Food Cravings


Staff member
Everyone gets cravings for particular foods. This is a natural part of life.

What I hate is when there is absolutely nothing you can do to satisfy it.

Here it is, 3:00AM, I'm visiting EN World while listening to The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus and I have a sudden craving for these escargo tarts made by a particular chef- pure buttery, garlicy, snail-y bliss, wrapped in bite-sized tasty pie crusts.

I have not a chance in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks of tasting them again anytime soon, yet the ghost of their taste is dancing all around my tongue. The chef in question was working at a private party as the gift from a wife to her hubby. I don't even know what restaraunt he works at!


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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
I guess I'm unusual; I get a craving for salads - made my way! Sure, its a pain in the ass to stand there for a half an hour putting it all together, but the resultant joy of eating it is almost pure bliss.


Staff member
I get cravings for custom salads, too, but that I can do something about.

Not only are all of my favorite ingredients (for the record- Iceberg, Romaine, Butter lettuce; young Spinach leaves; tomatoes; mushrooms; green, yellow, red and white onions; yellow bell pepper; baby carrots; a strong, crumbly blue cheese; red wine vinagar) readily available in my local groceries, I can also usually find 85% of them at my local salad bars- close enough for me!

But this escargot craving? Its driving me nuts!


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Reveille said:
Is escargot sweet? If it is then my only suggestion to you would be to find something sweet in your flat that is on par with your craving.
Escargot is snails. Do you imagine that snails are sweet?

They're not.

A lot of their flavor comes from the sauce they're cooked in, though.

Danny--the closest you can probably come to it is something else with a butter garlic sauce. Easiest thing would be garlic bread, I suppose. If you're willing to go out and buy something or cook something more elaborate, mussels would probably be closest (still a little squishy, and you slather enough of that sauce on there that you still are able to mop up sauce with some crusty bread... that's a really satisifying aspect of both escargot and mussels that I enjoy).

P.S.--there's a (very, very well respected) chef in Houston that used to have this deal--if you collect and prepare your own snails, he'll cook the escargot for you (I don't remember if it was for free or for a small fraction of the cost)--apparently, a lot of the price of escargot comes from the labor-intensive preparation.

Tinker Gnome

I find that I get cravings for Lemonade sometimes.

In terms of food, I would say I am craving pizza right now. A salad also sounds really good too.


I ended up with 2 cases of Spree (off of, after getting a craving for them back in December and not being able to find them locally.

I actually finished the first case yesterday (though I didn't eat the orange or red ones)

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