For Queen and Country! A Space: 1889 Campaign [OOC]


First Post
Hi, Yellow Sign.

This sounds like fun. I'm afraid I'm another of the people who doesn't know the setting or have a copy of the rules but I had a couple of thoughts for character concepts which I'd like to run past you.

First, an academic (Oxford don) with an interest in parallel development theories of intelligence. A philologist, he is also something of a cultural anthropologist and is interested in studying alien cultures. As I'm writing this I'm thinking he sounds like Daniel Jackson from Stargate - but at any rate, I think a scholar like this could be fun to play, if you think he would fit.

Another idea I had was a big-game hunter - particularly keen to bag some dinosaur. Or else a soldier of fortune type, who might hire on as a mercenary or who might get caught up in some sort of rescue mission. This could also be a servant of the Crown entrusted with a mission of vital importance.

Or how about a Colonial - from Australia, set to make his fortune in any way he can. Or a pastoralist's youngest son, looking to find some promising stock to cross-breed for a hardier, more drought-resistant breed of sheep.

Or what about an Oriental mystic seeking enlightenment? Or a Church of England clergyman seeking to convert the natives? The White Man's Burden, you know! (I can't imagine that this latter would last as a character concept - but there's no reason that it couldn't be the hook to get him offworld in the first place.)

What do you think?


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First Post
With so many good suggestions already out there,, as well as me not having the needed books, I am going to pull out of the running for this one.

I hope the game does well though and I will be lurking around in the background.

Yellow Sign

Tonks said:
With so many good suggestions already out there,, as well as me not having the needed books, I am going to pull out of the running for this one.

I hope the game does well though and I will be lurking around in the background.

Sorry to see you go Tonks. But I don't think that anyone has the books.

Yellow Sign

Just to help everyone in deciding on a character.

The game will start with the player characters taking a trip to Mars aboard the etherflyer RMS Majestic. Your journey will begin at the London etherport. So you need to come up with a reason why your character is going to Mars.

This website has a lot of good information on the setting. It should help you in creating your characters backgrounds.

So far I have the following people interested in playing.


I would like to have at least one more player for a group of 5.

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Yellow Sign

Boddynock said:
Hi, Yellow Sign.

This sounds like fun. I'm afraid I'm another of the people who doesn't know the setting or have a copy of the rules but I had a couple of thoughts for character concepts which I'd like to run past you.

First, an academic (Oxford don) with an interest in parallel development theories of intelligence. A philologist, he is also something of a cultural anthropologist and is interested in studying alien cultures. As I'm writing this I'm thinking he sounds like Daniel Jackson from Stargate - but at any rate, I think a scholar like this could be fun to play, if you think he would fit.

Another idea I had was a big-game hunter - particularly keen to bag some dinosaur. Or else a soldier of fortune type, who might hire on as a mercenary or who might get caught up in some sort of rescue mission. This could also be a servant of the Crown entrusted with a mission of vital importance.

Or how about a Colonial - from Australia, set to make his fortune in any way he can. Or a pastoralist's youngest son, looking to find some promising stock to cross-breed for a hardier, more drought-resistant breed of sheep.

Or what about an Oriental mystic seeking enlightenment? Or a Church of England clergyman seeking to convert the natives? The White Man's Burden, you know! (I can't imagine that this latter would last as a character concept - but there's no reason that it couldn't be the hook to get him offworld in the first place.)

What do you think?


All those sound good. Though the Oriental mystic might not be a good fit for the campaign.

Yellow Sign

As it seems that no on has the rules. I will gladly build your characters if you could just give me a background and what skills and abilities you want your character to have. Once the game gets started the rules should vainish into the background.


First Post
Wow, a blast from the past. I would defintiely be interested, but sadly I do not have the M
&M rules either. I DO have the Space:1889 rulebook (mint condition, mind you! :D ). If you have room for another, I do have a character idea but would need a character made up for me.

Daniel McMonagle - Irish - Manservant/Former Soldier in British Army

Daniel is a 20-something former soldier who served with a British officer for several years, with Daniel earning his trust enough to hire him on as a manservant after Daniels' six year stint as an infantryman. Daniel is well trained in most combat arms, as well as hand-to-hand combat. His master has provided Daniel with a good education. Daniel serves his master well, being able to gather info from the "lower classes" with his thick County Donegal brogue.

Just a quick blurb, but I could refine it if you have questions. Basically Daniel could be a servant to any of the other characters that comes from the aristocracy.

Thanks for the opportunity!


Sir Franklin Blake, Gentleman Adventurer

Description: Franklin stands at six feet, two inches, with thick black hair and a large mustach. He has blue eyes, and a rakish grin. He tends to favor red jackets when in public, and hunting jackets when he's hunting. He's thirty-eight years old.

Background: A former officer in the British Army, Franklin retired after the untimely death of his father in a tragic hunting accident, in order to see after the family estate. He found life out of the army rather boring, however, so soon began seeking ways to entertain himself.

He eventually took up hunting, and found that he quite enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. Soon, he was off seeking larger and more difficult game on every continent on the planet, establishing quite a reputation as both a big game hunter, and a gentleman adventurer, often finding himself (usually by complete accident) involved in some conspiracy, plot or criminal action in the course of his hunts, which he then feels obliged to sort out.

He's even been contacted a few times to help out British Intelligence (though admitedly, not any jobs that required any mount of subtlety), to do his part for Queen and Country. As a patriot, he felt he could do nothing less.

As a result of this travelling and hunting and adventures, coupled with his military stories, he's become moderately famous in social circles in England, and can often be found at one party or another, regalling an audience with the hugely exagerated tales of his adventures. His home is a moderate distance north of London, though he often isn't there, either out socializing with the upper classes or out on another adventure. He usually just comes to rest and relax, and get some more ammo for his trademark double-barreled elephant gun while planning his next hunt.
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Yellow Sign

Sir Franklin Blake, Gentleman Adventurer

Very Very Nice!!

Falkus said:
He tends to favor red jackets when in public, and various camouflage when he's hunting.

A fine hunting outfit maybe but a gentlemen sportsman would never be caught dead in camouflage. It's just not sporting! ;)

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