FR Heathen

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Oramail grimaces as he feels the blast strike him, forcing him to the ground. He leaves his bow on the ground and pulls his shortsword and dagger. He hated melee fighting, but was not untrained in it. He quickly stands and attacks the closest bugbear.


Thundertusk Boar Strike (1d20=19, 1d20=5)
attack roll for thundertusk boar strike (1d6=5)

To hit: 19, 5
Dmg: 5 (accidently wrote attack roll, sorry)

Pushes the target back 1 square (if it hits)


Oramail’s shortsword slips past the Bugbear’s guard and forces it to give ground or be skewered on the blade, as it is it’s left with a nasty cut where the tip of Oramail’s blade found its mark.

The last Hobgoblin to enter the room moves to a clear spot and fires its bow at Therez, missing badly.

The Warcaster raises his rod and blasts a bolt of force at Ryash which catches him square in the chest leaving him gasping for air.

Gritting his teeth to fight the effect of the haze the second archer takes aim at the cleric as well. However, its shot is as bad as its allies.

Glancing down at the blood dripping from its abdomen, the Bugbear in front of Oramail, bares his fangs, “I kill you good for dat one humen,” it grunts as it steps up and swings wildly for Oramail’s head but he easily ducks the blow.

With a haze still gripping its mind, the last of the Bugbears leers down as it stands over the wizard. It raises its Morningstar high and brings it down with a thundering crash, wide of the mark and misses Cerric completely.

[sblock=OOC]Archer moves in and misses Therez.
Warcaster makes his Hobgoblin resilience, moves then hits Ryash with a Force Lure, for 11 damage. The rest of their attacks miss.



Ryash your up.

Walking Dad

First Post
Ryash steps forward, slashing a bubbear. Another step anhe stands before the warcaster swinging his sword again. Then he stombs the ground, letting it shake.

Move: Shift to J15
Standard: Passing attack first vs k 15 shift to k 14 second vs k 13 (1d20+11=18, 1d10+6=16, 1d20+13=18, 1d10+6=13) mark caster.
Minor: Earthshock vs Fort; prone if hit (caster, bb k15, bb l15) (1d20+8=26, 1d20+8=10, 1d20+8=23)

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 13 Insight: 13 Normal Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 21 Reflex 16 Will 15
Hit Points: 23 / 54 Bloodied: 27
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 13 Surges per day: 11 / 11
Encounter Powers: Passing Attack, Sweeping Blow, Earthshock, No Opening
Daily Powers: Comeback Strike, Crack the Shell


Ryash’s sword catches both goblinoids and leaves the warcaster with a growing stain of crimson on his robes. Before he can react though the ground shakes beneath his feat and knocks him from his feet, along with the Bugbear in the corner.

[sblock=OOC]Both attacks hit, and your stomp hits 2 out of 3.


Cerric your up.[/sblock]


Cerric’s dark flames wash over the two closest goblinoids leaving them scorched and smoking.

Seeing its advantage the Bugbear between Ryash and Grieve swing its morningstar for Ryash's head, but his aim is high and his weapon makes a whistling sound as it misses badly.

Therez your up.[/sblock]


First Post
Therez draws his Morningstar and tries to bring the Morningstar down to crush the ugly creature in front of him. Noticing Ryash is injured he calls upon the power of his diety to close the wounds.
1d20+2 → [8,2] = (10) - I think that is miss :)
Roll Lookup
Healing Word
Ryash: can spend a healing surge and regain 5 additional hit points...

Last edited:


"Ahhhs, puny Tiefling, me shows you how to use morningstar good," says the Bugbear as Therez misses badly with his attack.

[sblock=OOC]Yes, that misses. You might want to stick a minor action healing word on that action Therez for Ryash?

Grieve your up.[/sblock]


First Post
Greive enters a combat stance and swings again at the two bugbears in front of him...

[sblock=roll] Stance: Rain of Steel (minor action) any enemy that starts its turn adjacent takes 1d10 dmg as long as Greive is able to make opportunity attacks. K15 takes 1d10=8 dmg on the start of his turn
L15 takes 1d10=2 dmg on the start of his turn

Cleave (standard action): 1d20+10=14 miss :(


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