• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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<Darn have to look up in the bok and forgot it. Doadora's reaction here soon.>

Do you give the light to the Impatrix when she comes?!?

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OOC: sorry I misread and somehow I thought the light became a part of the Chancel rather than showing up in the Chancel. I'll update my post above accordingly.


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As the Elatic summons Diadora, a wind rises. The people on the square of Derr flee to their houses.
An ominous feeling hangs in the air. The wind speed rises and rises, then suddenly stops. You momentraily gasp, then realize the air is there. And also the Impatrix. With her apearance, the temple roof shatters and is thrown off in every direction. Then Diadora reverts to human size and shape. From the ruined temple she goes right into your midst.

„My dear Children: what a strange gift you have brought me. My strength in no longer failing, but there is a sense of of wonder i have lost in this war. I got lost in my own war, although my goal was to stop the war of all wars, the Valde Bellum.

All this bodes well: the impossible we have to do ... no ... I planed you to achive, might be done. But I will start at the beginning. I will be not like the symbol Hermit your servant knows. The Hermit knows a greater truth, but his secluded distance keeps him from effectively teaching this truth. I have been so obsessed with guiding you to this knowledge from distance, that my purpose might have have been lost.

At the beginning is the Parable of the Lamp. Unable to contain Crime with the oppsitions of Light and Darkness or Death the Blind Man leaves to become a poet. It is said that thus the decendants to the Blind Man forgot where they come form. It is true that many did, but not I. The reason might be that I am the Mistress of the Forgotten and the Hidden. So my wanderings among the stars were eons longer thab for others of my kind. In mean time the creator has made himself a new universe, a new creation to achive perfection. Because my children, the Truth is we Wild Lord are Angels of and older Creation. Noone knows how many creations there have been. The stars are their remeants.
Maybe one day this one will be another among their number, because the Excrusians are the Angels of the new creation. The „energy“ that „is“ the spiritus dei is there only once and if there is to be a new creation, it needs the concepts of the old. And the Excrusians get them. So in some perverse sense what they say is true: if they ride off with creation, it will live in a new one. But I want to halt this great circle, there is no need for it. But I am again progressing too fast.

As I wandered I also came to „somewhere“, there were no more stars, but only emptyness. A void to be filled, as I found out. But also a void where great monsters dwell. As I searched in this void I came upon Senidnemrapsetracedecalpal: an immense shape I cannot describe in words. But as his creation was as Forgotten and Hidden as mine, I could understand ... it. It is a remenant of a world from which Cneph took Perfection, but it persited because perfection was static there and Cneph did not want that. Senidnemrapsetracedecalpal had a perfect, static creation, but what was lost to him has made him into a something that wants to swallow everything to regain it. But then, my powers were greater: so I Hid, and was Forgotten: and wandered on.

I the void I met a second aberration. This was Tikarehkcolevolnnamztlob, which has lost change to Cneph. It is like an enormous sign, to be read by noone. I as Mistress of the Forgotten and the Hidden i could understand. It is like an inscription recording the taking of Change. But had to avert my eyes quickly: before too much understanding drew me in this dead remembrence. But then, my powers were greater: so I Hid, and was Forgotten: and wandered on.

Finally, I came upon a place that was new. Great beings stood there. They welcomed me, but they wanted what I had/represented for their new world. I cannot decribe what I saw: Their language has not been hidden and forgotten. Try to make sense out of this: Ahwt uyo nawt ot eepk uto yb lalw emosc (cakb) to nuath uoy. They wanted to fight me into submission, they tried to be like me, steal my identity, so I tried to hide. They used strategy to undo my hiding so I tried to make them forget and fled.

So I hid among the earthly Wild ones, lost to their origins. I pretended to be one of them: igrorant.
Yet through this feigned ignorane I wanted to lead my adoped children to wiesdom, sending them on quests to understand the truth on their own. To The Starry Void, and to the grave of the first angel killed by the Excrusians. These are hard excersises, and I know now it hardend the souls of your predecessors.

By a small miracle, to create a change out of nothing, you gained an reptactle of Imperial subtle energy, that cut through this gordic Knot of involvements. Since you did this without confonting the Excrusians, who guard the corpse of the angel the slayed first, whom they had to slay first to gain something through the destruction of concepts, this creation is unstained by their presence.

If this was to happen, the prophesied time has come, a prophecy that, found in The Starry Vault of Used Concepts, not used in new creations, said that one day the circle may be broken: by letting Cneph create all he needs without destruction.

This has only proved to be possible.It some ways, my adopted children, by generation of this point, you might have this proven possible.

This opens a new avenue besides my old plan. Besides leading noble Spirits to wisdom about the world, I planned them to attack the Excrusians at maybe the fundmental implicate flaw of their existence: their concept. For their mission to succseed, there must be a concept or priciple of Excrusiation. To Excrusiate that, To ExExcrusiate, might have neutralised them.

To reach this point, my adopted children needed to go to the great beyond, so I thought I had to make them, to see as I saw, to witness what I witnessed;

... yet with this healing point there is a difference: you might change everything, the way the world is - even allowing for excruians – by „proving“ them on a larger scale. It worked for the Individual, you might find a ritual to create belief in this, in a community, and on larger scales: states, pact networks (also known as contract regimes), Continets, Worlds, maybe even more that one world.
The more the limits from this idea is removed, the more spritital weight it will have. By by accessing this limitless resouce that only spirit can be, an alternative to the opposite poles of the cycle of worlds is found, an with this the eternal war of duality ends.

Choose now, my adoped ones, from these open paths, or even find a more newer one. With the third, the fourth, fifths, n-ths is possible. These are the possibities that lie before you. If either plan works, the Noble World as we know it will end, and a non-hierarchic world for the concepts will be effective. Then we will be brothers and sisters all: No Lords, no Imperators, just encorporations of concepts, little gods, along with all those other little gods: true gods, angels, aberred angels, Light/Dark, arrons serpent.

Because the world ends as this, our greatest ally is Ananda, the Lord of Murder and the first age. He will shield all our doings from entropy and all his flunkies, i.e. All other Nobles. You cannot be found with the Rite of the witch hunt. As a balance, I and those I adopted, with be facing the stones of Freedom: all their enemies will gain them, to make use of their supernatural powers useless. The greatest of these stones render you complety mortal. Other stones only Aspect, others only Domain, well – i guess you understand. The Teleopoetic entity Ananda and I and others made this deal with required this. No matter what you do, you cannot loose this „drawback“. Well maybe you should see it as a lesson, as an inherent limit to this apocaplyptic confrontation of a world with its truths.

I cannot tell you much more, but I try to fill in the blanks: None of you now active represents the concepts I really stand for in this world: The forgotten, and the hidden, and shadows. I adopted you when I created this chancel. The Angel Platokrates was slain by the Excrusian, maybe destroying chivalry and innocence that way. In the mortal world, the result was the change from a feudal regime to a contract regime. I was the only one able to be on site to save the nobles and the concepts, Ananda saw to that. For you nothingness, I have no explaination, maybe in the sense only that you represent the fundamental negation of our undertaking. Or you represent it: I am not yet quite sure on that.

So the last thing before entering the new paths, you need to do is this: go back in time, to 1588, and make it possible for you to be here. Delay the killing of Platokrates until I arrive. Remember that you will face the stones of Freedom! This was another deal, I had to make with Ananda: that each new noble generation needs to aknowledge this pact, or can be adoped by any other imperator, just by annoucing this willingness to be adoped thrice in the three minutes after the third hour. And he made me accept Keys from the Imperator of the Light Anasthasius.

I think now you know the dark secrets of my world, and you have to decide the way you might be able to follow through, or even acknowlege the status quo, by being adoped By Lord Entroy and hios cronies, who have every reason to continue this war. For perfection and a new try at unblemished perfection by Cneph.

It is all complicated and interwoven: but in the end: what will you do?“

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