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[FR]The Return of the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach (updated 8/20!)

My favorite Hero is....

  • Benito

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Aris

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Grim

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Ellysidell

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Ivan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kyros

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nosr

    Votes: 3 17.6%


First Post
This was fun and we must ever push forward on our quest. Man I am tired of being prompted to do good by the gods. WEll, anyway this was just a side order, not the main course. I look forward to be rid of the accursed moonblade and lay Mourn's ghost to rest. The Valutru has earned my enmity. Events are soon spiraling way out of control. Too many enemies! Damn! oH! Ear muffs!
Benito and I laid the smack down on some evil. Stay posted! I have just learned another lesson. Never leave certain people alone. Man, I do not remember the party being this comical. You have to catch the next post to know what I am talking about.

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The Heroes of the Reach in the Year of the Cauldron (1378 DR)

Aris al-D'hib ibn Hasimir of House Cloud Dancer
LG male air genasi fighter 5/ranger 6 of Mielikki/monk 5 of the Verdant Fist [ECL 17]. Aris is originally from Tethyr and a founding member. Currently he is the leader of the Stormwolf Legion and Master of a burgeoning mercantile empire. Both are based in Cormyr.

(St.) Benito Moltos of Ilmater
LG male human (transcended) cleric 8/divine disciple 5/contemplatative 4 [ECL 17]. Benito is also one of the founding members of the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach. Once he was a cleric of Tyr. Since his Crisis of Faith five years ago after the fall of Iriaebor he has followed the more merciful way of the Crying God.

Ellysidell, Chosen of Fenmaril Mestarine
CG male wild elf (chosen template) barbarian 8/fighter 8 [ECL 19]. Ell' is also an original member. In his second chance at life, Ellysidell has been chosen by his god to continue the age-old war against the spider queen and her allies.

Grim of the Shadows
CG male ghostwise halfing rogue 11/ranger 2/shadowdancer 3 [ECL 16]. Grim is fervent in his pursuit to rid the world of evil. He never says much, he just does. Grim also has Harper affiliation unbeknownst to most of the group.

Kyros, the Mithral Knight
CG male human psychic warrior 14/ranger 1/slayer 1 [ECL 16]. He was once a taciturn bodyguard, but after the curse (or blessing) from Tymora subsequent to events in Westgate, he has had a more radical (or foolhardy) edge. However, he has a subtlety to him that most underestimate.

Ivan Vorshev
NG male human fighter 6/weapon's master 10 [ECL 16]. Ivan's current occupation is as a bartender/owner in Twillight Hollow's only inn, The Crossed Swords. He was also once a lionar in charge of the Cormyrean 32nd Expeditionary Force. Before that he was a mercenary in Rasheman. For Ivan, those days are long past, and he wishes to finally put the grizzled war veteran aside and raise his family in peace, but circumstances dictate otherwise. Reluctantly he goes once more into the breach.

Ariod of Turlang's Wood
NG male human (shapechanger) druid 5/shifter 10 [ECL 15]. The newest member of the heroes who has joined them in their latest escapades across Faerun. He is also a member of the Circle of Turlang in the High Forest.
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First Post
Hello Everyone

Hello everyone! I play Ariod and I must admit, I had little notion of the rich backstory that had passed before me. I have finally finished reading the story (a long, but hard to walk away from task). I am very excited to be joining the group and while it would have been nice to be there from the beginning, I am here now and plan to make the most of it. I will soon post background info reguarding my character.


First Post
Hurray, I am so glad our newest member has read our history. It kind of reads like a rock group sometimes. Awesome, to have Ariod join the group. A shapechanger! That is something we never,ever, thought of for the group. The Heroes of the Reach are older now and definitely more powerful. You know what that means. Bigger and badder villains. Iriaebor, a city near and dear to my heart. Too bad we lost it to the bad guys. It was like the"Empire Strikes Back" or something. I am still sore about the loss of the city. It is like an itch that I cannot scratch. A piece of meat with gristle on it. A movie you stand two hours in line for and find out the two girls in front of you bought the last tickets and they are not even fans of the film. I think I am threw playing nice,nice with the scum of the earth. It is time to unleash the "RETURN of THE HEROES OF THE REACH." Allow me to say a famous quote, "LET US LAYETH THE SMACKETH,DOWNETH!" :D


Ariod said:
Hello everyone! I play Ariod and I must admit, I had little notion of the rich backstory that had passed before me. I have finally finished reading the story (a long, but hard to walk away from task). I am very excited to be joining the group and while it would have been nice to be there from the beginning, I am here now and plan to make the most of it. I will soon post background info reguarding my character.

Welcome to the Boards!

Glad you liked the History (and that you're playing!)! :D


Movers and Shakers of Faerun, 30 Eleint,1378 DR,Year of the Cauldron

The fire continued to burn sending shadows across the upland pasture somewhere in the Nether Mountains southeast of Deadsnows. Several hundred yards away, the Heroes of the Reach watched the flames. The heat from the explosion of the Colossus had been so intense that the metal itself had caught. Ariod had found an overhang and Kyros had moved the forcecage once again to what they felt was a more secure location.

Benito and Aris--and Grim hidden deeply in the shadows--spoke in hushed tones away from the rest of the group.

"We need to secure Ivan's family, Aris," Benito spoke emphatically.

Aris nodded his head in agreement.

"Ivan and I have spoken before about it, but with all the Crystal-related events, it was pushed aside. Before we strike at Iriaebor, it must be done."

"Can you take us to Twillight Hollow?" asked the genasi.

"It would take all night to get there using the wind, and we would be exhausted."

"Silverymoon is closer, and Nosr is there. He can teleport us to Sunset Vale and back in no time. How long for that?"

Benito smiled, "Not long."

Benito cast a sending informing Nosr of their arrival that evening. Curiously there was no response. Soon, however, Aris and Benito were Windwalking west towards Silverymoon, while the rest of the group stood guard over Ivan and Ellysidell in the forcecage, and the seven prisoners that had once been mercenaries for Xentarich. They left Grim in charge with one of their two sending stones.

Ariod went off to hunt down some of the wild goats he had seen in an aeril recon earlier. While the evening in the upland vale quickly became very chilly, a campfire and the some cabrito warmed the bellies of Kyros, Grim, and the druid. Fortunately, they could not hear Ivan's incessant complaining about being stuck with the elf in the box.


Sometime later, Ariod and Kyros, and they presumed Grim kept watch. The Colossus still burned, but Ariod noticed something very strange. Seemingly, the light from the fire became dulled, as if a canopy of shadows had been thrown over it. He pointed it out to the Mithral Knight, and they decided to hold their ground and not investigate. Grim came to that same conclusion on the outskirts of the camp, then he felt a presence.

From out of the night, a shadowy form coalesced before Ariod and Kyros. Grim recognized the creature at once as a shade.

"Where is the red wizard?" the shade demanded.

The voice was a harsh whisper and there was definite anger, but neither Ariod nor Kyros could read the being's face, lost as it was in semi-shadows. Only its bright blue eyes shown in the surrounding darkness. Grim crept deeper into the shadows, sensing that other beings hid there. Kyros and Ariod felt an eerie oppression as if the light from their own campfire had somehow been subdued as well. Shadows seemingly closed in around them as the shade-man waited for their response.

Ariod mustered the courage to speak.

"We defeated him. He had fled back to the hole from which he came."

The blue eyes dimmed slightly and the shadows on his person that looked like robes rustled silently.

"And the Colossus?"

"We freed the spirit trapped inside. Then the construct exploded," answered the druid as matter-a-factly as possible.

"This wizard is guilty of stealing our property. We wish to punish him? Do you know where this 'hole' that you mentioned is located?"

The druid resisted a glance at the prisoners and simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Very well, we are examining and recovering what we can salvage from our property. Do not interfere."

The shade vanished and Ariod exhaled. Kyros relaxed the grip on his greatsword and Grim appeared a few heartbeats later near the prisoners.

They are a liability. We should kill them now, Grim sent first to Kyros and then to the druid.

Ariod narrowed his eyes.

"There will be no killing of prisoners today, halfling. Show me that map you took from the Colossus."

Grim hesistated.

"Please, halfling."

The halfling stepped from the shadows and removed the large map from his bag of holding. Then,with the most cooperative gnomish prisoner, Ariod went over the map to find a certain location: where Xentarich and his group had found the Colossus. Ariod grimaced as he saw where the excavation had been. He did not relish the prospect of traveling into the Anauroch. The site was near where the desert met the High Ice. That was even worse.


Aris and Benito became corporeal again several hundred yards from the Mulgate Gate outside of Silverymoon. Quickly, they hoofed it into the city heading for the villa that Aris had purchased for Benito and his family to use, near Mielikki's Glade in the Art's district of the city on the Southern bank of the Rauvin. While Benito was happy to see his wife Johanna and Samantha, his daughter, both he and Aris were disconcerted to learn that Nosr had left close to a tenday ago. Johanna related that he was helping a young woman and her adventuring company. Benito made a snide remark about Nosr's skirt-chasing and lack of focus.

Frustrated, the pair headed across the Moonbridge to the High Palace to ask assistance from the High Mage or the High Lady. Alustriel was unavailable. However, Aris and Benito were escorted to the High Mage's residence where after a bit of diplomacy with an overly protective apprentice, the heroes met High Mage Taern Hornblade as he was taking his evening meal. Neither realized how hungry they were until they saw the spread of food.

"Sit, gentlemen. There is much too much food for me," motioned the High Mage.

They complied and began wolfing down the dinner set in front of them. In between gulps, Benito and Aris related the events of the last two days; tracking down the Colossus to Deadsnows, entering the construct, and defeating the Red Wizard Xentarich.

Taern Hornblade looked perplexed at the mention of the name, clearly not recognizing the wizard.

"So what next, heroes?" he asked.

"Iriaebor. To right the wrong done there over five years ago," stated Benito.

"Troubled times in the south. My sources tell me that Asbravn has fallen within the last few days. Refugees are flooding into Berdusk as we speak," said Taern sipping on a goblet of wine.

"Then undoubtedly some may fleeing to Twilight Hollow," observed Aris. "By Mielikki! I had hoped to use Asbravn as a forward base," he swore.

"Your grace, we have no time to lose, then. We must get with haste to Twilight Hollow and bring our companion Ivan's family to safety here in the north. Can you transport us there?"

Aris grimaced at Benito's presumption.

High Mage Taern Hornblade rubbed his white-flecked beard.

"While I cannot go myself, I do have a solution. Please follow me."

He led them along twisting corridors, up and down several staircases, and finally to a rune-covered iron door. Two guards in full plate armor stood to either side, crossing halbreds to bar passage as the three approached.

Taern produced a small token.

"They are with me."

Without a word, the polearms were brought back to vertical, and Taern muttering a phrase, pushed open the portal. Another set of steps led to a wall, which Taern passed through. Aris, seeing that the wall was illusory with his magical eyepatch shrugged his shoulders and followed. Benito closed his eyes and stepped past...into a very bare and very clean room measuring close to thirty paces a side. Bright, white light emanated from the ceiling.

The High Mage pushed a section of wall, revealing a hidden panel with a space behind. He removed drawing materials and began drawing a circle on the floor. Time passed. Runes were drawn around the circle as the heroes watched. Finally, he spoke.

"I am almost done. Benito, you must open your mind and allow me to view a locale near where you wish to arrive."

The cleric thought about the statue of Ilmater in Twilight Hollow.

"Very good."

The Taern Hornblade finished and gave instructions as he handed Benito a token:

"This circle will transport you to your destination. You have until the moon is halfway in the sky to return to that spot with this token. Make sure that you join hands with those you wish to accompany you and you will arrive back here in this room."

Aris and Benito stepped in and were whisked to Twilight Hollow....

In the flickering torchlight, horses whinnied and ran back and forth in front of the Temple of Ilmater. Some of the mounts had flecks of blood strewn across their coats. It smelled of rain. Benito and Aris heard moans and mumbled prayers echoing from within the building.

"Benito, I hope we are not too late."

The cleric was already striding purposefully towards the entrance.
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First Post
Much to come in the upcoming post. I think we are moving too slow. We seem to be a step behind in many of our plans. This just sucks!!! :mad:
Oh yeah! Thanks for reading our adventures Carnifex.
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Twillight Hollow, Sunset Vale, 30 Eleint,1378 DR,Year of the Cauldron

Fortunately, the temple did not smell like a charnel house, but Benito and Aris did hear the groans of pain and the scent of blood and fear as men lay strewn about in the main santurary in full view of the grand mosaic--where five and a half years earlier Suldolphin had manifested to this plane. The high priest, the aasimar Tarian, whom Benito had rescued years earlier from torture at the hands of the false priestess Andres Nagheson, beamed at first with surprise and then with relief as he saw Benito Moltos walked in the door.

"Your arrival is timely, Benito Moltos. I am spent of healing and have only done a quarter of the job that needs doing. Did you arrive at the bequest of Ilmater?"

"Good Tarian, alas, I did not. I am here for Gwyneth and the rest of the Vorshev family. We are taking them to Silverymoon. However, I will do what I can here."

Benito took Tarian by both hands and sent waves of healing power into him, imbuing him with the divine power to aid the rest of the refugee soldiers.Tarian's already golden eyes glowed with even more divine spark, and the cleric pointed out Gwyneth healing more injured.

"Where are these men from?" asked Aris

"Red Cloaks from Asbravn. They arrived here not long ago."

Aris raised an eyebrow and went searching for officer's heraldry to get the lastest news while Benito approached a blood-armed Gwyneth, stitching wounds mundanely. Tarian returned to healing the rest of the Red Cloaks.

"They hit us with surprise...demons...devils...some infernals...We could have taken Zhent regulars. By Torm! We've been fightin' them for years holdling them back, but they sent those things at us."

Aris paused at the information. The sergeant had been clearly shaken by the rout from his hometown, but slowly the genasi general eased the man and obtained the critical news.

Someone had summoned or gated infernals! What were the Zhents playing at now?

"Where are you going to from here, soldier?"

"We're headin' up to the mountains to harass the Zhent lines or somethin'. I ain't givin' up."

Aris appreciated the man's resolve. He was loathe to promise him that help was on the way, though he did give the man and his men an offer to join them in Cormyr if things became more bleak. Sergeant Dorvin Rankenscar stared at him curiously, but did not commit.

Meanwhile, Benito had finally calmed down an argumentative Gwyneth who was reluctant to leave her work here in Twillight Hollow with the town in danger.

"Think of your children, Gwyneth. And you must be there to watch over them. Now is not the time for heroics. How much safer will they be way in the north away from this conflict?"

Her head sunk at the logic, and finally nodded her head in agreement. The sound of panicked horses caught their attention. The hair on the back of Benito's neck stood on end.

"All of you, wait here! Aris there is trouble."

Benito and Aris strode into the courtyard in front of the Temple of Ilmater in Twillight Hollow. A glowing cat-like creature approached ready to pounce.

Hand over the rebels and things will go well for you and your pathetic village, human.

"Hellcats...," Aris muttered under his breath.

Unholy energy rippled across the hellcat, and eight more of its infernal brethren stepped from behind buildings

Benito nodded and responded with righteous indignation, "I think not foul beasts. It is now your time to perish."

Ahh yes. The Master will be pleased with tonight's work. Kill them all and raze the town.

Then the devil cats bounded forward.

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