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For the emperor ! (IC thread - always recruiting )


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Kelly sits back, overwhelmed as usual by the verbal storm called Trix.
“Trix, the other survivors are clean. I’m pretty damned sure about it, trust me.”

She thinks, then continues.

“They are at a hideyhole in the lower parts of the hive. You’ll definitely need Brutis if you’re going down there, but we’ll need to disguise him a bit. And yourself.”

"If you say they're trustworthy, I'll believe you."
Trix stops, suddenly processing the end of Kel's statement. She looks at her blankly.
She turns and looks at Brutis, with a drink in his hand. All of him. Big, intimidating, obvious penal legionnaire. With his collar, and its blinking light. She turns back to Kel.
"Disguise? Like, well, how?"

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Brutis adjust his cape. Again. He tries to ignore the occasional giggle from Trix as best as he can, focusing on the surroundings. The big red cloak marked with symbols of the Emperor and lurid images of burning heretics, however obvious it is, does seem to do the trick. All the citizens surrounding him avert their eyes and move aside for the huge penal legionnaire. Well, Redemptionist Firebrand,to be more precise. The fanatic orders penchant for never-ending sermons at the top of their voice to anyone or anything not completely in line with their rigid (or rabid) view of the Imperial Doctrine and their solution surely involving a barrel of promethium, a stake and a few matches make sure none interfere in the journey to the outskirts of the spaceport. A quick change of clothes transforms the cultist in a heavily tattood spacer with a bandanna, and a metal carapace covering his torso, neck and lower half of his face.

The call with Kincaid was short and to the point.The arbites were sending in a specialist. Luckily, it’s someone Kincaid can vouch for. She knows nothing about He Who Should Not Be Named (even if you did know his name), but knows that your investigation should be kept secret. Brutis will be guarding her. She has some additional info about the corpses in the train. She will be arriving shortly near you. Trixie has full arbites authority, but don’t use it unless you have to, is her final warning.

A nervous Rat approaches the guards outside. They give the ganger and the guardsman a once over, and motion at the shotgun. They don’t seem to mind McLane’s knife nor Rat’s pistols. One of the muscleboys opens a box large enough to fit the shotgun in, and waits.

Outside the four remaining team-members stand just around the corner eating a bit of non-specified meat-on-a-stick from one of the local free entrepreneurs, 'cept for Brutis, who keeps an eye out for trouble.


First Post
(OOC - So, just to be clear, we're all together now, except McClane, who is with Rat, and who we're all casually planning on backing up should the situation with the box get ugly?)


First Post
(OOC - So, just to be clear, we're all together now, except McClane, who is with Rat, and who we're all casually planning on backing up should the situation with the box get ugly?)
Yep, that's about it. I'm just seeing who's doing what and is standing where, and we're set for the next scene. Make up details of the scene the way you want, though there won't be a handy heavy bolter lying about :p [/sblock]


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Outside the four remaining team-members stand just around the corner eating a bit of non-specified meat-on-a-stick from one of the local free entrepreneurs, 'cept for Brutis, who keeps an eye out for trouble.

Trix chews a bit more of her meat.
"Hmmm, I wonder what this used to be. No, no, on second thoughts, probably better not to know. At least this way I can enjoy it, whatever it is."
She opens up her bag, and takes out three juggling balls, which she holds in her hand before putting them back in the bag. She sighs, then says to Brutis:
"One day, I'm really going to have to learn to juggle."
He appears to relax after she puts them away.
She giggles at his expression.


First Post
Harrigan Zhent, Imperial Psyker

Harrigan chewed absently at the unidentified meat. Despite assurances, the new person made him nervous. Of course, the old person made him nervous, too. But at least he was used to that nervous, marginally.

Just kill her.
But do it slow.
Yes. Flaying, maybe, yes?

Zhent clenched his jaw. All right, however nervous the person made him, she wasn't one of the chittering whispers from the void bound and determined to turn him into a raving psychotic, so no more dwelling on that point.

And as far as dwelling went, it was long past time he let his head overrule his natural nerves. Training taught him that a base psyniscience sweep wouldn't open him up any more than staying clamped tight, and could conceivably warn them if someone was insane enough to open that box again.

Zhent kept his eyes on the meat, ostensibly looking it over for identifying features, but his attention turned elsewhere, to the wafts of energy those unattuned to the warp could never notice. Try as he might, though, he couldn't find the focus to properly read the aether.


First Post
"So," Kestrel said, eying Trix warily. "You're a friend of Kincaid?"

Kes didn't trust the girl. She was...cheerful, which implied a kind of madness. Of course, one might argue that Kes was a bit mad herself, but there was a difference. She was the kind of mad that got the job done.

"What did she tell you about this?"


First Post
"So," Kestrel said, eying Trix warily. "You're a friend of Kincaid?"

Kes didn't trust the girl. She was...cheerful, which implied a kind of madness. Of course, one might argue that Kes was a bit mad herself, but there was a difference. She was the kind of mad that got the job done.

"What did she tell you about this?"

Trix smiled back.
"Well, she said she trusted you, which was all that mattered to me."
The smile disappears.
"Kincaid didn't have a choice about bringing someone in. She had a choice about who. I've worked with her before, and she knows my abilities. She thought I would be the right person for the situation."
She looks at Kestrel, head cocked slightly to the side, appraisingly.
"Saw the after-action footage from the train. Read the reports. Problem. Thirty pilgrims just happen to all be cultists on a train-long rampage of death? You stopped them. That makes you survivors. It also makes you potential targets for the cult. Since the group is together down here, when there is no reason for you to have any connection with each other by the statements you gave in the debriefing, that indicates that there is more to the situation."
Trix focuses on Kes.
"Those thirty were a throwaway weapon. There will be more. My specialty is cults. Identifying, analyzing, and, with appropriate backup, neutralizing. You don't know cults. I do. You are not cleared for information on cults, cultists, and similar topics. I am. On the other hand, you are survivors. I'm not. I tend not to interpret people well. You do. Together we can achieve mutual goals that may be impossible separately."
Trix smiles again. It's as if the smile had never vanished in the first place.
She pulls her juggling balls out of her bag, and tries, once again, to juggle them. She makes a good attempt, but ultimately fails. She picks them up.
She tosses one to Kes.
"I'm also pretty good at opening doors and making improvised escape routes.
Keep it if you like. I've got enough [cough] 'clay' to make LOTS of them!"
She grins, and puts the other balls back in her bag.
"Just, um, like, if you do keep it, try not to get it hit by, say, bolters, melters, or HE rounds. Or big jolts of electricity. And maybe lasers. Just in case, okay?"
She looks at the stick that had, until recently, held some unidentified meat.
"I wonder what that meat was. Then again, perhaps it's better if I don't know.
It did its job. I was hungry, now I'm not. What it was doesn't matter."
She looks back at Kes, with a smile.
"You are all here for a reason. I don't know exactly what that reason is. It doesn't matter. You're on the right side. Kincaid vouched for you. So I'm here to help."


McClane seems for a moment like he'll fight to keep the shotgun, holding it close and squinting at the Guards like their trying to take his child before finally relenting and placing the gun gingergly in the case. "Best not be a scratch on'er when we get back." He says matter-of-factly as he follows Rat in.
'sokay, I still got my pistol and knife anything gets hairy' he thought to himself.


First Post
The sound of several bolts being pulled back resound in the entrance. What looks to be a weathered plasteel door opens slowly and opens in a long narrow corridor with the classic murder-holes and bunker-style shooting holes at the far end. A sharp turn repeats the the architectural lack of style and brings Rat and McLane to the warehouse. A large, dimly lit and dusty storage space filled with nondescript crates of various size, circled by a corrugated walkway populated by a few humanoid shapes who lurk in the shadows.

The only brightly-lit area is a windowed office. A rotund man with combed-back greasy hair matched by his smile sits behind an elaborate desk and stands up when you are escorted to him.
“Greetings, greetings.” he says with an insincere smile.
“You have the package, yes?”
An intermezzo of slightly heightened tension ensues when Rat reaches for the package a tad too quick for the liking of the guards.
Zhyltar looks at the package distrustingly, and says with a flat voice .
“This has been tampered with.”
In a waterfall of words Rat explains the extreme hardships of the fight on the train and the extreme measures he’s had to take to make sure the Arbites didn’t get hold of the package.
(McLane roll awareness)

In the meanwhile, outside:

The first impressions are being exchanged between the new and the older members of the group, when...
(roll awareness)

Voidrunner's Codex

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