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Fallen World- 13th lvl homebrew (dark and mature)


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Alright, I apologize for my earlier foolishness. I'll come back in. Please forgive my idiocy.

The Alienist requires Augment Summoning, the ability to cast 3rd level summonings, & 8 ranks in planar knowledge. At level 1, it grants the ability to summons pseudonatural creatures instead of fiendish/celestial critters, but you can no longer summon non fiendish/celestial creatures. This only applies to summon monster. Good fort, poor ref and will, bad BAB. Full casting.

Contemplative requires 13 ranks in religious knowledge, the ability to cast 1st level divine spells, and meeting a being that is a paragon of it's alignment. 1st level gives immunity to disease at level 1 and a domain (but no bonus slots).

I will only take 1 level in each of these classes. I can post the balance domain and psuedonatural templates later.

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Nephtys said:
Welcome Gli'jar.
That would be ok, but you'll have to show me the classes, write up their class features for me. If they are not absurdly overpowered or just plain feel wrong for the game (like the exalted classes) I will approve them. It's the same for spells and items, so to spare yourself too much work I advise you to keep mainly to the core materials.
The Alienist, as far as I recall the class, seems like a good fit. The gods raised their walls to protect the world from the multiverse, knowing little of the beings who lurk beyond reality... There may be some links to the Rotting God, and others to some of the less sane of the Lords like the Trembling One, Ubilith, the Creeper or the Lady of Flowers.

I am leaning towards a Conjurer Variant (SRD) 5/alienist 8. The alienist abilities are as follows, beginning from level 2 since WarlockLord covered level 1. Alien Blessing at level 2 +1 insight bonus to saves but permanent loses 2 wis. At 3rd and at 7th, Metamagic secret, choose any metamagic feat as a bonus feat. At 4th, Mad Certainty gain 3hp but gain -4 to diplomacy, bluff and handle animals to influence nonpseudonatural creatures. At 5th Pseudonatural Familar, familar takes pseudonatural template. Extra Summoning at 6th grants an extra slot for summon spells at the highest level slot. At 8 Insane Certainty, gain 3 hp but gain -10 to diplomacy, bluff and handle animals to influence nonpseudonatural creatures (Mad certainty turns into a truly chilling mania. 9th is Timeless Body where I can no longer be aged and Alien Transcendence where one become an outsider, gains dr10/,agic, resis acid and elec 10. Further I grow a minor physical change like growing a tentacle, extra eye, appendage, etc.

I can work for some insane lord or for an outside being who lurks beyond reality whichever works for your world. I was planning to take the Omniscient Whispers spelltouched feat (Variant rules SRD) as it adds to the flavor rather nicely. Either way, I think he will work well with other characters so long as he is able to further his goals of either opening a portal beyond reality or getting rid of other conspiring lords to further his insane master's agenda. Neutral evil potentially as opposed to the crazed CN.

Are flaws and traits permissible?


First Post
ethandrew said:
Transmuter 3 | Master Specialist 6 | Master of the Unseen Hand 4

Curious, requirements for Master Specialist states a couple class skills at 5 ranks and the ability to cast 2nd level spells. Would you interpret that as being able to qualify for the PrC at 3rd level, when you have the ability to cast 2nd level spells? Or at 4th level, which is what I've listed above.

The class was designed for early entry according to the designers, so yes 3 levels as a specialist wizard and then you qualify to take it at level 4.


First Post
Hmm, i think the interweb ate a post.

I will go with the fighter/rougish sort/dervish probably. Likely N or LN. undead.

1st goal: restore his love to life or un-life really.

2nd: depends on how the group plays out or what they do.

I will have bg wedish, RL is plain mean to me early this week


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

Ebon would be quite lawful in that he is loyal to his enclave and Crystalle, would be loyal to his emplyer who ever that was and on good/evil would be neutral essestialy doing what is ordered with more or less regret but not really losing any sleep over it. Without orders he tends towards good as most dwarves do.

Could you post players who would likely be in the game in one post?


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I'm not actually sure about my kobolds exact alignment. On Good-Evil axis he will be neutral but due to his madness his take on Law-Chaos axis will be more fluid. So probably true neutral.


First Post
Nephtys said:
To help me get a compatible group together I'd like all of you to just post one line with your characters alignment (Very Good, Good, Neutral, Evil or Very Evil, and likewise for law and chaos) and which alignments you think your character would be able to cooperate with in a group (keeping in mind the lesser of two evils, and the nature of the world).
Aeryk would be Evil, primarily because he is self serving and willing to do what ever is needed to survive. He has little compassion or regret.

As far as Law vs Chaos... he is right down the middle. Aeryk is no lover of law or complete order as personal freedom is important to him. However, demon rule and the chaos that ensues from it has shown him that some order is required.


First Post
Blackrat said:
I actually edited it a bit while you were writing. I thought a kobold would be more enjoyable. I was actually thinking more of a serious madman, perhaps somekind of seer(with the problem that some of his visions are just hallucinations), a tragic figure who just believes himself to be better than others. He kind of looks down upon those not of scalykind. Although his claims to be a dragon might get a pitying smile from others.

The Kobold nations, because of their lawful nature and their alliances to dragonkind were nearly exterminated in the war, wiped out by the hordes of Yangava. All that's left is a broken and scattered remnant. And a good reason for your character to be mad.

Trollbabe said:
I really like the idea for this game unfortunately it seems Autumn and I think too much alike... This is very similar to an idea I had in mind. I'll try and think up a different concept. Should full character sheets be posted in this thread or just concepts? If that has already been discussed I must have missed it in my readings.

Welcome Trollbabe :).

You're right, two bards may be one too many, but there are a lot of other charisma based classes around.

Concepts are enough, but I need a bit more depth that I've got from anyone so far. Some background, a little personality, perhaps some plot hooks, and a mention of which role your character would play in combat. 15-20 lines of text would be good.

Neurotic said:
I would discuss mechanical details privately. Anyhow, sacred dwarves are subrace that lived for generations on earth elemental planes searching for exotic ores. as they lived through more and more of the plane entered their blood...I'll send you transcript of subrace or whole file (30MB)...

As for mineral genasi: http://users.erols.com/aburner/planescape/index.html
See Inheritors of glittering stones.

Telatium knights are kind of elemental paladins for one church (Telatium)...different elements = different roles: healers (air), inquisitors (fire), messenger (water) and soldiers and guardians (earth). Not all have to be LG that's "kind of paladins". They all have lay on hands and several powers depending on element. Very limited list of spells that could be cast only from armor runes. that's about it.

As for the history: eventually Ebon realises that just sitting in a tower and killing things that stumble upon it is futile. Sooner or later something powerfull will come and live to tell the tale. Once that happens Lords will come. He is aware that returning might be a problem, but still feels that he needs to go out and DO SOMETHING FREAKING USEFULL :)

In my old group we treated genasi as template so you can have fire genasi that looks more like azer then drow :) But that depends on you ofcourse...

The Genasi could be a template (they are basically just part-elementals right, like half fiends or tieflings?). Which LA do you think would be balanced?

Feel free to E-mail me anything you don't want to post in the thread: ecaf99x@xhotmail.com (without the x's)

There is something else about the enclaves you should consider, if you haven't already. The demons want in, a lot. And if they realise where your character is from he'll be in quite a difficult situation.
The reason why the remaining enclaves have survived this long (20 years) is that they are all extremely strong natural and/or constructed fortifications in remote areas (often underground) protected from teleportation and other magics and Forbidden to demons by powerful artifacts or natural magical radiation. They are, as a rule, full of treasure brought there by the elites of the old world and protected by some of the most powerful individuals in the world. To the demons their very existance is hateful, their continued defiance an aggravating insult and their hidden wealth and prestige makes their conquest an important step in their endless contest to gain power over each others. They do not regard the enclaves as a threat, except in the event that their rivals would grow greater trough their capture.
Your character should take steps to make sure that noone can read his mind or otherwise extract his knowlege about his home because the Demons, though they cannot attack his enclave directly, have plenty of mortal and undead servants who can.

Jemal said:
Hmm.. So taking that and what Neph said, would you be willing to hitch along with me on my quest to restore peace to the galaxy.. er, I mean to help the poor souls of this world?

BTW, Neph - I have a mostly complete character background in my head, I'm gonna write it out, but essentially it boils down to : The only son of one of the Evil Human Lords, but after His father slew his wife and stole his child for disobeying orders, He decided to oppose the evils he had previously stood for. Chased out of his fathers lands, He hid in a neutral monastery, where he was found by a secretive organization known as the SHadow Knights, who trained him in the ways of the GreyGuard.

"Luke, I am your father. Join me and we can defeat our demonic enemies and rule the galaxy together..."

The Human Lords are:
The Artificer of Ogaan, aka the traitor, aka Avos Ignatius, rules his old home-land of Supresa (an area the size of France with 25 million souls) with an iron fist and near diabolical organisation. A specialist of magical creation, both of items and twisted creatures he treats his domain as a source of raw materials but takes care not to deplete his stock. Because of an ambitions education programme Supresa is the world's center of the production of magical items and is probably the country in the world that is richest in gold.
The Artificer was one of the Lords who contributed to the erection of the Towers of Life and as such reaps a large share of their harvest to fuel his ever-increasing need for souls.

Cormand, fiendish a human from the abyss, and one of the consorts of the Succubus Lady Love seems to be deep under her sway, but perceptions can be deceptive. His domain, an area of deserts the size and shape of the Sahara is poor in souls but rich in ores, even of the rarest kind. Still, Kalesh is considered the weakest of the ordered domains and Cormand, lacking a reserve of soul-components to fuel his epic spells that comes close to most others of the spellcasting Lords is wise to ally himself closely to those who are stronger than himself. Because of his apparent poverty in Souls few demons follow him, but he holds great powers over the undead.
Of his two epic apprentices only Ilva remains, but her wereabouts are unknown.

Trollbabe said:
Ok I came up with an idea for a 5th level Ranger / 8th level Assassin. He would be Neutral Evil with a need for survival and as a result very self serving. I still think he would work in a group to ensure his safety even though he has an evil alignment. I can elaborate more on his story and background if required.

[sblock=Aeryk Voss]I am Aeryk Voss... I was a Black Cowl… an assassin in the employment of the Demonlords. For killing who they tell me to kill I myself see another day. The trick is to not draw too much attention, remain faceless and nameless. The Black Cowl’s are traitors in the eyes of many, we turned our back on our mortal brethren and joined the “dark side”. I don’t buy that sorta talk though... when a Demonlord comes calling, you answer. If I had not agreed to join the Black Cowls my soul would’a been tossed to the dretch to squabble over as a play thing.

The demons have no care for us though… they just use us as pawns. Members rarely work together so we operate as individuals, that suits me fine. Our leader is an unnamed Shadow of a creature maybe a man more then likely a demon. So Shadow contacts me with a target… a vrock captain that is to be eliminated.

I do it quick, I don’t even think the vulture knew he had it coming. But the tricks on me cause his allies were aware… they probably were the ones that ordered it in the first place. They drag me kicking and screaming to a torture chamber and I am cut, bruised and violated. I keep wondering why they don’t kill me and get it over with. That’s when the Shadow comes in and asks me if I am enjoying my stay. I’ve been framed! Some sort of scape goat... at some point I musta become expendable.

When they left me alone I manage to slip my bonds and with a lot of luck I escape the place their holding me. So everyman for himself… If the demons don’t get ya something else will. My wounds have healed, but the scars are not going anywhere. Maybe its best they don’t, fuel for my fire I guess. One things for sure I am looking out for number one, but a little revenge would suit me fine.[/sblock]

I like it, he suits the setting perfectly.

Poisons are common in most of the world and sold for 1/4 of their normal price.

s@squ@tch said:
I am interested -- but I am on vacation until this weekend.

My character concept would be a rogue-ish sort.

Rogue 3/Wizard 5/Arcane Trickster 5


Rogue 3/Cleric 3/Blackflame Zealot 7 (depending on the pantheon)


Rogue 13


Fighter 2/Rogue 11

Most likely the 1st, 3rd or 4th option -- would be a CN character who basically uses his skills to survive, hiding under the radar.

Races considering are Human, Tiefling, or Drow.

There are no Drow (if there were I'd have to involve Lolth and that would open up a great big can of worms as far as Abyssal politics is concerned), and I haven't given the Pantheon much thought.
The Gods still grant spells to their followers, but are unable to intervene actively in the world. They are gradually weakening (they've been losing their worshipers ever since the Gods-War ended) but it's accellerated greatly in the 20 years since the Fall.

There's the Rotting God, the former head of the pantheon. He once held the domains of Creation, Glory, Sun, Law and Nobility, alignment LN.
His corpse lies rotting since millennia in a tropical swamp deep in a rain-forest in the Domain of the Lady of Flowers, crawling with abominations who seem to worship him even as they violate his flesh.
His clerics somehow still get their spells, but he seldom answers any prayers and seems to be unaware, insane and powerless. Where the spells really come from noone really knows, though the clerics insist the God is still with them.

As for the other Gods, feel free to make up your own.

ethandrew said:
I should clarify that I am not planning on being evil. If I go Transmuter I'll probably be NG or TN, if I go Druid I'd probably be CG. Like Shayuri I wasn't really feeling the wanton destruction and manipulation to better our position, and wasn't really understanding how that would translate into cohesive group play. But after all this clarification it makes a lot more sense to me. I'm getting that we'll probably have a good solid core of Good characters with a couple evil ones mixed it.

Vow of Poverty, taken over these 13 levels, will bestow a character these abilities:

-+8 Exalted Bonus to AC
-Bonus exalted feats at 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th Levels
-Permanent Endure Elements
-Exalted Strike of +2 - Any weapon becomes a +2 Magical Weapon
-Sustenance - No need to eat or drink
-+2 Deflection Bonus to AC
-+2 Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws
-Ability Score Enhancements - +4 to one, +2 to another
-+1 Natural Armor Bonus
-Mind Shielding - immune to Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, any alignment detector
-DR 5/Magic
-Greater Sustenance - No need to breathe
-Energy Resistance 5 - acid, fire, cold, electricity, sonic

And I think that's all. The plus side, Master of Many forms doesn't progress in spell levels, so this character will only have access to 3rd level spells. And exalted feats are pretty weak.

I just meant that the feat could be made available even to Evil characters with some minor adaptations for flavour.

It looks ok, but without knowing which exalted feats there are (and which you would choose) I can't say anything definately. If they involve things like always having to help those in need, always telling the truth, smiting all evil (I have no idea) then you will have a problem.

Shayuri said:
Hmm...well I have to say I think I have a clearer idea now how it all could work.

I see you've closed recruitment, but if you'll allow it, I'll submit a character. :heh:

As far as I'm concerned it's all just a little misunderstanding. I could have expressed my thoughts better and I accept my responsibility for what happened. You're welcome back :).

Autumn said:
My Bard will be Moderately Chaotic and Moderately Good. She'll be happy to work with any alignments except Very Good (because she's not stupid). Very Evil is fine; she's used to it. She won't be about to confide in them or make them her special allies, but she won't shun them either. She's used to working (and... other things...) with demons and their various minions, so working alongside nasty people is no problem.

For the record, anybody involved in any kind of resistance movement isn't likely to find an ally in her. They would have to do a LOT of convincing her that it was feasible and stood a real chance of success before she'd be willing to put herself on the line like that. If this is going to be a 'join the resistance and slay the evil' game then I'll shelve her... and actually I'll probably bow out of the game too in that case. I'm sure it'd still be fun and all, but it wouldn't capture my imagination in the same way.

A quick question, Nephtys; how long ago did the demons seize power? Are we talking within our characters' memories? A couple of generations back? Or a century or more?

Slaying all the evil looks like a very long way off. There are many (mostly small and personal) ways to resist the current order, but no organised resistance as such. Anything like that outside of the Enclaves have been repeatedly wiped out and if some scattered cells of fanatics remain they can accomplish little and are probably themselves unknowingly used as tools by the Lords in their schemes against each others.
Still, there are ways you can make things better if that is the direction the group takes. Just proving to the Lords that they still have use of mortals may be the greatest favour you can make mortalkind. If they decide they're better off with everyone converted into some new Towers of Life that's pretty much the end of everything.

Bloosquig said:
Crud lose my computer for 2 hours and now recruitments closed. Ah well I'll keep an eye on it in case anything happens to open a spot later. Good luck folks! :)

Sorry about that.
You're still welcome to make an alternate if you want.

WarlockLord said:
Alright, I apologize for my earlier foolishness. I'll come back in. Please forgive my idiocy.

The Alienist requires Augment Summoning, the ability to cast 3rd level summonings, & 8 ranks in planar knowledge. At level 1, it grants the ability to summons pseudonatural creatures instead of fiendish/celestial critters, but you can no longer summon non fiendish/celestial creatures. This only applies to summon monster. Good fort, poor ref and will, bad BAB. Full casting.

Contemplative requires 13 ranks in religious knowledge, the ability to cast 1st level divine spells, and meeting a being that is a paragon of it's alignment. 1st level gives immunity to disease at level 1 and a domain (but no bonus slots).

I will only take 1 level in each of these classes. I can post the balance domain and psuedonatural templates later.

It's water under the bridge. Sorry if I was unclear and caused you to misunderstand me. :)

Looks good.

Gli'jar said:
I am leaning towards a Conjurer Variant (SRD) 5/alienist 8. The alienist abilities are as follows, beginning from level 2 since WarlockLord covered level 1. Alien Blessing at level 2 +1 insight bonus to saves but permanent loses 2 wis. At 3rd and at 7th, Metamagic secret, choose any metamagic feat as a bonus feat. At 4th, Mad Certainty gain 3hp but gain -4 to diplomacy, bluff and handle animals to influence nonpseudonatural creatures. At 5th Pseudonatural Familar, familar takes pseudonatural template. Extra Summoning at 6th grants an extra slot for summon spells at the highest level slot. At 8 Insane Certainty, gain 3 hp but gain -10 to diplomacy, bluff and handle animals to influence nonpseudonatural creatures (Mad certainty turns into a truly chilling mania. 9th is Timeless Body where I can no longer be aged and Alien Transcendence where one become an outsider, gains dr10/,agic, resis acid and elec 10. Further I grow a minor physical change like growing a tentacle, extra eye, appendage, etc.

I can work for some insane lord or for an outside being who lurks beyond reality whichever works for your world. I was planning to take the Omniscient Whispers spelltouched feat (Variant rules SRD) as it adds to the flavor rather nicely. Either way, I think he will work well with other characters so long as he is able to further his goals of either opening a portal beyond reality or getting rid of other conspiring lords to further his insane master's agenda. Neutral evil potentially as opposed to the crazed CN.

Are flaws and traits permissible?

Looks like something I would enjoy playing :)

Flaws and traits are ok.

Fenris2 said:
Hmm, i think the interweb ate a post.

I will go with the fighter/rougish sort/dervish probably. Likely N or LN. undead.

1st goal: restore his love to life or un-life really.

2nd: depends on how the group plays out or what they do.

I will have bg wedish, RL is plain mean to me early this week

Looks good, I hope you have time to submit a character. I'll have to see the Dervish to approve it.

Neurotic said:
Ebon would be quite lawful in that he is loyal to his enclave and Crystalle, would be loyal to his emplyer who ever that was and on good/evil would be neutral essestialy doing what is ordered with more or less regret but not really losing any sleep over it. Without orders he tends towards good as most dwarves do.

Could you post players who would likely be in the game in one post?

It's too early to say, I haven't really seen enough of a concept from anyone yet. I'll give you all until this saturday before I'll give you my descision.

Wrahn said:
I would like to put my name in the hat of alternates, if a spot does open up.

Welcome Wrahn, the name is in the hat.
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First Post
Aeryk Voss Updated

Nephtys said:
Concepts are enough, but I need a bit more depth that I've got from anyone so far. Some background, a little personality, perhaps some plot hooks, and a mention of which role your character would play in combat. 15-20 lines of text would be good.

Poisons are common in most of the world and sold for 1/4 of their normal price.
Sweet I have been looking over some of the poisons and noticed they are pricey this will help in that regard. I have added some more info on Aeryk below please let me know if more is required.


Character: Aeryk Voss
Class: Ranger 5 / Assassin 8
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Appearance: The majority of Aeryk's body is scarred from his torture at the hands of the Demonlord's bruisers. Fire was one of their many tools and it has left him with no hair on his face or head, except for a few oddly palced tuffs between the scars. The burns and scars have left him looking more monster then man. His eyes though remain the window to his former self. They are a faded yellow, but they are keen and would seem to belong to a predator.

Personality: Aeryk is only concerned with his own survival and well being. It was not always this way but this is how he has adapted to the harsh conditions of his world. He is cold and uncompassionate to others, their tribulations are of little concern to him. However, he has a hunger for revenge against those who tortured him and left him as a monstrosity. To survive and exist is the highest priority... He refuses to have his soul used as a chew toy!

Background: I am Aeryk Voss... I was a Black Cowl… an assassin in the employment of the Demonlords. For killing who they tell me to kill I myself see another day. The trick is to not draw too much attention, remain faceless and nameless. The Black Cowl’s are traitors in the eyes of many, we turned our back on our mortal brethren and joined the “dark side”. I don’t buy that sorta talk though... when a Demonlord comes calling, you answer. If I had not agreed to join the Black Cowls my soul would’a been tossed to the dretch to squabble over as a play thing.

The demons have no care for us though… they just use us as pawns. Members rarely work together so we operate as individuals, that suits me fine. Our leader is an unnamed Shadow of a creature maybe a man more then likely a demon. So Shadow contacts me with a target… a vrock captain that is to be eliminated.

I do it quick, I don’t even think the vulture knew he had it coming. But the tricks on me cause his allies were aware… they probably were the ones that ordered it in the first place. They drag me kicking and screaming to a torture chamber and I am cut, bruised and violated. I keep wondering why they don’t kill me and get it over with. That’s when the Shadow comes in and asks me if I am enjoying my stay. I’ve been framed! Some sort of scape goat... at some point I musta become expendable.

When they left me alone I manage to slip my bonds and with a lot of luck I escape the place their holding me. So everyman for himself… If the demons don’t get ya something else will. My wounds have healed, but the scars are not going anywhere. Maybe its best they don’t, fuel for my fire I guess. One things for sure I am looking out for number one, but a little revenge would suit me fine.

1) Shadow and the Black Cowls could find Aeryk and offer a new bounty... or maybe he is now the target for them to do away with.
2) The Vrock captain didn't die and now seeks out Aeryk with a propostion of his own.
3) Someone or something wants to see the Black Cowls fall and approaches Aeryk with new information and a plan.
4) While working for the Demonlords Aeryk was privey to some information that can now be used to benefit other organizations. They come with an offer.

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