Gaming W/Jemal: War of Gods

Dharuhk Svahre

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I'm pretty sure there is, but I wouldn't take it. One of the funnest parts about this build is that it is one of the few tricks in epic to bypass freedom of movement. If you take teleporting out of the equation, weak speedbuilds would be at a considerable disadvantage since escape artist doesn't help. They could attack the chains but that would be wasting the majority of their turn and I could just tie them up again. If this tactic didn't have any weaknesses, it WOULD be an overpowered usage of fleshgrinding.

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They could try to Dispel the harpoon and suppress the anchor...or there are other ways to teleport through an anchor...

But I hear ya. It's all good.

I only brought it up because anythng with a divine rank can Greater Teleport at will. Since we're hunting gods and avatars, that means it'll come up a lot.


One of my main problems with Fleshgrinding is the 'standard action to remove'. It's kindof striking me as an all-or-nothing character.. If the opponent has a way out(teleport, etc), then your attack mode has no bearing on the combat, and if they don't it is crippling.
I suppose I chould just make sure there's always multiple opponents, but then when you DO get to a big single-boss fight, they will have to be immune to your attack mode in order to be a challenge..

Hmm.. Will ponder alternative solutions at work


Ok Jemal, color me interested as well. I have always been drawn to non-casters anyway, and have never had the chance to play at Epic levels. So let me ponder things and browse and see what comes up. But count me in.


First Post
It's not done yet...but here's a WIP for my shapeshifting-themed character.

I still haven't quite made up my mind between this and the Monk/Scout blend. I suspect the shapechanger has a better damage/AC potential...but maybe not by much. At epic level Skirmish is super-easy to do, and can do gobs of damage. That said...I've always had a soft spot in my withered, black heart for here he is.

Mechanically he's designed to have an option between standing and fighting with Flurries or natural attacks, or engaging in hit and run. Jemal might flinch that I gave him an 18 in Dex, since that score will change as he shifts forms...but it was necessary to qualify for epic Deflection feats without requiring dependence on Enhancement bonuses. Besides, the only two scores that are NECESSARY to bump on this are Wisdom and Constitution, so I had "extra" points to assign anyway. :)

By bumping Ranger level up to 8, I managed to include Cloud Giants into his panoply of forms, which is probably gonna be his favorite. A Huge giant with 20 Monk levels makes the gods cry. The book doesn't even list Monk unarmed damage for Huge, but I estimate it at 6d8. Strength mods are +24 for racial, then the +18 for class, inherent and enhancements, for a grand total of Str of 52. So... +53 to hit, 6d8+26 damage. With a flurry of blows, that ain't bad.

Admittedly, not GREAT either, but I'm just working from the SRD for forms here.

His stunning blow is oddly high DC too. I was thinking very seriously of pumping it to 50ish with feats and seeing if it's a viable tactic at epic levels.

[sblock=Shapeshifter]Name: ?
Human Monk 20 / Ranger (Wildshape variant) 8 / Master of Many Forms 10 / Warshaper 2
Height: ? Weight: ?
Hair: ? Eyes: ? Age: ?


Str 28 +4 class +4 inherent +10 enh
Dex 35 +2 level +5 inherent +10 enh
Con 34 +1 level +5 inherent +4 class +6 enh
Int 12
Wis 40 +7 level +5 inherent +10 enh
Cha 14

AC: 62 (10 + 15wis + 12 dex + 5 mon +10 nat +10 def), Touch 48, FF 50
Fort: +31
Ref: +31
Will: +30
Hit Points: 8+39d8 +480
Move: 90'
Init: +16

Base Attack: +27/+22/+17

1 Alertness
1 Dodge
B Tracking
B Stunning Fist (DC45,25/day)
B Deflect Arrows
3 Combat Reflexes
B Endurance
6 Improved Initiative
B Improved Trip
9 Mobility
12 Spring Attack
15 Flyby Attack
18 Weapon Finesse

21 Exceptional Deflection
24 Infinite Deflection
27 Fast Healing
30 Improved Ki Strike
33 Spellcasting Harrier
36 Magical Beast Wild Shape
39 Dragon Wild Shape

Race Traits: Human
Extra Feat
Extra Skill Point

Class Traits:
Favored Enemies
- Evil Outsiders +4
- Good Outsiders +2
Wild Empathy
Animal Companion (Druid Level 4)
Wild Shape 3/day (Small or Medium only)
Woodland Stride
Swift Tracker

Bonus Feats
- Stunning Fist
- Deflect Arrows
- Improved Disarm
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed strike
Improved Evasion
Still Mind (+2 Will vs enchantments)
Ki Strike (Magic, Lawful, Adamantine, Epic)
Slow Fall any distance
Purity of Body (immune to disease)
Wholeness of Body (heal by class level dmg 1/day)
Diamond Body (Immune to poison)
Abundant Step (dimension door 1/day)
Diamond Soul (SR30)
Quivering Palm (Death strike)
Timeless Body (stops aging)
Tongue of Sun and Moon (communicate verbally in any language)
Empty Body (Ethereal 1rnd/lvl)
Perfect Self (Outsider type, DR 10/magic)

Master of Many Forms
Improved Wildshape 13/day (gargantuan through dimunitive, up to 18HD)
- Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, Giant, fey, vermin, abberation, plant, ooze, elemental, dragon
Shifters Speech
Fast Wildshape
Extraordinary Wildshape
Evershifting Form

Morphic Immunities (Stuns, crits)
Morphic Weapons (+1 size level natural weapons)
Morphic Body (+4 str, +4 Con)

Skills 88r+120m+60mmf+8ws
Balance 10r
Disguise 20r
Climb 15r
Concentration 10r
Handle Animal 5r
Hide 27r
Jump 15r
Knowledge: Arcana
Knowledge: Dungeoneering 1r
Knowledge: Geography 1r
Knowledge: Nature 24r
Listen 27r
Move Silently 27r
Sense Motive 20r
Spot 27r
Survival 14r
Swim 13r
Tumble 20

Languages: Common, Giant

Cash: 489,500

Unity of Threes: Amulet of Mind, Body, and Spirit - 3.779
- +10 Natural Armor, 2mil
- +10 Epic Wisdom, 1.5mil
- +5 Mighty Fists, .225
- +6 Constitution, 54k

Straps of Strength and Speed, 2.5mil
- +10 Strength, 1mil
- +10 Dexterity, 1.5mil

Uber-Ring, 5.26
- Universal Energy Immunity, 2.16
- Epic Protection +10, 2.5
- Ironskin, .6
- Spell Turning, .147420

Vest of Epic Resistance +10, 1mil

Bracers of Armor +8, 64k
Boots of Teleportation, 49k
Third Eye of Concealment, 120k
- +4 Strength, 110,000
- +5 Dexterity, 137,500
- +5 Wisdom, 137,500
- +5 Constitution, 137,500[/sblock]


Fenris, welcome aboard. Anybody else out there lurking just wanna drop a line so's I know there's people interested?

Shayuri - Just off work and massive headache, too much to look over character now. I do agree with you on the 6d8 huge monk damage though.


First Post
I am interested, and thinking of trying a similar concept to my character in DSs game. Not a Marilith, of course, but a charging multiweapon using critical hitter. It would save me some effort, since I've already done a lot of research for that type of character. Though they would probably play quite differently, with the devil in the details.


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I'd like to throw my hat in the ring here for this game as well I just am going to have the same issue making this character as I did in the last epic game I tried to make one in. I just don't have enough experience piece-mailing classes together to make a good, and more importantly, functional character and class build.

Is anyone up for the challenge of helping me with this possibly?
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I'm no character-optimization genius, but I'm reasonably good at creating concepts with class and race combinations.

What are you interested in playing?

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