But it's set in Australia.
The movie was dubbed with American voice actors for the initial U.S. release, as the original actors' Australian accents and colloquialisms were deemed too opaque. Gibson provided his own dubbing, since he was born in America and could recall his old accent when needed.

EDIT: Also The film was meant to show the dangers of reckless driving.

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A suffusion of yellow
The crazy thing about the first Mad Max is...it wasn't written or filmed as a post-apocalypse, just a low budget cop movie with a quirky design aesthetic. The post-apocalypse angle is an idea Miller took from the critical reaction after the film was screened.
The originall script sites the escalation of the Persian gulf war leading to oil shortage, riots and subsequent economic collapse. When the movie occurs the Australian government has declared martial law - Main Force Patrol was created in 1983 to patrol the intercontinental highway and combat the criminal biker gangs and marauding punks terrorising the Outback.

So while not post-apocalyptic per se it is dystopian and set during societal collapse, Mad Max isnt just a quirky low budget cop movie - the Australian Outback may be hardcore but its not quite that bad


The threat was there, but day to day living wasn't dystopian already, it was just this thing in the back of your mind, but didn't really effect day to day life much.

Compared that to the 2020s it's no contest which is more Dystopian, back in the 80s folks were still mostly optimistic, it's why so many folks are nostogic for it and the 1990s, even young folks who didn't live through them like Gen Y and Zed.

Compared to now a vague sense of possible, but unlikely nuclear war that largely didn't intrude on day to day life would be a relief compared to the day to day nightmares young people face today. Time in the 1980s would be a vacation for most young people.

Don't get me wrong - there absolutely were some things that I would consider much better about the 80's than now, but there were also many things that were much, much worse. In particular if you didn't fit into ruling cultural norms.

I'll grant you that many kids would be better off with a Walkman down in the park with their skateboard buddies rather than at home socially isolated while posting on Instagram, though!
Fitz, I think you are conflating two things that don't line up: One, the general feeling of "civilizational doom" that Henadic is talking about and the socio-cultural norms that you mention. The two aren't the same, and both can be true at the same time: that as Henadic says, there's a much greater sense of doom about our future, but also as you say, certain things have improved.


Fitz, I think you are conflating two things that don't line up: One, the general feeling of "civilizational doom" that Henadic is talking about and the socio-cultural norms that you mention. The two aren't the same, and both can be true at the same time: that as Henadic says, there's a much greater sense of doom about our future, but also as you say, certain things have improved.
Can't say that I disagree with that! Well put.


So I will say the trailer obviously does try to feel epic but I am not 100% convinced that this will turn out be really good rather than just, say, above average.

Furiosa's arm also seems to be more advanced than what she has in Fury Road (?), though maybe there will be an explanation for that.


I have opinions...

First, fair warning: I have not and will not see the trailer for this new movie. I'm already in; I don't want or need the potential spoilers.

Fury Road is literate best Mad Max movie.
I need to preface this...
When I first heard Fury Road was coming, my jaded thought was "oh great a pathetic attempt to cash in on the nostalgia from of our youth." ETA: I may have also said some unkind things about George Miller, for which I am sorry.
Later, a certain segment of people convinced me i SHOULD see it, purely so I wouldn't be associated with them.

I was glad I did, because that movie was effin' Amazing!

Unpopular opinion incoming....

Fury Road is... I was going to say "the worst Mad Max movie." But... that's not true.

Fury Road is not a Mad Max Movie. And that's totally fine.

It's perhaps the best movie in Miller's oeuvre (though I really like Babe). But it's not a Mad Max movie. It was a sideways spinoff into a new property. A fantastic new property. The Furiosa Saga. Special Guest Star, Mad Max.

Thunderdome was a great movie, but as a kid I disliked it. Not enough car stuff. As an older fella, I fell in love with its worldbuilding.

Road Warrior is the best of the three Mad Max movies, but it's not better than the first Furiosa Movie.

Honestly this is a really bad time for dystopia movies, the real world is feeling pretty dystopian already, between this and the Fallout series I could use an optimistic hopeful series like a Star Ship Mage series.
I get you. But I think there's levels to this. This isn't a reboot of 1984 or Brave New World, and these days just a trailer for those would tempt me to self-harm. But this is an excuse for violence and car crashes.

They also iirc had to dub OVER mel's voice due to his aussie accent at the time
But it's set in Australia.
The movie was dubbed with American voice actors for the initial U.S. release, as the original actors' Australian accents and colloquialisms were deemed too opaque. Gibson provided his own dubbing, since he was born in America and could recall his old accent when needed.

EDIT: Also The film was meant to show the dangers of reckless driving.
You said everything I was gonna say, but man... the first time I heard the Sarge's real voice (I have a DVD with an original voice track)... oh how I laughed. It doesn't match his scary demeanor at all.

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