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Feint Whispers Chapter #6: A Modest Proposal


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jasamcarl said:
The seated Lord brow furrows at Jericho's barely veiled demands. "Your people's reputation as barterers seems well deserved, D'orite. All about the deal...No matter, I'm sure whatever I give you here will be compensated for when I'm sitting atop the celestial mount looking down at you writhing in whatever hell sand folk go to....You and your companions get first choice of all plunder taken off of enemies on the battlefield, which may total no more than one quarter of the total value. Any land you take in the course of this campaign with the troops which I will provide will be divided evenly between my house and your party; first choice should be determined by which domain the land borders. If it borders Duvik's Pass, you shall have first choice. If it borders my land, then the gods' will hold the reverse to be true. If neither of us have adjacent claims, we shall let the All Father decide. Finally, I will guarantee this current alliance with Duvik's Pass for the remainder of the year, regardless of when this war is settled and will provide the Pass with two units (100 men each) of foot for the duration of the winter that is upon us. I don't believe in trusting larger numbers of coin to anyone, D'orite. You will have to fight for your reward. My armies are your tool. Is this acceptable?" His jaw is obviously clenched...
Jericho grins and bows his head, "Your offer is humbling, Lord Evenwood. I would like to accept it under the confidence that such a good favor, deserves faith that a foreign upstart such as myself would never dream to challenge your growing influence and might. Though I would dream to enhance such power and might as an ally, and with the glory of war upon us, a career in politics can be bought part and parcel by one's bloody blade and convictions.”

“I would like a personal favor, then to cement this deal. I would ask that we respect a relationship of non-aggression as a sign of good faith of our agreement. If so then you can call me ally for a lifetime, and that of my progeny as well. I would also like to invite my companion Bhartus to witness the signing of perhaps a draft on your behalf to the king vouching for my stewardship of said lands,” Jericho finishes, with a bow.

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Tokiwong said:
Jericho grins and bows his head, "Your offer is humbling, Lord Evenwood. I would like to accept it under the confidence that such a good favor, deserves faith that a foreign upstart such as myself would never dream to challenge your growing influence and might. Though I would dream to enhance such power and might as an ally, and with the glory of war upon us, a career in politics can be bought part and parcel by one's bloody blade and convictions.”

“I would like a personal favor, then to cement this deal. I would ask that we respect a relationship of non-aggression as a sign of good faith of our agreement. If so then you can call me ally for a lifetime, and that of my progeny as well. I would also like to invite my companion Bhartus to witness the signing of perhaps a draft on your behalf to the king vouching for my stewardship of said lands,” Jericho finishes, with a bow.

The Lord makes direct eye contact with Jericho for several moments before nodding, "So be it. We will sign the papers before you depart. Let Moradin bless this alliance and hope that it bears fruit for us and the Laugh for the damnable Aporos." The Lord stands and slaps Jericho's armorerd shoulder in an almost playful fashion. He then gestures to the table, with its unfurled parchments containing both maps and figures, "Now sit and assuage my sense of regret for having let you lot into these forests....and I wouldn't brag about this to my vassels..jelouse lot they are."
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For the most part Whitney spends the next few days to get some grip on what has happened to her and what her father has advised as the 'best' course of action. For the most part her thoughts linger over how while she is happy to be recognized as a daughter of his, she'd rather wished he had kept it to her and him. Finally after much thought, she decides NOT to follow his advice about not staying with the Fist and resolves to aid them as best she can. (after I figure out which spells and how much money/xp I'm going to spend I'll post my magic scrolls/items I'm thinking of preparing for the jaunt)


Tarowyn watches the political wrangling between Jericho and Lord Evenwood with a look of disdain evident on his face.

When the bargain is struck, the elf says his piece, "I don't trust you, Evenwood. We have helped your family more than you have ever helped us and yet you have never given us anything but grief. Your haughty demeanor and your 'celestial' aspirations leave me cold. You should be proud to have us defending your honor and taking up your cause, especially when you have nothing but inexperienced pups at your command. I can hardly believe that you have the gall to tell us to keep our mouths shut about the bargain you have just struck when it is obvious that you need our help. I will fight with the Fist but I will never fight for you until you can show us the respect which we deserve."


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Mirth said:
Tarowyn watches the political wrangling between Jericho and Lord Evenwood with a look of disdain evident on his face.

When the bargain is struck, the elf says his piece, "I don't trust you, Evenwood. We have helped your family more than you have ever helped us and yet you have never given us anything but grief. Your haughty demeanor and your 'celestial' aspirations leave me cold. You should be proud to have us defending your honor and taking up your cause, especially when you have nothing but inexperienced pups at your command. I can hardly believe that you have the gall to tell us to keep our mouths shut about the bargain you have just struck when it is obvious that you need our help. I will fight with the Fist but I will never fight for you until you can show us the respect which we deserve."

The Lord eyes Tarowyn briefly, then Jericho, and finally settles his gaze back on the elf, "Both your peoples are renowned for your prowess in battle, abilility which the two of you have domonstrated on several occasions if what i'm told is true. But in this Kingdom, that is not enough. My anscestors started off as mere mercenaries and only through the blessing of the gods, a lot of bloody work, and a lot more bloody years did we establish ourselves as an 'honorable' house..." he smiles, "...perhaps you will not have to wait as long, but it sure in the hells will be bloody..." He returns to the maps on the table and continues planning.


Bhartus will provide his blessing on the army, though Moradin might not be so aidful for those not of dwarven origins.

Voidrunner's Codex

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