Gaming w/Jemal - Rebuilding the World


*This is the OOC thread for my Alternative Problem that I had posted earlier. Now that I've decided what & how it's going to be run, I decided to start an OOC/Recruitment thread and give some more detailed info.*

Background :
The world is dead.
Ok, not ALL the world.. just most of the civilized and intelligent parts of it. Disaster struck, people died, and what was left was not a fun place.. well, some think it's fun, but they're kinda crazy.

The Earth had been in the prime of its days. Powerful creatures, High Mages, Epic beings, Great Warlords - All fighting back and forth for domination. Empires spanned continents. Technology advanced beyond the medeival ways it had been stuck at for centuries.
And still, nobody could figure out how to stop what was about to occur.

The Cataclysm :
Sages and seers warned it would come, but the great beings didn't care. They thought it wouldn't matter - So what if a rock from space was heading for them? And so, when it finally arrived within their orbit, the worlds highest mage reached out with his magics to bat it aside.. and he was sent flying as the rock reflected his spell back at him. Others tried - Transmuters could not alter it, Evokers could not destroy it, Abjurers could not stop it. And so the Allmighty Warlord atop his Great Prismatic Wyrm went up into the sky. The world watched as the rock grew larger in the sky, and the warlord dwindled from sight.. how big could this thing be, they wondered? The Seers watched the Warlord as he approached the massive Rock, wielding his magical Adamantine blade and attempting to cleave it in two. They nodded sadly as the blade disintegrated, followed closely by the warlord and his dragon.

The rock was stronger than Adamantium, radiated a powerful and strange anti-magic, and killed any who approached it.
With only a few hours left, a young gnome finally came upon the solution - Technology. Nonmagical explosives, and LOTS of them.
The gnomes gathered all they could find, compressin them into a tiny canister and firing it at the rock.
The largest fireball ever seen lit up the sky, hotter and brighter than the sun for the few seconds it flared, and as it died away, the rock was seen blown to bits! The crowds rejoiced, for their world would not be crushed... But the sages again shook their heads sighing, and retreated deep into the earth as the thousands of smaller rocks began to rain down, each causing a great impact and explosion as it hit the ground. The Meteor shower lasted for 3 days during with Empires were destroyed, whole races whiped out, and civilization ceased to exist.

That was a few months ago. You've been hiding in the remains of your city since. The creatures that were left alive outside seem to have devolved into barbarism and extreme aggression as they struggle to survive.
When the shower ended, there were over two dozen survivors who managed to gather in this city. Since then, you're down to 7. (5-6PC's + 1 or 2 NPC's) The city isn't safe, but what else can you do? Rebuild something defensive here, and hope other survivors find you? Or go out and try to find them? The old man amongst you, a wizard named William who has lost his spellbook, knows of a tower a few days away that may still stand, and could provide you with a stable base to start from... if you can make it there.

Universe Info :
I'm going to be using the 'less is more' approach to Dieties.. they aren't seen or heard from and don't interact with mortals. They reside on the outer planes (of which there are only 4.. Heaven, Hell, Limbo, and the Abyss).

Game rules:
We'll be using D&D 3.5 editition rules.
Characters will be 4th level. I'd prefer humanoid characters, and won't be allowing anything with level adjustment unless I really like the character concept. (I'll also be turning down any races that seem 'powerful').
Stats: 32 point buy system
HP: Max at first, roll on invisible castle afterwards (Use your ENWorld Player name, not character name!)
Equipment: 5,000 GP worth of Magical equipment.
mundane equipment you don't have to pay for (even masterwork), as you've been able to scavenge such stuff from the abandoned shops/smithy's in the city.
NO extradimensional spaces or items/spells that allow extra carrying capacity (Hewards Haversack/Bag of Holding).
Sources: PHB, DMG, Completes, Spell Compendium. Anything else ask first (Ask for specifics. If you ask 'can I use stuff from X book', the answer will be NO.)
Oh, and before you ask, MIC = No for this campaign
Other: All characters are required to have 4 or more ranks in one of the following skills: Craft(any), Heal, Knowledge(Architectur&Engineering OR History), Survival.
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First Post
Would I be able to play a Raptoran from races of the wild (page 68)??? They have no LA.

I'll be submitting a ranger/scout either way, with plans to go into master thrower at later levels.


I'm gonna say no to the Raptoran, and add it (as well as any other race that gains natural flight/gliding) to the list of 'sorry not this time'.
(In case anybody's wondering, I'd allow Dragonborn just not the wings special ability)


First Post
Alrighty, one other question then. I know you aren't allowing Extra Dimensional Spaces, but is it for an in game reason or do you just not want us to have that much carrying capacity. The reason why I ask is because I'm wondering if I can have a quiver of Ehlonna in order to easily deal with ammo. Another question in that regard, can I carry daggers in it, and how many?

How are we doing HP? You never posted that. I went with plain rolled for base (though I hope its something else cause my rolls sucked lol).

Heres a rough draft of what I have so far.

[sblock=currently unnamed]
3 Scout, 1 Ranger

Str: 14 (Base 14)
Dex: 16 (Base 15 + 1 Level)
Con: 14 (Base 14)
Int: 14 (Base 14)
Wis: 12 (Base 12)
Cha: 10 (Base 10)

BAB: +3
Fort: 3/+6
Ref: 6/+9
Will: 1/+2
AC: 18 (20 with Shield)
HD: 4d8 (25) (HP =
Speed: 40ft
Initiative: +4
Languages: All except Druid

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Swift Hunter, Precise Shot, Track

Skills (75):
Survival: 7/+8
Spot: 7/+8
Listen: 7/+8
Search: 7/+8
Tumble: 7/+10
Balance: 7/+10
Climb: 7/+10
Sense Motive: 7/+8
Speak Language: 16 Points
Knowledge Nature: 1/+3
Knowledge Geography: 1/+3
Knowledge Dungeoneering: 1/+3

Special Abilities: Favored Enemies (Undead +2), Wild Empathy, Skirmish 1d6/+1 AC, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Fast Movement +10, Trackless Step


Might (+2), Composite Long Bow MW
MW Daggers x?
Arrows x60
MW Large Shield

+1 Mithril Chain Shirt (2,100)
Quiver of Elohnna??? (1,800)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750)
350 gp


I actually edited the hp in about 20 minutes before your post, and it is indeed rolled (max first).

As for the quiver, I've an alternative.
Bandoleer of many Daggers : This magical bandoleer can hold up to 50 nonmagical daggers. Drawing them takes no more effort than drawing a weapon normally would for you.
1,000 GP

Voda Vosa

First Post
I would like to play in this setting, it offers a lot of two worlds that don't mix very often: medieval fantasy and post apocalyptic.
Heres the concept I have in mind:
Merduj Jahdam, a warlock from ones of the desert tribes that inhabit the wastelands not far from the city, traveled before the impact of the meteor, sent by his uncle, Dahardam, the tribe seer. In his uncle divinations, one of his blood should be the only to continue their dynasty and traditions. He was uncertain if that meant that a desert man could destroy the Great Rock, or if it was ment to be the only survivor. Any how, been to old to travel the distances that separated him from the city, he sent his nephew, Merduj, to carry out his prophetic vision. Merduj was the only one able to use something like magic from an early age. Dahardam's sons didn't share his link with magic, nor the desire to learn it. But Merduj was different. The young boy was a sponge when speaking of absolve knowledge.
So Dahardam choose him above his sons and other relatives, to be the one who should save their traditions. All accepted the prophet choice, for he was far the more respected man in the hole desert.
With such burden in his back, Merduj traveled to the city, just to find that the habitants of it, considered his just a savage, hearing nothing of his accented speech. _He tried to convince them of the words of his uncle, the seer, but they pay no ears to his advice.
Only when they own sages and seers foresaw the Great Rock, they react. Would that dreadful events that happened be avoided, if only the desert man could transmit his message to someone wise enough to hear it, the world will never know. But Merduj will ask himself that question over and over, in the underground, trembling in fear, as the meteor shower changes the world outside.

Merduj Jahdam, Warlock with fey lineage, desert themed human.

What do you think of it?

Walking Dad

First Post
I would like to play a dragon shaman from PH2.
Possibly a dragonborn (p 5) from Races of the dragon.
Would the entangling breath (p 101) feat from the same book be ok?

Can I use the other auras, double aura feat and the alternate class feature from Dragonmagic.

I can add page numbers, if needed.


First Post
Okay, well I will wizard it if that's okay.

Are there going to be any stipulations for magic, such as no teleportation, etc. I don't really care, but its always good to know. How practical is crafting going to be and do you want it to happen or no?

I would probably go Human Abjurer 3/ Master Specialist Abjuration 1

Thadieus Varr

Str 8
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 19
Wis 10
Cha 10

Feats: Collegiate Wizard, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus Abjuration, Fiery Burst, Skill Focus Spellcraft

Mo MIC? *sobs*

Magic Items:

Quill of Scribing 1,750gp (Complete Mage) You might want to check this item, it enables me to scribe scrolls without having to actually be there scribing them - I cannot use the time to craft anything else and still msut spend experience and gold, etc.
Heward's Fortifying Bedroll 3,000gp (Complete Mage) You, um, definetly want to check this item it enables me to take an hours sleep in place of 8 for ALL purposes. I'd allow both, but with the MIC banned just thought I would warn you...
10 1st level Scrolls.

Mundane Items:
Dragon Hide Covered Spellbook with Ivory Pages x 3
Masterwork Artisan's Tools

Familiar = Weasel named Jiffy.

Total = 49
Concentration: 7 + 2 = 9
Craft Trapmaking: 7 + 4 + 2(MW Artisan's tools) = 13
Knowledge Arcana: 7 + 4 + 2(Syn) + 2(Collegiate Wiz bonus) = 15
Knowledge Arch & Eng: 7 + 4 = 11
Knowledge Dungeoneering: 1 + 4 = 5
Knowledge Geography: 1 + 4 = 5
Knowledge History: 1 + 4 = 5
Knowledge Local: 1 + 4 = 5
Knowledge Nature: 4 + 4 = 8
Knowledge Nobility: 1 + 4 = 5
Knowledge Religion: 1 + 4 = 5
Knowledge Planes: 1 + 4 = 5
Spellcraft: 7 + 4 + 2(Syn) + 3(Skill Focus) = 16

Two points used for the Skill Trick Collector of Stories

Thadieus grew up in the poor quarter of [Insert large City here] and was sickly throughout his youth. His father managed to get him a place with a local inventor named Gulman Beal, and the young Thadieus soon found himself involved in the alcoholic Beal's ever expanding debt to the local thieves guild. To work off his debt Beal had taken to creating traps for the guild and he set his young apprentice to the same task.

The thieves guild's chief Wizard Werrem Hersh encountered the boy whilst working upon a trap with him. He quickly found Thadieus to be almost frighteningly intelligent and began to give the boy a few magical excersises - in which he excelled. Werrem finally offered to negate Beal's debt in exchange for taking over the boys apprenticeship. His own duties preventing him from taking the time to train his new charge Hersh saw to it that the thieves guild covered Thadieus's entrance to the local Mage's Academy.

Thadieus was a keen student and awed his teachers with his swift progress. When not preparing spells he continued to construct traps for the guild finding the precision required a useful mental excersise.
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