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Feline character portrait


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First a warning: I tend to babble and give more information then most people think is necessary when I do these things. But in my head all that information is necessary so if I were to edit myself I would feel like I was leaving vital information out. As a result, I end up with a long monologue before I get to my point.

We game with rotating dm system. After each adventure we switch dm's and usually campaigns as well. So one of our dm's (who happens to be a furry) has created a furry D&D world and he wants us to get character portraits. Unfortunately for me, it seems that most furry art featuring female tigers (which is what I will be playing) is porn. And frankly, I’ve gotten tired of searching furry art sites trying to find a female tiger who isn't squatting and stroking herself--or worse--so I’ve decided to ask for one.

Another problem I’ve run into is finding the right mix of human and cat. The few non-pornographic pictures I’ve found were either too much tiger or not enough. I did find one that is just right, but it's not free and the pose is just a little too seductive. But I’ll give a link anyway so you can see what I have in mind. http://store.rabbitvalley.org/item_4091___Tigress-in-Green.html

I’d really like to be able to do this myself, but I can't draw on my own very well. I’m good at slightly altering other people's work--adjusting breast size, adding clothing, etc.--and coloring, which is what I intend to do.

I’m playing a white tiger rouge by the name of Nessa. I’d like a full body image. Clothing is not necessary as I can add that myself pretty easily once I have a body to put them on, but you can draw them if you want. Something in a crouch with a dagger in her hand like she's about to sneak attack someone would be nice, but it doesn't matter as I don't have that clear of an image of her in my head yet. You have vast artistic license in this--as long as it's not pornographic and has the right balance of cat and human I’ll be thrilled. And I’ll even post my finished product if you'd like

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that's great. but the request is still open as sometimes i like to do more then one picture of my characters (like the 5 i did for the centar druidess i played last summer or the who knows how many of my sniper in shadowrun). it also helps me form a better visual image of my characters if i see more art. i like one feature from one drawing and another from another and they wind up combined--if that makes any sense.

but since i have a full body in the pose that was in my head, those parts of the request can be ignored. as long as it's not pornographic, have fun with her. i guess i should probably tell you a bit about her personality though.

i always wind up playing an inoccent, charitable (within the party at the very least), likable, goody-goody type in any system we play. don't get me wrong, i like that kind of character, but i also like darker characters and wanted to play one for a change. Nessa's alignment is NE, but it comes off as self centered. she's a bit manipulative and very self serving, but not in an obvious way. if anyone's ever played vampire: the masquerade, she's pretty much pulled out of that world. i've been playing a lot of bloodlines on my computer and was using her basic concept (and name) for the nospheratu i played and thought it would be nice if i could develop the concept further than it can go on a computer game. but, since no one but me wants to play vampire i had to fit her into another system.
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first of all, reaper mini #2575: Cleo Goldpaws, Weretigress by Sandra Garrity and painted by me.


this is only the second min i ever painted. i did her with nessa in mind. she is a bit too human, but there probably isn't a better mini available. sorry about the yellow lighting and blurry backside. i must have acedentily jiggled the camera when i pushed the button on that pic. i'm most proud of the hair color i mixed up for this. it's dead on to what's in my head.

and second...


i hope i didn't ruin her, it has been quite a while since i've done this. the hair's too red (though not by that much in person), but it's the best i could do with colored pencils. the blade is colored with silver pen and the earring was drawn on with gold pen. everything else is derwent water color pencil. she looked like crap until i inked her with an artist's pen though.

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