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Fallen World (Mature, Dark)


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Jemal said:
"Mystic, that.. spider thing is under control, right? It's not going to try eating me?"

"The 'spider thing' has a name, you know. But, William, you are right. Bleck'ogghcht will not eat you. He's under control," replies Mystic.

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Trollbabe said:
[sblock=OOC Question]Just a question regarding damage. Since tanglefoot bag only gives a -4 penalty to DEX (It does not deny it.) and with my Improved Uncanny Dodge I can only be flanked by a rogue 4 levels higher then me... Should the attackers not be denied their sneak attack damage against Aeryk?[/sblock]

ooc: Eh, you're right. I completely forgot about Improved uncanny dodge. You're right they shouldn't have been able to sneak attack you. Aeryk is only down (6+7+5+8= 26 damage). I think I've made the encounter too weak... ;)


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Canthan, Ysande, Big

You proceed into the great golden hall, the vast emptiness beneath the dome hundreds of feet up seeming full of tension. It's more than just the gravity of the situation and the awesome precense of the demonic Lady, the air itself is buzzing with power. You walk further and the air grows thicker, tiny sparks of unfocused energy shoots off your skin, clothes and hair, doing no harm but awakening memories of thoughts you've never had. Before you stand Yangava and you feel a spiritual wind pulling your very souls towards her, but for now they remain anchored in your flesh.
You kneel, wether or not you had intended to, and gaze upon Her. She looks upon you and she looks beyond, her great slitted eyes seeming focused on everything and nothing. Her pose is rigid, her flesh is glittering with tiny scales. Her hands grasp six vicious weapons, and her nipples stand out like bloody spear-heads. She moves, infinitesmally, her sinuous body seeming to ride on a wave of souls.
(Ysande: Even you have never felt the precense of power so strongly, though you've been in the presence of many Lords. Maybe it's merely the concentration of souls around her that's unusual, or maybe she does not care to disguise her powers like the Lady Love always did.)
She looks at the three of you, and for a moment she looks only at you, as she acknowleges your precense. The weight of her gaze presses you deeper towards the floor. "The remnant of an Enclave hides in the ruins of Cel-Candon." She speaks without preamble, her voice resonating, commanding and yet not loud. "They hold an artefact which you will retrieve for me and thus gain my Favour, earning privilige within my court and immortality for your souls. The ruins are closed to my demons, the artefact protects them from the undead and my constructs are unsuited to the task. You will not betray me, for no other Lord will pay you as richly and those who betray me betray their own lives. Gather what allies you can and make your way to the army-camp of Aeil-Candon where you will report to the General Mokninchel."
She looks at you, her gaze unchanged, but this time she speaks into your minds.
(Canthan: "The Enclave holds the key to the answers you seek." )
(Ysande: "You will rise high in my court." )
(Big: "Serve me and others will serve you." )
Her eyes look beyond for a moment and she grabs something out of the wind that surrounds her, a smile touches her cruel lips. "This soul will show you the way to his killer. He and his companions would make a useful contribution to your cause." A tiny spark of white light materialises in front of Canthan, hovering around him before flitting off to Big and Ysande. It orbits the beautiful woman for a while, before again returning to the alienist.
The Lady seemingly ignores your presence, once more focusing her attention beyond.
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ooc: Warlocklord: Can the spider both cast True Strike, move and attack in one round? What about the Mystic's action? He summoned Bleck' last round, as a full round action, but he can still act in this one (rd2).


First Post
OOC: Yes, true strike is an Su ability that activates on an attack, like a paladin's smite evil. So yes, B can.

As for Mystic, I thought I had to hold the spell for an extra standard action. My bad. I just looked up the rules. Oops.

Assuming from your map that the Blackcloaks 3&4 are against the wall alone, Mystic will cast Evard's Black Tentacles to grapple them. If not, just use the enervation round I posted above.

[sblock=prepared spells]
(DC 17+ level):
0- detect magic (2), light, cure minor wounds,
1- bless, cure light wounds (2), snake's swiftness, silent image, charm person,
2- hold person, silence, mirror image, align fang, augury, align weapon
3- dispel magic, invisibility purge (2), haste, (1 used)
4- polymorph, divine power, enervation, flame strike, restoration,
5- raise dead, heal (2), summon monster V,
6-blade barrier, magic jar, mislead,
7-greater teleport, (1 used)

IC: Mystic waves his hand. A field of tentacles, black as night but as unyielding as stone, slip like shadows over certain persons in black cloaks.

Grapple rolls: 1d20+21=22, 1d20+21=31, 1d20+21=34, 1d20+21=39, 1d20+21=22

Damage (if applicable): 1d6+4=10

Sorry about that.


First Post
The sense of awe that emanates from Yangava takes Ysande completely by surprise. This is hardly the first time she has been around a truly powerful entity, but never before has she experienced this kind of demonstration. It's a salutary reminder of just what it means to be a demon lord - of just what the powers are that Ysande attempts so routinely to manipulate and turn to her profit. Head reeling, she is already on her knees by the time she is able to take stock of her surroundings.

She manages a deep bow of her head as the Lady finishes addressing them, and with an effort of will she regains her feet and begins to back away with another respectful bow. It seems that no words are necessary or desired - the Lady has finished with them. Ysande therefore concentrates on composing herself and regaining her poise as she retreats from the chamber. Once outside she will wait for the others. She seems quite recovered by the time she addresses them, a polite smile on her face as her eyes linger on those of each of the men in turn.

"It seems we'll be spending some time working together, hmmm? Let's adjourn to my chambers - I'll see if some tea can be procured, and we can discuss our first move."

OOC: Anyone feel free to let me know if I made too many assumptions by moving us back outside the chamber with this post. I can always edit!


First Post
Mystic waves his hand. A field of tentacles, black as night but as unyielding as stone, slip like shadows over the two blackcloaks on the stairs. Their smug expressions turn to horror as they are caught and slowly strangled by the obscene tentacles summoned from beyond the multiverse. (BC3 and BC4 grappled, -10hp)
Bleck'ogghcht narrowly steps out of a tentacle's grasp as it lunges forwards and bites deeply with its tentacled mandibles into the remaining blackcloak by the door. He screams as the potent venom saps his strength and begins to look for a way out. (BC1 - 13 hp, -7str)
But before the blackcloak can flee Aerik cuts into him with the fury of the hunted become hunter. Though only two of his attacks hit his nimble enemy it is clear that another one will finish him off. (BC1 -21hp)
The Blackcloak takes a step back and swiftly draws and drinks a potion from his belt, vanishing out of sight. (BC1 invisible)
The barkeep lowers his bloodied axe, looks at the Mystic and laughs. "I always thought you'd go far, kid. But this... I'm impressed."
The two blackcloaks struggle against the tentacles, getting nowhere. And the common patrons of the bar continue their struggle, three of them managing to escape trough the windows and another one ending up bleeding on the floor.
As windwalker takes a few swings in the general direction the invisible blackcloak may have moved a thick cloud of smoke envelopes the two grappled enemies by the stairs, obscuring them from your view.

Mystic: +17
HP 66-1=65

Bleck: +17
HP 68

Tentacles: +17

Aeryk: +15
HP: 73-6-7-5-8=49 HP

Black Cloak1: +14
?-11-13-21-7str=almost dead

Black Cloak2: +14

Barkeep: +11

Black Cloaks 3: +10
grappled HP-10

Black Cloaks 4: +10
grappled HP-10

Random patrons (6): +7
2 unconcious or dead

Windwalker: +6

Black Cloak 5: +5


A= Aeryk
B= Barkeeper
c= commoner
t=tentacles (and smoke)

ooc: What's the xp for this fight? 4 9th level enemies against 3 13th level characters and one 8th lev npc? (I don't have the dmg, and the xp-formulas don't seem to be in the SRD :heh: ) BC nr 5 isn't likely to get into the fight since it's too obvious it would be suicidal.
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Big backs quickly out of the throne room after the audience unnerved by the sheer power emanating from Yangava. It had been his first time around a demon of even close to her power and it had taken all his will to not fall groveling at her feet begging for her to take his soul. It had not been a pleasant experience but the promise of power was not one to take lightly, especially in a world such as this. Shaking his head to clear the after effects of their audience he notes the breathtaking women from inside.

"I agree we have much to discuss and plan for our future dealings. However I would prefer some good brandy to tea if that's possible."

[sblock=ooc] I definately agree that we should leave the audience chamber quickly. I don't think Yangava would appreciate us bothering her with our planning details in her room. :D [/sblock]


"Sneaky" William says towards the invisible black-cloak. "Flee, dog, else I squash you for daring to go against me!" He growls and looks around at the descending 'fog'. "Don't suppose Anybody can do anything about THAT?" he points towards it, keeping an eye open for any more hostilities.

Not too much I can do right now... Readied action to attack any blackcloaks that don't flee (Assuming I can see/target them).
(Partial charge is a standard action, so I can ready it. Can move up to 40' and attack. Power attack for 5: +16 attack, 3d6+20 damage)

ALSO, XP for three 13th lvl characters beating 4 CR 9's according to DMG = 1300 XP for each player.
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As the great doors open Canthan feels the rush of power and presence that is the hordemistress wash over him. He approaches, mechanically, like an automaton, focused not on what is before him but what surrounds him. Momentarily closing his eyes during the approach he focuses on the raw power in the room, feeling it as it courses through his being, pulling him forward. Although his eyes open reopen, his vision is focused inward, offering glimpses of the rotting god speaking, rising, dying, birthing, and the voices that constantly surround him rise in a terrible crescendo of maniacal laughter and dire epithets which end abruptly. Canthan brings his focus on the current events unfolding before him and thusly, finds himself on his knees bowing lowly before the horrible beauty addressing him.

Once dismissed, Canthan speaks softly to the soul, “Come.” Questioning the wisdom of losing himself to the omniscient whispers that continually surround him, Canthan resists the pull of focusing on the muttering just beyond comprehension. Slowly he leaves, feeling the power in the room beckon him. He backs away, his focus remaining upon the hordemistress until he is within the entry portal, turning he notices the others waiting. With his gaze no longer upon the hordemistress, his thoughts turn to Cal-Candon, his last warm bathe, the large stranger and the beautiful woman before him.

Listening to the two in turn, Canthan replies, to neither in particular but rather addresses the soul fliting before him, “Unless our little friend here leads us to your chambers I believe our first move was laid before us. Perhaps we should gather our belongings and be on our way. We can discuss our personal choice beverages in route.”

[sblock=ooc] Although technically unbalanced, Canthan knows better than to stick around after he has been dismissed[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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