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[FR] Heroes of the Vilhon Reach II (updated 3/6!)



Night Masks don't forget!

Thanks Carnifex for the encouragement. Just a hint...Benito, Ell, Grim, and Meliane leave town right away with some new companions. The next post will introduce them and give some more revelation about the Night of Shadows. The Heroes will travel quite a distance as they continue their quest for Mourn.

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it continues...

7 Ches (evening) , 1373 Year of Rogue Dragons: The Wolf Speaks from the Grave

After the revelations from the commune both Grigor and Benito were exhausted. The party rested until dinner which was again a somber affair. Benito and Grim communicated the results of the divinations which only left more questions unanswered and the companions more confused. As they were finishing their meal, a soldier ran into the hall.

"There are two men who request a meeting with your party! They wish to speak to you right away!"

"Great, now what!?" muttered Benito, picking at his food.

Feeling that there was no other choice, but to meet these fellows, the whole party vacated the banquet room and made their way down to the gatehouse. The newcomers waited in the courtyard in the drizzle of the evening. Apparently they had met the approval of the guards and the warding spells in the entryway.

"Hail and well met, despite the circumstances," said the darker of the two men. "I am Khirin al'Dhib and this is my associate, Soulis of Raven's Bluff. We represent the mercantile interests of Aris Cloud-dancer. We wish to speak to his comrades-in-arms and communicate his last requests."

The man extended his hand, but the party made no move to respond in kind. Both men were dressed as merchants. Benito shrugged his shoulders.

"May we remove ourselves from this rain so we can discuss your options?"

"Options? Last requests? What are you talking about?" Grim gritted his teeth and shook his fist at the merchants. "Are you collecters for Aris's debts?"

Benito shrugged his shoulders and turning his back on the pair, he began to make his way back to the banquet hall. The rest of th party followed. Khirin and Soulis sighed in unison and after letting the heroes distance themselves about ten paces, fell in behind them.

Benito was feeling especially apathetic. Grigor had requested...more like commanded... that he and his companions leave Westgate as soon as possible. He even gave them a scroll with a spell that would take them within a day's ride of a safehouse: a temple dedicated to Ilmater in the country near Cormyr. Benito wanted to help the beleagured Temple and city guard against the Night Masks, but Grigor felt that the situation was too Hot. Aif's identity might have already been compromised and the group had made too many enemies way too quickly. Already the party had cost the temple at least on acolyte and months of planning. Benito had promised to leave first thing in the morning and Nosr had already decided not to go with them. He preferred to stay in Westgate and wait to see if Aris, who according to Tyr was still alive, would turn up. If not, he would return to Alaghon (by way of Starmantle...) and help at the inn.

back to the present...
The group finally returned to the banquet hall. Khirin without preamble handed Benito a scroll. It was a note from Aris.

To my comrades and friends,

If you are reading this it must mean that I am either unrecoverable or dead beyond all means to bring back. I have left certain contingencies in place. The company will still be funded for a profitable return of course. My merchants will manage my holdings and estate to be used and to offer a home and sanctuary to the company, both past and present members. You have all been like my family these past six months and some of my truest friends. I ask that you remember me well and forgive my impersonable nature.

Benito, my impulsive firend I offer you prayers for patience and tolerance. Within you are the seeds of leadership, but first you must put the safety of others before your own will. Grim, my cunning little scout, I wish for you to have no fear of feeling compassion. Yours is the swiftest mind. Use that weapon to the utmost of your ability. Nosr, my little brother, to you I wish for you to control your temper and your rebellious nature. Control the raw magical fury that is yoru birthright. With great power comes great responsibility. Alberia, I wish for you not to despair. Faith and hope are the shield and armour of a paladin. Let your goodness inspire others . Finally, Ellysidell, my stalwart companion, you were ever the quiet and enduring strength in our fellowship. Yours is the will that grinds down my animosity.

Live free my friends. Fight the good fight and die with your enemies heart in your hand. Finish our primary objective, complete our quest. Rescue Mourn. All other objectives are secondary. Rescue our comrade, our friend, and our brother.

This is my last request

Aris Cloud-dancer, ibn-Hasimir al'Dhib

As Benito read the will, their was stunned silence and some weeping.

"He really is gone then, isn't he?" asked a puffy-eyed Nosr.

Benito fought tthe impulse to crumple the scroll and toss it back to the merchants. Instead he handed it back to them and addressed the heroes,

"We leave tommorrow to continue our quest for Mourn. It's all we have. Meliane...and you others, are welcome to join us. Goodnight."

The cleric of Tyr, before his emotions took hold of him, left the room to retire to the quarters that had been offered him.


First Post

That was a pretty fun (if somewhat heavy) session, Aris' player actually wrote up a will to be delivered to the party by his new PC , needless to say the Will and the response of Tyr to the many inquiries and divinations, on the fate of the parties favorite air genasai, have only served to further complicate the decisions the party has had to make. While the two new charcters have a seemingly hard time fitting into the group at first it mostly works out for the best (mostly, hehe) As for the parties future it gets somewhat cloudy and as usual sidetracked :p Coming up in the next post (Or soon after it)...

1) A 1001 and one uses for stoneshape.
2) Okay, everyone who was bitten make a fort save.
3) Of Ettins, Lycanthropes, Howlers and Dragons... YIKES
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The heroes will travel north and once again get 'sidetracked', but who knows the will of the gods?

Benito has cast a few divinations and they lead to where they're at, but is where they're at the right AT?

Stay tuned! I've got 3 or so posts to go to get caught up.

Ellysidell ends up hating plants somewhere along the way.

Heroes' summary (I don't remember their levels) :

active party--
Benito Moltos, cleric of Tyr
Grim, halfling rogue
Ellysidell, wild elf barbarian
Meliane, half-elven druid...a member of the Emerald Enclave
Khirin al'Dhib, merchant
Soulis, merchant's aide

Nosr, half-elven sorcerer, but he's not going
Aif/Kith, doppleganger ex-assassin, he's staying also

Aris Clouddancer, the genasi fighter/ranger/monk (lost, not dead according to divinations)
Variak, human psychic warrior (lost, but not dead according to divinations)
Alberia, aasimar paladin (lost, presumed dead)

Mourn, sun elven bard (wherabouts unknown)

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First Post
Hero update (current game, 3 posts or so in the future)

Benito Moltos, 7 Cleric 4 Holy justice of Tyr; total lvl 11 (how'd Nito get so far ahead ? it's called not missing any sessions folks :) Broc rewards rp with xp and if you don't show you don't get as much of it, well that and being an original member helps)

Grim, 7 Thief 1 Barbarian 1 Fighter 1 Ranger; total lvl 10

Ellysidell, 5 Barbarian 4 Fighter; total lvl 9

Meliane, Druid 9

Souliss, 7 Psion 2 ? ; ecl 9 (whats the ? you ask, hehe, tune in and find out)

Khiran, unkown class lvl 7 (his player wants to keep it a big secret, though it includes at least 1 clerical level)


Re: Hero update (current game, 3 posts or so in the future)

Malachai_rose said:
Benito Moltos, 7 Cleric 4 Holy justice of Tyr; total lvl 11 (how'd Nito get so far ahead ? it's called not missing any sessions folks :) Broc rewards rp with xp and if you don't show you don't get as much of it, well that and being an original member helps)

Now I know that I am way too generous with xp. M. rose has promised to send me notes on all the divinations that he has cast. Definitely important to the story. Players are so paranoid that it makes them skeptical about even their dieties' answers.

I love it :D
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new horizons...

8 Ches , 1373 Year of Rogue Dragons: Continuing the Quest

The morning was unusually warm and a mist had settled upon Westgate. The dampness seemed to enhance the somber mood of the remaining heroes as Benito gathered them together to begin their journey to find Mourn. Earlier the Holy Justice had once again communed with Tyr. Aris and Variak were still alive. Mourn was somewhere in the Sunset Mountains, though no longer in captivity of the elves who had kidnapped him, and he had never made it to Evereska. Their destination would place them at the foothills of these same mountains. Did Grigor know more than he pretended? He had met with the High Abbot once more that morning hoping that the representative of Tyr in Westgate would rescind his 'order' to leave. Instead, Grigor had restated his position, but as he once again adamantly requested that the heroes leave, he had presented Benito with a ring bearing the mark of Tyr and had sent him away with a strong brotherly embrace.

Benito shook his head. He needn't be critical against his superiors after all they had done to counsel him and his companions and give them refuge from the dangers of Westgate. It was no time for arguing. He and Grim had already had words. The crazy halfling had wanted to go 'shopping' in Westgate before they departed!

The cleric gathered the remnant and the three new companions (Aris's spies and bill collectors! thought Grim) and began the incantation from the scroll. As the world began to become hazy around the group they reached for each others' hands. A gentle breeze from the harbor began to blow and at first slowly and almost lazily but then with increasing speed, they walked along the wind currents towards the northwest. Nosr and Aif watched from the courtyard as the cloud of adventurers climbed into the air and away. Water and forests and hills and rivers and farmland sped beneath them as the Heroes soared towards whereever Grigor's scroll would take them. Hours and much self-comtemplation later the party began to descend. When they coalesced they found themselves near several standing stones , marked with the symbols of several dieties including Tyr, Silvanus and Chauntea. Realizing that it was almost dark, the party began to search for a place to find camp. About a hundred yards from where they had arrived, Grim, their new wilderness expert, found a large, rocky outcropping.

With the events of Westgate still fresh in their minds, the Heroes were especially vigilant. Grim scouted the area and set a few suprises for any would-be attackers while Benito used the power of Tyr to create lodgings for the evening.

Manipulating the stone of their redoubt, Benito constructed a small domed-structure that would hopefully provide protection against marauders and as he felt drops hit his face, cover against the rain that had seemingly followed them from foul Westgate. Ellysidell took in a deep breath enjoying the fresh air, a stark constrast from the stench of the city. As the party settled in for the night (amidst grumbling from the urbanized Khirin and Souliss), Benito inspired and maybe a bit angry stamped the scales of Tyr upon the rocky surface of their shelter (the ring in his mailed fist had magically burned the symbol on the stone!)

Despite their paranoia and fear of retaliation and the tension and insecurity from being leaderless, the heroes eventually were able to rest. The gods smiled upon them; the night was quiet...for once.
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First Post
new beginings

The overwhelming mood of the characters as they left westgate was extremely somber and ... angry. It seems that for the first time the party found themselves in the world without a guiding figure to lead them to victory as Aris had in the past.

While in westgate Grigor had temporarily filled the void that Aris had left behind. As they found them selves staring onto the vast plain at the foothills of the mountains that loomed before them, the full impact of what had befallen them began to hit home.

Benito knew that someone had to step forward and try to fill the void left by Aris yet he neither felt qualified or worthy to do so. Grim had become increasingly emotional, one moment showing concern over the fate of his comrades and the next totally engulfed by greed and self intrest. Ellysedell never having been one for talking had seemingly begun to voice more opinions, even challenging Benito's decision to seek out the small village of Twilight Hollow.

The newcomers mainly were quiet except for Khirin the merchant priest of Waukeen, he semingly felt he was Aris' sucessor because he controlled the purse strings of the genasai's fledgling mercantile intrests.

He found himself quickly rebuffed though by the core family unit (as Benito percieved them) of Benito, Grim and Ell. For the heroes money was of less concern than finding their lost comrades, also Benito and Grim knew that they were no longer the poor youngsters Aris had taken under his wing but instead had become a fellowship of somewhat reknowned adventurers who were not without means of their own.

All in all it was a time of transition as party members struggled with their new roles and responsibilities and what exactly was threir purpose ? What would they do if and when they did find Mourn, would they part ways having no common purpose or would they find the reason for their coming together, as Benito felt sure that it was no accident. Uncertainty was the watchword of the day for the Heroes.


a new quest....

9 Ches , 1373 Year of Rogue Dragons: To Twillight Hollow

The Heroes awoke and it was already raining. Ellysidell and Meliane were the only ones who were pleased. Khirin began browsing through a stack of maps and suggested that the party travel to Iriaebor, which he estimated was three days away. There the party could, he prompted, buy much needed magical supplies. Grim nodded his approval, but Benito held to where his superior had suggested, Twilight Hollow. Plus it was only one day away and closer to the Sunset Mountains. Benito wanted expediency and he wanted to get moving before the rain became worse. Khirin countered, looking at his maps again.

"Asbravan is two days away by my estimate. It is not as large as Iraiebor, but could still be a profitable place to go and it will have the magic that you so desire, Grim."

Grim looked to Benito. Benito looked to Ellysidell. Ellysidell was looking at Meliane, but not thinking about their current predicament. Benito sighed and decided to look to Tyr and his celestial servants.

"Fine merchant, I will petition Tyr and determine which location would best further his and therefore our goals: The Quest for Mourn."

"Can't you people make your own decisions without running to your gods for help?!"

Exasperated, Khirin threw up his hands and began hefting his backpack. "Souliss, with me. This way," he motioned. "We are going to Iriaebor."

He started walking south. Benito shrugged his shoulders and began the divination, sacrificing to Tyr a precious healing potion so that the link to the heavens could be established.

No one followed Khirin; not even Souliss. The merchant turned back once and asked if Souliss were coming. Seeing no reply he cried out in frustration and continued, confident that the group would see the logic in his decision. Plus he was the executor to Aris's estate. They were penniless without him, right?

Time stretched as the priest continued his spell. Some time later, Tyr answered.

Seek the soul of the lost in the hollow of the hills.

Benito came out of his reverie, "Tyr has decreed that we go to Twilight Hollow."

Ellysidell and Grim looked at each other and raised their eyebrows. In the absence of a clear party leader, perhaps the guidance of a god would suffice. Ellysidell then took off at a jog to recover the stubborn merchant before he ran into trouble.

After much haggling and a little dragging, the party began sloughing through the rain and muddy fields towards their destination. A steady rain fell throughout the day. Finally, the party reached rolling and lightly forested hills. During a respite in the rain, Khirin decided to once again make a plea to travel to a more civilized locale and not some backwater, one horse village. Benito, not liking the will of his god questioned, began a heated exchange of words with the merchant (at about 20 paces distance). Grim, hearing the noise from his forward scouting position, and realizing that if he could hear them so could any baddies in the forest decided let the party know what was up. He stealthily crept past the party and behind Khirin and 'politely' asked him to shut up.

Completely caught unawares by the ghostwise halfling, Khirin reacted on instinct. He turned and fired his crossbow in one smooth motion. Grim not expecting this rash action, was still able to uncannily dodge the crackling bolt. Where Grim had stood, a smoking hole appeared and the smell of ozone lingered. Ellysidell drew his golden, flaming falchion, but Benito arrived at Khirin's side first. His mind clouded with rage, Benito struck Khirin across the face. Khirin hit the ground and felt his cheek. The ring that Grigor and given Benito had left a brand of the scales and hammer of Tyr where the merchant had been hit.

Ellysidell realizing the group was disintegrating before his eyes, put a strong hand on Benito's shoulder and gently pulled him back. Fortunately for the party, Grim heard a crashing in the brush, coming toward all the noise (just as he had predicted...).

We've got company! he yelled in his companions' minds as he drew his weapons and took a defensive stance.

Moving to the ridge, the heroes eyes grew wide as they spied a pair of huge, two-headed giants crashing towards them. Two flamestrikes and a few well placed sword strikes later, the ettins lay crumpled and smoldering on the ground. Luckily, the rain had dampened the forest preventing the casually thrown about flame spells from engulfing the surrounding woods. Meliane grimaced as she thought about what havoc the party might have caused in a drier climate.

Quickly, the party moved on since there had been no injuries and they did not want to attract any more unwanted attention in the area. Curiously, the mark on Khirin's face was gone, seemingly as if it had been healed by divine magic. The next few hours passed uneventfully with intermittant rain. Evening now was approaching and Meliane pointed at storm clouds rolling down from the mountains.

At that point, Souliss called out "Incoming!" (relaying a message from Grim, scouting ahead) as wolves crashed through the underbrush and attacked the party.

Benito recalling his former leader's words called out, "To Arms! To Arms!"

Grim remained hidden as the beasts tore past him. Realizing that his friends were going to be rapidly overwhelmed by the wolves, he uncharacteristically attacked the strongest looking creature, perhaps the leader of the pack.

Souliss, meanwhile, showed his worth by stepping to the side and unleashing rippling waves of psychic energy at the oncoming foes (reminiscent of Milo), stunning a few of them. The fighters waded in while the druidess dropped her own flamestrike in a tree-free area. Khirin added a shocking bolt or two to the fray complimenting the front-line warriors, Ellysidell and Benito.

Grim was bravely holding off the pack leader, a creature with baleful red eyes, and two of his subordinates. His own blood ran from several bites. The majority were from the leader. Grim gave better than he received,though. His dual short swords flashed in the semi-darkess as he fought. As Benito and Ell caught up to his forward location, he finished off his adversaries, gutting one's belly and tumbling underneath to then slice through the midsection of the other. Twirling the blades in his hands, Grim laid a fatal blow upon the leader, stabbing deeply into the beast's skull. The creature convulsed and then lay still.

"Grim, Grim, Are you hurt?" Benito cried. Two of the wolves they had fought transformed into humans upon their deaths.

Grim looked down at the corpse and to his horror, saw it change back into a human also. He looked at the torn and inflammed flesh on his arm--a wound inflicted by the werewolf...A silence fell upon the trio.

"I've been bitten."
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