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Fallen World (Mature, Dark)


William sighed as they fled up the stairs.. damn spider got in his way so he couldn't chase them. "What matters is whether they are sanctioned by the Lady or not. If so, then we should leave these lands. If not, then perhaps we could be doing her a favour by eliminating them..."
'I had hoped to find allies here, but instead I find more enemies.' Wiliam thinks, glancing at Aeryk and Mystic. 'the mage perhaps can be trusted.. though strange, that spider didn't exactly look demonic, a good sign. I wonder about this other one, though.. and why there would be Assassins after him'

"So what are they after YOU for?" He asks Aeryk"You obviously knew they were coming, and I'll bet you know why. Since we're now involved, I think we have a right to know who and what we are fighting."

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When the group meets at the gate Canthan introduces himself, "Since we shall be working together, let us be introduced. You shall know me as Canthan. I have not discerned the name of our companion as of yet but I have determined that he does not like being asked about matters of his life or death, or unlife as it may be."

Canthan nod with Bigs assessment and raises an eyebrow at Bigs excitement regarding drinks as he follows into the bar.

OOC As Canthan heads in he will cast Detect thoughts. He will focus on the soul initially then on whomever the soul leads them to.


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The barkeep shrugs, "I've heard a thing or two, but there are at least seven assassins guilds active in Elendarion and the Lady knows how many in the whole of Ijainvaa. I don't really know which rumours fits with these ones, though their kind usually acts with greater skill and subtlety than this.
I think your friend there knows more."
he nods towards Aeryk.
Looking at the corpses and the smeared blood, drink and human waste on the floor and walls, the oozing slime dripping from the maw of the spider, the barkeep makes a disgusted noise. "I'm going to have to report this, and you shouldn't be here when I do. Damn, this is going to be expensive to clean up..."

The dead BC:

cold iron dagger +1 x2
chain shirt +2
Potion of Cure serious Wounds x3
Bag of Grease x3
Tanglefoot bag x2
Thunderstone x1
Garrote x1
100 gp

The dead Commoners:

103 gp (in various coins and cheap jewelry)


Upon entering the bar the soul flares brightly for a moment then flies towards Aeryk before coming to a sudden stop and launching itself against William. Canthan (after taking the needed time to focus his spell) senses an intense hatred struggling with a weary sadness. The soul orbits William and Canthan can sense his surface thoughts (I rolled 26 for you and beat his save, but Jemal will have to tell you what Will is thinking) even as the soul suddenly winks out. It's mission completed it returns to the Lady to be consumed.
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"So what are they after YOU for?" He asks Aeryk"You obviously knew they were coming, and I'll bet you know why. Since we're now involved, I think we have a right to know who and what we are fighting."
Aeryk sheathes his blades and turns to William and Canthan to give an explaination when he is interupted by the darting soul. He watches it flit and jerk around the room until it dissappears. Under his breath he comments, "Isn't this a lively place today!"

Aeryk thinks to himself, 'Perhaps this new arrival will allow me to skirt all the questions.'


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Big stoops and enters the bar but is quickly distracted by the soul's ending performance before he can get a good luck at his surroundings.

When he does finally get a chance to look around he quickly let's his gaze wander across the various people and objects in the room...

Dead commoners, check.

Dead assassin types, check.

Various signs of a recent battle, check.

Various individuals who have obviously just been in the recent battle, including the man they have been sent to find, check.

Giant freaking tentacled-generally-weird-looking spider thing, check.

Big pauses in his scanning and looks again at the giant FTGWL spider and gazes at it for a minute before shaking his head and walking over and sitting on a nearby table. Once there he hooks a half eaten chicken leg out of a bowl and takes a bite giving a slight salute with it to the corpse of the commoner sitting nearby who doesn't appear will miss it.

After swallowing the first bite of recognizable food he's had since the raid on the temple went sour Big says to William, "So looks like we might not have been the only ones sent to find you guys though we have better intentions then your previous friends. At least I assume you three are together?"

So saying Big waits for a response or for one of his more charismatic comrades to say more.


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Gil'jar said:
When the group meets at the gate Canthan introduces himself, "Since we shall be working together, let us be introduced. You shall know me as Canthan."

"I am Ysande," the lady introduces herself with a small curtsy and an engaging, modest smile. "My consort is named Kaj.

"Charmed, I'm sure," the hulking half-demon drawls drily, inclining his head a little.

Nephtys said:
Upon entering the bar the soul flares brightly for a moment then flies towards Aeryk before coming to a sudden stop and launching itself against William.

Ysande enters the bar quietly and unassumingly, though in full knowledge that it will likely take only a matter of seconds for every head in the bar to turn her way. Kaj looms behind her like a watchful shadow as she surveys the scene, her expression serene though with a slightly bemused smile as she takes in the chaos. Her eyes slowly come to rest upon William, meeting his, and one eyebrow (fine, with a flourish, like an author's cursive signature) arches slightly in an expression that might be sympathy or might just be amusement.

"Good day to you, sir. I hope we didn't catch you at a bad time - now that our disembodied guide has broken the ice it falls to me to snare you into a drink and a chat. What do you say?"

She flashes him a brief smile, its radiance lighting up the bar for a fleeting moment before fading once more into enigmatic composure.
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Mystic pockets the loot he got from the dead guys, cuz he likes money. Plus tanglefoot bags=good.

"It is a pleasure, Ysande and Kaj. I have no name, but men call me Mystic. Might I know the names of your friends?


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Big quickly polishes off most of the food that was left in the bowl before standing up and tapping one fist to his shoulder in a modest salute.

"My name's Big. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Looks like we missed a nice little scrap here. I wish we'd gotten here five minutes ago."


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"Mores the pity, he could have been so much more useful." Canthan remarks rather flippantly when the soul winks out. He makes his way in casually stepping over bodies and wreckage paying little heed to the condition of his surroundings. His gaze washes over the three before him, resting on each in turn as he slowly addresses them, "We shall be working together at the request of the hordemistress. To refuse means death. You may know me as Canthan."

Upon seeing the spider his eyes focus and dart between the three men before returning to the spider, which he approaches, detaching himself from the present situation. Canthan begins in a rather subdued, level tone, however the hint of a madness strengthens as he continues quickening with every word. His voice becomes tinged with an untamed urgency. When he is finished his eyes are wide, his mouth in a twisted, estatic smile and his arms raised, fingers outstretched towards the heavens. "A thousand eyes he has. He sees me coming in a thousand different poses, and yet he is plucked like defenseless fruit from beyond the veil. I look in the eyes of the giant for his eyes are the window of a room. Inside dwells an old, old man, seated in an ancient study, full of wisdom. Ripping his study asunder, he cries out, awash in pain yet sheds no tear. Though I close my eyes I can see the truth of it all."

Canthan remains locked on the spider for a few moments. rather abruptly he turns and gathers himself together as if a mad sermon was as normal as eating, He addresses the others. "We have some matters to discuss prior to leaving. I suggest we take our leave to discuss these matters privately however. Ysande, might you suggest a local"

OOC What type of thoughts come from a pseudonatural spider with an Int of 3?


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Aeryk draws back the cowl of his cloak reveling his burnt and scarred visage. His faded yellow eyes look between the two men that helped him and the new arrivals. 'We shall be working together at the request of the hordemistress. To refuse means death.' Aeryk can't help but smile, he has heard this so many times before. The lord changes but the reward for failing to do so never does. He keeps his distance as the two groups begin to mingle. This was exactly the thing he wanted to avoid, but if the Cowls had tracked him here maybe there was more safety in numbers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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