Why do you want to see her.

<I completed the descrption of Innocence's castle, but now I wait till tomorrow to see if you want to see the imaptirx FIRST. If not, I can post it at a moments notice. It was more difficult to write it than I imagined, at least in part because I stumbled across GTA:San Andreas in a cybercafe and was pretty much hooked. Not only did that take away writing time, but it is also not very conductive to thinking about Innocence. ;)>


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Hm, if telling the Elatic and our Imperator about the party would be quick, we might as well get that out of the way. I expect Things to happen at Castle Innocence.


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OOC: I just thought I could just finish the part with Parcival while we decide. Is it a bad idea?

Simon remembers the song the old Parcival keeps singing, and its meaning. He is deeply upset by how the Lords disposed of Parcival friends, as if they were just cannon fodder.
But he has to help Parcival. To help him love again, feel again, cry for his lost friends as he was meant to do, probably is to help him get free of this supernatural joy he wasn't meant to feel, that has become a guilt and a burden. He is no psychologist, and he feels that probably the only way he can help him is to make him forget.
Since he learned that music and poetry have a degree of power in this chancel he tries to counter the song with a poem he vaguely remembers, a poem by a sad artist.

Forgetfulness is like a song
That, freed from beat and measure, wanders.
Forgetfulness is like a bird whose wings are reconciled,
Outspread and motionless, --
A bird that coasts the wind unwearyingly.

Forgetfulness is rain at night,
Or an old house in a forest, -- or a child.
Forgetfulness is white, -- white as a blasted tree,
And it may stun the sybil into prophecy,
Or bury the Gods.

I can remember much forgetfulness.

He goes to the weeping Parcival, and looks straight in his eyes, trying to find in them the image of the being of beauty. If he manages to find it, he tries to lock it away, looking at it the least possible, shutting it so closed that Parcival's mind won't reach it anymore. He hopes this way the knight will be able to mourn the loss of his fellows, and maybe feel a bit guilty because he survived where they died, but won't feel anymore that cursed and senseless joy thinking about their death. He faces then the newer Parcival to see how he reacts.

* Forgetfulness, by Hart Crane
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<I really like that you finsh that last strand of the Parcival Scene, Lichenhart>

Parcival turns to you, getting up. There are tears in his eye, but also relief. "Thanks, good Lord. I think that is the way. I locked everything away to forget, but it was exactly that what tied me to the past. With only the destructive forgotten I can try to find a new balance." He pauses and looks around.
"But I fear all to soon, You and i will have to face this place again. The Impatrix sent the old Lords here and I think she will send you,too. Perhaps it is vanity, but I think you should give her this." He quotes:

"I don't know anymore
What people come here for,
Disturbing all the peace they hope to find.
They come here from the city
'Cause the country is so pretty
And bring along the noise they left behind.


I don't see any change
When people move out on the range.
They take offense and hold a grudge for years.
If they'd only just forgive
And teach their children how to live
We'd find a paradise behind our fears."(1)

He hands you a ball of light containting a latern."Tell our Mistress, one can be too good a hermit. There is also a story about a blind savant and a latern, but you have to ask someone more wise than me about it."

As you slowly leave this memory and wake up you surprisingly find the light transfered to chnacel reality. It is the eqivantent of an Imperator point.

<Here is the decription of castle innocence, before i as yesterday thought "later, later" and then forgot about it. sigh>

As you near Innocence's castle on a small path entirely devoid of weeds, you soon notice a high wall closing in a large area. Above it you see two thin white towers with pure white flags.
As you reach the gate in the white wall, there is no lock or handle on it. But Lady Innocence herself has the idea. SHe utters the word "please" and the gate opens. Inside around a lovely little manor strechtes a large lawn, trimmed perfectly. On trees in flull bloom sit white doves. Small Children play in a corner with a sweet-temperd lion.
Around the manor is an array immmaculate flower bed, one sort of flower to each. To the left and right of the manor house rise the thin towers, each guarded by a knight in shining armor.
The air is sweetly scented and the shy above is now untainted by clouds. The inside of the manor is dominated by white marböe, too, but patterns on the wall and floor are made of other colors of marble, even ones you think not available in nature. The furtiture is in modern classical style, without ornament. Black leather, gleaming steel, and dark wood domnates. It radiates a sense of simplicity and restraint.
To your welcome, three people come: an austere old woman, her grey hair in a bun, Fräulein Rottenmeier, wearing a grey lonk skirt. An old, somwhat messy old man with wild white hair, who reminds you somewhat of Albert Einstein. He carries an unorderly file. Lastly, a bulky man with an elegant moustache, judging from his clothing the chef you already heard about. He carries a tray bearing a choclate cake.
All look at you exspectantly.
Fräulein Rotenmeier looks as if she wants to say something, but holds back.

(1) from: http://moonpathtarot.tripod.com/tarotpoetry/id10.html
i however do not entirely agree with the interpretation of the hermit there.
Discretion and other sources advised.


First Post
Simon lets Parcival go, after giving a few recommendation about Gwinneth and the child, apologizing for having misjudged him, and offering his best wishes.

He carries around the ball of Light as if it was a precious and fragile treasure, looking at the little lantern within, wondering about its secret. He can only guess its importance and value, and isn't quite able to explain it to his brothers and sister.

As they explain their idea, he is a little undecided about the party, because he would love it and has not the heart to say no to Alyra, but he really needs time to work at least on some of the unanswered questions. Otherwise he's sure he would be unable to enjoy it.

When they stop at the temple, he repeats to the Elatic what Percival told him, and the poem too, without missing a word. Waiting carefully for any reaction by him or their Mistress, he asks if he perchance knows the tale of the blind man and the lantern. Then he shows him the ball of light, and if the Imperatrix shows up personally to receive it, he'll hand it to her with a bow that would make David proud.

§ § §​

He is also very curious to see Castle Innocence, and he finds it a little like he imagined it. He finds quite likable Alyra's servants too. Fraulein Rottenmeier reminds him a little of his governess, the old man looks interesting indeed, and he can't wait to know if he qualifies for that chocolate cake. His mouth waters a bit at the thought of it, but is he a "pure of heart"?
He doesn't want to step on his hostess' toes, though, and waiting for her cue, he only introduces himself.

"How nice to get such a warm welcome. My name is Simon, Duke of Keys."
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