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[FR]The Return of the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach (updated 8/20!)

My favorite Hero is....

  • Benito

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Aris

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Grim

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Ellysidell

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Ivan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kyros

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nosr

    Votes: 3 17.6%


Twillight Hollow, Sunset Vale, 30 Eleint to Highharvestide,1378 DR,Year of the Cauldron

Standing his ground, Benito Moltos prayed to Ilmater and as the hellcats pounced a column of holy fire and sonic energy exploded about them. Two were instantly blown to bits. Aris interposed himself between two others and sliced one in half as it tumbled through the air uncontrollably from the blast. The second hellcat, more in control of its pounce, landed squarely on the genasi, tearing and ripping with its infernal claws.

Aris attempted to levitate the beast from on top of him, but the creature did not budge, instead, slicing into him more times with tooth and nail. Benito targeted another with a second empowered orison and a beam of searing light left his outstretched palm, hitting the hellcat between the eyes. The creature sunk to the ground and began smoldering away.

But there were still more. The cleric looked to his right. A glowing cat sailed towards him and struck him solidly. Suddenly, Benito too found himself beneath the paws of a hellcat. Aris tumbled from under the claws, kicked himself to his feet in an instant and sliced down on the foe that heartbeats before had had him pinned. Blue Destiny decapitated another foe and Aris let out a shout of triumph. One hellcat took off.

Aris growled, "I am going after it! Do you have things under control?"

"Yes! Go!"

Aris did not look back to see that the priest of Ilmater had his hands full. However, despite his arms and shoulders being torn into, Benito wrestled through the pin and the pain, and he sent the hellcat back to its infernal home with a prayer of banishment.

Two hellcats remained. Healed Red Cloaks began to filter out and add their swords to the fray.

"No! Stay back," cried Benito.

The soldiers were brave and their morale had been bolstered by their sudden miraculous healing, but their swords were ineffective against the hellcats. As Benito rose to his feet, he saw one warrior torn to shreds while another had her head ripped from her shoulders. He was out of battle prayers. Benito drew Mano de la Justicia.

"Salazar, its been a long time since we've spilled blood together!"

And Benito Moltos charged the nearest devil.


Aris sprinted along the ground in pursuit of the hellcat as it bounded away towards the west. His training with the Verdant Fist allowed him to quickly overtake the beast. Seeing that it could not outrun its foe, the hellcat attempted to rake Aris with its claws, and missing. Then it wheeled around to face him. Drawing his hand axe, Aris closed with a feral war cry, and dodging the viscious claws and bite, struck with both of his weapons multiple times finally sinking his last downward cut in the creature's skull.

There was a pause, and then Aris smelled brimstone on the breeze. An audible pop followed, and on either side of him two bearded devils had materialized, frothing at the mouth and charging him with their wicked glaives.


Benito had forgotten how effective Mano was against evil beings. As the sword struck the hellcats, their foul ichor burned. Benito dispatched them in short order, his robes now covered in their smoky blood. He did not stop to receive congratulations and headed away to catch Aris.

"You got 'im?" he asked as he came upon the scene.

Aris had already destroyed one devil and now was about to finish the other. He grunted a response to Benito and cut the infernal down. Instinctively, he looked towards the sky, but his keen vision did not spot anything. However, a commanding feminine voice echoed in his head.

Attack the priest of the Crying God in the most advantageous manner

He looked at Benito and shook his head. He and the Turmite had been friends and companions for years, but the voice was too compelling, as if the Red Knight herself had given the order...

Benito looked at Aris as he approached.

"Is everything alright?"

Aris smiled and as soon as he approached within five steps he lashed out at Benito with a flurry of scimitar and hand axe cuts. He caught Benito unawares, and the damage done activated one of the priest's healing contingencies, but the attack did not bring Benito down.

Seeing that Aris was injured, the cleric cast a power word, stun, dropping the genasi, but in less than six heartbeats, Aris was back up ready to attack. This time, Benito prayed to dispelthe foul enchantment that had been laid upon his friend. Aris stopped his onslaught.

The realization of the charm hit Aris, and he lowered his head in shame.

"I am sorry, my friend."

Benito shrugged his shoulders, "It happens to the weak-willed."

They looked west, searching all over for the source of such evil sorcery, but whatever had cast that spell was long gone, and undoubtedly had learned what it needed to about him and Aris.

"We need to get back to Silverymoon and consult Taern and Lady Alustriel on this matter," Benito counselled.

Aris nodded, still numb and pricked that he had succumbed to such a simple enchantment. Within a short time, Benito had gathered the Vorshev's. Giving their best to Tarian and the rest, and a promise to return soon, now that the die had been cast, Aris and Benito re-entered the teleport zone in front of the statue, activated the token and in a quick breath, they were whisked back to room in the High Mage's Tower in Silverymoon from where they had left. Taern Hornblade, and palace guards collected their tokens and then escorted the tired travelers across the city to their villa. The High Mage and Lady Alustriel would meet with them in the morning.



Ariod, in the form of a gargantuan wyvern flew as fast as he could towards Silverymoon in the dead of night. On his back hung Grim, Kyros, Ellysidell, Ivan, and the prisoners (four gnomes and three humans). The great creature soared over the mountains leaving the Colossus and more importantly, the Shades, far behind.

The shade wizard had visited them again and half-asked, half-demanded that they hunt down the wizard Xentarich. Ariod, a surprisingly astute politician, said neither "no", nor "yes", instead promising to contact this shade with information. It did not settle well with Ariod, that the shadow-wizard had a front man in his home town of Deadsnows, but he had also obtained the shade's name--Giltharius. As soon as he had left, Ariod changed into a dire bear and with the party on board began bounding away from that vale. As soon as he had gained some distance, he changed into the great wyvern. They reached Silverymoon at dawn.

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First Post
Arriod's Story Part 1

Here it is, the first part to Arriod's Story. I'll post the rest of it as soon as I get the time.

A young boy creeps through the forest with the sound of wildlife around him. “I hope he doesn’t find me” he exclaims under his breath. He carefully places his feet to avoid snapping a twig underfoot.

Bushes nearby rustle excitedly; he holds his breath suppressing his first instinct to flee. A small rabbit bursts through the foliage and darts off into the underbrush. He exhales quietly while scanning his surroundings before he begins moving again.

The sounds around him suddenly silence and he realizes he is not alone.

A large form explodes from his right, dragging him to the ground and pinning him under its weight while the boy screams in terror. A wolf, fully three times larger than the boy, snarls through its pointed teeth while saliva drips from its fangs holds him down, preparing for the strike to the throat.

His screams quickly turn to laughter as the wolf steps off him. “You still make far too much noise with those big feet of yours, Lone Cub” the wolf casually remarks.

“What do you mean? I was quiet as a mouse!” Arriod retorts defensively as he sits up to stare the wolf in the eyes. “You know, those big ears of yours don’t make things very easy on me either Grey!”

Grey laughs, “Keep trying! Someday I will grow old and lose my hearing. There is hope for you!”

Arroid stares at Grey and giggles, “Keep those comments to yourself, thank you!” he states jovially.

They walk together deeper into the forest to a small cave. As they approach another wolf, a female, steps out of the cave. “Come to visit us again Lone Cub? Did you not mention how upset your family was when you disappeared only last week?” she exclaims as she approaches.

Arriod downcasts his eyes, “Yes, but they don’t know what they are talking about, I’ve never seen anything dangerous around here Swift.”

“As you say Lone Cub.” She states as she walks back toward the den.

Five wolf cubs pour out of the entrance, eager to play with their friend Arriod and he happily obliges them.


Later that evening, escorted by Grey, Arriod exits the forest. “I’ll be back tomorrow if I can sneak away!” Arriod promises as he runs off towards the distant mountains.

Well after dark he arrives at the edge of his families farm. He can see the windows are fully lit in the house. Oddly enough the door is also wide open spilling further light into the darkness. Shrugging to himself he decides to first make a stop at the barn to see if his father is still there.

He walks in the poorly lit barn and can make out a figure in the back that appears to be breathing heavily. “Dad?” Arriod questions.

The figure does not respond so he walks in, preparing himself for the upcoming punishment he is sure to receive.

The figure steps into the glow of a lamp, it is a face he does not recognize and appears injured. “Boy! Come here, I need to talk to you.” The figure smiles broadly as he limps in Arriod’s direction.

Arriod steps back to keep his distance, “Where is my dad?” he asks, looking around nervously.

“Oh, don’t you be worrying about him, he is sleeping right peaceful thanks to my trusty club here!” The strange man leaps at Arriod, barely missing him with his swinging club.

Arriod darts toward the house seeking safety in its confines. He runs in the door to a gruesome sight. His mother, lying face-down on the floor in a pool of her own blood, and his sister that was checking the inner confines of the fireplace, while it was lit.

Refusing to believe these horrors he runs back out the front door directly into the stranger bowling him over in the process. The man grabs for him but he manages to slip away and runs off into the night followed by the cries of his pursuer fading behind him.

Running to his only other place of safety he makes for the forest. In short time he arrives and crashes through the underbrush, ignorant of the scratches and cuts he acquires.

“GREY!” he screams into the darkness, just before he trips and lands in a large puddle.

Before he can stand back up the dark form of Grey stands beside him. “Lone Cub? What are you doing here?”

“They’re dead! I got home and a strange man was there! He killed them! Why?” He falls to his knees and begins wailing uncontrollably.


The Meeting at Silverymoon, Highharvestide,1378 DR,Year of the Cauldron

That night Benito had a dream...

He saw the Chionthar's waters churned by a great steel gauntlet from the heavens.

Nearby was an old stone pier. Beyond that was an unrecognizable village and a small keep in the distance....

The scene shifted...

To a large mossy stone that rose 12 feet high and had a peculiar circle cut out of it..it was in a vast swamp...Benito thought that he saw the hazy outline of mountains on the horizon. He could not be sure.

Then, he flew at amazing speed, but the ground below was too blurry to make out landmarks...

To an unusual couple of trees that were grown into an archway, just 30 long paces to the south a trail had been cut, surrounded by deep woods.

Lastly, he was swept to a a 7 foot high, 12 foot diameter heap of rocks and dirt -- possibly something made by wind and erosion. Many such formations were present in this area of wind-scoured desolation. The place was an utterly cheerless place of grayish soil, a few scrub trees, and minimal wildlife.

A voice boomed, "This is as much as We dare interfere. A key to your own self-redemption? It is not necessary for your salvation. Remember the old prayers and always show mercy."

Benito woke up and muttered, "Suldolphin?"

He thought that he had heard the great planetar's voice. He woke and dressed as quietly as he could, so as not to wake his family so he could contemplate the dream and pray to Ilmater in the villa's garden.

When he arrived, Aris and Ariod were already meditating to their green gods. Benito raised an eyebrow. He had not known the genasi so pious. Soon Samantha and Gwyneth joined the men. By the end of the quiet time, Benito was hyper-ventilating with excitement. He felt the power course through his veins and arteries. He could now channel prayers at the highest of valences. A miracle was on the tip of his tongue, but he bit down, not wanting to be frivolous.


The small procession of the Heroes of the Reach along with their families and the prisoners walked to the Palace of Silverymoon for breakfast and an important meeting. At the front door, they turned over the three rogues and three gnomes.

Grim sent to Benito, Weren't there four gnomes?

Benito shrugged his shoulders. Too many events had happened in the last day for him to keep track of them, but now that he looked around, he saw that the most helpful and talkative gnome was not present.

"It does not matter. I can find him if I so choose, and he cannot have gone very far."

If I find him, I will kill him.

Benito chuckled and related the news to Aris who looked at Grim and gave a mock bow.

"Oh Hail, Great Grim, gnome-killer!"

The rest of the heroes, save Ellysidell and Grim, who both sulked, had a good round of laughter as they entered the palace and were led to their meeting. Ariod suppressed his own smile and prayed for Silvanus to hide the good gnome and then quickly followed the rest of the party.


Huge windows let in the morning sun to the breakfast room and overlooked the palace gardens. Ariod watched bemused at the number of multi-colored birds that flew around half-listening to the flow of the conversation. The rest of the group discussed the next course of action with Lady Alustriel, Taern Hornblade, and Bruenor Battlehammer. They would journey to Ironfang Deep in the Aloreum Mountains of northern Turmish and recover the Starym Moonblade. Then, they would contact Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun in Waterdeep, by simply stating his name and their short request right after, and he would help them get to Evermeet. Lady Alustriel would inform him in advance.

The trip to Evermeet had all been prompted by a divination that Benito remembered from five years ago.

The tears of the red Queen of Tragedy will sunder the traitor.

He assumed that the traitor was the moonblade itself and inquires led him to belive that Queen Almauril of Evermeet, who had lost her husband to an assassin's blade and just fought off an invasion of her island with much loss of life to her loved ones. She also was reported to have red hair.

The plan seemed simple enough, but Benito was justifiably wary. The last time the evil moonblade had surfaced, Iriaebor fell.

"It seems that you have a lot on your plate, heroes. I was hopin'..."

"Speak, good Bruenor," prompted Aris.

"Just that many raids have been occuring near Mithral Hall. We suspect that they're comin' from the nearby Dungeon of the Ruins."

Aris grimaced. He wanted to help the good dwarven king, but Iriaebor and the moonblade, and Nosr missing, was beginning to overwhelm the leader of the Stormwolf Legion. Earlier that day a sending from Khi'rin by way of his rangers in Alaghon informed him that someone was asking for the Legion's services. He also knew that time was of the essence. How long did Twillight Hollow have before the devils retaliated? But the blade had to be put to rest. Besides the Zhentarim, the genasi had the utmost emnity for the Eldereth Veluthra and he believed that destroying the blade would hinder their plans...at least in the short term.

The plan decided, Benito had one more question. He explained his dream to the group. Taern rubbed his chin and did some mental drawings on the large table.

"A portal network?"

Benito's eyes lit up.

"Aris, if the gods have given us clues to find this network, we can move your troops across Faerun without anyone noticing."

Aris was skeptical. His wife already had explored one such network years ago and that had only led to trouble. Still...to secure such means of travel would be a trump against Darkhold and the Zhentarim.

"Companions we must make haste. Evil does not rest, nor should we," spoke the genasi. "High Mage Hornblade, please direct us to your teleporter."

The heroes rose and said their goodbyes and Taern led them to the same guarded chamber that he had used to send Aris and Benito to Twillight Hollow the night before. Within half a turn of the hourglass (for they had such things in Silverymoon), the Heroes of the Reach stood before massive black metal doors bristling with spikes somewhere in the mountains north of Alaghon. Murder holes dotted the surrounding mountains above and in front of them as they stood before the Gates of Ironfang Deep. The fortress was formidable and the feeling ominous.

Benito stepped forward to hail the dwarves who manned the gate.


Next: Chaos in the Underdark....
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First Post
That was an excellent post. I also liked Arriod's back story, so far. I think we need to help Broc to be more descriptive with the battles. Other than that, these are most excellent posts. I wonder what is next. Still, the saga continues. Sometime I miss being low level when acquiring treasure was the goal. Devils, hellcats, fallen cities, and more ensemble of the villains gallery. :rolleyes:


honorwolf said:
I think we need to help Broc to be more descriptive with the battles.

What do you mean more descriptive? There are only so many ways that I can describe how you guys eviscerate or blow-up the bad guys. :p


Chaos in the Underdark, part I, Highharvestide,1378 DR,Year of the Cauldron

HALT! WHO DARES APPROACH THE CITADEL OF IRONFANG DEEP, came a booming voice that echoed menacingly across the upland vale.

The Heroes of the Reach began to argue amongst themselves, even as Benito Moltos continued to approach.

sigh "Too many egos," commented Aris dryly not partaking in the squabble that the rest of the group had begun.

Benito had turned around to shush the other heroes and could not give his response. While his hushing had not worked, a huge metal ballista bolt sailing over their heads from the gatehouse did. That allowed Benito to finally respond.

"We are the Heroes of the Reach! High Priest Gwarlen Ironhammer is expecting us!"

There was no immediate response, and several of the more perceptive heroes heard the reloading of the ballista.

"Maybe you got the wrong place, Benito," suggested Ivan cynically.

Benito and Aris both narrowed their eyes at him while the rest of the group chuckled.

Ariod wondered to himself and then asked Aris out loud, "How have you lasted this long?"

Already not pleased with the lack of seriousness about the group in such a delicate matter and also recalling the Faerun-shaking event that had occured the last time the Starym Moonblade had surfaced, he replied to their new party member, "Sometimes I feel it is only by Tymora's luck, my friend...Tymora's luck."

The group heard the grating of metal on metal and finally the black gates of Ironfang Deep opened. Nearly a dozen Dwarves in full plate armor wielding glaives marched from the opening. Behind them, Benito recognized the old High Priest of Moradin and his nephew and apprentice, Dwalin that he had met years ago.

"Hail and well met," Benito spoke the traditional Faerunian greeting in dwarven.

The old priest bowed and Dwalin spoke smiling and in good spirits, "Good to see you. Everything should be ready and in order."

Their armored escort fell in behind them as the mighty portal to the outside was closed with resounding BOOM!. Lantern and torchlight replaced the bright sunlight from the outside, and Dwalin led them under the murder holes of the gatehouse, past another porticullus, and across a bridge that spanned a chasm. It led to another gatehouse that finally opened into a wide avenue.

Looking about himself, Aris wished that he had dwarven engineers working on the defenses of his castle. Ariod felt a little claustrophobic and remained silent while the rest of the group either gawked at the impressive architecture or cracked jokes in an attempt to strike a conversation with the sullen guards that led them through the stone passages of the Keep.

At length, Dwalin spoke as they moved past Ironfang Deep's outer defenses.

"We are very grateful, Benito Moltos for you and your companion's recovery of the mighy book of Moradin's prayers. It has aided us greatly in our Great Campaign against the Darkness."

"Your defenses are very impressive. Who, in their right mind would attack the citadel? What is this war of which you speak?"

Benito learend that for many years, possibly as many as fifty, the dwarves of Ironfang Deep had been at war with duergar, their dark dwarven cousins, from something called the Steel Kingdom. In fact two major duergar settlements existed beneath the Orsaun Mountains and only the Aloreum prevented them from gaining more ground in the local Underdark.

After their discussion, Dwalin concluded, "We are always wary of a duergar sneak attack. But enough of such bleak talk, the King of Ironfang Deep, Anthrus Strongarms, wishes to meet with you before you conduct your business."

Benito replied, "We would be honored. The object is safe; is it not?"

Dwalin nodded his head.

"Then I believe we can take some time to properly meet your king."


Dwalin led them through an armory to a wider chamber that looked like a martial practice room. More weapons of exceptional quality lined the walls and wooden practice dummies lay positioned about the room. A well-muscled dwarven male, shirtless, with a full white beard and a shaven head sparred in a circle of several other dwarves of equally impressive physique. Aris raised an eyebrow as he saw that they practiced with real weapons, but that in their forms they had such control that they would stop inches short of a mortal blow. Usually the older dwarf got the upper hand, but finally one of the younger ones ended the spar with a draw, both combatants having their axe-blade within a finger's breadth of the other's neck.

This led to a resounding clap from the other dwarves in the room. Aris, Ariod, and Benito clapped sincerely as well, while Grim and Ellysidell followed suit, not paying attention really. Ivan narrowed his eyes.

Kyros made a snide and disrespectful remark--something to the effect of a good dwarf is a dead dwarf. Fortunately, none of the dwarves heard, but Aris, who did hear was quickly in the psychic warrior's face.

"I hope very well for your sake, Kyros, that you are not trying to cause trouble simply because you are bored. Because if you are, perhaps you should leave this company," he hissed.

Kyros averted his eyes downward also seeing the small shadow of Grim standing behind him.

"Will you behave?" asked Aris.

Kyros nodded his head. Ariod smirked remembering Aris's earlier comments.

In any event, the coridality continued...

"Well done, my King!" exclaimed Dwalin. "Here are the honored guests that you wished to meet."

Sweaty and full of adrenalin from the mock combat, King Strongarms shook hand and embraced most of the heroes. Some were taken aback by his informality but now Ivan was impressed. He gave back a good Rashemani bear lodge hug.

"Do any of you want to test your swords against the axe of the king?" asked the dwarven king.

He looked at Ivan Vorshev. The room had grown quiet. The other dwarves were tense. Ivan thought quickly and replied, "Ahaa! My good king. I would love to, but at a future time. We have pressing business to attend to hear in your citadel."

Benito breathed a sigh of relief. King Anthrus Strongarms looked disappointed but shrugged his shoulders and rebuttled, "Then when you are done, a drink of our fine dwarven ale. I will not take 'no' for an answer."

The heroes agreed and after equally blustery farewells, once again followed Dwalin through the dwarven halls. Benito and Dwalin struck up a philosophical and theological conversation as he led them down steps and past dwarven statues further and further into Ironfang Deep. They passed rune-covered portals and more stone guardians and finally reached an inner sanctum filled with all sorts of treasure.

Aris looked at Grim, who growled at him. He sent to the genasi, You think I'm stupid? Of course I won't take anything from here!

"Well," said Dwalin passing from the first treasure-room to another chamber, "Here is your object. We have been keeping it safe and are finally glad to be rid of it especially if it is as bad as you say."

He pointed to a rune-covered block of stone smiling.

...except the top of the stone was empty. There was no sword and no case.

The Starym Moonblade was gone!
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First Post
This was a very good post, even though there is no action. I love the dialogue. I love the further development of the characters. It is a long way from 1st level. I want more post of the heroes. I hope my fellow adventures feel that way.


Kinda un-inspired to write presently, but soon I need to force myself to finish the Starym Moonblade Saga. Probably 1 or 2 more posts for Chaos...

Then the players have a roaring-good time in Waterdeep (1 post) and then they get serious and spend some time in Evermeet (!) (1 or 2 posts) finishing the tale.

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