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Forging Fury


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OOC: I'm just itching to debate your stance, but as you said, enough time has been wasted.

The necromancer spends the next few hours scribing out a page of his observations of Rekkenmark thus far. When the man finishes his work, Agarndas presents Therius with his down payment, then stands up, packs away his sheet of notes, and waits for the scout to lead them to the station.

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The man with the probe
"Thank you, it's been a pleasure doing business with you." Tenor says, making sure he doesn't seem rude or as if he holds a grudge from a bargain hard faught.


First Post
OOC: Sorry for the delay. I keep telling Primus to post the next phase, bringing you up to the rail station in a slinky/roguish way... but he's got some sort of real life.

The group of warforged with their human companion filed quietly out of the bar after leaving a few coppers to cover the drinks that they didn't really need.

With small Ripper in the lead, they slipped in and out of dark alleyways in the dead of night. The city was silent except for the light padding of the warforged passing over the cobbled streets and the breath moving in and out of the human's lungs.

The rail station arose bright with lamplight ahead of the group after a number of mysterious twists and turns. The great building had a low sloping roof covering a wide rectangular area.

Right up until they left the shadows, Ripper was staying low to the ground and walking slowly. As soon as they were forced to enter the light, the small warforged stood straight upright and carried himself in a somewhat normal manner. Tenor, Agarndas and North followed by with Therius who grinned in amusement at the shift in the little machine's attitude.

Therius then took the lead, with a wave of the hand motioning the warforged to follow him silently. "The point here is to keep yourselves nondescript," he whispered back to the 'forged.

The human led them into the large building and used a good portion of the money they gave him to pay for tickets onto the railcar. Everything seemed to be working smoothly.

Leading the 'forged to the back of a nearby train, Therius spoke up. "Alright. You stay in the servant's car. I will be up in the lounge. Stay quiet," he commanded before leaving on his way.

The warforged found themselves alone in a rather plain rail car. It was not as nice as the one they travelled this far in. They were alone only for a few moments however, when the door opened and two large, well muscled men in armour walked in and sat down.

"Agh. More damn 'forged. Hate 'em," one of the men stated to his partner, though obviously he was making sure the warforged could hear him.

"Yea... biggest reminder of the war there is. Someone should just take them all apart," his companion responded.


First Post
Basic logic advised Agarndas to stay silent. But another intricacy of his arcane mind told him otherwise. "An odd sentiment, fleshling," the wizard replies in his even voice. "It was your kind who began the war. It was your kind who created us and commanded us to fight the war. Yet your memories of the war are that of the weapons, not the wielders. Should you not be disassembled?" he asks in a nonchalant tone.


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"I'll disassemble you!" the one soldier barks out.

However, the soldier with the cooler head held the man back and said to his friend, while looking Agarndas in the eye, "No no... don't let it rile you up. It's just a stupid machine after all. All they're good for is heavy lifting and slave labour."

"They don't even have a sense of honour. They just know how to kill, not why."


First Post
Ripper stomped on the mage's toe. "Quiet. They will get theres when the time for getting is good. This is not a good time."
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"I would invite you to prove your own intelligence, but one can clearly see that yours must be limited. The intellectual elite rarely find themselves as minor cogs in the Karrnathi military machine," the necromancer replies. Self-preservation and curiousity fought within the Warforged as he threw taunts at the soldiers in his rational, dispassionate tone. He resolved to record his conversation later on.

His last verbal volley spoken, Agarndas lowers his voice and whispers back to the miniature Warforged, "My apologies. Human prejudices are fascinating."


First Post
"'Fascinating' are we? Sounds like you want to cut us open. Better we beat you to the punch!" the rowdy soldier shouts as he draws the blade from his side and lunges at Agarndas in the close space, slashing him heavily across the chest.

His cooler companion shakes his head and readies his weapons in the background, waiting for someone to approach him.

OOC: Initiative
Soldier1: 19+2=21
Soldier2: 15+1=16
Agarndas: 11+3=14
Tenor: 7+3=10
Ripper: 8+3=11
North: 8+1=9

|     |
|    R|
|  1A |
|2   T|
|    N|
|     |

Soldier1: Attacks Agarndas with a Longsword, d20+5=17 hits, d8+2=3 damage.
Soldier2: Holds action until melee attack.


The man with the probe
"You know, I find their ignorance humerous. The shear irony that they're so afraid of us, that they can't not attack us."

Tenor draws his sword and takes a step towards Soldier 1.

"Drop your weapon good sir, and we'll forget this happened and be on our way."

Tenor will hold his attack untill he gets a reaction by Soldier 1, or Soldier 2 steps forward to attack in his range.


First Post
"I made no threat to you," the Warforged replies, still refraining from raising his voice. His staff in hand, Agarndas hops back swiftly, bumping into Ripper before making a jump to the door. "I make one now: leave us be or your aggression will be made plain-and our master will not be pleased," he says, giving a slight weight to his words. The necromancer's shining mechanical hand grips the doorknob, ready to expose the angry soldier to the occupants of the next rail car.

Voidrunner's Codex

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