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Favorite Doctor from Doctor Who

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I think Sylvester McCoy is highly underrated. He's the perfect doctor IMO: one part tweedy noble laurieate, one part shabby vagabond. I think today's doctors--Tenant and Smith--with their over-the-top mania are taking the path of least resistance.

I also love that episode "Silver Nemesis" that had South American nazis, the cyber-men, and a 17th-century black magician all competing for possession of a mcguffin. That's as oddball a mash-up as anything you'll see in a modern episode.


McCoy's biggest problem was he came on board as the BBC no longer cared.

For the latest three...
#9 : Dalek
#10 : The Girl in the Fireplace
#11 : The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon


I've definitely not seen enough Who to state my favorite episodes. I don't even remember which ones the ones I've watched were about.


First Post
Don't think I've ever watched any of the third Doctor episodes, despite their Netflix availability. The idea of the Doctor being inserted into the role of earthbound geriatric secret agent doesn't sit right.


You're missing some good episodes by avoiding the Pertwee era. And he was only Earth-bound during the first half of his run; after "The Three Doctors" he was released and able to travel through time and space again.


Elf Witch

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David Tennant his stories are wonderful he is a fantastic actor and he had some of my favorite companions. I really liked Donna and Martha.

Peter Davinson for years he was my favorite until David Tennant came and knocked him down to second. I found him a breath of fresh air after Tom Baker who I thought went over the top in his last few years. Tegan was also a favorite of mine.

Sylvester McCoy he brought whimsy back to the doctor and I loved his relationship with Ace.

Jon Pertwee his episodes were fun I liked UNIT and Sarah Jane. He was the James Bond of Dr Who.

Colin Baker his episodes often were not great but given better writing I think he would be remembered better. He channeled the grumpy first doctor while giving the character his own twist.

Paul Mcgann I have become a huge fan of his doctor from the Big Finish audio adventures.

Tom Baker certain episodes of his just shine but there are many where I think he over reacts.

Patrick Troughton I like him and wish more of his episodes existed.

Christopher Eccelston not one of my favorites I just was not blown away by his doctor and I make no secret I hate Rose I never thought anyone would knock Mel off my most disliked companion list but Rose managed it.

William Hartnell I just find most of his episodes kind of boring.

Matt Smith don't like him he and Amy Pond are the reason I have stopped watching the show for the most part.

Favorite episodes

School Reunion
The Runaway Bride
Human Nature/Family of Blood
The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
Remembrance of the Daleks
The Caves of Androzani
Black Orchid
Talons of Weng-Chiang

Viking Bastard

I love Tom Baker. So much.

Both Tennant and Matt Smith give him a run for his money, though.

I have a lot of fondness for Hartnell, Troughton, Davison and Eccleston. Especially Troughton, but their order in a list will always vary with my mood or time of day.

Pertwee is a special case, because there's a lot of gold in those seasons, but Pertwee himself never feels properly like "The Doctor" to me. He feels like a character from a 60s spy show. I don't know why aging spy doesn't work for me, when grumpy grandfather, hobo, bohemian and ivy league student all equally do, but somehow it won't click.

McCoy, McGann and Colin Baker are hard to quantify because of the often atrocious writing. McCoy feels like he could've been one of the greats, but he never got to shine.

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