• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Exodus (OOC)

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Brother Dave

First Post
Also, I swear I'm not stalking your games. :p

Heh. Yeah, I've had that thought myself. :) NOT the showing up on doorsteps part! Really, really not the stalker type. But she puts up so darn many interesting game concepts. Augh!

I really like this one a lot, but I'm less than a month into 4 games already so I'm going to have to think about whether adding another would be overcommitting. I just don't have a good feel for that yet. If by some miracle it hasn't already filled up in a couple of days, though, I'll have to seriously consider jumping in.


I think its probably due to my stuff being the only games in town. Besides me, there are only a couple of other folks recruiting for games and its been that way for weeks. So, I decided to do something about it. ;)

Brother Dave

First Post
There's a lot of truth in that. :)

I think there's still a limited pool of players here who are willing to try 5e, too. I think that will change, but for now we're seeing a lot of each other.
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I'm one of those folks who usually DMs.

And while I've been in one or two forum D&D games, I'm not quite at the point where I feel I could run one. I tried once, a while back on the WotC boards, and the game kinda fizzled out after a couple weeks.

Once I get a handle on this by playing a game or two, you can bet I'll be posting a game to get my feet wet. :)

Brother Dave

First Post
Okay, because I can't help myself, I'm brainstorming possible characters. My top three contenders so far are:

1) Dr. Trace Martin-Davies, a laid-back biologist (and former socialite), selected as part of the team to evaluate the ecologies of potential new colonies. I'm thinking potential druid right now, or possibly fey warlock. Or both.

2) Carter Davies, a desperate teen stowaway who snuck onto the vessel looking for his older cousin (Trace) for help in clearing his name, then got lost and found himself trapped on board during liftoff. Not sure yet whether his cousin is actually aboard (and secretly helping Carter stay out of sight), or had opted out or been dropped from the mission at the last minute (Carter didn't know this, of course) leaving Carter completely alone. Lots of potential here. Could go in a number of directions, class-wise, with the obvious being rogue.

3) Dr. Alexander Locke, an intense, obsessive astrophysicist, driven to seek meaning in the stars by the voices whispering in his head (leading to an eventual pact with a great old one).

I also briefly considered a politico/leader type or an acolyte, but I don't really have a good image in my head for either.


I like the relationship and roleplaying opportunities between the two Davies characters, with either one being the PC and the other being a NPC. I also like the potential warlock, though, so...decisions, decisions. ;)


First Post
Tossing my hat into the ring, if there's still space. I'm aiming at playing a capital-A Astronaut, a fella born and raised in orbit. Not a researcher, but an engineer and pilot with skills for surviving in deep space and keeping equipment working. A heavily reworked Outlander strikes me as the best option here, but we can talk something over if that's alright!

[sblock=Sato Ryota]
43 year old human male
EVA Specialist and Flight Engineer
9 Strength
14 Dexterity
16 Constitution
13 Intelligence
12 Wisdom
12 Charisma

HP 7
AC 12
Prof +2
Initiative +3

Race Variant Human - +1 dex, +1 con.
Feat: Linguist (See below).

Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish, Russian, 2 reserved. Can create cyphers. +1 int.

Background: Spacer
Skills: Athletics, Survival, Pilot (Human bonus - else investigation?)
Tool Proficiencies: EVA Operations
(The additional language of Outlander is included in the list I have above.)
Feature: Cosmonauts Reckoning. You have an excellent memory for orbital mechanics and system charts, and you can always recall the interactions between both human-scale and solar system-scale objects, whether in orbit or under power. You are an excellent scrounger, and can usually scavenge together spare parts and supplies sufficient to jury rig life support or power to a room sized ship system for a few days, at least. (reworked Outlander background).

Personality Trait: Safety saves lives - I never forget it for others, and I'm constantly checking the safety measures of those around me. But, like I say, do as I say, not as I do...
Ideal: Teams are people that respect one another enough that hierarchy and seniority are natural, rather than assigned.
Bond: I got this job because one of the projects architects was an old friend of mine - I'm determined to protect his legacy.
Flaw: The loss of Earth broke something inside me - I'm running out of reasons to keep on living.

Ryota is a virtual dinosaur in spacer terms. He was young when the big push into orbit happened, and he - buoyed up by above-average scores in math and science - rode the wave into a job as a shuttle pilot. He transitioned from there to working in orbit full time, alternating between a berth as an EVA technician and as a pilot. He married, had children, but neither of those things kept him on the ground long. He was proud to work as a construction tech on the Mars vehicle, and he would have retired after it's launch had an old friend not contacted him about a job. A position as an on-call technician, serving in some deeply classified but probably totally unnecessary program involving multiple governments and a shocking amount of cash. Ryota saw it as the best of both worlds: keeping his toes in the game as a pilot and astronaut, while having time and income to spend time with his family.

Of course, then the dragons came.

Ryota was, of course, assigned to one of the ARK's, working as a crewman. Initially assigned as a maintainence and EVA tech, his broad experience - particularly his shuttle piloting skills - see him working more as a troubleshooter, working for whatever branch of the military or science division has a need of his skills most. His skill in languages - a hobby of nessecity in the multicultural world of orbital construction - also makes him ideal for this position.

Ryota is a slim, wiry man with somewhat haggard features and salt-and-pepper hair. He speaks English clearly, but with a notable accent, and still uses Japanese when he talks to himself. He is remarkably tough - the main thing that has kept him in his job, and seen him advance so far - combined with being even-tempered, bright, careful with his tools and the safety of those around him, and easy to get along with. He doesn't tell jokes very often, but he laughs ("like a donkey", in his own words) at those of his friends.

Ryota lost his wife and teenaged son in the fall of Earth.

Reference photo.

EDIT: I'll post him to the rogues gallery once A) I get approval for the custom background, reserved languages, etc, and B) It's confirmed that, y'know, there's space.
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