Finding online gaming groups for DnD 4.0


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Encouraging anyone else interested in some online play to post here - we just need 1 more player to meet our 5th player.

It looks like our play times will match up if we do a Wednesday or Sat/Sunday meeting time and most are EST time zone with myself being the only Central time.

We have a Leader Bard type ( myself ), A possible Defender half elf Paladin or Ranger, a striker or controller possibility, and a player who doesn't mind what they play. If anyone is interested feel free to post to fill the last spot.

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Name: Karmic_vegeance (Feel free to correct the typo)
Level: I like either starting point, and I've run a group of players from Levels 1-6 myself, so I've experienced the gambit.
Availability: Currently, I'm free almost any time that's not Saturday, barring extraneous circumstances. In August, things change around - I am uncertain of my work schedule, but I know for certain I won't be available MTW in the mornings or early afternoons, with a likely weekend shift. I'm in the PST time zone.
Class/role: I have character concepts for a controller-styled bard, hybrid paladin/sorcerer, ardent, or hybrid fighter/ranger that could be adapted very easily, or I can play pretty much any class, barring Battlemind (no interest, thank you).


First Post
Hello again.
1) Polyonymous
2) Tom, if you prefer a shorter name.
3) I'd prefer lvl1 to make character creation easier and see what it's like.
4) I'm in the UK, so at the moment it's BST (summer time) which is GMT+1.
I'm free - from 6.30pm-1am Mon-Weds
- from 6.30pm-whenever on Friday(and Saturday).
- on Saturday before 1pm
5) Paladin or Fighter
6) I'm new to D&D

I haven't looked at the timezones, but if it doesn't work, suggest a time and I'll see whether I can adjust (though it'd probably end up being 'til 4am on a workday >.<



Group update

I've received information from six players so far (I'm counting Shenaniganeer as one, since one will be leaving in August and having the other take over), which is pretty good. I'd like to wait another day or so to see if anyone else is interested. Also, if we want a party of five solid players, we'll probably need more than six people expressing interest just due to the difficulty of coordinating schedules.

Right now it's looking like Friday evenings around 6:00 PM Mountain time (5:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Central, 8:00 PM Eastern, 1:00 AM London) are going to be the best time. Polyonymous, sorry about the time difference but if you want to play in the middle of the night (super-early Saturday morning), you're welcome to join!

As for level, I've heard a little support (partly from me!) for starting at level 1, but more support for starting at a higher level. We'll start with characters at level 6, though if things go well and we're anxious to get to the Paragon tier, we might level up quickly.

Depending on what we hear from other players who might be interested in the next day or so, we'll tentatively aim for getting together for a first session this coming Friday, July 16, at 6:00 PM Mountain time. I'll send details via email about setting up a Skype call and so on.

More to come in the next couple of days on characters. It sounds like we have plenty of people who are open to a variety of character types, which is good. We're a little light on people who are actively seeking to play a controller, but those of you who have said you're open to anything - start thinking controllery thoughts! We only need one, though. I'd like a balanced party (leader, striker, defender, controller) and the fifth character can be anything.

The adventure background will be the generic D&D world, not Forgotten Realms or anything like that. So, all of the standard dieties, etc. I'll likely be running a home-brew campaign, though I'm open to requests if there's a particular published campaign that someone is interested in playing.

Thanks for chiming in so far, and anyone who hasn't written yet, please feel free - there's still time!


By the way, I know Palacer mentioned Wednesday as a possibility - that's the one weeknight that is out for me. I personally would prefer Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evening over Friday, but it sounds like Friday works for more people.


First Post
*Maximilia, Max for short
*I'd prefer level 1, but I'm ok with anything
*I'm in MST--I can do any evening after 5 or 6 MST except the weekends, so no Saturday or Sunday for me
*Probably a warlock
*I was away all Sunday, so I didn't get any messages til I logged in this morning. I hope I gets to play! :D


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Right now it's looking like Friday evenings around 6:00 PM Mountain time (5:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Central, 8:00 PM Eastern, 1:00 AM London) are going to be the best time. Polyonymous, sorry about the time difference but if you want to play in the middle of the night (super-early Saturday morning), you're welcome to join!

I don't mind playing 'til 4 or 5am on Saturday morning - I can take it once a week, and I should be able to get 6 or 7 hours sleep before I have to leave the house :)
If it ends up being on a weekday, though, count me out!

-Oly (I just picked a new name, and all of the potential shortenings are too feminine or don't work without surounding letters. Lame.)


The roster is set

Thank you everyone for your interest in this game! I'm pleased to announce that we have seven/eight players confirmed for our game (there's one couple, and I'm not sure if they will be playing one shared character or two separate characters). That's perfect if we want to end up with five (though hey, I'll run a huge group if that's what we end up with!).

I've sent an email to all of the participants with the details for our first session, which is going to be this coming Friday, July 16, at 6:00 PM Mountain time.

We'll mostly be taking this out of the forums now, but if the EN World community at large is interested in hearing about how things go please let me know. I'll definitely be blogging about our experiences, and I'd be happy to share the information here if there's any interest from the community.

New player enrollments are closed now, but if anyone comes across this later and is interested, please do drop me a line - there may be other games in the future.
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In 4e you can fight a dragon at level 1... so it's relative.

It's cool to see you're sorting yourselves out with a game. I am a DM that had been dying to play as a player for years. I had asked around about the same type of things ... it wasn't until I saw someone mention Fantasy Grounds II in a post on these boards that I sorted it out. Now, in a question of a month, I am in 2 different 4e games on UK time. One is a homebrew 'learners' campaign; most are new to FG and all except me new to 4e. The other is with other players new to 4e, but it's only 'learners' in so far as throwing someone in the deep end of a pool is a good way to teach someone to swim. Its the Dark Sun Season 2 D&D encounters, which is pretty awesome. All going well it will lead into a full blown Dark Sun Campaign! So, pretty stoked. Rolling 3d dice gives it a certain touch that is hard to beat.

Anyway, only so many can fit into OnlineDMs game. So, for those of you that arrive to late. I post this to point you in the right direction to an awesome and very affordable online gaming tool that should have you in a game in a very short time! Link below:

Fantasy Grounds :: The Virtual Tabletop for Pen & Paper Roleplaying Games


Thanks for the info, jbear. I haven't personally tried Fantasy Grounds, but I have tried OpenRPG, Gametable (also known as OSU-gt) and MapTool. All three programs are free, and all three create a great environment for playing RPGs over the internet. My favorite by far is MapTool.

Maybe Fantasy Grounds is worth paying for, but I'd advise new players to try the free options like MapTool before spending the money on a paid solution. That's just my two cents' worth, based solely on the fact that I've had a blast with the free programs.

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