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Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


orsal said:
A lot to catch up on:


OOC: She's already spoken twice, but I think after a quick bite she started talking to another table of patrons who were interested in the stories she had to tell about subterranean lizardfolk. So she's down, and can be called back to your table, but hasn't been following the last few rounds of conversation.

OOC: This I didnt miss. But assumed you wouldnt be at the table since you couldnt roleplay during this time.

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After concentrating on the shield for a bit Zurd comes to the conclusion that it is indeed enchanted in some way but unfortunately his skills in the arcane arts are not good enough to determine the extent.

Well, this shield is magic as far as I can tell ladies and gents...

He rubs his hands on it caressingly for he has never touched a real magic item before.

Any of you ever held a real magic weapon or armor before?

I think the chief of the tribe I was raised in had a magic spear of some kind. It glowed a pale red when enemies were around. Only humans though - they said it was made by a great orc craftsman and witch Irgrigz'nal to hunt humans. It somehow gave them grievous wounds in relation to regular strikes. Some called it human bane - other's called it just fang.

I hope to someday wield weapons of power -

He raises his glass to the group...

To the greater good of the incidentals may their fortunes ever grow and their power never fade - each to his own, yet where goes one - go all.


First Post
Lokin looks longingly at the enchanted shield, then glances at his battered wooden shield with disdain. "No, I've never held an magical thing. Or even seen one that I know about. You...you mind if I carry it. I understand we need to sell it. I could not afford to buy out all your stakes in it. I...I just want to hold it for a while."


First Post
Zurd looks at Lokin...considers what he just said and says, You might as well carry it as anyone Lokin - at least you are versed in its use should we need it along the way.

As for "my" share of the shield lets see what its worth when we get there.

Then all of the sudden Zurd seems to take a long pause as if in thought - a look you have all come to associate with an impending speech or new idea of sorts......

You know, he says, after some time stating into space...

It almost seems a shame to sell such an item and divide the coin right away unless we intend to dissolve the group or are sorely in need of some new equipment.

We do intend to stick together don't we?

The gain we'd get individually from the sale is minimal compared to the worth of the use of the item in the hands of the groups defensive expert seems minimal at best?

Lokin...not that I am prepared to give you possession of the shield outright before we cash out on our quest fairly but I would I'd almost rather leverage any minimal current value I personally have in item against the value of you using it to help us get an even bigger haul of riches.

I mean you can use it of course as you are the best qualified and able.

Think about it ladies and gents? None of us will be able to buy something individually like that shield for a long time.

In the long run I know we can't sell it for what it'd cost for Lokin to buy one of his own.

Surely, having a powerful item such as this in our group would only add to our prowess and perhaps even our prestige when dealing with the denizens of the complex. They may well see our possession of it as some show of strength?

Seriously, perhaps, we should reconsider the return trip and the sale all together for just a moment. Do we need to return right away? What can we get there in Ossurus we can't get here?

I mean this time its a shield for Lokin, next time it might be a Dagger for Payne or some scrolls for Filalia. I want my cash as much as the next person I assure you but is dividing the shield the best way to do that. Instant gratification asside - we'll be giving up access to a magic item and all that comes with it for some coins. We sell it - get some chump change and then what buy some sundries and come back with little to show for our efforts.

What is it we really need to hit the complex again?

We need food, some rope and some other sundries - our weapons are OK for now. None of us can seriously get much better equipment anyways even if we have a windfall on the shield split 5 ways how much can it be worth - 100 gold each? We can't get any serious individual upgrades in equipment for that can we?

100GP is nothing to scoff at mind you - but hardly a windfall. I mean none of us can afford Masterwork weapons or armor with that, we have probably the best we can afford for now anyways? Why take the trip - waste the time and give the slitheries more time to prepare for our return?

Just a thought I guess - a sort of let it ride proposition. What do we have to loose? We are going back regardless...we can sell the shield just as easy this trip as the next. May haps we can just do a quick refit here and try again before making a return trip. See if we can make the haul more worth the return trip so to speak?

Just my thoughts of course I am with the group on this one. It just seems a shame to discard an item of power for a few gold pieces now that could well help us earn a thousand gold pieces later? I mean a magic shield in the hands of a great warrior like Lokin has to help our defensive ability a good deal.

Also, and Lokin, please don't take this the wrong way - but should he die using it in our endeavor we can still sell it afterwards....
<a big "The cat just ate the mouse." smile crosses Zurd's face>

He chokes back a laugh < holding up a finger>

Hell, why didn't I say this part first....hell if he should die using it we'd all get a better split!

Seriously though, I think the only real argument I see against this idea is getting a healer for the return trip. There is no guarantee that we can nor that we could find one compatible with our dysfunction family?

However, should that be the consensus I am ready to head back for one and I assure you I will talk someone into it - you all know I can do that!


Anyways, lets have another round of those ales while we hear your ideas if any....

Oh, and while this silly little parlor trick of mine is lingering are there any tastes you have ever wanted to try but couldn't afford?

I for one have wanted to try a 20 year old malt whiskey, can't afford it but I can make this 2 cp ale taste the same! I can have the taste of cherries in the winter, I can make our iron rations taste like a 3 course meal at the palace!

I love this spell casting crap - I can spoil my taste buds for the rest of my life! Oh and clean clothes and pressed shirts as well - thats the best part!
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"Meh! We find out what it's worth and make sure that's taken from Lokin's share of future booty. Maybe it would be wiser to get coin for it and buy healing tat doesn't try to convert you but by the 9 Hells if I got where I am by being wise! Let him have his shiney I say!"


First Post
Zurd leans in to the group, I wonder if there is any way we could relieve those fat priests of some of their potions without having to part with the coin to do it.

I mean how well can they be guarded? We do a quick break in all non-lethal if anyone has qualms about that and see if we can't do it.

He looks around to make sure that Kongu is out of ear shot, I am serious about that folks - how hard could it be and who out here needs them more that us. We are doing a little civil service project of sorts.

We can do it tonight - make like we are leaving for Osiris, make an issue of it...then double back - make some masks or disguises and take what we need in the night. Might be fun - you never know?

(Zurd takes a moment to survey the faces and see if there is any interest whatsoever)

If there is a bit of indignation he laughs it off as an elaborate jest.

If there seems to be some genuine interest he'll see where it goes.


First Post
Lokin frowns.

"Those are their potions, Zurd. I would love those potions as much as you, but that's our problem, not those priests. They helped us. Why would I return the favor with robbery because I don't have enough money? That's not me."

Lokin stands up, taking the shield with him. "I'll take this for now. I like it and would like to keep it but I'd give it up happily before I rob some innocent priests."


First Post
Just kidding my friend - just kidding, after all they did help us as you said.

I just think it my job to make sure that we consider every angle - if you know what I mean ?

Anyways, I was just pushing your buttons to see if you were still the same ole straight laced Lokin. Just wanted to make sure the road had not jaded you too much! No hard feelings then, I hope, for the bad joke?

Have some ale and lets talk about how you and that shield are gonna save our bacon.

Also, I was woondering... <looking at Kongu> if there might be a story, local or otherwise associated with that particular shield. I mean magic items are not all that common round here are they? Perhaps it is a piece of the horde from the complex, perhaps a traveling noble's device, perhaps it carries a tragedy a story - know of any?

Zurd then thinks to himself - OK, Lokin is still on the do good list for now....with the others would have chimed in first so I could see who's up for what and where they stand with regard to real risk and reward.


LEW Judge
Kongu, after seeing the group reassemble, gradually finishes off her tales and excuses herself to rejoin her comrades. She has missed the conversations about magic shields and burglary.

"So, are we all ready to leave for Orussus now?"


First Post
[sblock=OOC Planning notes]

If we are not going to sell the shield outright we don't need to head back to Ossirus just yet. We can get food, rope and arrows in this town right. I also need a spell component pouch ( I assume I can get one here or at the temple).

However, If we are going t try and go recriut a healer for the group the trip is not really necessary ATT.

Just my two cents, I proposed this earlier but no one has countered yet so it may ake a bit for them to chime in. No biggie - I will go along with whatever the plan is.


Ahhhh, Kongu, my lady we were just debating that very thing as you approached us. You see.....(Zurd proceeds to explain to Kongu what she missed in the above conversation about keeping the shield and therefore not needing to take the trip to town after all unless the group is dead set on recruiting a healer.)

So you see my lady Kongu, we have a decision to make. A healer sure would have come in handy back there in the complex for sure, however, remember every new member is just another split of the treasure.

[sblock=Discussion abou Hirelings] Zurd also relates the following to the group...Unless, of course we can get some hirelings to come along for the going rates.

(According to DMG about 3sp per day and no share for 1st level hirelings.)

We could actually try and recruit a 1st level NPC "Adept" with ranks in heal and negotiate him down from a full share to a rate per day of say 1gp which is triple his rate of pay per day. Perhaps, someone would go for it?

I used game terms in there so I made this out of character but assume Zurd talked it all out with the group logically.


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