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Favorite System that Never Caught On

Infernal Teddy

Henry said:
Aetherco's CONTINUUM. Greatest time travel game ever invented, and with a set of self-consistent rules that gave players the best opportunity to be "gods in a bottle" that I've ever seen.

Got a link vor that, your Modness? :)

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Jack of Shadows

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My fave,

Worlds Beyond, it was a little one-shot generic SF game. It mixed all the best parts of Star Wars and Traveller together with out actually being either. I still have my copy tucked away in storage. It was one of the true gems I found from my days of bargain bin diving (the other was Talislanta).

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Earthdawn - definately tops my list, not only for mechanics, but the setting was pretty impressive as well.

SPI's Dragonquest - is another good one, gets bonus points for being a "classless" fantasy rpg.

D6 Starwars - fun and stupid easy to learn, cant beat that with a lightsaber.

Marvel Superheroes - was the ultimate pickup game. I used to use it alot as filler when ppl cancelled other games at the last minute.

Gargoyle said:
Torg. I love the rulesystem for the most part, though it could use some refining, and the cross-genre setting. It was just a little too different to have mainstream appeal.

I ran a couple of great campaigns years ago, but my current players don't really have time to learn a new system, and changing it to a d20 system would be too time consuming for me.

I'll second Torg. The rules system itself is fascinating...lots of fun new rules with drama decks and all of that (though the rules are not as completely 'universal' as it was promoted). The setting though was the real gem...and the way the different settings and the rules interacted even more so.

I also loved alternity...though, in my case I was fortunate to get my fix from a nice little campaign. Still have all the books stored away. As much as I love Alternity, I am, paradoxically, working on a home conversion of the Alternity (and particulary the STar*Drive Setting) conventions to the Shadowrun 4e rules...which well deserved the ENies they received.


nothing to see here said:
I'll second Torg. The rules system itself is fascinating...lots of fun new rules with drama decks and all of that (though the rules are not as completely 'universal' as it was promoted). The setting though was the real gem...and the way the different settings and the rules interacted even more so.

I also loved alternity...though, in my case I was fortunate to get my fix from a nice little campaign. Still have all the books stored away. As much as I love Alternity, I am, paradoxically, working on a home conversion of the Alternity (and particulary the STar*Drive Setting) conventions to the Shadowrun 4e rules...which well deserved the ENies they received.
Hey, you! Get out of my head, I was going to say Alternity and TORG!

Staffan said:
Hey, you! Get out of my head, I was going to say Alternity and TORG!

It's always good to see one is not alone.

By any chance has anyone reviewed the re-recent re-release of the Torg rules? I'm itching to pull the trigger and see what WEG improved, but I don't like buying blind.


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Teflon Billy said:

Thotas said:
Alternity is one of those games I bought, but I had no gaming group at the time and I still want to try it out. Even though the Farthest Star thing that the Spycraft folks are supposed to be coming out with (or did it come out while I wasn't looking?) looks like great space opera, I still want to try both.

Dannyalcatraz said:
I'll back up that vote for Alternity.

Come over to here,

And take part in some of the games, I'm just getting ready for a "Resident Evil: Survivor" game, I'm thinking of running a Farscape game at a later point :)


I felt Saga had a lot of potential. A bit too dumbed down and simplified in its first incarnation, but a 2nd edition of the game would have killed imo.


Infernal Teddy said:
Got a link vor that, your Modness? :)

http://www.aetherco.com/continuum/ is the home site. There are links scattered here and there, and a message list on Topica; not much fan presence on the internet, truly more of a "small-press" game. I suggested that the game should do a d20 offering to raise public awareness about four years ago (kind of like BESM, Call of Chulhu, and Silver Age Sentinels did), but the authors had no interest in such a project. The base mechanics of action are not the draw on that system; the mechanics and rules of Time Travel are -- truly well-thought-out stuff.

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