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From Peasants To Heros Occ

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Below is my character submission

[sblock=Brandon Smith, Human Hex Blade]BRANDON CR 1/2
Male human hex blade (apprentice)
N Medium humanoid
Age 17
Height 6’ 10”
Weight 250
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Search +1, Spot +0
Languages Common, ?
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12
(+1 Dex, +2 armor)
hp 6 (1/2 HD)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. in studded leather (6 squares).
Melee great axe +4 (1d12+4)
Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Special Actions hexblade curse 1/day
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 13
Feats ?
Skills Bluff +3, Concentration +2, Craft(Carpentry) +3, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +3, Ride +2.
Possessions: studded leather, great axe.

Brandon was orphaned as a baby and left in the care of a local childless couple. Brandon's early life was filled with love and happiness, all of that changed when Brandon started to undergo puberty. Strange things started to happen around Brandon when he got mad, people became clumsy, and fumble-footed and bad luck and accidents began to plague those who angered him.

All of this culminated on one fateful night when Brandon walked out of the house after a heated fight with his parents. Little did Brandon know that that would be the last time he'd see his parents alive. While Brandon spent the night sleeping in the barn a freak 'accident' caused a fire to start which resulted in the death of his parents while they slept.

Ever since the fire most of the village folk have treated Brandon with something akin to suspicion. Dark glances and whispered words seem to follow wherever he goes. Parents and children alike began to shun the boy, and little has changed over the past four years.

Rumours abound regarding the tragedy of that night, Brandon's 'fell' parentage, and the nature of Brandon's weekly visits to the local Wizard.

Brandon's only solace from his inner demons and outer ostracism has come from two sources. Firstly he has come to love the Carpenters family who took him in as not only as an apprentice but also as a surrogate son, and he has discovered a joy he never thought possible through his growing skills in carpentry. And Secondly he has come to love and respect the kindly local Wizard who has helped him to not only understand but taught him how to control the powers he has been blessed with.


Over the past four years Brandon has come into his adult growth and strength. Brandon now towers over all in the village and there are few who can match or surpass Brandon's prodigious strength. Recently Brandon began training with the local militia and has shown a natural skill for the warrior arts. Brandon has adopted the use of a mighty great axe which is both useful in his frequent forays into the forest (in search of suitable lumber) as well as a deadly means of protection.

Brandon has recently noticed that many of the girls in the village have started to take an interest in him, while Brandon is interested in those of the opposite sex he is a bit perplexed as to why the supposed good girls of the village would be interested in the village bad boy. While Brandon has had a few late-night liaison's with some of the village girls, nothing serious has developed as he has been unable to allow himself to fully open up to form any lasting relationship.

Brandon is a handsome young man who possesses finely chiselled features sapphire coloured eyes, shoulder length black hair and is deeply tan from spending hours in the sun. Brandon is a towering 6'10" tall and has a massively muscled and well defined body from hours of hard labour. In rare moments when Brandon is able to put aside his personal demons he shows a warm engaging smile and a thunderous laugh.

Brandon is guarded in most of his dealings with others, rarely giving away any sign of his thoughts, feelings or the inner turmoil that lies just below his calm surface. Not wanting to inadvertently hurt or be hurt by others Brandon tries to keep others at arms length, which makes it differcult to get to know or to get close to him.

The events surrounding the deaths of his adoptive parents and the subsequent treatment of most of the village folk have left a deep impact upon the young man which has left him with a smouldering sense of resentment and anger at the unfair treatment. This often manifest as bitter sarcasm and an attitude bordering on insolence to those who've treated him so.

Brandon's behaviour is markedly different to the few that have managed to get close to him and gain his trust.

Ability Scores[/sblock]
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First Post
Ivellious said:
He looks good to me, but why did you switch to a hexblade? Just curious
Well I always wanted to play a character who was bit of an outcast. That's why I first thought about going a Half Orc or a Whisper Gnome.

Then I was looking thru the Comp Warrior and I read the Hex Blade class for the first time, and I was inspired. I don't usually play fighter types and infact I think the Duskblade is a better fighter/wizard combo but since I was inspired I figured it was better to go something that I'll really enjot RPGing instead of min/maxing and going the Duskblade. :cool:

Also I've updated Brandon's background with a little more info. Other than that there are only a few details to finalise. BTW what is the starting gold for a Hex Blade apprentice.
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First Post
Are you still looking for players? If so I would like to play an adept, aristocrat, or perhaps mageright. If those don't work, I'd be happy starting as a commoner.


If you're looking for two, I'll try to get a submission in tomorrow (all books are at home, but I probably can't post from there, and can't access the SRD at work).

BTW, don't Rogues get the short end of the stick if you're starting as a commoner/expert?


First Post
We aren't using the NPC classes for this game...if you go read through the thread, you'll figure out how everything is being handled.


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