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Gaming W/Jemal: Planar Quest IC (Prologue)


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Inside the throne room, Mei-Ying shakes her head slightly at the attentions of the servants and looks around the room, trying to get a sense of the mind that guided its making. The marriage of secrecy and grand opulence, the almost desperate desire to impress, to be a king. He had mentioned something about them being kings too, hadn't he? And how it meant so little here?

Her awareness, boosted to prescience by meditation and spell, brushed against the immediate branches in the future, but she did not think there was danger here unless they invited it. The danger was in losing access to this boy's contacts and knowledge at this critical juncture. Fortunately, she believed that for him to reach out to them at all implied that he understood the nature of the sword dangling overhead. Maybe better than they did.

"They'll come when they're satisfied," she replies softly to Gerard. "And you are bullheaded."

The last words are spoken with gentle humor, and a smile to let him know she's teasing him.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Gerard gets a Faux hurt expression as he accepts a goblet of wine from a servant.

raising it in toast to the dark featured lady of the east, he says, [color=00FFF70] "wouldn't want to hurt our hosts feelings."[/color]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
D'Raven said:
In response to the dwarf's question, Darrian shrugs. "My employes handle that. I sign paper work and give excuses and apologies for not showing up at balls and parties. I said the guild runs it self. I don't have to deal with most customers and those I do already know of my ... Eccentric qualities."

A word comes to mind, one taught him by Gerard: dilettante (although it could be aristocrat, with all the co-sanguine connotations that word had in pre-conquest Kadrath, before the Dormithian purges). Ur doesn't speak any of them though. Instead he silently steps though the door, eyes alert, back of his mind working on the failure of his vaunted goggles to see what should have been there to see. He has always has been very practical minded.

* * *​

Inside Ur kneels on the hard mosaics of the floor without unnecessary words or apparent discomfort, a habit he's adopted during their recently concluded visit to the Eternal Empire, Mei Ying's home country. He is calmer now, his earlier irritation mostly conquered by Zann's mental mantras (the Fifth: Accept, Flow, Re-Direct). He listens most attentively.

<If a prompt is needed:
"Explain," he asks of Darrian after a pause.

[sblock=Descriptions?]"A slim, handsome young man in his early 20's" only goes so far, D'Raven. What's his hair colour and how does he wear it (any facial hair)? Eye colour? Skin tones? What is he wearing right now? Any distinguishing features that would allow somebody to spot him in a sea of handsome young men in their early 20's?

I sort of have the same questions re Gerard [MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION], as none of us presently have any idea what he looks like except you. :)[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=ooc to binder fred]

appearence was already in my character sheet. it had this already:

tall and deceptively slender
balding head, grizzeled face; 4 slashing scars on his left cheek from a solid hit by a ghast.

now reads as:

tall and deceptively slender
balding head, grizzeled face; 4 slashing scars on his left cheek from a solid hit by a ghast.

Facial hair is worn as a pointed Goatee and pencil thin mustache, the color of the darked coal. his skin strangely pale, like one who spends too much time in tunnels and caves. His eyes are a bright light brown.

he appears to be in his late 20s despite the balding pate. A band of oxidized silver is upon his brow, inset with blue diamonds, even a few sets appear to be gem-less.

His shirt appears to be made of silk an a black metel thread, arcane symbols embossed within. The appearence of the shirt appears to be that of regal leadership, but with colors that are subdues, better for stealthy movement, perhaps. there seems to be an odd earthy presence, such as rich loam after being distubed by a plow.


First Post
[sblock=Occ]I am going to assume that Tukek ment that he went throu the door when he mentioned walking to it. Im going to repost from above actions. please correct me if I'm wrong about that.[/sblock]

When the last party member walks throu the portal Darrian dives through and hits the ground. After he stands and dusts himself off He clears his throat. He seems far less nervous then he was in the cabin.
[sblock=skill mastery bluff 44] He's trying to put on a brave face but is still really nervous.[/sblock]
He calmly walks over to the throne and sits on the arm. Waving his hand he dismisses the servants and waits for them to leave. When the door closes behind the last one he sighs and starts to talk. "Now that we're safe from spying. I bid you welcome to the Bazaar and congratulate you on completing your first exterplaner journey. Don't worry should you wish to leave we can send you to any place you or any one here has been. That is as long as they remember it of course. The room you are in is protected from all means of scrying. I didn't wish to speak of any matter of import out side of it. When ones family holds clues to the safety or destruction of all of creation one starts to worry." He reaches out and picks up a very expensive looking bottle of wine and downs a good portion of it. "Now, on to the matters that I asked you here for. Let's start with POWER. It is the power that created every thing. Not the power of the gods, they came later. This power rivals that of the gods. Oh on that note," He pauses and looks around. "Do be careful around here. The gods have much more free rein in what the can and can not do here. As an example do not swear any oaths you do not intend to carry out. The god of oaths does not like that, as in will send holy avengers and smiting. Not to mention with the power you hold it sets you against them." He pauses to take another swig from the bottle. "The last entity to wield the power with out destroying himself made a deal with the gods. To avoid a war that would have destroyed most of creation he gave up the POWER and locked away a book that was to powerful to be destroyed. This is what every one is searching for. The greatest heros of the time were gathered to find a place where it could be concealed or failing that constructing one. We're talking a plane here the greatest heros searched for or created a plane that no one else could find." At this point William cuts in.

"What heros they were, for the most part that is. Not all heros are exactly of the shining sort some are the type that gets the job done no matter the means. But on the whole they were heroic."

Darrian scowls and growls at him. "If you want to tell stories go right a head. Would make it easier on all of us." William just snaps his mouth shut and shakes his head. Darrian continues the story. "One of these hero's was my ancestor D'Raven. He was the greatest thief that ever existed. There was nothing he couldn't steal, there was a lot he wouldn't, but nothing he couldn't. One of his greatest was a bit of the divine. How ever instead of using it to make himself a god he bound it to his blood line. In every generation there is a D'Raven. Always. If you haven't guessed in this generation that is me. This bloodline is what gives me these abilities I have. It also give the young a wanderlust that causes us to leave home. I'm..." His eyes close and he withdraws somewhat."Different. Let's just leave that at that. Aside from that he left one other ting behind. A clue. One that can only be accessed with the Universal and divine powers. That is why I needed you. Things are stirring, and as the current D'Raven I must keep what my family entrusted to me safe." He finishes the bottle when he finishes talking.
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"My sincere condolences on the loss of your father, Darrian.

Thanks for the warning about oaths."
Braham looks uncomfortable about the matter. "I have nothing against gods, but they can be damn inconvenient to deal with.

Now, what is it you would have us do? If it's to help you to find this book, the answer must be no. I would trust no man with that kind of power; not myself, probably not even a god, and certainly not you. You do not need such power, it seems to me; you live like a king already.

But you mentioned those from our world who also seek it. Finding and stopping them is certainly something I'd be willing to help with. Unfinished business, perhaps. How do you know so much about them and us?"


First Post
Darrian is taken back by Braham's statement about his father. William is the one to speak up. "It was both his parents but that is not what we are here to talk about. You are not here to help us use the book. You are needed to help hide it again. From that group of legends only two have not completely past in to the depths of time. D'Raven and one other. IrIdex was once a student of another of the legends. His name has faded so I will leave it at that. Iridex learned of the POWER from him I am sure of it. The two that escaped from the plane before you have got their own clue, stolen from Iridex most Likely. We have been trying to follow them but they keep slipping away from our informants. As to how we know about you... No prison can hold forever nor vault stand eternally. D'Raven knew this, was proof of it really, that is why he hid a clue here and crafted the blood line. When the tome was endangered of being found, new legends were to be gathered and the process restarted. This is my task. I was to hold to the memories of those legends and hold them to a new era." The old elf looks every moment of his long life at this instant. When he continues thou its with scowl and crotchety complaint. "Unfortunately, you are all I found so you have to do. You got a way to go, the Young Master has not even come into his full birthright yet. He never got those years of wondering that is supost to shape his view of the world."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Its strang that the archlich didnt go after the book himself. He surely had the means for plannar travel and the knowledge of the book." The ogre ponders

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"He was more concerned with rebuilding his lost empire," Ur calmly reminds the chieftain, an understatement if there ever was one: the undead mage had been literally, maniacally obsessed with the idea. The dwarven monk thoughtfully runs his hand down the hairy waterfall that is his beard... "The Vampire Lord might have been his scout into it though."

"Who was the last entity to wield the Power, Grandfather? Was it the One who used it to create everything?" he inquires of the old elf, since he seems to be the one doing the talking at the moment. The priests of Rauland recounted that Thor had wrestled his place in the heavens after a mighty war with other, more ancient Gods, the Elemental Titans -- and their leader, the cannibalistic Chronos, was the one said to have set time in motion at the dawn of Creation...

OOC: All occording to me, of course :). Here's a Religion Roll to get the real story, Jemal:
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First Post
"I have heard more than one tale of how the world came to be," Mei-Ying says quietly, looking around the opulant chambers. "In the end, it doesn't matter now which is true. What matters is what's happening now."

She finally lets her gaze fix on D'Raven. "You said you need us for 'universal' power, and divine power. What does that mean, exactly?"

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